Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1266: Agarwood

One hundred thousand elite, no life.

The Golden Devil’s eyes looked at the direction of the Resor Island, and he sat for more than two days.

The Blackwater Devil is rare without any targeted language attacks. It is not far away, but it is also heavy.

Two days later, the Golden Day Devil slowly said: "This is a mistake, causing a disaster, three brothers, let you down."

The three devils were silent.

Blackwater Luo Pengfei said slowly: "This seat also has the responsibility. I have seen the incarnation of the Taikuo Leiyin who has seen Sun Haosun and Shenxiang. I also know that there is Leichi in Thunder Island, but I forgot to remind."

The turbid cloud shook his head and said: "The Archaic Thunder beast can handle the Thunder is good, but it can't be done so badly. It doesn't blame the Black Water Brothers. I don't think that Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang should have used the big world and took advantage of my magic cloud. Concealing, or else, I will not lie to my turbid cloud department and the Kim Il Department. Strictly speaking, I also have the responsibility of oversight."

The peak of the demon king said with a heavy face: "The Thunder City battle, the gold day, the cloud cloud department suffered heavy losses, let us feel bad, but, you friends, I have to remind you now, we are now, the focus is not Looking for responsibility, but to study countermeasures, how to restrain the Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang of Thunder Island, so that he can not eventually extend the victory of Thunder Island to the whole island of the Soul..."

The turbid cloud demon nodded and said: "Yes, this is the key point. Today, my magic army is greatly damaged in the vicinity of the Thunder City, but it is difficult to suppress them. Once the Thunder City draws the elite, it will help others. The Big Island is bound to affect our overall situation."

Blackwater Luo Pengfei said slowly: "Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, very powerful, the battle of the Thunder Island. The root is his planning. I think. He must also have some strategies coming along, brothers, I feel Our battle will be very difficult, and everyone should be prepared..."

The scene was silent, even Jinri, at this time did not refute the black water, the default black water.

Fengfeng Devil nodded and said: "Blackwater. You are doing a good job, then you think that the current situation, how can we stop Sun Haosun's next plan, disrupt his combat plan, you know him best, What do you think we should do?"

Blackwater Luo Peng swept a few devils and said a little heavy tone: "In these few days, Blackwater is also thinking over and over again. But I thought of two ways to deal with the current situation."

Kim Il said: "Blackwater brothers have a way to make it clear that as long as they can stop Sun Haosun and Shenxiang. I am willing to cooperate fully."

Blackwater Luo Pengfei rushed to the Golden Day and nodded. His face looked a little slack. He said: "One way is to directly lead Sun Haosun to Shen Xiang and kill him, then all problems will be solved."

Shady cloud shaking his head: "Difficult, not to say that you and I are very difficult to leave here, just barely leave for a while, I am afraid it is difficult to kill Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, because our repair is almost the same, black water can not do Things, even if it is a golden sunrise horse, basically can't do it."

Luo Peng nodded. "I think so too, then there is only a second way. I will limit the fleet of the Ryoku Island to the waters of the island of Ryoku, so that they will not dare to support other islands."

The peak demon said: "Black water, do you mean diving Shenzhou?"

Luo Pengfei nodded and said: "Yes, my fascinating lurking Nanyang for many years, developed the black water diving Shenzhou against the weakness of the human race monk sea boat, its role is to greatly restrain the Terran sea boat, now the soul of the island is great, destroy A lot of my devils are elite, but my diving in the Blackwater Department is basically no loss. Then, we can mobilize most of the diving Shenzhou, set in the sea of ​​Thunder Island, so that its sea boat is not easy Attack..."

The cloud cloud nodded and praised: "Yes, this method is indeed feasible. Unfortunately, as a result, our strength on other islands is much weaker, and we have to split up most of our strength to target the island of Thunder..."

Kim Il Sung did not speak.

Feng Feng said: "There is no way to do it. I really want Sun Haosun to sink into full force. It’s out of the thunderstorm island. It’s no doubt that the tigers are coming back to the mountains, and the afterlife is endless. I don’t know if the blackwater brother’s diving Shenzhou can really The interception of the fleet of the Ryushima Island."

Blackwater Luo Pengfei smiled confidently: "This is no problem. I have this self-confidence and I am fully capable of holding them. I have been flying in Nanyang for many years and developed a diving Shenzhou. It can be guaranteed that the Terran can hardly resist it. ......"

