Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1319: Fractal icicle

In a state of excitement, like the white elders who saw the big savior, Sun Hao and his party quickly came to the middle of the holy mountain and saw a huge sky icicle.

The icicles are towering, like giant pillars, holding the sky.

The entire ice and snow sacred mountain is actually a thick snow covered by the icicles, which expands the volume of the icicles.

Seeing this moment of the icicle, Sun Hao affirmed his own guess. There is no doubt that this icicle should be the northern pole of the four poles.

For thousands of years, the Ice and Snow Palace has been attached to the icicles. On the body of the icicles, various formations have been engraved, making the entire icicle look mysterious and solemn.

The white elders led everyone to fly down the icicles, and the more they went down, the thicker the icy atmosphere and the thicker the icicles.

Soon, everyone flew to the green lake, dive all the way, as if to the underwater world, but also saw some fish and shrimp swimming in the lake, from time to time hit the transparent ice.

Even Sun Hao, at this time, had to sigh, the inheritance of the Ice and Snow Palace is indeed extraordinary, such a beautiful spectacle, it is really rare to see.

Continue to dive more than a hundred feet, everyone suddenly opened up, no green lake, the line of sight widened, looking up, but found that the green lake has been floating in front of everyone's head.

It is really like a ribbon in the ice and snow palace, wrapped in the middle of the mountain.

Zhu Pang is not surprising.

Zhu Ling and Wang Yuan looked at each other and saw the surprised look in each other's eyes.

Ice and Snow Palace, but no stranger than the Wanshen Mountain, if it is not with Xiaohao, it is really difficult to see such a strange scenery.

The icicles below the lake began to change, as if they were bifurcations, or many places were hollowed out. The icicles below turned into smaller columns, like the big trees in the jungle. It has snow and ice.

Flying down the jungle-like icicles, after half an hour, the white elders said: "The Lord of the Palace is in front, Shen Xiang, come with me."

Among Sun Hao’s gods, he has already scanned Xia Qingyu.

At this time, Xia Qingyu was frowning, standing in front of a huge icicle.

Looking at the icicles with his eyes, his expression was very dignified, as if he had met a huge difficulty.

The white elders are flying in, and the tone of excitement is hard to conceal: "The Lord of the Palace, the Lord of the Palace, you see who is coming!"

Xia Qingyu has heard the sound of breaking the air, but he thought it was a monk in the Holy Palace. He didn't pay much attention to it. He couldn't help but read it to the white elders.

Then, she saw Sun Hao, who often met in her dreams, and Sun Hao, who had comrades who had fought in the Tianzheng.

In my heart, I was inexplicably loose. Xia Qingyu felt that she had a main bone, and her face was full of smiles. The whole ice and snow world suddenly gave people flowers, and the feeling of beauty was beautiful. The teeth were light, and Xia Qingyu whispered: "Little Hao Ge , 涫涫, Suzaku, Long Yao, Dang Kang, you are coming..."

The unscrupulous road grows out from behind: "There is still a poor road."

Xia Qingyu nodded: "Oh, the road leader is coming!"

Xue Jie dreams and stood up: "The Lord of the Palace, he has not yet given the palace fee!"

Xia Qingyu groaned, and naturally said: "Then you will be chased by a little dream!"

Unscrupulous long...

At this time, Sun Hao’s arms were on display, and he fell in front of Xia Qingyu. He said with a smile: “In the past, it’s been a few decades, and it’s light rain, don’t come innocent.”

Among the eyes of Xia Qingyu, there are tears, but more is happiness: "Well, Xiaohao, you finally come to see me again."

Sun Hao nodded: "Well, I am coming. When Wanshenshan suppresses the magical distance, I don't feel that my predecessors feel whim. I entrusted me to look at the North. Isn't this happening? Is it coming soon?"

Xia Qingyu’s face was shocked: “How is the situation of my master now? What happened to the disaster of the island of the Soul?”

Zhu Pang coughed and said with aloud: "The Wanshen Mountain Express, the mainland calendar on May 5, 2016, the soul of the soul of the Sun Sun Sun Sun Xiangxiang Leigu Dajie, destroying the enemy 100,000; the soul of the sea is great..."

The disciples of the Holy Palace looked pious and listened to the information of Wanshen Mountain passed by Zhu Pang. They were not inspired by the spirit, especially those younger female disciples. When they heard the heroic achievements of Sun Hao, there were countless small stars in their eyes.

