Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1386: Strange ugly sword

The fire stick in Man Qing’s mouth was deeply inserted into the rock.

Ji rolled up and went, holding the hilt in his right hand and arbitrarily pulling it out.

The intention of the hand did not appear, burning a fire stick in general, can only see the sword-like sword is still inserted in the rock.

Ji Yan’s face was reddish and he screamed in his mouth: “Give me out.”

The right hand slammed hard, the muscles in the hands were rooted, and the strength of the Ji family warriors rushed out. However, unfortunately, Ji Hui found that the fire stick was still moving.

His face rose and he screamed in his mouth: "I still can't believe you."

Holding the hilt with both hands, Ji Ji is working hard again...

After half a ring, I adjusted the position I could use and tried everything.

The burning fire stick still does not move, it seems to be dissolved with the rock as a whole, and it is not moved by Ji Hui.

Ji Jin reluctantly put his hands and shrugged his shoulders: "The little princess, probably because of the burning, this sword has been inseparable from the rock, rolling him still!"

Man Qing’s sleeves, revealing a small white hand, said with great interest: "Uncle, you let it go, let Qinger try..."

After a while, screaming and screaming... Man Qing gasped with his hilt and even pulled his feet out on the boulder, but still did not see any effect.

There was a slight sweat on the little face, and finally I realized that I couldn’t pull the sword. I jumped down and kicked the hilt with dissatisfaction: "I guess it’s really just a rock with a hilt, a fake sword. And already..."

Ji Ruxue has eyes and eyes, and flashes a strange light: "No, I can be sure that it is a sword. Maybe you don't know, entering this squatting field, it seems to be in the middle of it, some people are guiding When I came here, when I saw this sword, I seemed to be in the midst of it, and I felt very familiar. It was like it was waiting for me for a long time..."

Ji rolled a little.

Man Qing smirked: "Snow boss, are you kidding? The sword is just a dead thing, how can you summon with you, and, now, you are like a **** stick, right, have the ability, you give me this sword. Pull it out and try it out? If you can't pull it out, everything is free."

Ji Ruxue smiled and walked up. The right hand gently held the hilt and said in his mouth: "Sword and sword, Xiaoxue came to pull you, you will give me out."

After that, the white brilliance of the body flashed, and the right hand was pulled hard.

With a bang, the fire stick came out and she was pulled out, and her body, because of the excessive force, took a few steps back. After a few squats, she stood firm.

However, she did not wait for Ji Ruxue to settle down. She had already heard Man Qing’s giggling, as if she was laughing and out of breath: “It’s so ugly, it’s too personal...”

The sword in Ji Ruxue’s opponent looked over.

Suddenly, I also showed an unbelievable expression. How could this be?

How can this sword in the hand be ugly like this?

In fact, the sword in her hand, to be precise, can be called a sword, it is also debatable.

The whole is still a sword shape, but before the hilt is a big belly sword body, but the front of the sword tip suddenly becomes thinner, not only thin, but also a few not very regular forks.

If it is not the overall shape or the appearance of the sword, in fact, this can be seen as a piece of something.

The image is very poor. To say something special, there is a sense of glaze after being burned by the fire, and a very old sense of vicissitudes, but there is no such thing as aura and spirituality.

Take a few strokes in your hand, but the weight is a little bit heavy.

Can't see too many exceptions.

Ji Jin saw the sword and smiled and shook his head: "Little princess, it turns out that this sword has several small hook-like blades trapped in the giant rock. No wonder I can't pull it out, or the little princess is stronger. I admire you."

On the face of Ji Ruxue, there is a faint blush.

This is a very strange feeling for myself. Perhaps it is a magical flying sword that has summoned me to come and give me great expectations.

No spirituality, no temperament, too ugly, and Ji Ruxue’s heart was filled with deep disappointment.

Man Qing laughed: "I thought it was just a fire stick. Now I found out that it is actually more ugly than burning a fire stick. Hahaha, snow boss, your induction is too strong, or your taste is also inevitable. It’s too heavy!”

Ji Ruxue’s face was slightly red, and his hands were ugly, and he threw a temper, and his heart moved slightly. He smiled and said: “Qinger, this sword should be quite magical. I want to bring back to Gusei.”

