Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1361: The power of the gods

Sun Hao heard the words and laughed: "Since this is a good thing, why don't you say it early? So even if you try your best, I have to completely eliminate the energy of her magic, and lay down for your overall victory." Foundation, yes, Xiao Yan, when she wakes up, remind me that her speed is not fast?"

On Xiao Yan’s face, there was a feeling of moving, and when was it, Xiaohao was still thinking about her, and her heart was really moved.

However, Xiao Xiao’s strength is not strong, and soon he can’t suppress Lancome. “No, Xiaohao is going quickly,” Xiao Xiao said with a fragile voice: “She is waking up.”

Sun Hao Yi Zhen Shen Xiangjian, like flying away.

Xiao Yan’s voice passed from far away: “Lan Lan’s speed is not very fast, but...”

If you haven't finished speaking, you have already sunk into the entanglement with Lancôme's will.

Lancome is not fast, Sun Hao's heart is slightly safe, and the speed of the sword is slightly lower. If she accidentally ran out of Lancome's perception range and let her return to the original one, then it would be bad.

Just right away, Sun Hao found that he wanted more.

Lancome's speed is not fast, but she can tear the space and appear in the side of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao is flying in the Yu Jian, and the space in front is being pulled open, and the body of Xiao Yan is stepping out of it.

The realm of the gods is not understood by Yuan Ying.

But like this kind of torn space, directly appearing, Sun Hao is no stranger, and the big mouse among the five minor monks can do this.

Suddenly surprised, Sun Hao Yi Zhen Shen Xiangjian, crossed an arc, and wanted to escape.

But at the moment when Lancome appeared, Sun Hao suddenly had an illusion.

It was just a moment, as if Lancome’s body became a giant with great stalwart, and himself became a small point in front of the giant’s eyes.

This feeling is similar to Sun Hao’s time when he confronted the empty tail.

Lancome stands proudly between heaven and earth, and its body is directly thousands of times larger than Sun Hao.

Under such a state, Sun Hao suddenly found that although the speed of his sword was very fast, it did not seem to be able to run far.

I turned into a small ant that was too small to try to pass by an elephant. The ant thought that the speed was very fast, but found that the elephant's body was too big. It was not easy to climb the road. .

Sun Hao’s heart is big.

Among the eyes, Lancome stretched out his hand and two huge mountains of no ones crushed themselves.

If Sun Hao judges that there is no mistake, the two mountains are actually the two jade fingers of Lancome.

For the first time facing the real **** of the gods, Sun Hao’s heart suddenly felt irresistible thoughts.

I feel that I am about to be crushed, I feel that I can't lift my fighting spirit, and I feel that the sky is dark.

The gods know what to do, and they don’t say anything. The stick of the gods appears in the hands, and the sky is shouting, the grandson of Sun Hao, and the fighting spirit is one of them.

Not far away, Lancome Devil scorned, and the voice was full of surprise.

After the stick of the sky, Sun Hao’s momentum completely rushed, and there seemed to be a mirror in the air, or the momentum of the Lancang Devil was dispelled by himself, as if he was facing the mountain, the feeling disappeared.

Sun Hao found that not far away, Lancome's **** quickly pointed to himself.

Fighting the stick, brushing out two golden lights, sweeping to Lancome jade, Shen Xiangjian picked up, and Sun Hao fled quickly.

Jade refers to a glimpse, and the two golden lights of the sticks are actually crushed in the air, turned into golden light spots, sprinkled below.

Sun Hao Yu Jian ran wildly, but his heart was very incomparable. Although this is not the strongest state of the stick, the golden stick of the stick is still very powerful. The ordinary monks should be hard to pick up. Now it is good, and it is directly annihilated. .

"You can't escape," Lancome's voice passed over: "Leave the Antarctic fire pillar, and spare you from death."

The portable bucket stick, the foot on the incense sword, Sun Hao has been arrogantly going out, and his mouth whispered: "There is skill, you catch me and say."

"It’s really stubborn," Lancome snorted: "Agarwood, pick me up."

Silent and arrogant, the palm of the chilly palm appears in the air, and gently presses Sun Hao, who is far away.

