Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1281: Xian Ban Da Yi

At the time of Xianban Dayi, Sun Hao once again made a detailed understanding of the ins and outs of the disaster, and once again clearly understood the general situation of the demons in the mainland.

I know a lot of hidden secrets.

The dragon will be Wang Yuan, but on behalf of Sun Hao and the Four Spirits fleet, they will inform the fairy sects of the Wanshou Island sea war.

Then, the monk of Xianban started a hot discussion about how to suppress the Mozu.

The island of the Soul is the true core area of ​​the Mozu attack, and is also the decisive factor of the demons.

As long as the magic cloud magic under the Wanshen Mountain can be suppressed, the disaster of the mainland will really come to an end.

The so-called Magic Yuan is actually the return of the Mozu and the passage back to the mainland. Among the classical books, it is called the “well of the gods and devils”. The guardian of Wanshen Mountain is the largest well of the gods.

Since the beginning of history, Wanshen Mountain has always been the top priority of the upper-class monks.

The catastrophe first broke out from the South China. In the early days, the monks of Xianban had been watching. The reality was to speculate that the Mozu might smack the West, and the real core of the disaster might be Wanshen Mountain.

But what I didn't expect was that the South China's catastrophe became more and more fierce, and I lost control. The Xianban monks passed the serious resolution, which led to the South China continent and effectively curbed the South China catastrophe.

But I did not expect that the monks stayed in Wanshen Mountain were finally able to suppress the magic of the core area. The island of the Souls broke out in the magical disaster. Among the magical creatures, a large number of monsters were rushed out.

At the crucial moment, the left-behind monk of the Xianban was forced to open the battle hall of the Wanshen Mountain and drive the big battle. Closed most of the island of the Soul. Confront with the Mozu.

The monk of Xianban also quickly returned through the transmission method. Finally, before the Wanshen Mountain was completely subverted, the four top monks drove the Battle of the Soul Palace, and the air was flying over the magical abyss.

The four spirits were on the verge of death. They followed the main hall of the Temple of the Sea God, and the leader led the expedition to guard the outer four islands. The army of the demon rushed out and began the battle of the island of the Soul.

This was followed by a ten-year hard war.

Ten years. Wanshen Mountain is always surrounded by the army of the Mozu, and is surrounded by the siege of the Mozu army day and night.

The Wanshen Mountain, which has come from the sky, has been shrunk by a large circle. The monks on the mountain have lost as much as 60%.

The army of the Mozu, through the magic channel, continually rushed to the depths of the island of the Soul, and finally with the arch of the soul of the mountain, which is the root of the soul of the mountains before the air, the soul of the soul, etc. The five large islands launched a fierce attack and defense.

The magic will be three battles, until the tough Suzaku is in front of the Huozhi Island. This gradually slowed down the pace of advancement.

Man Shenghu was ordered to wait for Sun Hao, and eventually led Sun Hao to return to Wanshou Island from Nanyang.

Also on the island of Thunder. Sun Hao began to fight against the Mozu, and eventually expanded the results step by step, completely rushing the Mozu army into the magic.

It can be said that Sun Hao's series in the island of the Soul of the Soul has laid the unshakable position of Sun Hao in the Xianban, and has also been unanimously recognized by the monks of Xianban.

The ranking of Sun Hao in the Xianban also surpassed many old Xianban monks, and even some of the great monks, consciously ranked behind Sun Hao.

At present, among the monks of the Immortals across the mainland, Sun Hao ranks seventh.

It was only under the five minor monks and the palace Sirius.

Even a lot of monks believe that Sun Hao’s ranking can also rise forward.

However, Sun Hao will naturally not be in front of his ancestors, rumored to refuse, sitting under the palace of the wolf, began to talk with the monks of the Xianban, discuss the key points, how to completely close the magic.

The island of the Soul is actually a piece of land that has been torn by the Great War, and the space of the whole island of the Soul is not very stable. The exit of the Devil's Well, under the attack of the Mozu army, may appear in the soul. Any area of ​​the island.

For example, the magic disaster that broke out on the island of the Souls, from the soul of the soul of the mountain, is more than 3,000 nautical miles, if there is not a Xianban monk drive, or if the island has recruited a large number of monks into the real yuan, can not be suppressed in time Living in the magical Yuan is really two.

Close the magical Yuan, to put it simply, use the Wanshen Mountain to block the cracked Demon's Well like a hole in the hole.

There are two difficulties. One of them is the powerful resistance of the Mozu. If you want to suppress the magic, it is the biggest test for the strength of this generation of monks; the second is the stability of the space around Wanshen Mountain. Can not stabilize the space, even if it is Wanshen Mountain, it is very likely to fall into the magical.