Man Qing opened his mouth and said: "No, snow boss, you bring such a broken sword back, not afraid of being jokes?"

In the eyes of Ji Ruxue, there is a smile in the eyes: "There is something the master has to do, the niece pays for it, the boss has something to do, the younger brother rushes forward, since you all think that I am holding this sword a bit of a big loss, then well, I decided Let me help me with this arduous task, Qinger, come help me to take this sword back..."

"No, snow boss, do you want to be so embarrassed?" Man Qing wowed and protested for a while, no fruit, and dejectedly took over the ugly sword handed over by Ji Ruxue.

Ji Ruxue said that the ugly sword is a bit strange, although the appearance does not see anomalies, but when Man Qing tried to put the ugly sword into the storage bag, he found that he could not get in anyway.

Can you really just lie on your shoulders?

Man Qingdun wants to cry without tears.

Man Qing followed the ugly sword and followed Ji Ruxue and Ji Hui to continue running in the depression for a few days. After harvesting some of the mutant varieties of Fuqin, the group returned to the chariot, a little statistics and found that the family monks really I have harvested a lot of Fuqin grass.

However, most of the family warriors did not recognize this as a variant, and they were dejected. Ji Qing took the opportunity to change the Fuqin in their hands.

In the chariot, Man Qing put the ugly sword in the corner and whispered to Ji Ruxue: "The uncle looks like a loyal and honest person. I didn't expect such treacherousness. Do we have to take a share?"

Ji Ru Xue smiled and did not speak, but his eyes were placed on the ugly sword in the corner of the chariot.

I just didn’t know why, when I saw Man Qing’s throwing the ugly sword, her heart was a little vaguely painful. It felt very strange. It was like seeing something that should be cherished. It was scorned and despised. It seems that I have perceived the grievances of the ugly sword, and the ugly sword is unwilling.

But when Ji Ruxue seriously perceives it, he does not perceive specific things.

The ugly sword is still ordinary, and there is still no abnormality.

Seriously examining himself, Ji Ruxue finally wondered if this was his own illusion, or was it in the midst of it, as if he had seen this ugly sword a long time ago?

In the wilderness, the wasteland will erupt from time to time.

This kind of breath is violent and unstable, and it is very harmful to low-level monks. After the meeting of the Ji family, they did not stay in the wilderness for a long time, and quickly returned to the border.

Naturally, Ji Ruxue and Man Qing brought back the strange ugly sword found in the wilderness.

When I got off the bus, Man Qing sighed: "Snow boss, a family will sum up the results of this wilderness trial, I am taking advantage of this broken sword, I am afraid it is a bit shameful!"

In Ji Ruxue's heart, there is a feeling of distressing again, as if he and Man Qing are so contemptuous of the ugly sword.

Swinging his head and dispelling this very strange feeling, Ji Ruxue said: "That is to put it in the chariot for the time being, finish it, you can come and pick it up."

Man Qing said with a loud voice: "Well! Snow boss wise ~ ~ Ji Ruxue took Man Qing out of the chariot, Ji Yan led them, entered the family compound, quiet inside and outside the chariot .

The ugly sword, which was originally calm and quiet, began to change at this time. The faint milky white brilliance circulated on the sword. At the same time, the ugly sword seemed to be blurred. In the white brilliance, the blade seemed to gradually become human, but the human form It is unstable and will be turned into a sword body in a short time.

Among the silent chariots, the sword body and human form are in the milky white brilliance, reciprocating and changing.

After a long time, the footsteps came from outside the chariot. The ugly sword was lightly shaken, and the light converges quickly. It turns into a slightly inconspicuous blade, lying in the corner of the chariot, without any abnormality.

Ji Jin opened the curtain of the chariot, his eyes swept around and found the ugly sword in the corner. He could not help but slowly shake his head and said: "The two gimmicks are really playful, throwing the broken sword in my car. ......"

After saying that the sword was lifted up, he stepped into the family firewood room and threw it away. He tied the sword over a huge piece of wood and turned his head. (To be continued.):

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