Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1321: 4 spiritual order

Two fingers and one lick, the ice silk was smashed, and the chubby ice silkworm kept twisting between Sun Hao’s two fingers, trying to escape.

The facts are all there, and Sun Hao grabbed the ice silkworm.

Up and down the Holy Palace, finally found the culprit to destroy the icicles, then, the situation of Sun Hao is completely true.

Not just icicles are being eaten.

More serious, but the roots of Xuanbing, which is about a hundred feet, have been damaged.

Xia Qingyu frowned deeply.

The white elder asked softly: "Agarwood, if you can find these ice silkworms, we kill them one by one, then use the ice attribute spell to seal the ice, repair the icicles, I wonder if it is feasible?"

Sun Hao looks at Xia Qingyu.

Xia Qingyu sighed: "It may be difficult to do. The icicles that have been evacuated by ice silk are accumulated over many years. The ice formed by our ice attribute spells is inferior in density and hardness. Not half, the repair effect is not big..."

The white elder stayed for a while and said a few words: "Well, that is, we have exhausted the means and can only slow down the speed at which the icicles are destroyed. It is really difficult to fix them."

Xia Qingyu look at the underground Xuanbing, then look at the icicle jungle, sighing: "The most urgent thing is to kill the messy ice silkworms and barely maintain the status quo without deterioration. These icicles, as well as mysterious ice, are Only let them slowly recover."

Finish, look at Sun Hao: "Hello, can you see that this is feasible?"

Xia Qingyu has been presiding over the Holy Palace for many years and has gradually matured. However, when Sun Hao was at the time, she did not consciously take Sun Hao as the main and listened to Sun Hao’s opinions.

Sun Hao’s face is dignified and slowly said: “It may not work. You don’t know what the rain is. The Mozu has cast a four-pole broken column. There will be a constant force to attack the position of the four pillars. If the North Tianzhu body is in good condition, it is not afraid of nature. But now this situation is really worrying..."

After a pause, Sun Hao said: "And, rain, you should know that the ice silkworms in the old town can be far more than this number. According to my estimation, the ice silkworms near the old town are continuously drilling into the north pole. Come over, that is, unless I personally stay here, otherwise, it is very likely that in the past, the ice silkworm will become a disaster, such as ≠≠≠≠, m. £ "m fruit, I am if these ice silkworms have Breeding ability, the situation will be even worse..."

Sun Hao’s words were not finished, and the northernmost place shook gently.

It seems that there was a slight earthquake, and at the same time verifying Sun Hao’s words, the icicle that Xia Qingyu was paying attention to was shaking in this shock.

The body of the snow and ice on the sky, actually gently shake a few times.

The disciples of the Holy Palace changed greatly.

Xue Jie dreamed and exclaimed: "Oh, it’s broken, it’s falling, it’s falling...”

Xia Qingyu looks at Sun Hao: "Hello, what should we do?"

Sun Haodao: "Iceworms can't be killed. It is best to control them and control them so that they keep the ice silk nets inside the black ice. The quality of their ice silk itself is not under the black ice, as long as Without spinning, Xuan Bing has no problems."

Sun Hao finished the huge crystal in his hands: "This crystal was obtained after I killed the ancient silkworm. I can control the ice silkworm better. As long as the monk refines and refines, it should not be difficult. Of course, after the refining of the monk, it may be I have to be stationed here all the year round."

The white elders and the elders of the ice looked at the huge crystals in the hands of Sun Hao, and they couldn’t help but look at them.

When the great elders died, Aquilaria had no killer, and he might have died.

It’s just that it’s all things in the past, and it’s not helpful. Moreover, the performance of the rainy weather is also clear. It’s not a good thing for the elders to check and balance the rain and rain. Otherwise, the disaster in the north of the mainland may not be so smooth.

Now, everyone will continue to be confused.

The white elders whispered to Xia Qingyu, and said: "The Lord of the Palace, I am willing to refine the crystals and keep the foundation of the palace."

Xia Qingyu hesitated for a moment, and his heart glimpsed. The white elders said slightly: "The hard white elders, the white elders guard the holy palace, my disciples will often come down to visit, never let the elders die, Hao Ge, let Come on the white elders."

Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

Xia Qingyu was also a decisive person. He immediately agreed to the request of the White Elder. However, he thought that the two of them were in love, but they were not able to bear it.

