Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1312: Ghost battle

In the palace of the Pluto, with the grandson of Sun Hao and the turbid wind, a full-scale battle was suddenly launched.

Outside the Palace of the Pluto, there was also a burst of silence.

The sneaky monk was surrounded by the monks.

The turbid wind and the gods have swept away and found that the Mozu warriors of the Cloudy Clouds have fallen into the layers surrounded by the ghosts and monks. That is to say, the ghosts and monks are prepared for the change of today.

Or to say that the children of Linger have had a plan for the battle of today.

Linger’s shouting confirmed his guess.

The weak voice of Linger is all over the Palazzo Pagoda: "This seat is against the demon. Every time I feel uncomfortable, I am sneaky and secret. Many of them are known by the Mozu. Many strategies are targeted by the Mozu. Therefore, this seat has always been I didn’t ask for nothing but tried nothing, trembled and fought, and responded to the disaster. Later, this seat passed the investigation and found that the great elders were the ancient devils..."

After a meal, Linger’s tone was full of anger and indignation: “When the right spirit is ready to make a layout, trying to win the great elders with the power of the Palais, but because of lack of strength, He was made by him, and fortunately, there was a scent of the incense to rescue him in time. Otherwise, my sneaky sorrow will be overwhelmed, and the buddies will be relieved. Although the linger is made, the sorcerer’s bureau has always been cited, but now, it’s just the future. A net is exhausted."

In the Palace of the Pluto, there was a bit of a five-hearted mind, and the monks of the Great Wars camp suddenly became full of morale.

After the meditation, 〖 long 〖 □ wind 〖 □ 〖 〖 □ □, w ● ≤ wx.n↖et four spirits Qi Qi shot, attacked the crows.

Zhu Ling became a body, a fire, and the fire smashed the evil spirits. The two battles were continuous, and they fought a lot. The monks of the crows had more to do, but they could not break through the dragons, the Kang and the heavens. The defense line does not support the monk camp in the Pluto Palace.

At this time, the voice was shouting: "Dear friends, please listen to the Haishen Hall, the mainland is fierce, on May 5, 2016, the young master Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, the soul of the island is great, one by one More than 100,000 people have been killed by the devils, including more than ten people. After one month, the sea of ​​thunder souls is great, killing more than 200,000 people in the sea, and completely laying the advantages of the mainland... The island reunion... The Mozu was completely rushed into the magical zone, and the suppression was turned back. The masters of the Temple of the Pluto were not dead, and the five monks were not suppressed. The suppression of the magical abyss for centuries, the immortality was handed over to the overall situation by Shen Xiang..."

The words of the meditation are clear in the ears, the sound is not big, but the sentence is shocking.

In the palace of the Pluto, the morale of the monk on the Linger side was once again high, and the monk camp monk, the morale fell a bit, it is not much fighting spirit.

The second dragon was quite tall and found that he still couldn't move. He couldn't help but say: "You friends, let us follow the incense and adults, suppress my ghosts, and I am peaceful..."

Ming Sanjiu immediately yelled: "Repression of the Mozu, and peace."

Ming Erlong slammed his eyes: "Three nine, still don't help, what are you doing?"

Ming Sanjiu: "What are you doing again?"

That is to say, but silently, the ropes in the hands of the meditation are wrapped around the evil spirits.

Ming Erlong shouted loudly: "Stupid, Laozi was suppressed by the town, and it was impossible to move."

In the air, the incense sword and the magic sword continually slammed, bursting out with a gentle sword.

Each hit swells a huge stream of air, leaving the surrounding monks far away.

Although the Palazzo Pagoda is spacious, it is not suitable for Sun Hao and the ghosts to make a full effort. Once the two men break out, they are afraid that the monks in the entire Pluto will be beaten and fish.

Now the monks of both sides have not been completely divided into winners and losers, and both of them are a little bit reserved.

Colliding with each other, when attacking, it is mainly the power of the body of the outburst, but it is not the same.

Sun Hao’s heart expressed admiration for the powerful body of the Mozu monks, and they were deeply touched by their natural power.

Of course, what is even more surprising is the turbid wind.

The Mozu is born with the advantage of the flesh. In principle, the physical strength should absolutely suppress the Terran monks in the same refining realm.

But now, he is full of power, but he can only be tied with Sun Hao, who is lower than he is a refining realm.

Under the prestigious name, there is no vain. It is no wonder that the four adults in the devil world have repeatedly reminded themselves of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang.

