Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1230: Continued 9 pulses (1)

The graves were sweeping in the green hills, and without the car and horses, Sun Hao’s heart slowly calmed down.

At this time, Sun Hao was not eager to practice, but was steady, not rushing, and began to polish himself.

Polishing your own cultivation, polishing your own state of mind, is to polish your own heart and soul.

Quiet, stay in Daqingshan.

Lanlin Town has always been very lively, the Sun family up and down, coming, coming, walking, people flow.

The Xiaguo royal family, Xia Guosi, and all the monks, came to visit the Sun family, but they all respected and never bowed.

Qingmu Zongzong, Huang Wenmao personally came to wait for the Daqingshan Mountain. Every day, with his sister Huang Wenying, facing Daqingshan, beheading and worshiping, he began his day of practice.

Lanlin Town, under the auspices of Qing Muzong, gradually set up a large-scale large-scale array.

Sun Hao said that he did not see it and expressed his acquiescence.

Although he does not support the grandsons to borrow their own prestige, but Li Baer’s experience also tells Sun Hao that the necessary protective measures for the descendants of the Sun family are also needed. It is also necessary for Lanlin Town to be included in the protective area of ​​Qingmu.

In the dark, Sun Hao summoned Huang Wenmao’s brother and sister and passed on some unique resources and secret techniques. Qing Muzong was his own enlightenment. The incident of dealing with Li Baer was actually the presence of Huang Wenmao’s brother and sister, but there must be an attitude.

Besides, Huang Wenmao is a real person of Jindan, who guards his hometown and his family in obscurity. The reward he should give is not small.

Sun Hao’s cultivation of Huang Wenmao’s content is an authentic refining system, and it is a complete set of cultivation systems that can be cultivated to the late Yuan Ying.

To be precise, it is the "refinement of the pulse" in the nine veins of Sun Hao.

On Daqing Mountain, Sun Hao calmed down and carefully polished himself while repairing it. Once again, I began to organize my own cultivation system, carefully combed myself, recognized myself, summed up myself, and rationalized the direction of my future cultivation.

At this time, it happened that Sun Haoxiu had just made progress. When you need to polish it, it is just a matter of precipitation, carefully consider yourself.

Carefully, step by step to examine yourself and analyze the direction of your cultivation, it is still on this big green hill. Beside the tombs of the parents, Sun Hao is still the first nine cultivation disciplines, gradually growing and beginning to take shape.

In the Dragon Spider Killing Palace, Sun Hao got the five major cultivations of “The Spirit of the Soul”, and they must go hand in hand to climb the theory of the peak of the Fairy.

The practice of Sun Hao in the future is deeply influenced by this theory.

unconsciously. These five major cultivations have also had deeper involvement, and each has a good accomplishment. This is also the fundamental reason why Sun Hao’s current combat power is extraordinary and refined, and there are few bottlenecks in cultivation.

However, with the improvement of Sun Haoxiu's progress, Sun Haoxiu has opened up and expanded his horizons.

Combining the theory of the five major cultivations with the reality of the world of monks today, I look at myself, Sun Hao thinks. The monks practice, or say that their cultivation, should be "nine major contexts. Nine systems, go hand in hand. Finally ninety-nine one, the achievement of Dengxian Avenue."

According to the cultivation path that he has come to, according to the different natures he has cultivated, he has summarized the practice into nine major contexts. The nine major systems, Sun Hao thinks that most of the cultivation in this field can be included in the nine veins. And a monk, or a group of monks, can develop these nine veins and grow up, then they will be able to go further in cultivation.

Sun Hao summed up the nine major contexts, the nine systems are: three masters, gas, body, God; three auxiliary, Dan, instrument, Fu; third secret, array, soul, heart.

The three major cultivation systems are also the most common in this world, and the system that monks often practice.

Among them, refining is undoubtedly ranked first, monks, usually called qis, refining is undoubtedly the most common and versatile cultivation system in this world, and the most mainstream cultivation system in this field, and this The realm of the monks in the world is also measured by the refining, building base, Jindan, Yuanying and Huashen.