Speaking of this, Luo Pengfei’s voice paused a bit, as if he said to himself: “However, the opposite is Sun Haosun Shen Xiang, I am a bit worried that he is deliberately targeting my diving Shenzhou. To be honest, once diving If the Shenzhou is broken or it is a big loss, the return plan of our Mozu will inevitably face the danger of a total collapse. At that time, it may force us to display the last resort."

Kim Il Yang laughed happily: "Black water, you don't want to rise up to the grandeur of the grandson, destroy your ambition, I think, your diving Shenzhou, the Terran has not been for decades, I want to find a solution, and, three brothers, If there is an opportunity, I must have a hand in the golden day, Sun Hao, for my Jinrier Lang to recover the blood debt..."

After that, the Golden Day demon king roared up.

Like the wounded beast, the huge roaring sounds for a long time on the sea of ​​the island of the Soul.

Huoshuo Island, a rare quiet for a few days, the magic of the offensive a little bit.

In the Palace of Fire Soul, Suzaku Zhu Ling shook with the small hand of the battle report, and in the eyes, she was covered with layers of fog.

In front of him, the soul of the soul will be lined up, watching Zhu Ling's hands with great concern. The Jin Dan monk yelled at Da Yu, claiming to be the jade slip of the shocking battle report, and wondering what kind of battle report it would be.

Good news? Or is it a bad battle for defeat?

Taking a deep breath, Zhu Ling said with a fragile voice: "The Thunder City Battle Report, the eternal soul, not drunk on May 5, 2016, the soul of the soul has not returned to the Lord, the War of the Devils in the Thunder The city, destroying the enemy, destroying the enemy 100,000 elite."

The scene was in vain.

Zhu Ling is headed, one word and one meal: "100,000 elite, the real devil world, the Japanese Ministry, the cloud cloud department is elite, of which more than five hundred golden devils, more than ten people in the real king..."

The scene was dead.

Zhu Ling looked up and laughed.

The laughter went straight to the sky.

The crisp sound is transmitted over the city of Fire Spirit: "The Thunder City is a good news, the soul of the soul, not drunk on May 5, 2016, the soul of the soul is not returned, the Great Thunder City..."

After the war baptism, exhausted, all supported by an unyielding will, almost in the fire of the city in the flames of death, a dead, and then, the cheers of the sky, resounding through the clouds.

Suzaku floated in the air, his eyes filled with tears, looking in the direction of Thunder City, murmured: "You finally got back, you finally came back..."

In the city of Thunder, the momentum is soaring.

The morale of the soldiers is extremely high.

The sky was a big win, and the Thunder City soldiers felt that the Mozu was not invincible.

The shadows of unfavorable battles for many years have vanished, and the monks are eager to try, and they can’t wait to attack the magic army immediately.

The upper level of the Thunder Island is filled with a very strange atmosphere.

In the hearts of the elders, there is a lot of excitement and excitement.

Think about the misunderstanding and mistrust of the Lord of the Temples some time ago.

It’s a bit embarrassing to think about the peerless scenes that have just been experienced and that have never been forgotten!

Of course, they are more curious.

Curious about the magic and origin of the Lord.

The full fox found that he was entangled by a group of curious old men, and he had to explain to himself the things of the lord.

Being entangled, and in order to encourage morale and boost confidence, the sacred fox finally exploded: "The main hall of the sacred temple is not returned The famous world name Sun Hao, once used the name Zhong Xiaohao, the mainland title Agarwood, the monk of Xianban, right, he is still the new champion of the ruins of the world..."

So, the questions of the curious old men came one after another: "No, how many years have you buried the ruins of the sky, how did the lords become so powerful? One thunder and the world! The other half of the real jun is still unable to escape, old Full, you honestly, how is this possible?"

After the sacred fox was also half-sounding, there was a sentence in his mouth: "It is said that the lord of the temple ate him aphrodisiac..."

Elders: "Roll, full of old men, you are starting to talk nonsense again..."

In the eyes of the fox, there was a flash of light, and the mouth said: "That is not necessarily true. If I am full of adults, sometimes it is so accurate..."

The elders do not believe.

However, after Sun Hao heard it, his heart was a slight glimpse, looking at the eyes of the full fox, thoughtful.

Sun Hao knows his own family, yin and yang, and is really similar to eating aphrodisiac! This is full of holy fox, a little meaning. (To be continued.)

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