Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1334: Skills

Zhao Wendi looked heavily at Sun Hao: "Agarwood, things can't be done, you still break out as soon as possible, these three golden Japanese ministry and even the Lord of the Lord can't resist, never fight hard, Aquilaria, Let's go..."

At this time, Zhao Wendi was filled with confession, a kind of will, and Anyang City hoped that when he was looking forward, he was suddenly destroyed and repented. At the same time, his heart also apologized to Sun Hao. Masterpiece, there is a golden light on the body, and I plan to fight for it, and I will fight for a time for the retreat of Sun Hao and other monks.

The monks who are fighting underneath, after seeing the powerful Mozu lineup in the air, are even more morale, and their hearts are bad. There is a strong feeling of being incapable of escaping.

Zhu Ling and Shan Yu both back to back, standing on the bottom, the body gradually lifted up, and confronted the air monk group monks.

Wang Yuan’s body, a faint golden light, still stands for three talents, and he and Sun Hao take care of each other.

At this moment, Sun Hao, who was surrounded by the three great devils of the Golden Japan Department, still smiled and calmly, raising his hand to indicate to Zhao Wendi that he was not anxious, and looked at the elders with his eyes, not hurriedly saying: White elders, don’t you wonder why I listen to you so much nonsense?”

Wei Bai took a brief look and did not respond.

Sun Hao screamed: "Hands!"

On the ground, Zhu Ling, who was originally confronted with the enshrining group, flew off in the same place, like two light birds, attacking the elders not far from them.

While holding the whole body, almost Sun Hao launched, while the early preparations of the Mozu camp monks also instantly moved.

The monk of the monk rushed to the two women.

But hey. Eight different shapes of dragon figures appeared in the air, and they rushed down and blocked their offensive line.

At the same time, the elders quickly flew up and found that under the control of Sun Hao, the two female practitioners had been included in the battle, and as the arrow, they attacked themselves, while the defense was completed by Sun Hao and Wang Yuan.

In the sky, Sun Hao and Wang Yuan’s position changed slightly. Accurately, the two female practitioners who danced underneath have become a battlefield with the grandson of the Sun Haowang. The monk who was quickly thrown out by the monk was thrown out by Wang Yuan. The figure was blocked out of the big one.

The trident flashing blue brilliance slammed into the white.

Zhu Ling’s legs also slammed into the elders.

The evil day, the next day and the white day turned into three black smokes and rushed to Sun Hao.

Zhao Wendi screamed: "Agarwood is careful", the body is shining, the dragon's crown is flying out on the head, and it is rotating to the three golden Japanese ministry.

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "No matter, the Emperor is careful about his defense."

The body was in the air, slowly pulling up the posture, a rising sun masculine gas, sprayed out from Sun Hao's body, fists like electricity, brushing out two punches, a lion lion shadow "嗷呜" roaring, If you rushed out, you should go to the three gold ministry.

In the air.

Zhu Ling and Yan’s attack took the lead with Wei Qing.

In the sky, Zhu Ling went straight down, and turned into countless leg shadows, like a fan, when the head smashed down to the big elders.

The sly trident also came out, and the air turned into a blue-blue light and shadow, silently slamming into the white.

Wei Bai’s bodyguard rushed out and screamed in his mouth: “Take the golden bell and block me.”

Opening a mouth, a little golden bell spit out, blooming golden light, forming a cover, blocking his body, mouth, Wei Bai haha ​​laughed: "All said that Shen Xiangzhi slightly through the sky, today saw, but disappointed After planning for a long time, it was actually for me. Although the strength of these two women is far beyond the ordinary period of ordinary Zhenjun, but I can’t help..."

Zhu Ling’s legs lie on the golden bell and make a series of bumps.

The single-handed trident also made a sound, and was blocked by the Admiralty.

The two female practitioners returned without success, just like wearing a butterfly to fly back.

Of course, it is not completely without any attack effect. Under the series of huge slashing legs, Zhu Ling has not suffered any damage, but the whole body has been hit by the ground.

Wang Yuan’s eight steps were won by Sun Hao, but after all, it was only a shadow. After a little blocking the monks of the enshrined group, they dissipated in the air.

What makes Zhao Wendi unbelievable is that he faces the three magical devils of the Golden Japan Department.

