Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1314: Western celestial

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Sun Hao glimpsed a little, and stepped on the veil in the sky, and quickly retreated.

The eclipse of the turbid wind itself is very horrible, and even more than the grandson of Sun Hao. Now, he burns the magical baby, and the whole outbreak, even Sun Hao, has to avoid in time.

The difference between the strengths of the two is not too much. Sun Hao can get the upper hand, but he can't stop his blew.

I could only watch it, and my heart sighed. Sun Hao saw that the turbid wind hit the western Tianzhu.

Among the falling meteors, the voice of turbidity and resentment came out: "Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, my demon is not destroyed, the spirit is forever, today, I turmoil hit the West, open the Tongtian Avenue for my demon, one day My turbidity will be in Huangquandi, waiting for you Sun Haosun Shenxiang, ah, Longevity..."

A loud bang came from the bang, and the turbid body was like a huge bomb, slamming into the mountain opposite the Huangquan meditation pool.

This mountain is the four pillars of the mainland and the pillars of the west.

It is also the goal that must be targeted when the turbid wind is finally a last resort.

If the sneaky mission fails, then blew on the spot and go to the Western pillar.

A huge explosion sounded from the middle of the mountain.

The mountain was instantly blasted into a deep hole.

△ long △ wind △ text △ learning, w≯≯wx.n ▲ et Tianzhu fold, the sky is unstable.

It seems that there is a huge pressure in the sky, and the mountains are shaking. The huge rocks falling down the water of the pool suddenly burst out. Uncontrolled, from the Tianchi, to the four sides, the wind is tilted down.

Seeing that the entire ghost is about to undergo a major disaster, a huge disaster is about to come.

Sun Hao screamed, his wrists twitched, and a mini pagoda appeared in his hand.

The pagoda was thrown in the air, and it was getting bigger and bigger. In front of Sun Hao, a huge pagoda was quickly appeared.

In the hands of the law, the grandson screamed: "The town."

Above the pagoda, a huge town character flew out and flew into the empty Tianzhu after the turbid wind exploded.

The town word flashed and fell into the Western Tianzhu.

The mountain was a vibrating, and the fallen stone was instantly stabilized on the spot. It was like the tip of the mountain that was bent by the sky. It was once again refreshed and raised a little.

Sun Hao is also a light drink: "Go", the pagoda flies up and appears in the middle of the injured mountain, and it is inlaid in the gap of the mountain.

Sun Hao took a big step in the air and took the mountain to catch up with the moon. He screamed in his mouth: "Give me up."

Far from the onlookers of the four spirits and the meditation found that Sun Hao at this time has already strode across the top of the tower, hands up, lifting up the injured mountain, slamming up .

The column of the Western column that was hit was slammed, and the life was topped up.

The squirting tower was stretched upwards, and Sun Hao’s legs were on one side, sitting on the top of the tower with his knees crossed, his hands up, holding the mountain, and at the same time, his body bursting with milky white brilliance and rushing into the pillars of the West. .

The huge explosive power, so that the four spirits and the meditation can not be close for a long time.

The water of the raging pool is even more frightening.

The waters of the Styx are skyrocketing, and the ghosts are afraid that they will suffer huge disasters.

Until Sun Hao forced the top of the Western pillar and once again returned to the pillar of the West, the water of the pool gradually subsided.

Far away, the four spirits and the meditation saw the big mountain waist, proudly kneeling, sitting on the top of the pagoda tower, and trying to take the Sun Hao of the Western Tianzhu.

Suzaku and Wang Yuan looked at each other and asked: "The Lord of the Temple, what should I do now?"

The meditation throws a piece of voile, falls into the water and turns into a small boat, and jumps up: "Go, let's go and see, when you get there, you will understand."

The four spirits fell into the boat and drove into the sacred pool, breaking the waves and rushing toward the western Tianzhu.

Seeing Sun Hao from afar, seeing the pagoda jacking up the pillars of the West, the feelings of the four spirits and the meditation are not very deep.

But when I finally arrived at the scene, I saw the huge mountain and the mountain, the half-moon-shaped wound that was blown up, and the four spirits and the sorrows were deeply shocked.

Surprised by the majesty of the pillars of the West.

It was shocked by the huge scar.

But it was shocked by the feat of Sun Haosun Shen Xiang sitting on the top of the mountain.

Sitting on the top of the tower, one can save the world.

Nothing is wrong.

If it wasn't for Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang to keep the mountain's wounds in time, if not Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang promptly lifted the pillar of the West that was about to collapse.

