Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1406: Ling Tianjian

Xiaoqing said with a whimsy: "Snow boss, the hill has learned Taiji to swim the dragon's paw, it is not that he is the wilderness wolf?"

Ji Ruxue laughed aloud: "The strength of the lonely wolf may exceed your snow boss. Do you think it might be a hill?"

Xiaoqing heard the words and said: "That is, but the snow boss, we are going to the side of the wasteland, do you want to bring the hills? At that time, our mud bodhisattva cross the river itself is difficult to protect, bring the hill, fear it is not good ?"

Ji Ruxue thought about it: "Strictly speaking, this side of the wilderness hunting is both dangerous and a rare opportunity. If you miss this time, Ling Tianjian will come at least for ten years, if the hill is a bit of a foundation. Qualification, if you wait another ten years, it is really buried."

Xiaoqing nodded and said: "Well, that is, then we will bring him, at most, give him some key protection."

Ji Ru Xue shouted, and put away four eyes of King Kong, and restored calm in the battlefield.

Three days later, from Xiao Qing’s mouth, Sun Hao knew the ins and outs of the matter, and for the first time really touched the information of the virtual sector.

The ruin of the ancient dynasty is actually a practice. It is a test process in which the barbarians in the straits of the Eight Dynasties and the Terran in the ruins of the ancients are testing the achievements of the younger generations and selecting excellent seedlings for the cultivation of Zongmen.

In the midst of the wilderness, the Badi barbarian will fight with the descendants of the Terran.

In the end, the Ba Di monk or the Terran Zongmen assisted other test methods according to the performance of the younger generation and selected the next generation of disciples.

The land where the wilderness is located is the southwestern direction of Ganzhou. Within this area, there are many strong Zongmen. Among them, the Zongmen, which is the most attractive in this area, is the most representative. Said Ling Tianjian.

The area of ​​Zhangzhou is 30,000, which is like that of Peng Peng.

The eight-side border is just like the wing of the Peng-Peng, above the wing, the biggest sect is the Lingtian Sword.

In the chaos of the peak, a sword is alone.

Said is the Ling Tianjian faction.

The real sword repairing sect, Sun Hao in the Jijia Library, slightly contacted the Zongmen, and it is related to the key link of Sun Hao's strength repair.

After ten years of flying, Sun Hao is full of flesh and blood, and the meridians of the whole body have been basically restored. The micro-healing function gently nourishes the whole body. However, this practice has become so effective now that the nourishment effect is not good.

Sun Hao needs to find a special, symptomatic exercise to repair a broken bone.

If there is no symptomatic exercise, in theory, relying on 璇 micro health, Sun Hao fears that it takes hundreds of years to recover.

Although for the monk monk, a hundred years is nothing.

However, Sun Hao instinctively felt that there were eyes on the sky staring at himself at all times, and the strength was not repaired at all, and the heart was awkward.

Sun Hao did not find martial arts to repair bones in Jijiapu. To make progress, Lingtianjian will be a good choice. Of course, the premise is that Sun Hao can reach the entry conditions of Lingtianjian.

After the physical and meridians were completely restored, Sun Hao’s golden warfare restored some of his combat power, but because of his limited bone bearing capacity, Sun Hao did not dare or walk in the golden warfare state for a long time.

Before the golden warfare was completely restored, the real elements in Sun Hao’s body, the large foreign bodies in the body can only crouch down, and slowly cultivated with the micro-health. If you are too eager, you may encounter unstable roots in the future. The danger.

To put it simply, Sun Hao has finally recovered some strength, but it is not sustainable.

This is also the reason why the Badian side has emerged as a lonely wolf.

The news brought by Xiaoqing made Sun Hao’s heart move. Naturally, he joined Ji Ruxue’s warrior squad and drove his own chariot. After three days, along with Ji Ruxue, he rushed out of Jijiabao and rushed out like The long dragon smashed into the wilderness of the Eight Dyed wilderness on the edge of the earth.

Just entering the wilderness, Sun Hao drove his own speeding car, slammed away from the team, stood in front of the team, and arched his hands, and said: "Miss, young sister, hills, please serve as a scout."

Ji Ruxue hesitated, Xiaoqing is preparing to speak.

