Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1323: nonstop

When Kang returned to the position, it was extremely northward, and Xia Qingyu’s gauze masked her face, but the expression in her eyes made Sun Hao know that she was very eager to stay in Sun Hao for a while.

However, in the end, Xia Qingyu did not open a guest.

Sun Hao said: "The rain, the northern part of the land needs to do two things, one of which is to quickly destroy the Mozu Yu; the second is to prevent it, do not let too many ice silkworms into the holy mountain, beyond the Kang The limit, remember to remember."

Xia Qingyu head, softly said: "I understand, Hao Ge, what else to explain?"

Standing on the infinite speed, Sun Hao’s face is a smile: “Rain, when Kang is out, the world is inlaid, when Kangnai is a symbol of the harvest of the beast, now when Kang is integrated into the North, then, the North is about to Submerge to become a land of rich resources, but the rain can properly develop the Ice Palace."

The disciples of the Holy Palace could not help but feel the spirit.

Say goodbye to the Ice and Snow Palace, the infinite speed of the car began to return.

The atmosphere in the car was a little dull. When Zhu Pang was there, everyone could not feel it, but Zhu Pang went to the incarnation. Everyone found out that Zhu Pang was missing, and the atmosphere of the whole team suddenly dignified a lot.

Without the movement of Zhu Pang's forehead, the exaggerated tone, the team seems to have lost a lot of vitality in an instant.

Shan Hao embraced the fire and sat next to Sun Hao. Unconsciously, he leaned on the shoulder of Sun Hao, and gently slammed Sun Hao’s shoulder with the shaking of the infinite speed.

Zhu Ling and Wang Yuan closed their eyes and looked like they didn't see it. They meditated.

There was no way to go all the way, the infinitely flying over the snow-capped mountains, even through the old town of ice and snow, more than two months later, sent Sun Hao and others to the ice sheet.

From the infinite speed, Sun Hao has basically adjusted his emotions, and his face has recovered with a smile that is as good as nothing. He said goodbye to the unscrupulous road: "Dao Chang, thank you for your help, today, don't know when you can see, If you can, please ask the head of the road to take care of the North."

Unscrupulous long haha ​​smiled and said: "There is no ruthlessness, iron rules are difficult to violate, even girls do not want Laozi to shoot, some things, Aquilaria can not force."

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "The things in the world must be changed. People who are avenues, if they don't understand the modifications, will eventually fall down."

Hey, m. ☆ ∧m unscrupulous long does not matter the tunnel: "The road is long and infinite, has passed seven scorpions, and there is no big deal at all. Hahaha, right, Aquilaria, some things, even I can’t understand. You can't see it, but you have to be mindful."

Sun Hao smiled at the head: "Agarwood understands, thank you, Daochang, and told me today. Since then, the mountains are tall and long, I hope I can have a good day."

Unscrupulous long laughs: "The old way is a calculation, you and I definitely have a reunion day, but hope that by the time, you can recognize me, hahaha."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Let's go."

Take the lead to the direction of the transmission array.

On the way, he curiously asked: "Hello, what have you done with that unscrupulous way? I didn't understand it at all."

Sun Hao’s heart moved and smiled and said: “It’s the old and the old, the individual, the right, the Zhu Ling and the second hair. Let’s go to the east, or go to the east first.”

Wang Yuan’s body jerked, and the body of Wei’s body seemed to suddenly rise a few points. Haha laughed: “Well, go to the east.”

Through the transmission array, I returned to the island of the Soul.

The information of the Grand Master of the dynasty passed over, and several of Sun Hao gave him all the repairs. Sun Hao can now use it.

At the same time, the mainland’s intelligence has also been passed.

Similar to what Sun Hao expected, the situation in the East China is relatively severe, and the magic is rampant.

Of course, the situation in the South China is not very good, and the disaster is also very serious.