Sun Hao is a little embarrassed, strictly speaking, the white elder is not a suitable candidate.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao still said: "Well then!"

With a wrist, Sun Hao is preparing to send the crystal ball.

Behind him, Zhu Pang, who has been standing without words, suddenly said: "Hello, this stuff may be more suitable for me."

Sun Hao’s hand holding the crystal ball was stiff in the air.

Definitely, Sun Hao looked at the crystal ball with ecstasy. Without words, it seemed to be in a daze, but in my heart, I thought: "Pang finally stood up, should I be happy? Or sad?"

Yes, the crystal ball is more suitable for Zhu Pang, but Sun Hao can't bear it.

To the white elders, she was mostly pinned under the snow-capped mountains, but to Zhu Pang, it means that Zhu Pang will face Wen Min's same ending.

Xue Jie Meng was curious at this time: "That brother, you are not my holy house, what are you doing with this crystal ball? Again, you are a big man, staying with us all the year round, the snow is not good, more Is it embarrassing?"

Zhu Pang stunned and sneered: "I dream, no, I will become your icy mountain, and peek into your bath every day..."

Xue Jie Meng's face is red, stretched the sleeves of Xue Jieling: "Three sisters, three sisters, he wants to peek at us to take a shower."

Xia Qingyu and Bai Elder looked at Sun Hao, who looked like a fixed one.

Behind Sun Hao, Zhuque Zhuling’s eyes have already had tears in his eyes. The beech light is lightly opened and whispered: “Hao, the four poles and four spirits need to have four spirits to gather together to have an effect.”

Sun Hao was shocked and reacted violently. He said loudly: "No, no, the four spirits don't need to be together, they can produce their own effects."

Zhu Ling laughed, and there was a tragic and beautiful smile in her smile: "Is that it is, the four spirits are together, the effect will be better?"

Sun Hao: "This..."

In Zhu Ling’s eyes, there were tears pouring out, but her face was forcibly exposed with a smile. She smiled hard at Zhu Pang: “Pang, you grow up, sister supports you.”

Zhu Pang’s forehead shook his forehead: “Older sister, have you been a fart boy in your eyes?”

At this time, Xia Qingyu knew that something was wrong. After looking at the white elders, he whispered, "Hello, what is Kang?"

Sun Hao hesitated for a moment, no words.

Wang Yuan laughed happily: "The Lord of the Palace, the Mozu has a four-pole broken column, but there are four spirits and four pillars in the mainland that can be broken. It is called the East Black Dragon, the West Sky Elephant; the South Suzaku, the North Dangkang, you are extremely north. Tianzhu is a guardian of life."

East Black Dragon, West Heaven Elephant; South Suzaku, North Dangkang.

Xia Qingyu instantly understood and was shocked, then, isn’t it? Can't help but look at the dazzling Sun Hao, no wonder Hao Ge will be this expression now.

At this time Wang Yuan laughed again: "Ha ha ha, that girl, when Kang is not scaring you, he will actually sneak into the snow and mountains to peek at you, but the dragon will be with you, As long as you don't take a bath for two or three years, his soul will disappear, and he will fall into chaos and can't read anything..."

In Wang Yuan’s laughter, there was a bit of tragic and bleak, and the meaning of the words also caused the Holy Palace to tremble.

Zhu Pangxi laughed: "Two Mao Ge, don't be so serious. In fact, Wen Min is really worthy of his admiration. He didn't know anything. He resolutely turned into a very Western Tianzhu. Laozi knows at least. Hao Ge will have some means, hahaha, Hao Ge, you will not be tempted, I bet you know that this is the best way..."

Sun Hao deeply inhales, facing Zhu Pang, slightly squatting: "Yes, this is indeed the best way. When Kang Sheng is in the sea, he meets the water and is prosperous. Incarnation is extremely northern Tianzhu, which can protect the mainland and health. The land of the far north is rich and prosperous, and Aquilaria is here, there is a promise..."

Zhu Pang also gave a slight return to Sun Hao: "Hello, you still don't bear too much, we monks, we should be selfish and self-interested, that is the Tongtian Avenue, always, if you have a hero, you Means, I really can't necessarily make up my mind to become the Tianzhu..." (To be continued.)

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