Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1234: Grandmaster

There is a true monk in the mountains of Daqing. If the youthful body contains gold, there is no surgery on the hairline, and the red face is not old.

Ren Bisang Tian changed to the sea, let him Wuhuan walk Qiankun; Yao Xiaoxiao smiled gently, Hongxia purple misty mountains spring.

In the Daqing Mountain, there is a scene.

Overnight, the trees towered in the sky, the branches and leaves were green and green, and the sprouts were clustered.

Above the trees, the flowers bloom and the birds sing.

From a distance, on the Daqing Mountain, the clouds and the ancient flowers of the flowers are reflected in each other. On the original customs, overnight, a few cents of fairy spirit are added.

At the foot of the mountain, the Xiajia juvenile monk who lived in the middle of the night, repaired as a great advance, from the five layers of refining, directly to the high refinement of the refining, is surprisingly inexplicable, facing the Daqingshan, constantly beheading .

Within the old house of Sun Jia, Huang Wenmao's brother and sister looked at Daqingshan, and his eyes were also amazed. They couldn't help themselves. They also squatted on the ground wholeheartedly.

At this time, Daqingshan gave their brothers and sisters a strange charm that could not be said.

Not only Daqingshan, but the entire Lanlin Town, the whole of their brothers and sisters built in the large array around Lanlin Town, there is a magical charm in circulation.

In the town of Lanlin, the devout monk who stayed in the town was rehabilitated.

Old Sun family, some of the seriously ill, or terminally ill, waiting for a long time, I hope that the ancestors can make a big hair ≤ ↘ long ≤ ↘ ↘ ↘ ↘ ≤ ↘ ↘ ↘ ↘ 那些 那些 那些 那些 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The injury is not cured, and it is restored.

The old mortal, instantly younger ten years old, white hair one night, all Wuqing.

The moment the sun rises. The horrified monk is also good. Mortal people. I saw it clearly.

Incomparably clear, through the distant distance, through the mountains of the jungle, I saw the boy of Daqingshan.

The elegant and natural serene teenager is reflecting the sun, slowly, unhurriedly, waving a brand new bamboo broom. Devoted to the parents to sweep the tomb.

Huang Wenmao’s brother and sister stumbled.

The Sun family stumbled up and down.

The monks who came to visit the involuntarily and arrogantly stumbled. Everyone did not speak. They were all very sincere and looked at Sun Hao silently.

This is a very pious scene.

It is also a scene that the monks on the scene can't understand and are deeply shocked.

They don't know why this is so, they don't know why there are so many strange sights happening.

But everyone knows that all of this is the boy on the Daqing Mountain, and it is exactly the peerless supernatural power of the grandson of the Sun.

Seeing Sun Hao, the old grandson is up and down. I finally knew two things with great certainty.

First, his ancestors. The wife of the ancestors is really like a teenager. For many years, the appearance has never changed. It is exactly the same as the portrait of Sun Lao Taijun, even the handsome and elegant looking younger.

Second, his ancestors really have a magical power, and he does not see how he casts a spell. The miracle has already happened. Just as he really wants to show some magical powers, is it still worth it?

It is no wonder that in the legend, the ancestors of the year of the war, Jin Dan, lived a mountain.

It seems that the legend is not false.

Among all the monks on the scene, only some feelings about Sun Hao's state, and seen similar records, only the higher revision, has achieved the late Huang Wenmao of Jin Dan.

Huang Wenmao remembers that there have been records of classical books: "My generation of monks, teachers and scholars, every time there is a great power to come out, comprehend the heavens and the earth, when the masters of the generation, there are often heaven and earth auspicious, flowers bloom, trees grow, birds Qiming , self-healing, long-lasting..."

Is this a master of achievement?

Shaking to see Sun Hao, Huang Wenmao's feelings, but quite profound, the heart can not help but rise up eight words to describe Sun Hao at this time: "Zhou Shidu, everyone style."

At this time, Sun Hao, calm and quiet, although in the grave, but between the gestures, the natural, every move, arrogance, Lanlin town, the reason why monks and mortals are stunned, in fact, is the sun Hao's temperament is impressed, and the heart has a heartfelt admiration and look.

At this time, Sun Hao has a kind of leisurely temperament that “whoever beats the wind and waves, is better than sitting in the air”, there is a kind of calm and self-confidence that can be used for nine days to catch the moon, to catch the five oceans, and to laugh at the songs.

