Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1268: At all costs

I don't know what the Lord of the Lord is doing.

It seems that the plane was missed in vain. After the war, there was no movement at all.

The elders did not know what the planners were, and they tickleed and ran to ask the old man.

As a result, the old man came again: "Wait, wait and see!"

Ok, I can only wait.

Waiting is a result.

It didn't take long for the dragon battle to succeed in the soul, the soul of the soul, or the black dragon that is boundless, the true dragon soul!

Dragon will be Wang Yuan!

Since then, Thunder Island has quieted down.

After a few more days, the main hall of the small hall sent down a batch of bricks, only the real, the yuan-level infants have the power, the bricks.

The elders don't know what it is and what it is.

In the end, it’s still the dragon battle, oh no, it’s the dragon who will come out and express his contempt: “You guys, it’s a bunch of old hats, tell you, this is called a mobile phone, a machine is in hand. , I have a mobile phone that I can instant messaging..."

Sun Hao was dumbfounded, and the mobile phone was a new name for Wang Yuan to instant messaging bricks.

Sun Hao thinks that this name is not worthy, and it does not show the function of instant messaging brick. However, Sun Hao never imagined that his second disciple, Zhu Dezheng, was named after the mobile phone because of his mobile phone. father.

The emergence of mobile phones has also completely changed all aspects of the monk world.

Now, it’s still a group of old men, happily, holding a huge brick all day, you are here to “feed and feed”, he is there: “Ah, ah”, the novelty has played a lot of fun. .

Waiting for everyone to be fresh. Sun Hao finally seems to think of the soul of the island should be sent to other islands.

One order. The dragon will lead Wang Yuan again to lead the ship. However, the elders expected the situation to happen.

After being hit hard, the magic army has quickly reacted, and a large number of diving Shenzhou appeared on the periphery of Thunder Island.

The Dragon's Rycho Island fleet did not dare to go too far from the island, and was firmly suppressed near the island of Thunder.

Many elders sighed.

Some elders shook their heads, sighed, and missed the plane.

Only this time, the elders no longer attached to them. Not so good, Li elder blows his beard and blinks: "I missed the opportunity? I can't see it, you calculate, even if the victory is on the second day, the dragon will lead the team to go out. At this time, it should not be able to rush to Huozhidao. Well, then, do you think that the Dragon’s fleet is being stopped at home? Or is it better to be dumplings on the sea?”

The elders listened. Yes!

Instead of being dumplings on the sea.

It’s better to be blocked at home and safer.

Just, security is safe. The effect of the Great Retreat of the Thunder Island is greatly reduced. It is only that the Earthquake Island itself has settled down, but it has little effect on the battlefields of other islands of the Soul Island.

This is no way!

Since the opening of the war with the Mozu, the ship of the Soul of the Soul has suffered a lot. If it is not supported by the airship deterrence, it may not be a long-term failure. One day, we will not find a way to deal with the Devil’s diving. Can't get any change.

The dragon's fleet was once again pressed back to Wangcun.

The elders sighed in sorrow.

Sun Hao had long anticipated this, and ordered: "The dragon will be in the department for another half a month, and the bottom of the boat and the whirlwind will be modified. After half a month, in any case, at any cost, go to the Huo Huo Island..."

According to the information, after the resurgence of the Thunder Island, the Mozu’s offensive against Huozhidao was intensified, and it was imminent to rush to Huoshuo Island.

Sun Hao said: "At any cost", expressed the determination to mobilize Huo Huo Island, and at the same time, raised the hearts of the elders.

Although the soul of the island is great, but if the dragon destroys the fleet in the sea, then the advantage of the great victory will be gone.

However, the battle of Huozhi Island is too fierce. It is said that the elders of Yuan Ying have fallen into the midst of the war, but it is time to go to life and death.

At the very least, the dragon's fleet can be involved in the massive sea power of the Mozu, reducing the pressure on the Huoshuo Island.

This is also the way there is no way.

It is hoped that the sea boat modified by the main lord can be slightly stronger and more durable.

After several sea battles, the dragon will rebuild the first sea ship. It has been completely scrapped in the naval battle. Actually, it is not much stronger than before the modification. This time, it is estimated that it will not be much stronger. It only hopes to support it for a longer time.

The transformation of the ship was personally hosted by Sun Hao. More than ten days before and after, Sun Hao led the craftsmen of the North District, rushed to work day and night, and was busy, and finally refitted the ships in accordance with Sun Hao's requirements.

After the modification, the sea boat really turned into a tortoise shell, which looked a lot stronger, and even the depth of the draft in the sea was much longer.

It is as if every sea boat is loaded with heavy objects.

In the village of Wangcun, above the sea, the whole team is waiting to be sent.

On the huge top-class sea boat "Thunder", Sun Hao and Wang Yuan were sent off.