Not to mention the other, at this moment, the water of the pool must have overflowed, the eight ghost towns must have been charred, the springs of Huangquan, even if it is a ghost town, may be swayed.

In fact, just at the moment when the turbid wind hit the pillar of the West, the four sides of the mainland also witnessed a terrible earthquake, volcanic eruptions, and the tsunami vacated. Many Zongmen were destroyed in the Cataclysm.

At the core of the sneaky, it is a violent shock of a scent of scent, the eight ghost towns, many buildings collapsed in the big shock, many monks were buried in life.

Fengdu, the strongest force in the big battle, was also turned upside down. The monks looked at the direction of Huangquan’s pool and were shocked.

What kind of change is this?

The world is discolored, and the earth seems to be turning over.

Does it mean that the war of the turbid wind and the agarwood adults has produced results?

Is the battle between the two so earth-shattering?

Is this the real battle of power?

Before the Western Tianzhu, the four spirits and the meditation were deeply shocked, standing on the boat and looking up at the sky, long time without words.

After half a ring, Zhang Wenmin gently asked: "The Lord of the Temple, now, what should Wenmin do?"

In the eyes of the blind eyes, he hesitated and hesitated. Finally, he took a deep breath and said slowly and heavily: "On that day, Zhizai once told me that if it is not a last resort, let me not tell Your method, Zhichi said, actually, Agarwood does not want this, now, do you still want to listen?"

Zhang Wenmin nodded calmly: "You say, what to do, the choice is right, I want to hear."

Looking at Sun Hao with his eyes, he said softly: "Intelligence says that Aquilaria is good, but it is too much to care about feelings, so sometimes, it will inevitably make a decision against the overall situation, I think the present The situation is very similar to what Chi Chi is expected."

The hand pointed to Sun Hao, and said: "Agarwood needs to repair the four pillars, and the time may be short. Especially in this state, Zhizai said that the agarwood should completely stabilize the pillars of the West. At least the time must be More than fifty years."

Zhu Ling frowned: "The mainland's four sides are not flat, but Shenxiang is sitting here for 50 years. It is not suitable!"

Looking at Zhu Ling, he nodded and said: "At that time, Zhizai said the same thing. However, Zhizai said that in fact, Shenxiang was too indecisive, and he couldn’t bear it. He clearly had a better way, but he finally chose this one. Regardless of the overall situation."

In fact, now, the four spirits have already understood the opinions of Zhizai. Wang Yuan said calmly: "You don't want to sell off the temple, how is Xiaohao, we know, and, I know, once Xiaohao Freeing up your hand will definitely not allow you to do it, so let's hurry and tell us what to do."

Nodded in silence, his wrists shook, throwing four chapters of the skin, falling into the hands of the four spirits: "This is the illustration of the four spirits and four giant arrays, the four pillars of the mainland, corresponding to the four spirits of the mainland, and the four pillars if there are four spirits It will be solid, and it will heal itself quickly. However, the four spirits keep the column, which means..."

Meditation took a deep breath: "It means that the spirits are destroyed, meaning that the true incarnation of the world's four great patrons ~ ~ do not enter the cycle, lose freedom, gradually lose memory, and finally guard against day and night... ..."

Zhu Pang’s forehead’s forehead “snapped” and said: “Don’t, do you want to be so embarrassed? His mother’s, it’s actually a god, no reincarnation!”

Zhu Ling and Wang Yuan’s body were shaken together.

Looking at the grandson who sat on the pagoda and looked at the sky, Zhang Wenmin.

However, at this moment, Zhang Wenmin was watching the skin in his hand without hesitation. His mouth was full of words and his face looked so safe, as always, he was calm.

Knowing the personality of this partner very well, the two immediately knew what Zhang Wenmin's choice was. Looking at it from the other side's eyes, he also saw a faint sorrow.

Zhu Pang took Zhang Wenmin's foot.

Zhang Wenmin did not respond at all.

Zhu Pang’s forehead: "Hey, Lao Tzu will be killed by you."

After the words were not finished, Zhang Wenmin’s body had already vacated.

At this time, Zhang Wenmin, holding a sheepskin roll, exudes white brilliance on his body. The whole body is getting higher and higher. When he flies to the top of the western pillar, he has already turned into a huge sky.

The celestial image seems to be attracted by the pillars of the West. Slowly, it took a step in the air and walked over to the pillars of the West.

At the top of the tower, Sun Hao struggled to open his eyes and opened his mouth. He said, "Wen Min, don't..." (To be continued.)

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