This is a kind of temperament, a kind of temperament that is not only a cultivation, but also a high level of cultivation. It is also a form of self-cultivation. With its own special system of cultivation, it is a fascinating achievement of a generation of masters.

In the empty tower of the condensate, the old man opened his eyes and looked at the spire of the tower. The face of the wooden face showed a very surprised look. After half a ring, the face showed an inexplicable smile, and the mouth gently said it. One sentence: "Teacher's land, the Dalai people, the inheritance of the world, the master of the generation, give you a pair of wings, has already flown to a blue sky..."

On Daqing Mountain, Sun Hao faintly looked at the mountain in the distance.

Then, the monks under the mountain lost their senses of Sun Hao, and then looked at Daqingshan. They only saw a piece of green giant wood, and a cluster of flowers of various colors blooming between the giant trees.

Sun Jiazu’s house is still facing the Daqing Mountain, and he is beheading.

Many monks took out the notes and shred them out.

In the following days, the number of monks in Lanlin Town increased day by day. The Xia Guo royal family and several major sects had monks who heard the news and felt the difference between Lanlin Town.

Huang Wenmao sits in Lanlin Town and treats him with courtesy.

The monks who came and went did not dare to speak loudly in Lanlin Town. They were very respectful and cautious. Many monks even consciously worshipped the Daqing Peak.

In recent years, with the expansion of Xia Guo's land, the land area has increased greatly, and the four countries of Xiaguo have become more and more prosperous. Of course, Qing Muzong has now undoubtedly become the head of the four sects. The monks have been cultivated and their status has been unparalleled. Huang Wenmao's brother and sister It is also a vague demonstration of Jin Dan’s cultivation and becoming the real giant of Xia Guo.

Xia Guo up and down, everyone knows why.

I also know that today's grandson of the Sun family, once the aroma of Aoki, is already famous in the world, and the strength of Yuan Yingzhen is great.

Nowadays, in the home of Daqingshan, there is a miracle. Naturally, I can only come to see it and never do anything about it.

In fact, Huang Wenmao also knows that if Sun Hao does not allow it, at this moment, I am afraid that no monk can be close to the range of Lanlin Town.

With Sun Hao’s heart, he will not deliberately reject these hometown monks who are trying to attach themselves to their wings.

On Daqing Mountain, Sun Hao realized and summarized his own cultivation income, and initially formed his own nine cultivation cultivating veins, and he put himself into the nine veins. Invisible, he achieved the achievement of a generation of cultivation masters, and his master appeared. Affected the surrounding environment.

Some of the more peculiar cultivation effects were formed. After careful understanding, Sun Hao discovered that this kind of environmental change was formed by the bamboo roots of his own enlightenment as the core and gradually spread out.

The periphery including Lanlin Town was influenced by itself and produced a sub-level environmental change. This kind of environment can improve the understanding ability of monks in a subordinate way, which is conducive to monk practice, long-term life, and even not weak. An aura cultivation environment like Xiajia Bajiao Village.

The effect is closer to the bamboo pole, and the effect is better.

Among the bamboo poles, it is a bit extra different.

At this time, the bamboo raft gave Sun Hao a feeling similar to that of the Wanshen Mountain.

Sun Hao also suddenly understands, perhaps, as long as a monk can reach a certain level of cultivation in a certain field, then he may have a small chance to learn from this bamboo raft that he has been here for five or six years. Among the bamboo rafts, the practice of summing up the summing up, perhaps, in the bamboo raft, in the distant future, it will not be a disciple who will be passed down from generation to generation.

On Daqing Mountain, Sun Hao quietly sweeps the tomb, sweeping five or six years.

Both ears do not smell the window, regardless of the changes in the mainland, Sun Hao is quiet, staying for five or six years.

The mood is as calm as water, slowly summed up and summarized, and carefully combed, Sun Hao once again cultivated his own nine veins, forming his own set of cultivation theories of "three three, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, and cents". A set of self-cultivation frameworks has cultivated his own mastery.

In fact, at this moment when the master is full of enthusiasm, Sun Hao already knows that he is time to leave.

Just, look at Daqingshan, look at Lanlin Town, Sun Hao’s heart, and vaguely produced a reluctance. This time, I will say goodbye to my sister. I can say that I am worried about the last trace of this Lanlin Town. With the death of his sister, Sun Hao did not even know that he would not come back after leaving Lanlin Town.

Sun Hao doesn't even know that after ten thousand years, the tombs of his parents will not be preserved so well, will it be completely turned into a loess in time, submerged in thick leaves. (To be continued.)

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