In general, the Xianban monks dissected the sparrows a little bit and discussed the practical methods.

The questions are put out one by one, and then solved one by one, gradually moving closer to the goal.

During the period, many monks also injected real elements into the Wanshenshan Array from time to time to maintain the large-scale operation and continue to suppress on the magic.

After the Mozu retreats, the resistance of the Magic Yuan is slightly weakened. It seems that the Four Devils have given up the return, the magic begins to shrink, and the power of the Overshoot is greatly weakened. Otherwise, the monk cannot be so easily relaxed. .

Sun Hao and the monks who stood behind him were always listening carefully to the opinions of other monks and monks, and did not intervene casually.

Although Sun Hao is not in the ranks of Xianban, the truth is that this is the first time Sun Hao has participated in the Xianban proceedings. Many of the rules are not very clear. Listen carefully and study hard.

Concerning the overall destiny of the mainland, the monks of Xianban arrived very well. There were 21 monks in the whole continent, and the scene reached 17th.

At present, the real participants in the discussion are the monks who are ranked below Sun Hao.

The four top Yuan Yingda monks still sit on the corners of the Temple of God at the knees. They don’t talk casually. The palace Sirius looks like a deaf, and closes his eyes. Only Sun Hao is always smiling and listening quietly. The monk of Xianban moved.

Among the monks of Xianban, in addition to the first few, it is what Sun Hao did not expect, and there are actually several acquaintances of himself. The main hall of the Temple of War is located in Xianban, and the other is an acquaintance of Sun Hao. Actually, it is a great master of the ceremony.

Judging from the distribution of the monks of Xianban, the side confirmed Sun Hao’s conjecture that the status of the Emperor and the Emperor should be slightly higher than that of the Three Gods. The reason is that among the monks of the Xianban, there are two Tiangong and the Wanshen. And the ranking is not low.

The other three top strengths are that there is no second monk naturalization.

The individual strength of the monk may be on the one hand, but the demise of the two emperors is definitely the main factor.

The implication of the monk of Xianban was also initiated by the chairman of the Zhuang Da Dian, who was launching a motion agenda and gradually formed a resolution.

Zhuang Dadian master integrated the opinions of some monks of the Xianban, and then smiled and said to Sun Hao: "Agarwood, the result of our deliberation is to use the six-locked Tiantian array to stabilize the space, and to suppress the magic Yuan with the power of Wanlong Township. How do you feel? Is there any high opinion or what additional opinion?"

Sun Hao slightly smirked and smiled: "Zhuang Dianzhu, Shen Xiang but the younger generation, this time is mainly based on learning. The plan for the discussion of the predecessors is very appropriate. Agar has learned, but it is difficult to have constructive opinions."

Zhuang Dadian also said to Sun Hao slightly, and said with a smile: "Agarwood is polite, Aquilaria has a powerful battle, and the strategy is unparalleled, but it is the blessing of my soulful island. After that, the discussion of the fairy class, the opinion of Shen Xiang, when the fate of the mainland It is vital that Aquilaria does not have to be self-effacing."

After that, the main hall of Zhuang Daguan looked at Sun Hao, and his eyes showed a very gratifying look.

It can be said that Sun Hao was watching him grow up step by step. Once upon a time, his temple of war and the other three halls of the eternal soul were still the final affiliation of Aquilaria, and they made a big noise. As a result, they created a wonderful atmosphere of four halls.

But now, when Aquilaria is standing in front of himself again, he suddenly discovers that Aquilaria has completely surpassed himself.

The cultivation is beyond the force, and the position in the Xianban is also surpassed.

In the Hall of the I have to respectfully call him a singer.

Life is really hard to predict!

The growth of agarwood is really fast.

Sun Hao’s face still has a faint smile: “Zhuang Dian’s politeness, Aquilaria remembered, but this time, Aquilaria does have no opinion.”

Zhuang Dadian nodded, then looked at Gong Sirius and called out: "Sirius?"

Gong Tianwo slowly opened his eyes and said with aloud: "I will say a word, good!"

After that, I closed my eyes and went to God.

However, in his hands, he always evokes the true elements, and constantly flows into the big array to assist the four top monks in the stable battle of the soul.

The party of the Palace Sirius has been well aware of it. The owner of Zhuang Dad shook his head and looked into the air. He said: "I would like to suggest that the space should be stabilized by the six-in-one lock, and the power of Wanlong Town will be suppressed. Please ask four adults to decide." (To be continued.)

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