Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1316: Goodbye old town

As far as knowing the brothers ascend, there are fewer people!

When Huang Quan’s meditation came back, Tian Wen’s Zhang Wenmin disappeared. network

Knowing the whereabouts of the sky, I finally understood the cause and effect of the Ghost Earthquake. In the heart, I was grateful that the demon disaster finally passed, and Linger, Ming Erlong and other monks were all in the mood.

In the days of the sky, it was a comrade-in-arms who had squandered the ruins of the sky.

When everyone was still in Jindan, the ruined Tianzheng was not able to block his footsteps.

However, when everyone has achieved Yuan Yingzheng, he has to make up for the lack of four pillars, and the gods have become extinct, and they have become the 6 heroes, always guarding the 6 pillars of the West.

There are some words, and there is no explanation for the meditation. The means by which Sun Hao used to perform in the last moment is hidden in the heart.

The overall situation of the ghost domain has been set, and Sun Hao can't stay for a long time. He simply gave Linger and Yan a few precautions, and after some action plans concerning the overall situation, he left.

He also wants to go out with Sun Hao to go out and sway, but the overall situation of the ghost domain has just been fixed, and some of the demonic forces in the ghost town have not been completely eliminated, but they can only say goodbye to Sun Hao.

At the moment when Sun Hao turned and left, Linger’s weak voice was introduced into Sun Hao’s heart: “After the grandson, the ghost field is stable, Linger will go out to follow the son, and for the rest of his life, he is willing to accompany the son. For slaves..."

In the knowledge of God, Linger is carrying rain in pears, and Yingying bids farewell.

Sun Hao’s heart trembled a little, and said nothing, with the shackles and the three spirits escaping.

Soon, through the transmission array back to the island of the Soul.

The island of the souls is the core of the guards of the Xianban monks, and the only place that has the transmission to the parties of the Big Six. The reason why the disaster is the core of the island of the soul is that the island of the soul is not broken. The whole big 6 can be quickly supported by the coordination of Xianban's power, and the magic disaster is hard to really succeed.

After the demon disaster in the island of the Soul of the Soul, the 6th Xian class returned to help in time, forming a stalemate with the Mozu, the battle continued, ten years difficult to win.

It was under this circumstance that Sun Hao appeared, Sun Hao was higher than other monks, and there were other strategies that were superior to other monks, completely breaking the balance and eliminating the wrath.

Undoubtedly, Sun Hao’s martial arts and heroism are only awesome. Sun Hao himself knows that his victory is based on the ten-year war of resistance of the five minor monks, and the foundation of the ten-year monk’s ten-year war of resistance. Perhaps, to be precise, Sun Hao has become a hero, but behind Sun Hao, there are thousands of unsung heroes like the sky.

Not long after the transmission, Sun Hao received the news of the Grand Master of the ceremonies. The second transmission array has been repaired and can be used.

While flying to the second transmission array, Sun Hao took out the "mobile phone" and contacted several major governors of the Wanshen Temple to understand the basic situation of the island of the Soul.

During Sun Hao’s visit to the Ghost Domain, Jian Jun was the commander of the army. With the help of the small fire, he led the Aquila Defender and the fleet of the Four Spirits, and launched a sweeping battle. The entire Mozu Ember of the Island of the Souls was basically eliminate.

The islands are beginning to rebuild under the unified coordination of the Souls.

Sun Hao passed along the route and saw a lot of islands on a construction scene.

However, what makes Sun Hao stun is that more islands are ridiculous and completely abandoned.

Perhaps after many years of rest and recuperation, these desert islands will eventually be able to show up and reproduce their vitality, but now he has to be abandoned for many years.

When Sun Hao rushed to the second one, that is, when he went to the north of the transmission array, the small fire had been waiting for a long time.

When I saw Sun Hao, I immediately screamed and jumped on Sun Hao’s shoulder. The small head kept moving on Sun Hao’s neck.

Sun Hao calmly whispered a few words.

The small fire greeted the cricket and the three spirits.

Shan Yu and Xiao Huo were very familiar. At that time, the feelings in Nandou Island were still very good. Naturally, the small fire was slid over and held in the arms.

The small fire struggled a few times, screaming twice, and surrendered to the towering twin peaks, but with a pair of small eyes, but never left Sun Hao.

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Our next stop is the northernmost land. Among the five minor monks, the induction of the undead predecessors and the unofficial predecessors is the most obvious, indicating that the situation of these two poles may be the most serious. Let's go later, let's go."