Three elders, including Elder Xing, floated on the coast and came to see him off.

Sun Hao left the dragon's airship to the town of Lei Hing Island. He only took the sea boat and went to the Huozhi Island.

Wang Yuan screamed: "At any cost, rush to the soul of fire, ..."

The ship's array started, with the Thunder as the core, slowly moving into the sea.

As the sea boat sailed into the sea, the farther and farther away, Xing Elders sighed and sighed: "Hey, the main hall of the temple is not even equipped with an airship. If it is trapped by the Shenzhou, it can be washed out. How can it be?"

Beside him, an elder suddenly said with whimsy: "Is it possible that the Lord of the Lord has a good idea in the chest, once again achieved the glory of the sea battle, and completely laid the foundation for my victory?"

Another elder said: "Is it possible? Dreaming of you!"

The elder retorted: "Can you think of the less than 100,000 elites in the battle of the lord? I think that with the ability of the lord, it is impossible to say that you are not seeing the old man, smirking, saying, etc. Well, wait a minute, I think his expression is clearly to see that we are shocked and overjoyed..."

Thunder Island was silent for a month, and finally it was action.

And the scale of the action is not small, the fleet is galloping out, and the direction of the fire island is rushed away.

With desperation, at all costs, there is no way to go.

The Blackwater Department of the sea boat and the diving Shenzhou did not immediately come up, but hesitated a little, and then quickly reported the movement of the Rycho Island fleet and listened to the instructions.

Of course, the fleet and the diving Shenzhou also acted quickly, and slowly, the deployment and layout of the Thunderbolt fleet.

When I got the battle report, Blackwater Luo Pengfei fell into meditation.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang personally sits in the town, and the Resound Island fleet is fully attacked. Although this information is simple, but in his eyes, it is full of puzzles.

With the wisdom of Sun Hao, I don’t know if the fleet enters the sea. Once it falls into the encirclement of the diving Shenzhou, the serious consequences will come. At that time, the Mozu has a chance to kill only a few Yuan Yingzhen. Jun.

It may not be possible to leave a few true monarchs.

But why did Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang attack?

Is there a combat method for diving Shenzhou? Is it possible to modify the sea boat?

Or, Sun Haosun Shen Xiang is using his hesitant and suspicious thoughts, quickly approaching Huoshuo Island to form support for Huozhidao?

Luo Pengfei hesitated a little, always thinking that Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang was hiding his heart.

But no abnormalities can be seen.

In the end, Luo Pengfei also issued a war order, sent two teams of diving Shenzhou, launched a tentative attack on the Thunderbolt fleet.

And more of the Mozu sea boat, but on the sea, began a strategic layout.

The sea war started from a small fight.

Diving Shenzhou launched an impact on the sea boat from the sea.

The sharp Shenzhou horns began to impact the fleet of the Ryokushima from the bottom of the ship.

The bottom of the shipyard of the Resident Island fleet has been modified to be more sturdy and the shovel has become more sharp.

Overall, the strength of the fleet has been greatly enhanced, but after some trials, the Blackwater Diving Shenzhou found that after the enhanced Thunderbolt fleet, still can not stop the collision of Shenzhou Shenzhou.

Diving Shenzhou can still greatly restrain the ship of the Thunder Island.

After a few small-scale naval battles, Thunder Island lost a few sea boats and continued to advance in the direction of Huozhi Island.

Throughout the naval battle, the Blackwater Department found no abnormalities.

The sea-ship defense of Thunder Island cannot stop the Devil's Shenzhou, and the whirlwind of Thunder Island cannot really hurt Shenzhou.

The ship that was sunk by Reichen Island was salvaged, and after analysis and research, no abnormalities were found.

Of course, Although the shipwrecked ship was lost, the strength of the monk did not lose much. Before the ship sank, the monks on the ship had already been transferred.

The battle report continued to come, how to analyze the black water Luo Pengfei, how to feel that Sun Hao Sun Aquille is at all costs to rush to Huoshuo Island.

However, Luo Pengfei, who has already suffered a lot of losses on Sun Hao, is always in a state of confusion.

Is Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang really just this goal? Will there be any calculations waiting for myself?

The temptation continues, and the ship's array of the Ryukoku Island, in this temptation, quickly rushed to Huoshuo Island.

There were sea vessels that were sunk by the Black Water Department, but there seemed to be no abnormalities.

Luo Pengfei endured a lot, and finally, when the shipwreck of the Ryu Soul Island was close to the sea of ​​Huozhi Island, he could not hold his breath.

The eyes are stunned: "If you have all kinds of calculations, I will break it by myself, pass on my order, and the Blackwater Department will be surrounded by the whole, and it is necessary to smash the fleet of the Resound Island before the Huozhi Island..." Continued.)

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