In the typhoon of the war, Sun Hao, who was slightly left behind, made a slight move and used his own left hand.

The Palazzo Pagoda is not suitable for full-scale outbreaks. However, Sun Hao has some extra layouts. Now, I can see if I can recreate the ghosts.

As soon as possible, Shen Xiangjian once again collided with the broad-blade sword.

In the huge energy flow, Sun Hao’s golden light flashed, and the agarwood sword suddenly accelerated, and his mouth was violent: “The windy wind, you also pick me up a sword.”

Shen Xiangjian raised high and slammed down.

This sword does not use the skill of the sword, but the real power of the outburst, bringing the sound of the wind, and cutting it down to the turbid wind.

The turbid wind and the arms are horizontal, and the magic sword is a violent one: "It’s good."

When the loud noise, the turbid wind body sinks slightly, and it is more than three feet to be hit by Shen Xiangjian.

Standing firmly in the air, the turbid wind laughed: "Can you resist me?"

Shen Xiangjian also brought a gust of wind and slashed down.

The turbid wind is another block of cross sword.

When, when, ... not waiting for the turbid wind to return, Sun Hao has not hesitated, holding the incense sword, transporting the whole body of the golden battle body, the sword and the sword.

The turbid wind was caught by Sun Hao and the sword quickly fell.

In the end, Sun Hao was among the golden light, flashing through the road, and the power suddenly increased. The agarwood sword seemed to have a real dragon dance: "Cloudy old devil, watching the sword..."

The turbid wind screamed: "It’s good," the magic sword went up, while the eyes flashed, and the other pair of arms silently, facing Sun Hao, smashed his hand.

A bang.

The huge explosion sounded from the impact, and the huge energy flow overflowed, and there seemed to be ripples in the space.

The turbid wind slammed, and once again could not withstand the huge impact force, falling to the ground.

Without waiting for him to fall to the ground, near his body, the blood that splashed everywhere swelled up, as if it were a flowing human figure, entangled in his feet.

Blood water has nothing to be said, it has been there, so the turbid wind did not think that there will be such a change, has not fully reacted, has been entangled in blood and quickly pulled to the ground.

When the turbid wind was preparing to rise up and break free from the bondage, he found that his right hand flashed red light, and a very hot dragon spurted himself.

After Longyan, the huge slap of the Dragon King also fanned over.

The dark road damned, the turbid wind was instantly sprayed by Longyan, turned into a huge fireball, and the giant palm of the second dragon also screamed and swept the fireball.

The heart of the **** Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, the heart knows that the second dragon is definitely released by Sun Hao, the strange blood on the ground may also be Sun Haojie.

The two attacks broke out in unison, and the turbid wind finally came to resist, and in the snoring sound, the sputum spurted a blood.

The turbid wind that suffered a heavy blow did not dare to stay for a long time. With the sweeping power of the Ming Erlong, it quickly cut off the entanglement of Luo Mei and flew to the sky. The bang broke into the palace roof of the Pluto Palace and turned into a The blue smoke fled quickly.

How is the battle in the Pluto battlefield of Fengdu Ghost Town, he can't take care of it.

Within the sneaky, the general trend has gone.

Now, what he can do and must do well is precisely the last embarrassment of the devil, destroying the four pillars of the mainland.

With a cry, Sun Hao couldn’t help but say that the end of the title was chased out and chased after the turbid wind.

Sun Hao has been calculating for a long time, and counts a lot of things. It can be said that the situation has always been in the control of Sun Hao.

However, Sun Hao was not able to calculate the turbidity of the wind, nor did he calculate the unparalleled speed of the turbid wind.

In the sky, the body of the turbid wind turns into a blue smoke, a wind, and quickly and quickly along the Yellow Spring River.

Even if Sun Hao stepped on the incense sword, he could only catch up with a match, but he could not stop him.

In the air, two meteors, one after the other, flew away in the pool of Huangquan.

When the two dragons rushed out of the roof, they could only see that two people were chasing each other, such as flying away.

In the heart, I rushed to the palace of Pluto, and my mouth was violent: "The big devil is invincible and fleeing, you are not surrendering quickly, and you are dying. Today, you must be removed from the genie. ......"

In the Palace of the Pluto, the monks of the Mozu camp saw that the general trend had gone. After reluctantly resisting one or two, they began to surrender.

However, the two dragons vowed not to accept the crows, and with the Suzaku and the Ming Sanjiu, spent a cup of tea to kill the evil spirits on the spot, and quickly completed the Qing Dynasty. (To be continued.)

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