Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1391: Like a reincarnation

After learning to speak, Sun Hao’s heart is full of gratitude.

The gratitude to the master and servant of Ji Ruxue, if not their master servant, Sun Hao does not know whether he can find such a comfortable recovery environment, and now he is impossible to return to such a degree.

Moreover, Sun Hao also vaguely felt that Ji Ruxue was carrying the agarwood sword cultivation every day. In fact, he also had extra help for his own vagueness. Otherwise, he might not be able to learn to talk and walk so quickly.

Xiaoqing will come to visit Sun Hao every ten days, and he has been very curious to ask about the origin of Sun Hao. Sun Hao points to his own brain, and he wows up and fools the past.

Can walk and talk.

Lost memory, confused.

Sun Hao really settled in the old town of Sai Jijia, and gradually became one of them.

Under Xiaoqing’s understanding, after Sun Hao’s injury healed, he began to let Sun Hao self-suffice, and withdrew his niece, and let the House of Representatives begin to arrange for him to do what he could, on the grounds that she could not use her power to raise rice worms. A little cousin who is not sensible at home.

The old monster who lived for more than a thousand years was actually turned into a small cousin by a little girl, and Sun Hao was a little dumbfounding.

However, at the same time, Sun Hao also vaguely knows that, perhaps, according to the time of the upper bound, he is in the next millennium, and it is just a decade old. Maybe he really has to call Xiaoqing a cousin.

The name of Ji Xiaoshan also officially became the ranking of Sun Hao in the Ji family.

This is not awkward, but Sun Hao has to wear a complete memory, and knocked down his teeth.

Although Xiaoqing sometimes chooses domineering, but Sun Hao can feel it. The little girl in front of me really has a kind heart. She really has no bad eyes for herself. Moreover, she does not really ask herself questions. Naturally, there is no more disgusting cousin.

Ji Ruxue has also seen Sun Hao several times, but her personality is slightly cold, a bit cold, just like, she is also very concerned about Sun Hao, otherwise, Sun Hao's days will not be so good.

Of course, Shen Xiangjian has been placed on Ji Ruxue, and Sun Hao has not recovered.

The resilience of this world, which was absorbed by Ji Ruxue, and the real elements of Yishang, had a certain contribution to Shen Xiangjian, and it was not harmful to Ji Ruxue itself. Sun Hao was happy to help her recover.

I will walk, talk, and be able to support myself.

Throughout the year, Sun Hao was pleased that he finally stood on the upper bound.

Finally, it was truly completed and became a member of the upper bound.

Then, what Sun Hao has to do is how to find the right way to recast his body.

It was only at this time that Sun Hao suddenly discovered that it was not easy.

This world, that is, the Xiaoxu in the Xiaoqing mouth, the cultivation method is not a readily available road goods, even in the Ji family, if you want to learn some self-defense techniques, you need to meet a lot of conditions.

Jijiabao has a very strict management system, and people are strictly divided into three or six. In general, the people of Jijiabao are divided into three major grades, and each rank has three small ranks. .

Levels represent identity, represent rights, and represent the direction of people's struggles.

After a year of self-cultivation, Sun Hao successfully learned to walk and talk, and succeeded to become the middle class among the third class, the most inferior mortal.

The third class of Jijiabao.

The most inferior is the mortal, the mortal three levels, the bottom is the absence of any background, not too much skills, can only support the family, the hard work of the kind; and Sun Hao where the mortal is superior, that is the kind of monk Background, but it is only a mortal person. The background of Sun Hao’s monk is undoubtedly Xiaoqing.

He is a young cousin of Xiaoqing, so he is honored to be the best among the mortals.

And Sun Hao is struggling, may change his own destiny, is to strive to become the second class of Ji Jiabao, family warriors.

There is a completely different difference between the lower imaginary and the lower bound, that is, between the mortal and the monk, there is a strange level, a warrior, and some are called warriors.

The practice of cultivating the theory of the lower emptiness is far higher than the lower bound.

