Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1286: Unspeakable

The five minor monks had long anticipated this situation, and the mind was already ready to accept the reality.

Insufficient strength, can not be forced, and can not ask for it.

It is nine thousand years after nine thousand years. Although it is less than ten thousand years, it is basically acceptable.

Although it was a bit weaker nine years ago, it is not ugly.

Isn't it the worst recorded in history?

After Gong Tianlang's means of display, the soul was not drunk and unexpectedly discovered that Sun Hao was still a thoughtful look, and his heart could not help but move. Although his disciple was not the strongest, he learned a lot of things. In the Temple of God of War, I got some very secret inheritance. So, what kind of means does he have?

The turbid eyes flashed a fine light and said softly: "I am coming."

Let Sun Hao continue to think, the bamboo broom in the hands of the soul is already flying, fluttering, gently, down, point to the Temple of God of War.

The whole body of the God of War was violently shocked, and then the whole dragon was transmitted and the Wanshen Mountain was pressed into a large section.

Sun Hao carefully observed, and found out that it is almost the same as what he expected. The soul is not drunk, the strength is stronger than other top powers, and there are only one thousand six hundred and six hundred real dragons, but it just makes up for Gong Sirius. The strength gap with other top talents.

After the five monks exhibited their magical powers, the task of leaving Yu and Liu Hao as Sun Hao guessed was the power of 2,500 true dragons.

Yu does not want to sigh, come forward: "You friends, you are now shot, wake up the body, do not want the body, this is really the power of the dragon is natural, if I am the body of this change, I am afraid that the friends will be disappointed It is."

The soul is not drunk and said: "The biggest gap between the mainland and the devil is the power of the gods. If you do not want to take this step, it will be a blessing to the mainland, even if it is less than a thousand years, it is also worthwhile."

Yu does not want to nod. "In this case, then I will try my best this time. What can I do? I can only listen to my fate."

Yu does not want to start casting spells.

Sun Hao also began to secretly test. As soon as the gods moved, Sun Hao drove the smuggling tower, and said softly: "Luo charm, Xiao Zhang, please come out and help."

The grandeur of Sun Hao was a lot of cold, and his spirit was shocked. "Yah. Master, dear master, you finally remembered the charm! Damn, master, where is this? How do I get out? Don't go?"

The voice of Xiao Zhang was also heard from the heart: "Boss, there are strange power constraints, so that it is difficult for us to break the tower, how? Do we need to break through?"

Sun Hao’s voice said quickly: “Can’t break through. Don’t cause an attack, it will destroy my formation.”

When Sun Hao contacted the Shoufu Methane Tower, Yu did not want to complete his own suppression of the mountain, not beyond Sun Hao’s expectations. Yu does not want to just break the power of eight hundred real dragons, there is no small gap between Gong Tianwo and others.

Yu does not want to sigh, look into the air, still sitting cross-legged.

I don't know, this young man who is good at making a miracle can once again have a refreshing performance for everyone.

He did not want to have tried his best.

The monks of the Wanshen Mountain still gave a lot of cheers.

In any case, Yu does not want to contribute to the power of eight hundred real dragons. Still surpassing most of the ordinary monks.

In the end, it depends on how many souls and souls can be done.

Everyone's thoughts. It should also be the most reasonable of the power of the true dragon of around 3,000, and it really represents his actual combat power on the mainland.

Xiaozhang and Luo charm can't come out. Sun Hao’s first thought fell through.

Think about it too, the main role of Feng Tian locks the big array is to close the space, and I still want to secretly open a back door, certainly not working.

Then, there is only one way to see if it doesn't work.

Sun Hao slowly rose to the ground.

The golden glow of the golden light, the golden light flowing in the middle of the blue blooms from Sun Hao.

After standing completely straight, Sun Hao showed his arms and stepped out, striding in a big step, and the person was already standing right above the Temple of God of War.

With the arms out, the peerless gods all rushed out, and a three-headed, six-armed giant with a height of three feet appeared behind Sun Hao.

The giant is dark red, as if you can see the strong muscles of the block bulging on the arm. The three skulls are all like Sun Hao, but the facial features are not particularly clear. Standing behind Sun Hao, exhaling, violently :"Hi……"

Sun Hao’s body is one of the most powerful.

The golden warfare is perfect, and the magical law is the same.

Sun Hao continued to show two powerful and powerful skills. At the Temple of God of War, several top monks nodded secretly.

