Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1257: Moonlight Nandou

Sun Hao used to be stationed on Nandou Island for five years. ← Baidu search →

At that time, every morning, Sun Hao always stood on the island reef and looked at the sunrise. At this time, the cricket would be barefoot, reflecting the sun and flying on the beach; every evening, Sun Hao Will also condense the reef, realize the sunset of the sea, and toss a full day of sputum will always find a nearby reef, hands holding the chin, eyes look at Sun Hao, as if Sun Hao is the sunset One of the scenery.

Far away, sweeping into Nandou Island, Sun Hao’s mind, could not help but show the night before the island.

That night, the sea rose tomorrow.

Holding a small fire, standing on the reef, looking at the moon.

The slight sea breeze blew his own clothes, and the hair fluttered gently.

The silver-gray moonlight gives yourself a layer of silver.

Degenerate into a mermaid, standing on the sea and swaying, the moonlight sprinkled on her body, as if to put her on a flap-like tulle, condensed, ignorant, obsessively looking at herself.

Boys and girls, like a fairy tale.

This is a beautiful picture that I will never forget.

Sun Hao clearly remembers that at the moment before dawn, he finally whispered: "Xiaohao, are you leaving?"

At that time, there was no enchanting sorrow, and in the eyes, it was full of tears, and the pears were raining.

In the sea that year, the mermaid moonlight was opposite.

The mermaid doesn't know where it is, and the moonlight is still fine.

Under the moonlight, Sun Hao showed his arms and went to Nandou Island.

The island is still the same, and the Iraqis are no longer.

Falling on the island, Sun Hao swept around, and his heart was slightly hurt.

Nandou Island, which was once reserved for Sun Hao’s beautiful memories and nostalgia, is not only the Iraqis, but also there are many traces after the war, and the warm little courtyard on the island is now gone. ← Baidu search → There is only a piece of burnt land left there, and there is a huge deep pit.

Sun Hao is on the island, surrounded by the sea. The black shadows took off, and a large number of demonized soul beasts began to appear, and they were ready to move.

There was anger in the heart, and Sun Hao was cold. With a wave of waving, the island is surrounded by sea tides, the shadows of the sea, the screams of screaming piercing the quiet moonlight, the blood that rushes from the sky, and the blood of the moonlight is sprinkled with blood.

In the heart of Sun Hao, I couldn’t help but sigh.

The better the memory of the collection, the more cruel the reality is.

The moonlight and the island are the same, but it is the environment of today.

Tranquility was broken by Warcraft. The peace was replaced by killing.

The magic disaster is coming, this is inevitable.

No matter how eloquent it is, the old demon can't conceal a basic fact. That is the invasion of the Mozu, which has created the unrest of the mainland and created the charity of the mainland.

Perhaps they were also part of the Terran, but after the time has passed, they have become another completely different race, and a memory is full of resentment. The blood is full of violent, and always tries to return to the mainland and return to the aliens of the world.

Not too much entangled with the magical soul beast on Nandou Island, Sun Hao showed his arms. Jumping up, step on the incense sword and fly to the island of the Soul.

Nandou Island fell, in the expectation of Sun Hao.

After all, this is just the gateway to the island of the Soul, and the Mozu’s attack on the island of the Soul is no longer short. It is inevitable to capture the island of the soul.

I don’t know how far I have scored.

Judging from the current situation of Nandou Island, it has become the rear of the Mozu, an abandoned island with little value, which shows that the Mozu army should be far and far.

Sun Hao Yu Jian and flying, but also has a vague uneasiness in his heart.

I don't know how the situation in Thunder Island is, will my sister Wang Qiong have an accident?

Sun Hao has accepted the memory of Zhong Xiaohao in his entirety. The brothers and sisters are very deep. What is more crucial is that they took care of themselves in the past and waited for a hundred years in Wangcun. This friendship made Sun Hao unforgettable.

Sun Hao suddenly felt very scared, afraid that Wangcun was also like the Nandou Island under the moonlight, buried in the war and turned into a scorched earth.

The younger sister Wang Qiong has the incarnation of the white jade mouse. Shou Yuan has a long history. However, her combat power is not strong, and her character is ordinary and has no ambition. Once the magic disaster occurs, the result can be imagined.

A little anxious in my heart, Sun Hao's foot, Shen Xiangjian speed to the fastest, like streamer, all the time, constantly galloping away to the island of the soul of the island.

