Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1223: Jinsheng Rakshasa

[Broadcast] Pay attention to the "starting point reading", get the first hand news of the 515 red envelope, and the students who have not robbed the red envelope after the Chinese New Year, this time can show their skills.

Rat Duobao exhaled gently, and a large stone fell into his heart. Although Gua was found beside Sun Hao, he could also perceive Gaia to be fine, but after seeing Gaia, she really fell in love. Come.

After leaving a sentence, "Please treat friends well after Agarwood," the rat's body swayed back to the tip of the pyramid and returned to her position, sitting down slowly.

The Sun Hao below, after a slight sigh of her, has turned to the West.

Zhengxi is the direction of the cloud purple shirt.

At this point, seeing Sun Hao to himself, he could not help but sigh: "Agarwood adults."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Shi Bo is not polite, just call me agarwood or Xiaohao."

Cloud purple shirt slightly dagger: "Okay, Agarwood, I have been here in the West, I have been preparing for a long time, will you start now?"

Sun Hao nodded, then whispered: "Western white tiger, gold position, the main killing, but also Shi Bo incarnation of Luosha, help me build a Western dojo."

The cloud purple shirt said: "Okay, Raksha is possessed..."

Sun Hao has turned to the surrounding area slightly: "Taiji has two instruments, two instruments and four images, four elephants and eight gossips, you friends, please help Sun Hao, do you want the Western White Tiger to appear? ”

"∠长" ∠风》∠文》

The 100,000 Qingyun monks followed the sound.

Under the excitement of the real element, a white tiger with a white, backed, double-winged tiger snarls and appears in the sky above the four elephants.

The cloud purple shirt giggled and reached out. The white tiger cub rises. Flying over the sky above the Western soil.

Sun Hao said with a loud voice: "Purple shirt is careful." Between the words, there was a burst of inexplicable breath, and the gas of waste gold disappeared silently and spread to the body of the white tiger.

The cloud-colored shirt giggled in the air: "Xiao Hao, let the horse come over, the western white tiger, the most white and innocent. See if you can yellow my tiger body, can you let me have a yellow hair? ......"

Sun Hao has a slight glimpse.

Below the Caiyunfeng is not a girl repairing Qi Qi face red, looking at the front of the main array of purple shirt real people, but the heart is not thinking: "The old peak of this family, as long as a Luosha turned, immediately turned into a change, powerful and incomparable I really dare to say anything..."

Many monks have not yet understood the ambiguity in the words of the cloud, but they have been attracted by the changes in the white tiger.

On the white tiger, it is yellow. The yellow lines continue to spread along the white tiger's body, as if to dye it.

And on his body. It seems to be real hair raising.

The monks, the heart could not help but be surprised.

The secret channel is a good means.

I don't know how Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang did it. It can actually make the body of the white tiger built by Zhen Yuan, and dye it.

This ability is really unheard of.

The cloud purple shirt giggled: "Xiao Hao, you really want to stain the white tiger, the bad guy, it is a big bad guy, I just don't let you do it, Hu Niu, come out..."

A tiger girl, a white flying sword, and a flying sword, fell on the forehead of the white tiger.

Screaming at the forehead of the white tiger, the cloud purple shirt screamed: "Give me a shock."

The white tiger's body trembled violently, and he snarled in the sky.

With the roaring, the yellow real elements attached to it seem to be the fine sands that are generally shaken off and fall toward the soil of the West.

The whole white tiger's body, although a small circle, but once again restored a white.

However, there was no effort, and the white tiger's body again showed yellow markings, and it began to spread quickly.

The body of the white tiger, quickly yellowing.

Cloud purple shirt giggled: "Xiao Hao, you are naughty, Hu Niu, give me another vibration..."

Once again, the white tiger shakes his body and shakes off the yellow rusted real element, while the body is unknowingly smaller.

The construction of the White Tiger Dojo is slightly different from the previous two dojos.

The first two dojos are directly attached to the virtual virtual shadow, and then through the construction, directly stereotyped in the air.

However, the white tiger here is to use the rust of the rust that has been shaken again and again, and gradually build a new dojo on the construction of the Western soil.

The thoughtful monk has discovered that on the Western soil, a structure of about one mile has been raised. This structure is a real, palace-like real building.

The rust of the layers of the real elements, as if they were pulled by the Jiugong Bagua array, fell into the palace and became the wall tiles of the palace. Gradually, the palace began to form.

