Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1359: Cold current

The South China's mainland is surrounded by smoke, and the strong monks who have been strongly suppressed have begun to fiercely resist, organized and planned to fight against the devil and support the battlefield of the desert.

Above the desert, it is a big battle, it is said that the original yellow fine sand, because of blood, became bright red.

It is said that in many places, blood also directly caused the topography of the quicksand.

The Mozu army was strongly intercepted throughout the South China, and the 100th regiment of the three disciples of Qingyunmen’s Shenxiang adults resounded through the South.

Of course, the adults of Shen Xiang sit in the desert and fight against the dust-off people. It is the foundation of the South China’s parties to dare to resist the Mozu.

In contrast, the relegation of Xianshan is very calm.

There was no abnormality, and quietly passed for a month.

I don't know why, although the various battle reports show that it is very normal, but Lancome's feeling is very abnormal, can it be said that Xiaohao really burned his brain? Forgot his biggest task is to repair the Antarctic Tianzhu?

Or, Xiaohao mistakenly regarded other things as Antarctic Tianzhu?

If these are not, if Sun Hao’s real idea is still in the Antarctic Tianzhu, Xiao Xiao feels full of malice.

However, the strange thing is that there is no abnormality in the one.

To say yes, it is that my own mood is not very quiet, of course, because I am a small 婉 relationship, since Xiao Hao appeared, my heart has been difficult to calm down, obstacles ah...

This month, Zhu Ling thoroughly implemented the original intention of sneak attack on Sun Hao. As long as he took the opportunity, he would fly a leg and attack Sun Hao.

Sun Hao is 100% certain that the pressure of the Lingbang is different from person to person. To Zhu Ling, it is estimated that the pressure has become the driving force, which has become an excuse for the violent sister to attack himself.

A month's time, just like this.

When Sun Hao once again called the powers around him, and arranged their respective tasks according to the intellectual plan of Zhichi, they ushered in a bright moon.

It is another full moon night.

Sun Hao incarnates the sneaky, Luo charm incarnation, the two men from the yard, infiltrated into the ice.

Dive into the ice wall.

Luo charm in the heart of Sun Hao kept yelling "cold, cold death personal, the master, the charm is a little bit tolerant to the cold, is frozen, is frozen...", but in the end, she is still silent I sneaked into the third floor.

Sun Hao said in his heart: "Follow me, remember the task I gave you."

Luo charm quickly said: "Understood, speak to charm, escape fast, rest assured, charm is very reliable."

The faint shadow of Sun Hao slowly appeared in front of Mu Zhenjun.

Going to Mu Zhenjun’s body, he recovered quickly and returned to normal.

Sun Hao passed the tone and a few words in the secret language.

Going to Muzhenjun nodded slightly, a burst of bright red water appeared in front of Muzhenjun, gradually turned into a beautiful woman, and went to Muzhenjun to smile.

Going to Muzhenjun to try to maintain his own mood, not to let the guards of the guards find their own faults, but the heart is full of admiration, surprises and expectations.

The incense adult is really powerful and has many means. Not only does he sneak into the top secret place. Now, even his first hitter has successfully sneaked in. Then, perhaps the Antarctic fire pillar is really stolen. .

The position of Luo’s battle is in the ice prison of Muzhenjun.

Luo charm in place, Sun Hao quietly down, sneaked in.

Soon, Sun Hao arrived at his own position, suspended in the ice wall on the top of the ancient demon to go to the top, a thin layer of ice wall separated, the gods disappeared silently, but not close to the surrounding The magic, not close to the hegemony, just carefully scanned the environment around the ice.

Among the three layers of ice prison, Luo Mei nodded to go to Muzhenjun.

Go to Muzhenjun to know what to do, and contact the five peers who insist on the inside of the ice hockey: "De-shelling, green friends... please help me."

Among the four layers of magic, the magic gas tumbling violently, and the Antarctic fire column was booming.

Go to Ba Junjun and scream: "Go to the wood, you are naughty, don't you tell me? Useless, save it,..."

Going to Muzhenjun said coldly: "That's not necessarily, as long as we work hard, no matter what, it can slow down your rhythm."

Going to Ba Junjun, he laughed and said: "After dragging for a day or two, what use is it? You are hard-hearted and unwilling to go with me."

The tone of going to Muzhenjun seems to have changed: "Little tyrants, it should be that you can't go with me. Think about it, our teachers and brothers practiced together, how to be happy together, how comfortable, how happy, recall, now unforgettable what……"

The voice of going to Muzhenjun has not changed, but perhaps it is because of the feelings of the time when the speech is full. The monks in the five big ice prisons are involuntarily buried in the memories of the past, and the fourth layer of the gossip Jun is also a little bit guilty.