The island of the Soul is located in the far sea, and the depths of the sea are not known. If it is not the route map of the holy fox, Sun Hao may find it difficult to find the island of the soul.

And how big is the island of the Soul, Sun Hao is not very understanding, just from the information, see the relevant records.

According to the records, there are 9,999 islands in the island of the Soul of the Soul, the mainland grows, the heavens restraint, and finally, the 10,000th big island is formed, the island breaks out, the last one The Big Island was defeated by life and turned into a small island, dotted between the Great Island of the Soul.

Therefore, the final information did not count the number of small islands in the island of the Soul.

Anyway, the data records that the Wanshen Island, the island is like a chessboard, and the stars are densely covered.

Just in the middle of the night, Sun Hao, who is galloping, is getting more and more inside, and the heart is heavier.

The small islands are broken in the knowledge of God, and the traces of the war are everywhere.

The trees on the island are made of dead coke, and there are huge deep pits on the island of the island.

Everything shows that the defense force of the island of the Souls has been here, once along the way, with the invading demons launched a fierce battle.

Only in the end, the place was lost, and the island of the soul was gradually pressed in.

Yu Jian quickly galloped along the way, Sun Hao witnessed the island after the war, Wandao broken!

Three days later, Sun Hao scanned the first big island that was lost.

The sword slowly stopped in the air, and Sun Hao knew how to enter the island.

Among the island's ports, there are many sea-going vessels and diving sacs that are completely different from the mainland style. On the island, the original Terran gathering place is occupied by the Mozu.

The Mozu who occupied the Big Island seems to have divided into four levels.

At the lowest level, it seems to be a mortal mortal. These people, from time to time, have red light, but they have basic ideology. They still do the most basic work on the island and provide various resources for the Mozu.

The third level of the Mozu is like the sorcerer and the Tauren who have seen Sun Hao in front of this level. The character is cruel, and the brain seems to be not very good. It is the main commander of the Mozu warrior.

The second level of the Mozu, in fact, is the monk after the demonization, can also be called the magic repair, perhaps this monk in the ancient devil itself is a large number, or some are the monks of this world, but their status is Among the demons is not low.

Important on the island, it is in full swing, and the smelting sites with unique characteristics of the Mozu created by the mogul are mastered by the demons.

Of course, the highest status is still the pure ancient demon family.

The strength of the ancient demon family is not weak, the lowest is the first order of Jin Dan, and there is also a Yuan Ying can be guarded.

Floating in the air, Sun Hao's body gradually turned into transparency, and then the fragrance rose, disappeared, and the transparent Sun Hao flew down and quietly landed on the island.

Drilled into the magical array, Sun Hao observed the refining of the Mozu, and realized the difference between the refiner and the mainland.

Then Sun Hao sneaked into the ground.

There is a huge dungeon on the bottom of the island. Among the dungeons, there are a large number of Terran monks and mortals.

Above the dungeon, there is a device that exudes a burst of pure magic, so that the magic concentration of the entire dungeon is always very rich.

Among the dungeons, many monks and mortals are struggling in the sea and are being demolished.

From time to time, there are also monks or mortals who can't stand the magical invasion, or become a **** rain, or die silently. Every monk who died in a dungeon will be swallowed up by the magical sea fish in the dungeon. An empty see the scene in the water prison, Sun Hao heart anger, but also have a good fortune.

The angry demon enchanted the human race and the sturdy ethnic group satisfactorily, but fortunately, even if the Thunder City fell, the younger sister Wang Qiong did not have a chance to survive.

Repressing the anger in the heart, Sun Hao did not stun the snake.

After a round of the island, leaving some backhands, after a little something, quietly, Sun Hao sneaked out from the island, jumped on the incense sword, and went away.

The island of the Soul is not surrounded by a day or two. It is not anxious for a while. Sun Hao is now appearing in the rear of the Mozu, and there are ways to not be detected by the Mozu. Instead, he can take some information to explore, perhaps for the future. The battle is favorable.

Judging from the movement of the Mozu, the core disaster area, the magic disaster may be quite powerful, but the island of the Soul is also stubbornly resisting, from the islands along the way to create crazy, and the relatively small situation of the defenders analysis, the soul of the soul The resistance of the island is absolutely not small.

At this time, the intelligence of the Mozu is very important. (To be continued.)

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