The mortal here is not without the road to the sky, but the road to the sky is even more difficult.

A mortal can't refine, but he can practice martial arts.

As long as the virgins of the imaginary martial arts can cultivate the martial arts to the point where they reach the peak, they can also smash the void, forcibly communicate the ability of the heavens and the earth to obtain refining power and eventually become a monk.

Of course, Sun Hao’s purpose is not to break the void, but Sun Hao only needs to rebuild his strength by using the martial arts.

This is not very easy.

Ji family has strict management standards. Even if it is a mortal superior, if you want to acquire the martial arts cultivation method, you must meet several basic conditions. One is to serve in Jijiabao for more than two years; the other is contribution. The basic requirements must be met; the third is that the assessment is qualified, that is, strength, speed, reaction, etc., and must pass.

The three requirements, each one, are not difficult for the current Sun Hao.

Especially in the third article, Sun Hao has just learned to walk now, and there is a mess in the flesh. It is powerless and not fast. The reaction speed of the head is very fast, and the body can't keep up.

In the lower bounds, Sun Hao is a decent master of the cultivator level. He did not expect to go to the upper bounds, but he would worry about the most basic method of martial arts cultivation. This also makes Sun Hao a little depressed and laughed.

After the basics can begin to walk normally, Sun Hao is already trying to cultivate some of the boxing of Tianling mainland, but unfortunately he can't even get out.

Occasionally, I barely played it, as if it had no effect.

This is the same as the various boxing methods in Sun Hao’s memory.

The "King of the Eight Laws" that tried to place high hopes still has no way to go.

In other words, Sun Hao feels that he may really only be down to earth, starting from scratch and slowly progressing to meet the requirements of Jijiabao.

The turning point of things happened during the process of Sun Hao’s selection of Ji’s mission.

Ji's various tasks are varied and the contribution varies.

After Sun Hao made a selection, after seeing a task, he could not help but shine.

Hit the iron!

Yes, playing iron, many fighters in Jijiapu, need to use a lot of weapons, so the task of hitting iron has always been, and the contribution is not low.

The reason why Sun Hao shines is because Sun Hao suddenly thought, perhaps, the iron-making technology of his old Sun family should be able to use, perhaps, the cold forging 36 hammer can also be used.

Among all the skills that Sun Hao has learned, the cold forging 36 hammer is a special Its particularity is that this hammer method has its own magical trajectory and may take Come exercise yourself.

Quickly received the task of hitting the iron, Sun Hao ran to the blacksmith shop.

Then, Sun Hao came back in vain.

Sun Hao, who just walked, had little strength, no more than a child, and could not afford the big hammer in the blacksmith shop.

After arriving at the upper limit, Sun Hao used Xiaoqing’s relationship for the first time and asked her to help herself with a small hammer.

Looking at myself, from the small to the big row of hammers, Sun Hao’s heart could not help but be a little embarrassed, and could not help but seem to have returned to his childhood.

At that time, I started my own life from these little hammers.

Unexpectedly, after flying up the upper bound, like a reincarnation, he started from a small hammer and embarked on his own path of life.

Sun Hao began to fight the iron, and he also whispered to practice the fire of the family. Unfortunately, the practice can not be practiced.

However, the good news is still there.

When Sun Hao exhibited the cold forging 36 hammer, it was true that the hammer method was effective and still had the power of forging, and it could effectively enhance his strength.

Sun Hao finally found a way to train himself effectively, and this kind of exercise can also bring a lot of contribution to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao finally took a very solid step in the upper bound.

Starting from the small hammer, I re-entered the road of cultivation. (To be continued.) (Zhangzhou Chinese Taiwan) "Nine Refining Guixian" only represents the author's point of view, if it finds that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please report it, we immediately delete it, the position is committed to provide Healthy green reading platform. [Actively cooperate with the "Special Action against Internet Obscenity and Pornographic Information\" Please ask the book friends to report! Thank you! 】

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