Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1376: Qiong tears

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Dark red full of autumn sky, no words to ask the sunset.

Sun Hao is holding a singularly like Wang Qiong, like a stone sculpture.

The small fire flashed and jumped back to Sun Hao's shoulder. The small claws hugged Sun Hao's neck tightly. In the small eyes, tears burst out.

Sun Hao said in his heart: "Small fire, don't cry, Joan does not like it, don't break her mood."

The sound of the small fire came out: "Brother, me, me..."

When I didn’t finish it, I looked back at Sun Hao’s arms, and Wang Qiong, who had no breath, had a flash of his body and returned to the Sumi.

In the huge wilderness, a huge flaming mouse suddenly appeared, smashing and slamming forward.

Easy Road Lights panicked and shouted: "Don't, don't, my little ancestors, my violent wildness is not enough..."

With a bang, the big mouse hit the horror, and the easy road lights filled with a smile and flew up.

Teng Teng Teng, the big mouse eyes red, and began to accelerate.

In the quiet courtyard, Sun Hao holds Wang Qiong, silent for a long time, as if Wang Qiong just slept.

The setting sun sets and the moon hangs high.

Sun Hao’s body swayed into the air tower.

Soon after, next to the haystack, "smoke" is not far away, reappearing a common pass, without any genius, like a common tomb in a mountainous grave, a simple single stone standing in front of the grave .

On miàn, there is Sun Hao relatives hì樾 blow mold 桓鍪 椒 驳 驳 笞 笞 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Standing in front of the grave for a long time, Sun Hao’s body swayed, and appeared outside the tower of the Sumi, and stood on the top of the tower, watching the moon in the air.

The moon is falling, and the star is hidden.

Xuanyuanhong and Shanyu walked into the yard successively, looked around and found Sun Hao above the pagoda.

With a sigh of openness, Xuanyuan Red said softly: "Let her alone."

Hey, whispered, whispered: "Red sister, can't we do something?"

Xuanyuanhong pondered for a moment: "When he recovers, let's see it again. Now I still have to do nothing. These things need him to experience it and feel it myself. We can't help him."

The eyes are closed, and Sun Hao is quiet, as if the stone carvings are standing at the top of the Sumi.

Three days and three nights, motionless.

The whole one is normal, the other monks do not have any feelings, and do not know the hospitality of the mountain, the return of a Qiong mother-in-law has already returned.

Perhaps she is just a mortal.

Even the death is so calm and ordinary, and soon, like the millions of ordinary people, she will disappear into the world silently, without even picking up a small spray.

Three days later, Sun Hao flew down from the tower of the condensate, and his face was already smiling. He laughed loudly and said loudly: "Red child, hey, come for the husband..."

The eyes were confused, and I swept the top of the condensate tower. Xuanyuan’s eyes flashed through the sadness, but the mouth was not angry and said with a smile: “The old wife is old, this is still the day... ”

Sun Hao’s head has been buried in her chest, and she smiled in her mouth: “I look more carefully during the day.”

Xuanyuanhong said: "Don't come over."

Sun Hao laughed happily: "Hey, you are just coming, you have to sleep with you today..."

Shan Yuyu's face is red, the frightened bunny, turned and wants to go, but has been shackled into the Xuan Hong's fragrance.

Struggling a few times, looking for help to Xuanyuanhong, but found Xuanyuan Red is shaking his head slightly.

In an instant, I realized that my heart was in the heart, and there was no pity in my heart. My face was red and bloody, but my mouth said loudly: "The old lady is afraid that you will not be..."

In one hand, Sun Hao’s head was smashed into the towering heights of his own elasticity.

The mortuary music is difficult to read.

At this time, on the top of the Xianshan, there was a monk suddenly a finger to condense the empty tower, and asked: "What is that?"

The monks around him heard the words, but found nothing, and could not help but say: "There is empty!"

But there are other monks who said: "No, there should be something that seems to be crystal clear and reflective, but to look at it with heart, but nothing has been discovered..."

Some people saw that there was more than one thing in the condensate tower.

But more people didn't see it.

But the people who saw it felt different. Some people said that it was a natural crystal. Some people said that it was a huge waterdrop. Others said that it was a sad and crying monk.