The original Yuan Shi Bai Hu, which was originally formed by the four monks of the monk, has a boundless attack and is difficult to stabilize. However, this real element has met a strange rust, as if the activity was decayed, lazy, Instead of erupting, it was introverted. With the rust, the Western White Tiger Dojo, which started Qingyunmen, began to build.

Today, the monk is also an eye-opener.

At the same time, I also admire Sun Haosun's endless means.

Such a rare way of building a dojo is really unbelievable if you don't see it with your own eyes.

In the laughter of the cloud purple shirt, the Western White Tiger, the body is getting smaller and smaller, and the white tiger dojo underneath is more and more mature.

The laughter of the cloud-colored shirts, as the white tigers became smaller, became more and more uninhibited.

However, Sun Hao still smiles, and does not look at the expression of the light cloud purple shirt. In fact, Sun Hao’s heart, at this time, has a slight admiration for the cloud purple shirt.

The cloud-colored shirt in the state of Rakshasa is extremely desperate.

The more the white tiger's body is at the end, the more difficult it is to shake off the rust of the body.

However, the cloud purple shirt is still tenacious, and has completed the shake-off task again and again. Her face has already had a shy blush of a woman. This should be her forcibly urging her efforts, improving her cultivation, and completing the dojo. result.

The white tiger, under the joint efforts of Sun Hao and Yun Zi, was gradually digested to the size of an ordinary wild tiger.

In the eyes of the cloud-colored shirt, it’s a shame to flash, and the mouth is giggling: “Xiaohao, or you are more fierce, but the purple shirt can’t stand you, you have to get it, let you take advantage of it, this white tiger The body, handed it to you, not allowed to abandon the hairless..."

Sun Hao said slightly: "Shi Bo is doing very well, the White Tiger Dojo is completely homing, the body of the White Tiger, go..."

Lifting a finger, Sun Hao’s hand, a sword fell on the tiger girl in the cloud purple shirt, the tiger girl’s body jerked, and the white tiger’s body screamed, screaming and shouting.

"Boom", the white tiger fell into the dojo built by the soil of the West, and then, over the gate of the dojo, a slight vibration, a life-like white tiger, roaring, appeared on the gate.

Sun Hao Lang said: "Western gold, the palace of the White Tiger, returning to the position, the purple shirt is really, hard."

It is also an unidentified dojo, and the western dojo is built in place.

Many Yuanying monks did not give up their minds, and once again released their knowledge to explore. As a result, naturally, they were shocked to collect God.

The strange White Tiger Palace can produce a strong sense of corrosion that makes people feel that they are aging quickly.

It is also a existence that cannot be explored at will, Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, this is to kill the curiosity of the monks.

The three doctrines of the world, even one can not be explored, which is also very rare on the past Daoist ceremony.

Giggle, the cloud-colored shirts around the body return to the ceremony, crisp and lively said: "You friends, with hi hi."

Then, sit on the futon and start to meditate.

Sun Hao smiled and looked into the air and said with aloud: "Linger, since it is here, why not represent the Temple of the King, give me the palace of the Western White Tiger, and give me a name?"

Linger got up and bowed to Sun Hao: "The son, Linger has been waiting for a long time."

After saying body swaying, has stood by Sun Hao's side, weakly, said to Sun Hao: "White Tiger Lishi, Xiaotian from the wind, Jinsheng Raksha, but it is with I have some origins in the Temple of Pluto. How about this palace?

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "As far as Linger said, I also asked Linger to inscribe the name of the palace. Right, Linger, you don't have to be restrained, but you don't have to be in line with the previous two palaces."

The implication is that Linger does not need to help the White Tiger Palace, and does not give Linger pressure.

Linger weakly nodded, smashed his wrist and took out the pen. On the top of the White Tiger Palace, under the white tiger, wrote five characters: "Xiaotian Luosha Temple."

However, after the words were written, they fluttered weakly, and the body passed over the white tiger. The hand flashed, and a green lotus seed was stuffed into the white tiger's mouth.

Floating in the side of Sun Hao, Linger slightly blessed: "The son, the white tiger feeds on the power of the spirit, the spirit is daring, but it gives it a thousand years of rations."

Ps. Chasing more children's shoes, free appreciation of the ticket and the starting point of the coin there is no ah ~ 515 red envelope list countdown, I came to pull a ticket, seeking overweight and appreciation tickets, and finally rushed! (To be continued.)

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