His own crown, in conjunction with Sun Hao's lion lion, actually blocked three black smoke.

After a series of explosions, the crown flew and flew back.

The lion phantom disappeared into the air, but the three black smoke was also forced back to the original shape, floating in the distance, looking at Sun Hao.

At this time, Zhaowen Emperor concealed in his heart. From this perspective, perhaps Sun Hao’s cultivation of Sun Xiang’s strength is not much weaker than himself.

Otherwise, you can't stop the three magicians in the Golden Japan Department with two big three.

Of course, the three devils will be the first offensive, and the nature of the temptation is mostly. Do not know that once they are fully explosive, can they and Aquilaria still be able to stop it?

Judging from the situation of the three warring states, it is estimated that they and Shenxiang will be much weaker. Before that, they can only resist as much as possible.

Perhaps, it is not necessarily that Agarwood does not have a full force to break out.

Zhao Wen’s heart flashed a glimmer of hope, but in a moment he thought of himself: “Is that possible?”

How many years have you been a monk at the funeral market? How can you catch up with your own training!

With a hand, Zhao Wendi’s crown was held in his hands, and his body’s momentum was shrouded in the Golden Devil’s Three Devils.

In the first round, it seems that everyone is equally divided, and it seems that Sun Hao’s arrangement has no effect at all.

But at this time, Sun Hao smiled lightly: "The elders, since Shen Xiang is willing to listen to your nonsense, naturally it is more than this means, then attack..."

The strong masculine body swayed continuously, and a lion's phantom screamed out and rushed to the elders.

God knows, and Zhu Ling and Fei Ling fly up and kill the three great devils of the Golden Day Department in the air, and Wang Yuan, still launches the dragon eight steps, rushes to the monk regiment, intercepts them and lets them Can't pull out.

"Good to come", the elders screamed: "Agarwood, you are a lion, but I can't."

As soon as the golden bell was thrown, the air hovered, and the bigger and bigger, the golden light was released, and the squadron slammed into the lion.

The three great devils of the Golden Day Department will lift up the wide-blade magic sword in the air. The three magic swords are in the air, and the sword-tips are relatively distant. They form a strange situation and drive the three demons to rotate rapidly.

Zhao Wendi threw the crown and shouted in his mouth: "The two friends are careful."

Zhu Ling hovered in the air, this time out of the leg strength, with a burst of flames, it seems that the Suzaku fire feathers, a root rushed to the three magic.

On the trident's trident, there was a blue blisters on top, and when I waved forward, I also went out.

The magic will connect the magic sword, and in the middle of the rotation, a huge blade of the wheel will come out from the inside, and the blade will fly out, and the ham leg shadow of Zhu Ling will burst into the air, and it will not stop. Broken blue blister.

In the end, Zhao Wendi's crown circling, turned into a golden mountain, blooming golden light, Dangdang, blocked the path of the blade.

At this time, Wang Yuan’s eight steps were again defeated by the monks who were enshrined.

And Sun Hao’s lion lion shadow did not break through the white bell of Wei Bai, and he was about to be smashed into the air. Wei Bai had already laughed: “Agarwood is just like this, or it’s a chess game.”

Sun Hao also laughed: "Yes, charm, Xiaozhang, come out, join forces."

Wei Bai was shocked, and there are people?

The ground suddenly moved, like a layer of carpet, rolled up to Weibai.

And a layer of water-like blood fog from the foot of Wei Bai, also spread quickly.

The elders of the enshrining group responded quickly to the support of Wei Bai. On the shoulders, the fiery red mouse slammed his mouth and made a swallowing action. The elders of the enshrined group were slightly stiff, and the space seemed to solidify. However, it is too late to rescue the elders of Weibai.

Wei Bai was instantly covered by carpet and blood.

The golden demon will form the devil's eye to see Weibai being surrounded, emergency support, whistling, and rushing over.

With a bang, a streamlined flying sword appeared in the air, blocking the magic circle and flying in, and a series of "Dangdang" crash sounds broke out in the air.

The three gold and Japanese ministry were stopped on the spot and could not break through.

Zhu Ling and Yan both flew out and both fell on the side of Wang Yuan, blocking the monk who had just returned from the gods to go.

Zhao Wendi put away his crown and looked at the entangled elders of Weibai. He thought: "It seems that the incense is superior." (To be continued.)

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