The magical law, that is, they have not been able to cultivate into a rare thing, with a supernatural power, the power of the aroma of the incense is definitely not less than a thousand.

I don’t know if Aquilaria has any other skills.

Longan shines, Sun Hao's right hand stretches down, along the right hand, a golden slender stick appears in the hands of Sun Hao.

The stick pointed straight below, and the stick swallowed the golden mans.

A stunned momentum, sprayed out from the stick.

With the world of fighting, the grandeur of Sun Hao’s body is rapidly rising.

The stick swayed and pointed to the darkness of the dark clouds in the bottom of the God of War. The sound of Sun Hao’s clear voice came out: “The mainland is well-being, everything is raining, and mortals enjoy the heavens, however, the disaster In the middle, the flowers are dying, the creatures are coated with charcoal, the mountains and rivers are broken, the war is continuous, and the agarwood comes all the way from the island of the Souls. What you see is a fragmented world, a village where mortals are extinct..."

The voice is low and clear. Sun Hao’s eyes seem to have seen the completely ruined farmhouse in Nandou Island. It seems to have seen Wangcun, which has been completely smashed by the war. The eyes in his eyes are getting sharper and sharper. The more exciting it is.

The voice is also gradually high: "On the island of Fire Soul, the soul of the soul will fight Suzaku, lead the army, fight hard, five years before and after, the battle of more than two hundred battles, the soul of the monks, the fallen 80%, the soul of the sea of ​​fire, become the spirit of immortality The sea of ​​heroes, they are the real heroes of the Terran..."

Full of fighting spirit, full of passionate voices, there is a change that makes the soul not intoxicated.

In the big battle of the sky, the sound was blocked and could not be transmitted.

It is true that when the monks of the Wanshen Mountain had just begun, I really couldn’t understand what the great monk of the God of War Palace was saying.

However, after the incense sticks up the stick and stood up in the air, the monks had a very wonderful feeling with his willingness to fight.

That is, the three of them could not hear what Shen Shang adults were saying.

But they just understood what he meant from the will of the adult.

On the soul of the mountains, Zhuque Zhuling was flaming, floating in the air, with tears in her eyes, as if she had returned to the eternal years of the sea battle, as if she had seen her former comrades waving goodbye to herself one by one.

The monks on the Wanshen Mountain, Qi Qizheng, under the leadership of Sun Hao, shouted loudly: "Hero, hero..."

Zhu Ling’s head was smashed, and tears were buried in the bottom of my heart. Yang Tian shouted: “Expelling the Mozu, suppressing the magical sacred, and returning to me.”

The monks of the souls cheered in unison: "Expelling the Mozu, suppressing the magical demon; expelling the Mozu, suppressing the magical..."

The momentum of Sun Hao’s body is one of the vibrating, and the Tiantian stick has won the fighting spirit of the Wanshen monk, and suddenly stretched more than three feet.

Sun Hao’s heart is a happy one, and it really works.

Sealed the sky, but can not seal the fighting spirit of the monk ~ ~ can not lock the will of the monk.

And Sun Hao’s fighting stick is precisely the magic weapon that can use the fighting spirit and the will to fight to enhance the power.

Sun Hao tried it and it worked.

Of course, Sun Hao at this time, with the improvement of his own fighting spirit, with the recollection of a piece of past events, has completely replaced the role, a little forgot that he is deliberately promoting the monk's fighting spirit, but naturally, the voice is getting more and more High, the body's savage fighting spirit is getting more and more pure.

Said, nature is also the heart of the most want to say: "On the soul of the mountains, my grandson has lived for decades, however, goodbye Wanshoushan, he has been reduced by more than half; on the Wanshou Mountain, once gathered I am a million-dollar army of the soul of the island, ten years of perseverance, ten years of hard work, and now, my soul-soul monk, there are only less than 300,000 elite..."

Among the voices of Sun Hao, there is a trace of compassion and enthusiasm, but more, but it is the unyielding tenacious fighting spirit: "The only battle in ten years is difficult, and it is difficult to break the soul of the mountains, even if it is Hundreds of thousands of demons are besieged day and night, even if the comrades around them are killed into heroes, I am always in the mountains, always standing on the sea, suppressing the magic, seeing the moment of Wanshen Mountain, the heart of Shenxiang is heavy, but the agarwood Heart, but bloody..." (To be continued.)

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