Xue Jie Meng even cheered out: "Sure enough, it is my holy palace, Ma Ma, really powerful, powerful to the endless, yeah..."

Even the unscrupulous leader who has always been arrogant, after hearing the record of Sun Hao for the first time, he could not help but scream "Good, a good contemporary person."

When Zhu Pang finished, Sun Hao finally added: "Small rain, five minor monks, your master is not alone, and my master is not drunk, in order to suppress the magic, has already rushed into the bottom of the soul, at least within a hundred years If you can’t come out, Xian Ban and Wan Hun Temple will be temporarily hosted by me.”

Xue Jie dream: "Wow, isn't the Ma Ma first the best in the world?"

The on-site monks glimpsed together and thought suddenly, but nowadays, the five minor monks are not able to leave the body. Isn’t it about strength and status? Is this monk like a teenager standing at the top of the mainland?

In time, perhaps, will he be the kind of existence that transcends the five minor monks?

Sun Hao smiled at Xue Jiemeng and intentionally or unintentionally swept the unscrupulous road and said, "Agarwood feels a heavy responsibility. It is a tough burden. Perhaps, there should be more. People of insight, there are more people with great ability, together with Aloes, to protect the mainland."

Unscrupulously, the body was stiff and stiff, and turned to the snowy dreams around him: "Little dreams, make a discussion, you don't charge me for the entrance fee, I will help you..."

Xue Jie dreamed quickly: "No way, take it, half of the car."

Unscrupulous Chang Chong Sun Hao shrugged and threw a storage bag: "Okay, okay, serve you, unscrupulous and unscrupulous principles of doing things, yours is yours, you can't do it, you can't do it... ”

Xue Jie Meng took the storage bag with joy and sorrow, and the gods swept away and exclaimed: "Fa, developed."

Sun Hao shook his head and turned to look at Xia Qingyu. He whispered softly: "Small rain, what is wrong with the icicles?"

Sun Hao mentioned the icicles, and Xia Qingyu suddenly sank and his voice said very heavily: "I don't know why, the icicles are damaged, and the damage is still gradually expanding. There are already about 20% of the icicles breaking for no reason. Once the broken icicles exceed 30%, it will really shake the foundation of my ice and snow."

Sun Hao sighed a little and said: "The rain, can you give me a detailed description of the magic disaster in the northern part of the land, and when is the icicle problem? When does it start to worsen?"

"Good," Xia Qingyu said quickly: "The catastrophe in the northernmost land has not spread. We are on the ice and the Holy Palace, and we quickly cleaned up the magical problem, and the soldiers went out to the ice and the Holy Palace to help the various sects in the north quickly stabilize. Living in the situation, at present, the situation in the northern part of the whole continent is better, and there are only a few parts that have residual magic, but it is not enough."

The Ice and Snow Palace has a summer and sunny weather, and it is a strong fighting force in the middle of the disaster. It is the area with the least impact on the whole continent.

However, through the description of Xia Qingyu, Sun Hao gradually figured out a fact.

The focus of the attack on the northern part of the mainland is likely to change the way.

In an unknown way, the Mozu attacked the icicles under the snow-capped mountains from the beginning of the disaster, and began to see the results through more than ten years of constant attacks.

To be precise, this attack will take effect after the Mozu quadrupole and four pillars are launched.

In the past, the icicles under the snow-capped mountains have broken 20%. This speed is terrible.

If this continues no more than three months, the ice and snow sacred mountains will be shaken fundamentally, the danger of overturning.

More importantly, until now, Xia Qingyu still couldn't find any available clues, and he couldn't figure out why the icicles would break.

There is no way to stop the spread of this phenomenon.

In the past few months, the only thing that Xia Qingyu can do is to find the problem icicles in advance and take measures to delay the time of the break as much as possible. However, it is often Xia Qingyu who saved this root and the roots have problems. .

The entire Ice and Snow Palace is in the doldrums.

According to Xia Qingyu, the icicle in front of everyone is the problem icicle that is about to break.

Sun Hao’s knowledge swept through the icicles and found no abnormalities.

After Xia Qingyu’s commentary, Sun Hao discovered the problem. Among the icicles, there were some very small vertical hollow lines that were difficult to see with naked eyes. That is to say, this icicle has changed. It is very crunchy, can't stand the pressure, it is easy to break. (To be continued.)

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