Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1239: Heart fire yin and yang

The clouds sank and the sun came in.

On the Wanfeng Peak, the gloom went, and Xuanyuan had the unsuccessful dojo left by Xiong's. At this time, it was completely completed.

This is a mass-track field based on the mountains and built in the mountains of the mountains.

The effect is to adjust the aura of the various directions of the peaks and peaks, and to enhance the aura concentration of the entire Wanfeng Peak. There is also a unique dojo for the monks to cultivate the aura of the Aoyu.

Generally speaking, this dojo may not have the magical effect of Sun Hao’s “Battle of Heaven”, but it also has several magical effects. In a sense, it can make up for the lack of Qingyunmen.

Moreover, this dojo is a mountain-making place, and it has undergone a disaster. Its stamina is also full. As long as it is properly developed, it also has a lot of room for improvement.

The mountains and the Wansao Dojo have been built.

However, the catastrophe suffered by Sun Hao has not completely ended.

Among the Sun Hao Dantian, the red lotus fire of the size of the palm is raging, chaos and thunder, and battle with Sun Hao.

Sun Hao condensed in the air, wearing the golden sun, condensed and moved, and at the same time driven a means, the battle of the wrath of the heavens and anger into a simple condensed into the last slap-sized tangled dragon red lotus fire.

In the middle of Dantian, the dragon red lotus fire is still only the size of the palm, floating in the sea of ​​Dan, seemingly harmless, (but, every time the red lotus on it shakes, it will shake off the endless flame, rushing to Sun Hao’s Dan The sea; the dragon around it will open a mouth every time, and a thunder will erupt, bombarding Sun Hao’s Dantian.

Among the Dantian, there was a thunderstorm.

If there is no strong guardianship to condense the empty tower. At this moment. Perhaps Danhao’s Danhai has been overwhelming. Turn over the river.

燚神炎 is quite jealous of the entangled dragon red lotus, and did not directly rush to go to eat, but carefully, around the red lotus body, constantly devour the red lotus shake off the fire thunder.

Sun Hao’s five-character real yuan was under the fire of the fire and Thunder’s roasting, and the consumption was fast, and Danhai went down a lot.

Yuan Ying crossed his knees on the top of the squirting tower and kept urging the law. A steady stream of aspirate from the outside, supplementing the consumption of real yuan.

In the body, Mudan, heavy water, and soil are all driven to the maximum. The sneaky scorpion is also driven to quickly absorb the aura of the air, and continuously supplement the combat power.

Royal Thunder, the gods are also driven to try to reduce Danhai pressure.

Sun Hao looks like a smile, standing still, but actually. Within the body, it is fighting for a long time.

The red lotus industry is very strong. Lei Guang is also very strong, replaced by ordinary Yuan Yingzhen, Dan Hai is so troubled, may not be able to withstand, if it is not good, Dantian will be damaged, hurt the foundation.

Even if it was Sun Hao, from time to time, I felt that Dan Tian’s walls were shaking, and there was a sense of paralysis and blazing heat. The taste was not good.

If it weren’t for the thin film protection of the five-row round of Lingbi on the wall of Dantian, Sun Hao may not be able to stabilize the situation now.

A little bit difficult, Sun Hao used the whole body solution to stabilize Dantian, so that Dantian would not be completely destroyed by the wrapped dragon red lotus. After the situation was stabilized, the small flame was also a smoldering flame, gradually eroding the red lotus industry fire and strengthening itself. Complete the final cultivation of the Sanweiyuan baby fire.

Once the Sanweiyuan baby fire secrets are refining, Sun Hao can not only greatly enhance the ability of sputum inflammation, but also get the energy feedback of the mystery, and can be further improved.

I don’t know if I can directly cultivate my own refining gas to the Yuan Ying Da.

However, with the experience of several previous cultivations, Sun Hao feels that this possibility is relatively small, because the psionic power required for the improvement of his five attributes is really huge and incredible. It is expected that after the three-dimensional baby fire is over, Sun Hao’s cultivation should be able to reach the peak of Yuan Ying’s mid-term, but to become a big monk, it still has to be another opportunity.

When he came down, Sun Hao began to drive the scorpion stagnation and smother the tangled dragon red lotus in the dantian.