In the cultivation of Sun Hao, refining is undoubtedly the largest and most diverse content of cultivation.

Jinmu Shuihuo, five major attribute exercises, Sun Hao all have cultivation.

Moreover, some of the exercises have been replaced by many times. For example, Sun Hao’s earliest practice of wood attribute exercises has “Year Wood”, “Yumu Gong”, “Qingdi Changsheng”, and later The evolution of the "Qingdi Mudan stone fetus longevity" ... and so on, and the "Mu Dan" generated by the annual ring wood has been the source of Sun Haomu's property practice.

The fire attribute method has the "Yanlong Sandie Method" and the Jinwu Firework.

The soil attribute method, in the early stage, also had the "collecting sand barriers and soils". Later, the civil engineering attacked and repaired the earth, and the Qingdi Mudan stone was made into a waste gas.

However, the metal work method and the water attribute work method that were cultivated in the later period are relatively simple. The metal work method is “sword gas 诀” and “thousands of feathers qi 诀”, while the water attribute gong method is only “sea **** hui tian gong” Kind.

Refining has undoubtedly been the mainstream of Sun Hao's cultivation.

The cultivation of the five major attributes is only one of them. The cultivation of Sun Hao's refining, the most important, determines the fundamentals of Sun Hao's cultivation, but it is also the cultivation of the four major refining secrets such as the “Five Elements of the Wheels”.

Over the years, Sun Hao has cultivated the four rounds of "round fire, wheel soil, round gold, and round water", corresponding to Sun Hao's refining, building foundation, Jindan, and Yuan Ying's four major cultivation realms. Six kinds of magical foreign objects such as the soil, the magnetic and gas, the heavy gold and the water cube represent Sun Hao's various special offensive and defensive means.

The existence of these foreign objects can greatly benefit the consolidation and growth of Sun Hao's various attributes. It is one of the fundamentals for Sun Haoxiu to make rapid progress.

Sun Hao has also cultivated two very peculiar stages of refining mystery, "killing the meditation" and "three flavors of baby fire", which is also the two very important, staged nature of Sun Hao's foundation. The refining secret technique, in which the cultivation of Sanweiyuan baby fire is still underway.

Today, Sun Hao has also obtained a wonderful method of assisting sorcerer cultivation, combining yin and yang with Dafa. This method covers a wide range and involves other cultivations, but the mainstream should still be classified as refining.

A variety of ways, a wide variety of refining methods, is Sun Hao step by step, in a few hundred years of cultivation, step by step cultivation.

It is the foundation of Sun Hao’s accumulation and the source of Sun Hao’s strength.

On this basis, there are many application methods, such as the application of 燚神炎, such as the application of waste gas, and various spells based on various attributes.

However, just because Sun Hao has many means, and the speed of spell elimination is fast, the conventional spells can't keep up with Sun Hao's cultivation So, compared with ordinary monks, Sun Hao learned There are not many methods of gas attack and defense, and the spells are relatively simple.

However, it cannot be said that Sun Hao’s method of defensive attack and defense is not very powerful. If you don’t say anything, it’s said that Sun Hao’s generation of heroes, the treatment of the dead wood, the attack and defense of the Aegis, and so on.

The use of the five-element true element to conserve the sacred method of the sacred sacred treasure of Dantian is one of Sun's most powerful offensive and defensive means.

The condensed air tower was born, and the first battle suppressed the monarchs, and then directly defeated Zhizhenjun. Later, he repeatedly made meritorious deeds and made great achievements.

More importantly, as the strongest refining application of Sun Hao, the condensate tower is also a self-contained space, with many magical effects. So far, Sun Hao has not fully understood.

In general, refining is the most important and most complicated method of cultivation of Sun Hao, and the more common means are the use of several sacred magical powers, as well as the magical use of various foreign bodies in the body, which is also used by Sun Hao. The means of confrontation or the means to solve various problems.

The representative of the peak force is to condense the empty tower. (To be continued.)

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