Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1399: Orgasm **** (2)

Just now, when the power of the tiger was like a tiger, when Sun Hao took Ju Ding and prepared to use the rising sun, he suddenly felt that it was wrong.

Mainly the weight of Juding, obviously not as heavy as imagined!

Sun Hao tried to lift it up. As a result, he didn’t have much effort at all, so he lifted his head easily.

Easily lifted up like a tiger, but at the root of it can not feel the pressure of a tiger.

This is the state that Sun Hao is facing.

Almost instantaneously, Sun Hao thought of many kinds of possibilities, but Sun Hao gave them one by one.

But at the same time, when Ji Yun asked him if he wanted to try again, he quickly adjusted his plan and raised the weight of the second test directly to the power of the four elephants.

Four stone lions were quickly thrown into the giant tripod.

Sun Hao stepped forward, holding the feet with both hands and trying the weight.

As a result, Sun Hao did not feel much pressure.

In the heart, a slight joy, Sun Hao’s body sank slightly, made a squatting action, and screamed in his mouth: “Give me up...”

It seems very hard, but in fact, Sun Hao still does not feel much pressure.

Both hands jerked over the top of the head and stood firmly on the battlefield.

The power of the four elephants, too!

In other words, Sun Hao obtained the qualifications of Ji Jiayi and other power fighters.

On the viewing platform, it finally sounded quite enthusiastic applause. However, Sun Hao’s biggest supporter, Xiao Qing, looked at Sun Hao, who was in the field with a strange look. He kept groaning in his mouth: "How is it possible? Maybe, isn't this a hell?"

Immediately, Xiaoqing cheered loudly.

In any case, the weight of the four elephants is not allowed to be faked, and the hills are completely lifted up.

On the face of Ji Yun, there was also an unexpected smile. He said loudly: "The power of the four elephants, the challenge of success, the hill, do you want to continue?"

Sun Haofei quickly thought about the strength of the Jijia Warriors. He felt that he was not insured now. Moreover, he did not know much about the latter test items. Now he has the opportunity to improve some achievements. Naturally, he is not allowed to let go.

With a slight smile, Sun Hao said to Ji Yun: "The hill wants to continue to challenge, one trip, nine lions."

Ji Wei stayed for a while, reacted, and gave a thumbs up to Sun Hao, and said with aloud: "Ji Xiaoshan, continue to challenge, a tripod, nine lions, the power of the nine elephants..."

The power of the nine elephants!

At the ceremony, I was once again bustling.

This is a **** horse. Before the big test, no one noticed. The big test began with a **** horse that everyone thought was really not like it.

If you lifted the power of the nine elephants, wouldn’t you jump up and directly tie the second Jizhong?

The atmosphere is a bit lively.

Xiaoqing is dumbfounded.

Above the main grandstand, Laotaijun asked with a smile: "As snow, do you think he can lift it?"

Ji Ruxue can't understand it. If he says, "I don't know."

According to Ji Ruxue's cognition, the hill can raise a picture as an extraordinary play, but I did not expect the hill to raise four images.

It is completely beyond her cognition, and naturally she does not know. Laotai Jun said with a smile: "I think it should be no problem."

Lin Family monk heard the words to Yu brother: "Great, powerful, Ji Jiazhen is a talented generation, this generation of soldiers can be really elite!"

Ji Yu still doesn't fully understand Sun Hao's information. He can only say vaguely: "Well, let's say that I am a family member of Ji Jiahua. I like to play pigs and eat tigers. It is already amazing. Things, laugh, laugh..."

Under the martial arts field, nine stone lions have been thrown into the giant tripod.

Sun Hao has stepped forward and held his hands in both hands.

Try the weight a little, Sun Hao's heart is big, his guess is really good.

I don't know what the reason is. On the stone lion, the symbol representing the weight fails.

That is to say, at present, among the giants, it is not the power of the nine elephants, but only the weight of a few stone lions.

How many nine small stone carvings can be used?

It’s hard to beat Sun Hao.

However, things are a bit embarrassing. Although Sun Hao discovered the reality, he did not find the reason for this magical state. Therefore, Sun Hao did not want to behave too strangely.

It is the current real thought of Sun Hao that he can get good grades.

Although the power is not heavy, the acting is going to be a full set.

Sun Hao has a foot in the footsteps, kneeling on the ground, and screaming in his mouth: "Let the mountains and the winds come to the world, give me up!"

This weight really does not create any pressure.

Sun Hao did not want to play too fake, so his arms were hard and steady, and even his legs were not bent. Sun Hao held the giant trip in the air.