Although Honglian is very fierce, entering Dantian, there is no backup, and refining is only a matter of time.

Originally, Sun Hao was also able to drive the ice and heavy water to deal with Honglian, so it was more restrained than the red lotus, but Sun Hao did not, and only driven the sputum to the refining and absorption.

The reason is naturally because Sun Hao has regarded the entire Tiandao Honglian as a source of psionic energy and nutrients for his progress. Naturally, he will not drive heavy water to forcibly defeat Honglian.

Originally, Sun Hao thought that he refining and reding Honglian, and practicing it into a three-dimensional baby fire is a matter of course.

The actual situation seems to be developing in the direction that Sun Hao expected.

However, at the moment when the Sanweiyuan baby fire was completed and the dragon red lotus was completely refining, Sun Hao suddenly had an awareness.

Heaven is ruthless, and most fair. Sun Hao’s peak in the sky and the inevitable will inevitably pay a certain price. After discovering the weakness of Sun Hao’s weakness, Tiandao threw out the flaming red lotus, which would not be so simple.

Sun Hao seems to have easily taken over the red lotus industry fire.

It seems that the red lotus industry has been completely refining into its own three-dimensional baby fire, and it has become its own big medicine.

Seems to be a big win.

But in fact, Honglian is not so simple.

The fire itself is the fire of sin, and the heart and soul of the heart is itself the sin of desire and desire.

Just at the moment when Sun Hao’s three-person baby fire was dazzling and the red lotus industry fire was completely digested, Sun Hao’s heart, the nameless fire broke out with the heart and soul.

The fierceness of its coming, so that Sun Hao lost his mind.

In the air, Sun Hao’s eyes could not help but flash red.

Among the minds, there is a boundless evil thought.

For a moment, Sun Hao couldn't wait to fly into the Jiufengfeng female disciple immediately, and to make a good meal, to achieve the good things, the wonderful things, the desire of the heart, so that Sun Hao almost lost.

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Under the Jiuyi Peak, many thoughtful thoughts and thoughtful thoughts immediately gave a sense of Sun Hao’s strong desires, and the jade face was blushing.

Above the sky, Jin Xiaolan and the two disciples looked at each other and saw each other's **** faces. At the same time, there was a burst of heart in their hearts: "The state of agarwood is afraid of it."

My heart is so fierce, and my heart is not able to suppress it. Sun Hao feels that she is going to lose control.

In my heart, I also quickly understand that the heart and soul of the heart and soul is a phenomenon that occurs when the heart has reached a certain stage. It is the process that the monk must experience. Now, I use the method of refining the heart to suppress it. The effect can be blamed.

Only at this moment, Sun Hao is also very clear, if he is careless, he is really affected by the heart, the effect may be equivalent to enlightenment, fearing that he will fall into the boundless abyss of desire for the rest of his life. .

His eyes braved the red light, and Sun Hao didn't dare to look down, for fear that he couldn't help himself.

The disciples below are afraid that they can’t stop it, and they won’t stop themselves. When it’s time, it’s really a bad thing.

However, the heart is so fierce, and Sun Hao’s heart is at the same time as he is quick to judge. I feel that I am also falling fast.

Some parts even produce instinctive reactions that should not be there.

Sun Hao was a little scared, and he couldn’t control it. He was eager to try and watched as he was about to be surrounded by the ignorance of the ignorance of the celestial fire, and a heartfelt heart suddenly came to his heart: "four o'clock The change, the heat of the summer, the heavy yin will be yang, the yang will be yin, so the yin main cold, the yang main heat, so the cold is even hot, the heat is even cold..."

Without the use of Sun Hao, the yin and yang of Da Bing from Wei Bing started to operate autonomously.

The spirit of Sun Hao is very strange. Before the arrival of the peak of the soul and the heart, the silky and clear-cut is restored. At the same time, Sun Hao finally understands the root cause of his own heart and soul, and also knows his own present. Basic state.

In a word, Sun Hao’s heart fire, that is, the three-flavored baby fire, is now a little out of balance.

The heart is overwhelmed and the yang is too strong.

At the point of the heat, Sun Hao is now, the best way to deal with it, it really has to be yin and yang. (To be continued.)

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