People who see, say differently, and people who can't see are even more curious.

After two or three years of groping, I finally got a monk who was good at summing up and came to the conclusion that if we want to see that thing, we must meet the requirements of the monk's tragedy.

Many monks tried to think back to the sorrows of life on the mountain of Xianyi. Some monks even screamed and cried, and finally they got what they wanted. They saw the drop of crystal clear and clear, and if they had nothing, they invaded the bone marrow. Tears.

And after returning to Xianshan, the information around Sun Hao was finally passed down.

The monks of Xianzong gradually understood that they had to condense the empty tower, but it was the time when Emperor Aquilaria remembered his sister Wang Qiongzhi.

Only the true affectionate person can see it.

The monk of Immortal, called the tears of reunion.

The tears of oneness can be seen by the sorrowful.

At the moment I saw it, the thick sorrow moment drowned people, but I was helpless and desolate. I missed my sentiment and suddenly rushed to my heart. The monk with a slightly bad mind realized this moment of emotion, and all of them burst into tears. The dear ones seemed to be one by one. And too.

After crying, the mind will gradually return to calm, grief will gradually lie deep, and the emotion will gradually become introverted. When the monk finally recovers, he finds that he has already awakened as a big dream, and his feelings are very different.

In the primordial immortality, several of them were hurt by love. After seeing the tears of oneness, the monks who had been married for the sake of the truth suddenly became cheerful, laughing, and swearing in the three weeks and nine worships.

Sun Hao did not expect that he stood above the sky, introverted sadness, and missed Wang Qiong’s unintentional move, which would leave a magical tear to the Yixian Xianshan and become a very strange dojo in the first fairy mountain.

Feeling deep, sad and restrained.

Tears are hidden in my heart.

But Sun Hao’s current cultivation, the present will, the influence of this kind of love is enormous.

When Sun Hao left the smuggling empty tower, his will was turned into a tear and left in the sacred air tower. Sun Hao couldn't bear to miss his sister's nostalgia, and he moved his mind and clicked on a water cube. Finally, the eternal singer of the reign of Xianyishan was achieved.

The tears of reunification produced changes that Sun Hao did not think of.

The special effects of weak water and weakness are exerted in the tears of reunification. Sun Hao’s strong will is to let the tears of oneness absorb the tears of thousands of monks to recharge themselves.

The tears of the singularity have truly become a sacred mountain, a magical thing that floats in the air and needs a specific opportunity to see, and comes with many magical effects.

The ordinary sister has left in an ordinary way.

However, because of her ordinary, she returned to a fairy mountain, leaving a drop of extraordinary tears.

Five years later, Sun Hao made a speech, officially named the tears of the reunification as "Joan Tears", officially as a memorial to Wang Qiong's iconic dojo and existed in the world.

At the time of the naming of "Joan Tears", it was necessary to condense the empty towers of golden light, as if it had been greatly stimulated, and the layers of light continued to wash down.

Under the scouring of this field, the trembling constantly, the color is also changing drastically.

The original black and white striped pagoda, under the golden light, gradually blooms white light, black is washed away like a tide, and finally, just the top of the dome of the dojo, leaving a black aperture of less than a foot, All other parts have all recovered to the image of Sun Hao when he first saw it.

The ice-hook, which was defensively guarded by the field, was finally thawed to the third floor after more than 700 years.

After seven hundred years of freezing, the five true kings, such as the wood and the shell, were still thriving, and they were quickly treated by the monks of Xianzong.

The five true monarchs woke up, the world has passed seven hundred years, and the great demon disaster that made them fearful has already become history. Today, the southern continent is booming and developing rapidly.

Today's Jinyi Xianshan has once again found a position on the mainland, and ranks fourth in the southern continent, and has a good relationship with the ranking of the first Qingyunmen.

In fact, Qingyunmen, there is also a Qitianzong, and now the monks who are the masters of the family are from the heart of the incense.

There is no xiàn唏嘘 in my heart.

At the same time, they also deeply fortunately returned to the field to retain it, and also deeply sighed Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang's great grace.

After the recovery, they were once again naturalized to the Emperor Xianzong and joined under the incense. (To be continued.)

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