Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1310: Unclear

Ghosts believe that under absolute strength, everything is reasonable.

Even if you are exposed, as long as you kill the ghost, then everything will be imported into the formal.

In fact, until now, the ghosts still don’t understand why the ghosts will break their chains of chains, why they can break through the 18th floor of Hell and appear in the Palace of the Pluto.

He did not know what was going on in the middle.

Only now, those are not important.

The important thing is to kill the ghosts.

When a ghost hits a palm like a wind, he thinks: "The second dragon has been suppressed by me on the spot. Who can stop me?"

Among the halls, there was a burst of sorrow, and a monk shouted: "The Lord of the Great is careful."

Of course, more monks did not respond, and they have already seen the yin wind blowing to the Linger.

Just when everyone thought that the main lord could not stop, the situation would be bad.

There was a loud bang in the air.

A palm appeared out of thin air, blocking the ghost of the wind before the wind.

Even the deputy lord did not react, and the reaction could not withstand the yin palm, and the slamming sound was actually defeated in the air.

Everyone only felt that they had a flower in front of them and found that Linger had not stood in front of the main body. He had stood up and stood up and stood a "ugly ghost."

Standing behind Sun Hao, @"长@"风@"文@"学,ww◇w.c△◆t Linger's heart is full of warmth and gratitude.

In her life, after several great disasters, she felt that she could not go through the hurdles. Every time, she was the most helpless, helpless, and completely desperate in her heart.

There is always a great savior descending from the sky, saving her from the bottomless abyss, bringing her hope and bringing her safety.

I don't know when, Sun Hao's figure has been firmly engraved in the depths of her heart. Whenever the moon is empty, when it is empty, even when it is suffering in the 18th floor of hell, just think of it. Sun Hao, in her heart, is full of happiness.

Especially in the 18th floor of Hell, when she knew that Dayi was coming, and she was about to be drowned by the chain of locks, she saw Luo Mei, and Sun Hao took it with her.

The son came and saved me. At that moment, she was crying.

Now, when the ghost is like a wind, the son is standing in front of himself.

Sun Hao is not a particularly strong body. At this time, in the eyes of Linger, it seems that he can rely on the cuddly in the mountains. He can't help but stand behind Sun Hao, gently and weakly screamed: "The son."

Sun Hao smiled at Linger on the side: "Linger suffers, then, give it to me."

Linger said softly and nodded: "Well, I also asked the son to preside over the overall situation and help me to overcome this difficulty."

The 80% strength of his own sentiment was actually blocked.

In front of Linger, there was also a ghost repair that she called "the son". The ghosts immediately understood the wind, and I am afraid that these changes in the Temple of the King of the Day are inextricably linked to the "son" in front of them.

The ugly and harmonious face appeared to be condensed, and the ghost asked the wind: "Who is the person? Why interfere with the internal affairs of my temple?"

Sun Hao smiled and said faintly: "The magic thief, the wolf ambition, everyone is stunned, the devil, you take the chain of locks to keep the spirit, and take the eighteen layers of **** to refine the spirit of the soul, sinful days And trying to bring the sneaky scorpion into the demon world, and its heart is awkward."

Ghosts laughed like a wind: "If you want to add their sins, why don't you have a word, no matter who you are, let them go, let me kill the rebellious Lord, if not, I will not be merciless."

The second dragon was suppressed, but still able to speak, and the mouth was violent: "The spirits listened, this is the ancient demon, we are a family of spirits, when we fully assist the Lord, kill this."

A crisp drink: "Good!"

The ghost is like a wind laughing: "You said that you would kill it if you killed it? You must help me."

The evil spirits laughed happily: "Two dragons, my brothers have always been neutral. Your current practice has made me too disappointed. Hey sister, you don't want to act rashly, otherwise, I will not be a crow." Polite..."

When he spoke, he took a hand, and behind him, there was a row of monks, and he looked at the ground and took the momentum to cover the meditation and the meditation.

The sorrowful anger, the fingers sing the evil feathers: "Evil feathers, you are a crow, this is to count the ancestors, rebellion sneaking?"

"Several code forgets the ancestors?"

The first evil haha: "I think you are the fox and the dragon dragon? Do you not know that the real birthplace of our genie is the devil world, our essence is actually the real demon creature, you know Why are the ghosts not letting us participate in Da Yi? That is because of our origins, hahaha, a good example of forgetting the ancestors..."