Sun Hao, who is far away, is slowly screaming at the sword. Sun Hao suddenly feels that tremendous power is coming from behind. He has no time to react too much. He has been hit, his throat is salty, and he spurts a blood involuntarily. The body is like a scorpion, in the middle of the sea, rolling forward.

In the palm of the hand, Sun Hao, in the midst of the gods, there is still a feeling of being frozen. Fortunately, Sun Hao has a lot of means to quickly stabilize his own mode of action. With the help of the front force, although he is a little embarrassed, Sun Hao still Still forcing forward.

Sun Hao actually took his own cold palm.

Lancome’s heart could not help but scorn. This Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is a bit of a means to take off the ice, at least, his body is extremely powerful, or else it is not just vomiting blood.

Moreover, Sun Hao's ability to resist cold must be very good, and he can survive and resist his own cold current, and rushing.

It is no wonder that he can not sneak into the cold and sneak into the cold, and he wants to have the ability to resist cold and freeze.

However, in order to run away under the eyes of the gods and monks, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is afraid to think more.

With two strokes in the air, Lancome sighed lightly: "Draw the sky as a prison, agarwood, where to go."

Sun Hao suddenly felt that in front of Shen Xiangjian, there were layers of mud, and the speed of his own sword slowed down involuntarily.

The surrounding space also seems to be getting heavy in an instant, and I have to feel trapped in my life.

This should be a spell, a powerful spell with the wording method.

The heart sighs the power of the monk, and Sun Hao screams: "The battle is a thousand miles."

On the stick of the sky, Jin Mang rushed out three feet, and the whole body was raised with arrogance. Sun Hao was full of fighting spirits, and his mouth was violent: "Give me."

On the foot of the incense sword, holding the stick, Sun Hao slammed into the past.

The confidence of the stick with Sun Hao will be like a golden light shield with a month and a half, forcibly breaking the cage that was intercepted in front, and broke out like a fly.

Xiao Yan is also a scorn, although the devil is rumored how great Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, but in the eyes of the devils, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is still worth mentioning.

It is a pity that this world is hard to come true. Even if it is just a projection, there are many restrictions. Otherwise, in the devils who want to come, it is harder to kill Sun Hao than to pinch a small ant.

However, when Lancome projected it, after several battles, I suddenly found out that I wanted to kill Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang. This is just the true king of Yuan Ying. The difficulty is quite big. Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, actually repeated three times. Killed his own siege and broke out.

In particular, Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang are now in a state of so-called "fighting a thousand miles", which makes Lancome clearly aware that under this state, he may be able to hurt Sun Haosun and Shenxiang, but it is absolutely difficult to break it.

When did Yuan Ying Zhenjun actually stand up and turn around?

In Lancome's heart, he couldn't help but think: "Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, it is a human race elite, it is no wonder that his witch is so deeply rooted in him, and he never forgets, even if he forcibly ignited the magic species, he is still rushing to compete with himself. Dominance, do everything possible to fight against yourself."

With Lancome’s eyesight, it is natural to see at a glance that the state of Sun Hao’s battle for a thousand miles should be a state of combat that will not last long.

Therefore, she did not hurry to chase Sun Hao, only to wait for the end of Sun Hao's state, and then give Sun Hao a fatal blow.

Moreover, she found that Sun Hao, among the fighting spirits, is indeed hard to hurt.

In this state, Sun Hao is a little faster than her. She has to chase a distance every time to cut through the space and pull the distance that Sun Hao opened.

After being close to Sun Hao, he did not have a spell to intercept Sun Hao’s strong assault.

I regret that some of my powerful magic weapons cannot be projected, but some of the magic weapons of Xiaoyan are not used together. Otherwise, it may be easier to kill Sun Hao.

When Sun Hao and Zhi Duo calculated, it would be more difficult to count the Devils who are against Xiao Xiao.

However, I did not expect it to be so difficult. The Lancang Devil can actually use the small scorpion to project into the mainland and start killing himself.

The power of the gods and monks made Sun Hao really feel the danger of falling.

Sun Hao has done almost the same thing, but still only rushed to escape, there is no possibility of counterattack.

However, Sun Hao also had to adjust the tiger to leave the mountain.

Of course, now Sun Hao does not need to adjust the tiger, but he is entangled in the tiger, and he can't run away if he wants to run. (To be continued.)

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