Dark horse!

It’s an unexpected dark horse.

No more cheers than Ji Wei, rushed from the viewing platform.

Even the soldiers who stood guard, they also greeted Sun Hao.

Because of the relationship between the refining of Feijian, most of these fighters are acquaintances of Sun Hao. Many soldiers said loudly: "Good, hills, fuel, hills, hold, hills..."

The time of the twenty interest is flying fast.

Ji Yun was very excited and shouted: "Ji Xiaoshan, the power of the nine elephants challenged success..."

On the stage of the martial arts, it once again ushered in a big one.

Nothing is much weaker than Ji Wei, cheers, especially the cheerleaders recruited by Xiaoqing, even more screaming and exhausting.

After everyone cheered, Ji Wei looked at Sun Hao and asked: "Hill, do you still have to challenge?"

Obtaining the qualifications of the A-class fighters has far exceeded Sun Hao’s expectations for himself, and Sun Hao intends to accept this.

However, I have not waited for Sun Hao to speak.

On the main stand, the old Taijun sings openly: "The ruin of the ancients is the special warrior of the year, and later the most powerful battle of the past, the hill, you are now the only descendant of the squad, don't be weak. The name of the United States, and, hills, the United States and the United States did not leave a last word? The privileges of the special soldiers are not small!"

Sun Hao’s body was slightly shocked.

As an old monster of the millennium, it is almost the moment when Jijia Laotaijun opened his mouth. Sun Hao knows that he may not do his best today.

Sun Hao can be sure that his identity as Jigang is not a masterpiece of Xiaoqing. His new identity should be from the hands of Jijia Laotaijun. Now, she is euphemistically telling herself that Ji’s family has no origins. I have determined that I am a future generation, and I hope that I can perform well.

Of course, at the same time, the last sentence of Jijia Laotaijun, the privilege of the special soldiers, also deeply touched Sun Hao.

Privileges mean better cultivation of resources, better cultivation of the environment and better practices.

These are all urgently needed by Sun Hao.

Sun Hao faced the old Taijun, his body glimpsed a little, and said with aloud: "Thank you for your respect, the hill knows what to do."

The old lady smiled and smiled at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao saw that behind the old Taijun, Ji Ruxue’s face, at this time, a very incomprehensible expression appeared, and the eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and their eyes stared at themselves without a trace.

He smiled at Ji Ruxue, and Sun Hao turned to Ji Yun and said: "Uncle Shu, the hill continues to challenge, a trip, a dragon..."

Shishi and Shihu’s Fuxi are ineffective for themselves. Shilong needs to try to know that Sun Hao can’t dare to start, starting from a dragon.

The old lady is talking.

On the viewing platform, it was quiet.

All the children of Ji family are looking at Sun Hao and waiting for Sun Hao to play.

Sun Hao holds the foot in both hands, try the weight, and the heart sinks slightly.

Shilong enters the tripod, and it really is different from Shishi and Of course, if Sun Hao’s perception is good, Shilong’s weight is also greatly reduced in its own weight.

Strictly speaking, the real weight represented by Shilong in Juding at this time is the power of the elephant.

The power of the image is the limit that Sun Hao is currently facing.

If no other measures are taken, Sun Hao will be difficult to lift.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Hao looked up at the sun in the sky, his legs slightly sinking, and a strong masculine breath emerged from his body.

Sun Hao is still the Sun Hao, but it is this moment, the feeling of Sun Hao gives people a moment of great change.

If Sun Hao can only be regarded as a relatively sunny teenager, then Sun Hao, standing in the field, has completely turned into a heroic hero who is full of heat and masculine masculinity.

The handsome face, the snowy samurai costume, the bright and sunny face, let a lot of Jijia girls spring, and their faces are slightly red.

Ji Ruxue’s heart moved slightly, and a sense of familiarity with nowhere came to mind, where did he seem to have seen the hill?

In the rising state of the rising sun, Sun Hao grabbed the giant foot.

Try the weight of the giant tripod, the silky surprised look flashed from Sun Hao’s face, and the giant tripod became lighter!

When the sun was in the masculine state, Sun Hao clearly perceives that the weight of Shilong has failed for himself. What he needs to lift is only the weight of a stone sculpture. (To be continued.) (Zhangzhou Chinese Taiwan) "Nine Refining Guixian" only represents the author's point of view, if it finds that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please report it, we immediately delete it, the position is committed to provide Healthy green reading platform. [Actively cooperate with the "Special Action against Internet Obscenity and Pornographic Information\" Please ask the book friends to report! Thank you! 】

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