"You", swearing at the five senses.

Ming Erlong said: "I don't know why, I am sorry for you. When the Mozu entered the Devil World, the Dalai Lama killed the Devil's Aboriginal people. The Raven and the Fox were almost killed. The Ghost King is compassionate. We entered the sneaky, but I did not expect that you are now envious of the enemy..."

The evil spirits laughed happily: "That was all years ago. What we need now is to return to the devil world, to recast the glory of the ravens, hahaha, the road is different, anyway, today, you are Don't think about interfering with the sneaky sorrow."

The spirits of the family split internally and restrained each other.

Ghosts laughed like a wind, and said with aloud: "You friends, after two big ceremonies, if the wind is already blessed by the spirits, everyone who acknowledges the sneaky Lord, today, I still have that sentence, please Everyone takes my proposal seriously, chooses the right position, and returns to the devil world. I believe that with the leadership of the devil world, there is the moisture of the magic, my ghosts will inevitably grow and develop, and the weather will change..."

Having said that, the ghost looks at Sun Hao and Linger again, and the finger comes over: "As for the two troublemakers, as long as they dare to move, I will inevitably lead to a big battle of nine days and ten places, just like the suppression of the dragon king. Put them on the spot, now, you start to vote, whoever is not right, the **** sits, be careful, this seat is not welcome."

Linger opened his mouth and said, Sun Hao secretly carried his hand and made a gesture of a little sigh.

Linger suddenly stood behind Sun Hao and waited for the development of the situation.

In the previous two major instruments, many ghost repairs showed their position, but that did not reveal deep-seated problems.

Only when this is the moment, Sun Hao can see their true position from the performance of ghost repair.

When the ghost was finished, the scene was quiet for a short time.

What Linger didn't think of was that she had been handed over to her, and she was regarded as her right arm. After she was imprisoned, the leader of her camp, the deputy lord, would be the first to stand up. The attitude supports ghosts like the wind: "At the moment, after careful consideration, I feel that we are more suitable for joining the devil world, for three reasons..."

There was another silence inside the hall.

The sudden degeneration of ghosts and blood, so many monks completely confused, but also many monks are taboo, no doubt, the elders' chess pieces are buried deep and deep.

After the ghosts expressed their blood, Kangxi Wang stood up for the second time: "My Kangbashi new ghost town also feels that the devil world is more suitable for the development of ghosts..."

In succession, several ghost towns and elders began to speak, expressing their support for ghosts.

Ghosts like the wind laughed: "The lord of the temple, join the devil world, this is the trend of the times, the ghosts are opposite, I just follow the public opinion, hahaha..."

Among the elders, the two elders who originally proposed the third issue stood up at this time.

As soon as the body floated, the two elders appeared in the hall, and they screamed to the ghosts. "The elders."

Ghosts like the wind and Yan Yue said: "Second brother, talk about your opinion."

The ghost nodded and looked at Linger. It was also slightly stunned. He said: "The Lord, I said that you were imprisoned and killed. The ghost is not known at all. I only saw the fact that you were demonized. You Letter?"

Linger was slightly stunned and did not speak.

Ghosts laughed and laughed. "I know that the Lord of the Lord thinks that I am not credible. I also don't trust myself. I just don't trust the Lord. Now, I regret it, regretting my own judgment and being a chess piece. The third proposal to push the ghosts to the abyss of the devil is raised."

Ghosts are violent: "Second second, what are you talking about?"

Ghosts are also a violent voice: "If you have a kind of thing, you will kill me. I have something in my heart. I don’t want to spit it up. You are the same as the Pluto Temple. Please look at your eyes. It’s no longer my sneaky elders. The real magic repair, the same temple of the Pluto, please seriously think, join the devil world, it is the real break of my sneaky roots..."

In the palace of the Pluto, the monks looked at the temple, the impassioned two elders, and the hearts of the five minds were uncertain. The world of monks was really strange. I did not expect that when I entered Dayi, there was such a dramatic and unclear situation.

The deputy of the original Lord of the Temple was actually the confidant of the great elder.

The brother of the original elder is a **** monk who is a ghost.

This world is really crazy. (To be continued.)

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