Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1307: Doubt


Among the eight ghost towns, another city owner stood up and asked: "The two elders just said that the introduction of magic, then I ask, is the magic good for our ghost repair? I remember that the magic disaster is called the disaster. The biggest reason is that the ghost repairs into it, there will be the danger of magic, and when it is demonized, it will be very dangerous. How can the two elders teach me?"

The two elders talked and said: "This is actually just a technical problem. We can introduce a small amount of magical gas first, and gradually become familiar with the survival in the magical spirit, slowly submeditating, and after adapting to the magical environment, everything is fine. You will find that the inspiration of the magical gas is actually a higher-grade aura, and my sneaky will be like a demon world, and there will be a major overhaul."

Ghosts like the wind gently said on the top: "I don't want to die, the old master, in order to change the chance of God, and struggle for the millennium, now the final step is worse, and we, as long as the introduction of magic, maybe, this step It is no longer a hindrance, and you don’t want to be a friend of yours. If the wind is eager for it, this is also the root cause of the wind’s consent to the proposal of the Second Elder. Because, agree, it means that the wind may be within the millennium. It is a great monk who has not been repaired by the Lord of the Immortal."

The spirits of the ghosts were so eager to start whispering, and the scene was a voice of discussion.

Then, a lot of ghosts stood up and asked questions, but they were all resolved by the two elders and ghosts, and they gave satisfactory answers. Moreover, they also painted a lot of beautiful painting cakes, so that the ghosts felt that Perhaps joining the Mozu stand is really the most affordable, and it is really a good choice for the ghost repair.

The form is developing in the direction in which the ghost is involved.

Sun Hao found that it is very likely that many of the monks who questioned were actually ghosts and the two elders deliberately arranged to dispel the doubts of the ghosts. Many questions were raised and did not involve deep levels. They have been taken over by an understatement, which seems to give a good answer. In fact, the problem is not small.

However, compared with the great elders, Sun Hao’s understanding of the ghosts is still not deep. For a while, it is really difficult to find an effective method of rebuttal.

In the air tower, Zhizai has already held a cloud exhibition and quickly thought about it.

At this time, among the elders, the only elder who had stood in a ghost-like position stood up and looked gloomy. He slowly said: "I am sneaky. Since the establishment of the ghost king, I have been complementary to the mainland. It is a monk of the mainland itself. When it is flying up, it is directly leaving the iron law of the ghosts. I remember that the first article of the iron law is the human race. You are the friends of the Pluto. Do you forget it? Then I will help. You recall memories..."

The ghost is as heavy as the wind.

Within the main hall, the atmosphere is tight.

This is the first time that the core strength of the main priest is out. The objection is also the last core issue of Da Yi. It seems that the lord of the lord can agree to be impeached and can agree to the elders to obtain the leadership of the Pluto, but about the sneaky The position is not intended to compromise.

"The mainland is the root of my ghost family. The human race is the root of my ghost family. If you ask the roots and ask the ancestors not to forget this, remember to remember..." The five elders said in a sincere manner: "You are the brothers of the Pluto, the ghost king, this It’s the first one. How can everyone forget it? Do you think that we should not comply with the iron law of the ghost king’s realm?”

The scene calmed down briefly.

The ghost slowly said: "The elders, I personally feel that I can't easily change my position. The ghost king iron law is not a joke. Although I support you, I can't agree with this."

Ghosts are as usual as usual, nodding their heads: "Everyone has different positions to look at the problem. The starting point is different. This seat is not strong. But what I want to say is that time and place, the environment and things are changing, the ancestors Set, perhaps not suitable for the current sneaky, everyone still began to vote, I believe that the elders of the city can make the most correct choice."

After the elders finished speaking, the scene briefly calmed down.

In the calm, the sound of silence is passed on: "Since you participate in Da Yi, you will naturally follow the ancestral training and not participate in the decision-making of the ghosts. However, just after watching it for so long, I have Found a very interesting question, don't spit."

Ghosts like brows and wrinkles, can not help but look at the two dragons.

The second dragon shrugged and waved his hand, and said in his mouth: "We are not confused, but it is okay to say a few words occasionally."

Ghosts look like they are in the air, and they say coldly: "There is nothing to say about the Lord."

"Just say his problem," he pointed to Kangxi Wang: "He asked if there is a yang medicine in the devil world, the elders said yes, aren't they?"

The ghost is like a wind, and it feels very bad. The heart says that the girl is really smart, but still asks: "Don't the Lord's lord question it?"

The singer giggled: "How come, I believe that the elders will not lie, but the elders, please ask, will the magical treasures of the world be scarce to pity?"

The elders are as usual, and they are lightly exposed: "You have never been to the devil world, how do you know that the Yangyang medicine will be less? Maybe it is like Chinese cabbage, everywhere?"

The face of the meditation sinks and screams: "Lie, everyone here, you have listened to me carefully. The reason why the Mozu is doing everything possible to return to the mainland is because the materials of the Devil are extremely scarce and the environment is extremely difficult. I firmly believe that the Devil is there. Zhiyangbao medicine, but how many can be, how many can flow into our ghosts, I can only say huh..."

Waiting for the elder to answer himself, the meditation hand pointed to another city owner and said: "This city owner, you raised the question of whether the magic is harmful, but you forgot to ask, the ghost repair needs How long will it take to get used to the magical spirit; and this Taoist friend, you raised the question of whether the Mozu will interfere with the internal affairs of the ghosts, but you forgot to ask, once the Mozu wants to be stationed, what do we do? problem……"

I have pointed out some deep-seated problems one by one, and finally said: "If you say these questions, you didn't think about it, then I will help you mention it now. If you think of it and deliberately did not propose it, then Your intentions are debatable, because you will introduce other people into the misunderstanding that this problem has been solved. Well, the elders, my words are finished, you continue."

Ghosts are so popular, they slap and slap up from the chair: " A good mind and a delicate little master, not bad, these problems, see through the phenomenon In essence, the clerk, please also carefully document the case. Once we have decided to cooperate with the Mozu, in fact, it is a question that can be obtained on the desktop, and does not affect the overall situation."

I don’t want to look at Sun Hao from the side.

Sun Hao shook his head slightly.

The second dragon was deeply frowned.

Sun Hao borrowed these questions from his mouth to make his heart feel uneasy and alert.

In the same way, in the Palace of the Pluto, the people of insight who participated in Da Yi, the genius ghosts, and their faces began to get heavy. These problems are all problems that are straightforward. It is not so easy to solve.

Then your position must really be seriously considered.

Ghosts screamed in the wind, and they looked at the two elders.

The two elders smiled and stood up: "Well, the questions are on the table. Everyone should mention it. Now you can start voting..." (To be continued.)

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