A little dizzy, when reappeared, the pedestrian was already standing in a huge ice cave, and the cold air around it made everyone feel a little tremble.

Everyone was a monk, and soon stabilized his senses and began to move forward along the ice hole.

The transmission matrix is ​​a strategic secret. If it is not built in a secret place, there will be someone to guard.

There are only two possibilities for no one to guard this place. One is that it is framed, and the other is that it is very secret.

From the point of view of the ice cave, this should belong to the second.

After a long walk, breaking through the thick frozen soil, Sun Hao and others jumped up and appeared on the endless ice sheet.

After making a special mark and sealing the ice hole, Sun Hao began to discern the direction.

The north wind on the ice sheet, the cold, very cold.

Wang Yuan sighed: "Good guy, there is a comparison with the hurricane valley of the year. This is extremely bitter cold in the north. It is really good. How can this ghost place be divided between southeast and northwest?"

As soon as the voice fell, Sun Hao said with a loud voice: "Everyone comes with me. Let's go to the old town of ice and snow, and then find a way to contact the Ice Palace."

After that, with a burst of arms, the body flew low and flew forward.

The group did not dare to neglect, and followed closely. Zhu Pangqi smiled and said: "Two Mao Ge, you are a road idiot, people are agar, isn't it, every time you go out, will you bring your white swan! ”

Wang Yuan slammed his eyes.

Zhu Pang suddenly asked with concern: "Two Mao, is your white swan pregnant? I haven't seen her running around for a long time."

Wang Yuan gave a slight glimpse. After half a sigh, he nodded and said: "Well, it seems that there was a reaction in the past few years, but you know that monks are not easy to breed, especially after Jindan, it is possible to give birth for ten years. ""

Zhu Pang's hands are arched: "Congratulations, Ermao, you have to be happy."

The monks flying in front also said: "Congratulations, congratulations."

Wang Yuan laughed happily: "I am a good man, and among the brothers, I will take the lead."

Zhu Pang scorned: "Go, the dean of the family Cai has a group of children."

Wang Yuan wows and screams: "His repairs are much lower than ours. Can't compare, can't compare, the higher the cultivation, the harder it is to be born..."

Zhu Pang said from the good: "That is, that is, but Ermao, I am very curious."

Wang Yuan: "What? Tell us."

Zhu Pang's handcuffs forehead: "I am very curious, the son of the frog king and the white swan, what a rare species..."

Wang Yuanfei kicked a foot: "Roll."

Zhu Pang turned over in the air and had already ran to the front of Sun Hao. As he flew away, the laughter came out.

Sun Hao smiled and shook his head, and the degree accelerated.

Behind Sun Hao, Zhu Ling looked at the back of his brother as if he was flying away, remembering something, and his face was a glimpse.

Single giggling, touching the warm fur of the small fire, gently asked: "Say, if the mermaid and the beast are combined, what son will be generated?"

The little fire slammed his eyes.

The ice sheet is running for more than a month.

Just when Wang Yuan complained that Sun Hao couldn't find, when everyone got lost, Sun Hao's gods were in the old town of ice and snow.

Some thick snow began to be seen along the way, and occasionally, the snow covered with goose feathers fluttered.

Far away, everyone saw a quaint ancient town, located on a gentle slope, a small wooden house in the town, thick snow on the tile surface, it looks like there is a flavor, the road lanes are blue and stone, smooth and flat, scattered There is a sense.

The street was cleaned and there was no snow. Outside the old town, Sun Hao landed on the ground, rubbed a few monks, wiped it, stepped on the snow, and slowly walked into the town.

The town is quiet, it seems that there is nothing big.

Seeing that there were monks coming in, the Old Town Inn greeted with enthusiasm.

Sun Hao found the inn that he had stayed in, but unfortunately, the innkeeper has changed, and the inn guys have all become strange faces.

There are a few flaws in my heart, and Sun Hao naturally opened several houses.

However, before the check-in, Sun Hao was at the entrance of the inn, on the vivid image of the scorpion, and gently placed a few strokes.

The original bleak portrait of the flying scorpion was stunned by Sun Hao, and it seemed to be alive.

Distant, unknown ice sheet deep, "嘶", flying screaming and yelling, unscrupulous long from the brakes, stood up, spit out the dog's tail grass in the mouth, mouth screamed: " I have to drive, go, stupid, business is on the door..." (To be continued.) 8

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