Fortunately, on the South China Sea, there are three, toughly stand firm in the demon disaster, and form a stalemate with the magic disaster, Sun Hao can first solve the East China continent where the disaster is more serious.

Three, two, are expected by Sun Hao.

The first is Qingyunmen. Sun Haobu is located in the Battle of Heaven Palace in Qingyunmen. It has become the strongest battle bastion in the South China. It has resisted the main force of the Mozu. It stands tall and indestructible. A large number of Zongmen monks are attached to the banner of Qingyunmen. Next, resist the disaster.

The second is Qi Tianzong, Qi Tianzong in the depths of the desert, with magical illusions, magical disasters, entering and getting lost, and temporarily safe, Sun Hao naturally knows that it is the incarnation of Long Tian.

The last one is actually the old rival of Qingyunmen.

The five elements of the Demon have risen two miraculous monks, killing the Lu Lushan and Wei Xinbing, and the two together, showing a strong strength, actually blocked the magic disaster.

Sun Hao understands the killing of Lushan.

However, when I saw the name of Wei Xinbing, my heart flashed through the doubts. This guy and his friend, Wei Yan, a friend who sent his own yin and yang, had only one word difference!

Moreover, when seeing the five elements of the Mozong blocking the disaster, Sun Hao’s mind had a speculation. If nothing unexpected, Wei Xinbing’s back should stand and escape from the funeral market. The unfathomable evil spirit Hao Anyi.

However, what Sun Hao is puzzled is that Hao Anyi seems to have arrived in the mainland without chaos. Not only has it not been chaotic, but now it is helping the mainland to resist the disaster. It is different from what he imagined. The word evil is not true.

What makes Sun Hao even more puzzled is that the information shows that Wei Xinbing now seems to be very self-sufficient. All of his dismissed female disciples have become a big saint who does not touch the female color. Of course, his side seems to stand up. A woman dressed in white is supervising him.

When I saw this information, Sun Hao couldn't help but think of Xue Ru, who had been away from the Ice and Snow Palace for many years. He was puzzled in his heart. Wei Xinbing should not be Wei Bing. He should not follow Ru Man!

Much like it.

Whether they are them or not, they will be known at a glance.

Now, I am going to the East Pole of the mainland, and Sun Hao flies to the middle of the road. Finally, I can't help but stop in the air. I said, "Two hairs, go back and see if you don't? The scorpion is not sure."

"Look at a hammer, no four or five years, don't think." Wang Yuanwei's body shook slightly, but the voice was greatly embarrassed: "Hao, you don't think so much, we still hurry to the east, we must know, the longer the time The situation may be worse."

Zhu Ling also said: "It is true. From the situation of the extremely northern Tianzhu, the longer the time, the more likely it is that the Tianzhu will be damaged. The difficulty of repairing is also greater. If it is not too late, we will go directly. Go east! Hao is silent, with three people flying east.

The Eastern Continent is a relatively special existence in the mainland. The entire East Continent is a highly centralized monk kingdom. The mainland monks used to call it the Eastern King Ting.

The peculiar management system has created the magical charm of the East. Here, the Taoist monks are the courtiers, and the Zongmen are controlled by the court. Wang Ting is also restrained by the founding deacons of the various institutions, and they have reached a certain balance. The stable area is also the only continent where the immortals live together and there is nothing to do.

The introduction of monks in the Eastern Continent is more fair than other continents. There are two ways to choose. One is to participate in the selection of the Zongmen, and the other is to participate in the military of Wang Ting. Living conditions.

At that time, Jindan, the number one burial in the Eastern Continent, was the "squad leader" Zeng Xiangwu who was born in Wushu. It was also the most regrettable of Sun Hao, one of the monks who fell into the second hand of Gu Mo Luo.

Coming to the East China, from the hidden underground, closed the transmission array, Sun Hao Ma non-stop, with the team quickly to the East China mainland inland Wang Ting, Han Dynasty capital forward. (To be continued.)

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