In the middle of the third floor of the Yuan Ying, the big devil's brow was slightly wrinkled, and he felt a bit strange.

But where is the difference, I can’t say it.

The voice of going to Muzhenjun seems to be confiding: "In those years, we went down to the secrets together, together with the big demon, together, and climbed the road together..."

The real mid-term demon has not yet fully understood what is wrong.

The fourth layer of the ice is a huge change.

Going to Ba Zhenjun with the story of going to Muzhenjun, his expression was a little embarrassed, and when the Antarctic fire pillar was on fire, Sun Hao’s body penetrated the ice wall silently and appeared in the fourth layer of the ice.

The result was exactly the same as expected. Going to Ba Jun was attacked by the Antarctic fire pillar, and was charmed by the sound of Luo Mei. At this time, he was slightly disappointed, and he did not find the sneaky state of Sun Hao in the first time.

Of course, going to Ba Zhenjun is a great monk at the master's level.

Just as Sun Hao appeared in the ice prison, he immediately felt that there was a foreign object within his range of consciousness.

However, the state of disappointment made his reaction slower than half a beat.

If it is normal to go to the tyrants, then the offensive and defensive means must have been moved at this time, but the dying state of the tyrants, the first instinctive reaction at this time is to see what the foreign body is.

Just as he was eagerly looking at Sun Hao, Sun Hao moved quickly.

The gods know that a small fire appears on the shoulders, and it is impossible to say that opening the mouth to the front is a swallow.

Sun Hao once again took a look, Zhu Ling took out the pagoda, flew over the magical sky, and quickly rushed to the Antarctic fire pillar.


When he went to the conclusion of Ba Zhenjun, he suddenly felt that the body was surrounded by an empty space. The cold current of the demon world disappeared a lot, and the Antarctic fire column shook, and he had a feeling of being settled instantly.

The heart screamed damn, shaking the body to forcefully get out of the body, and a streamlined flying sword flew over, and instantly, it produced a ridiculous feeling of slowing down.

I screamed a loud voice, and screamed in my mouth: "Rolling, thinking", going to Bazhenjun, the whole body broke out, finally recovered from various negative states, and shouted in the sky, while the arms flew in the direction of Zhu Ling. Intercepted.

Going to Ba Jun is not a great monk.

Sun Hao did all the means, but he did not completely limit his actions.

Although a little late to give a warning, there is no doubt that the Lancome above has been alarmed, and he only has a few action time.

Going to Ba Zhenjun’s attack on Zhu Ling’s hands had just been handed out, and suddenly felt the huge entanglement force entangled his hands, as if there were countless whips, and he slammed his hands.

The murder of the murder, go to the tyrants and think that the enemies appearing in the ice prison may be far more than one.

At this time, the general situation, suddenly appeared Zhu Ling finally found the opportunity, reached out and grabbed, grabbed the Antarctic fire pillar, flew away.

Going to the heart of Ba Jun, he was shocked and screamed, "Don't...", got up and wanted to chase, Sun Hao shoulders, and the small fire was a mouthful.

Going to the real body of Ba Zhenjun is a little stiff.

Sun Hao’s mouth screamed: “Withdraw.”

The small chapter and the small fire quickly returned to the condensate tower.

Sun Hao waved, Shen Xiangjian fell into the hands, holding a sword, facing the ice prison, a strong outbreak, a move "sword through the sky" skyrocketing.

Huge impact, instantly broke through three layers of ice, two layers of ice, and went up.

In the four-layer ice prison Zhu Ling's mouth is sucked one by one, and the Antarctic fire column instantly falls into the mouth.

The ice-cold lost the pillar of fire, and the light of the moment was dark. The random darkness and the coldness of the ice rushed from the magical sacredness. Going to the tyrants, the two characters have not completely slammed, and the whole huge body has been endless. The cold cold stream freezes on the spot.

Struggling a few times, failed to break free, went to Ba Zhenjun completely became a popsicle.

Endless cold flow along the hole that Sun Hao rushed out, along the stairs of the ice, along the ice wall, quickly spread upwards, wherever he passed, frozen everything.

It was too late to go to Muzhenjun to be frozen on the spot.

The mid-term real power that was rushing down was also frozen on the spot.

Zhu Ling, who had just swallowed the Antarctic pillar of fire, was also frozen on the spot, but her body had a radiant glow.

The cold current continues to spread in all directions.

With a cry, Sun Hao rushed out of the ice prison, and at this time, the Lancome demon avatar just appeared in the sky above the ice. (~^~)

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