Around them, the oldest Ji Jin has already said: "It's not bad. Hill is indeed one of the best scouts of Ji's family. The old rules, don't leave the team for a hundred miles, swim in front, once you find intelligence, release the signal in time... ”

Sun Hao said: "The hill leads."

A chariot, fly away.

Xiaoqing stayed for a while and said to Ji Han: "Is it unfortunate that the hill is rolling?"

Ji rolled nodded and shook his head again: "Under normal circumstances, it should not be, barbarian team, hills can be found and fleeing in time, barbarian masters, will not be able to with a bronze-level warrior, of course, if you meet a hundred years of wild animals, Some trouble."

Sun Hao has run out of nowhere, and Xiaoqing is uneasy in his heart. There is no way, he can only sigh.

Not to mention, the hills have performed well over the years, especially as scouts, and many monks have praised them.

As the team progressed, it was also possible to find the signs of the journey left by Ji Xiao in many places.

All the way to safety, after half a day, the night is very, the team is on the camp, Ji Han and Ji Ru Xue stood up and looked in one direction.

A golden light rose from their eyes.

Ji rolled down and prepared, and the Ji family warriors quickly drove the chariot and began to take over.

Ji Ruxue shouted: "Who is here?"

Among the golden light, the voice of a little hoarse voice came out: "Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, entrusted by a small friend, specially brought a small gift to Snow Fairy and Xiaoqing Xiangu."

After saying it, throwing it away, throwing a thing in the golden light.

Xiaoqing heard a shock, a flying body, and leaped forward. He grabbed a small paper bag in one hand and opened it. It was the heart of the four-eyed King Kong that Miss and the Miss were in desperate need of, and the heart was slightly happy. Snow whispered: "This is the golden heart."

Ji Ruxue sighed slightly, and said, "But the side of the lonely wolf, who is your little friend?"

Jinguang gradually receded into the woods, and the hoarse voice came over: "I was resting in front of me. I didn't want to be discovered by your Jijia Hill. I asked you to bring this gift to you. The district is not respectful, fairy, fairy, and debut. There will be a period..."

Ji Ruxue said, "There will be a period later."

Xiaoqing shouted: "It's slow, slow, and the hill has forgotten to tell you, what should you call me?"

Jinguang quickly disappeared into the high jungle, and the hoarse voice came over: "Xiaoyou said, Xiaoqing Xiangu is very satisfied with the title of Xiangu, let me meet a few more times next time, you don't say I have forgotten, Xiangu, Xiangu, Xiangu..."

Xiaoqing slammed his feet and shouted in his mouth: "Damn, damn, **** hill, I am not finished with you."

The team camped on the ground and the soldiers began to recover.

The sun disappeared, the moon rose, and the night after the training, the birds flew over.

Xiaoqing, who is meditating, grabbed the bird in one hand and took a small note from his foot. He quickly read: "A thousand years old beast was found in front, three barbarian warriors, five Jiang family fighters were besieging, and the speed came..."

Xiaoqing was shocked and said in a hurry: "The millennium beast! It is a thousand years of wild animals, and the hills are too big."

Ji Ruxue said quickly: "It should be besieged. The hills let us go. It might be that we fish in the water, raise points, get some resources, go, don't delay, Ji hate, you lead the team, rolling uncle, Xiaoqing You go with me and quickly follow the hill."

Ji hates Lang sound should be.

Ji Ruxue followed the sign of Sun and quickly dive forward.

After an hour, Sun Hao emerged from a huge stone and rushed to the three to make a gesture. He quickly whispered in his mouth: "It has been three wars, the battlefield has moved four or five miles, and you come with me..."

Following Sun Hao, several people quietly probed out from the boulder and looked at the battlefield ahead.

In a huge wilderness, a three-headed giant wolf is roaring, reaching a height of three feet, holding a huge axe, and a strange barbarian warrior with a pair of corners on his head.

Sun Hao whispered: "Miss, look at the left front, after the big stone, hide the five monks of the Jiang family, and then look at the big tree on the right, there is a subordinate monk invisible."

Ji Han gave a vertical thumb to Sun Hao.

Xiaoqing said softly: "You are really good at the hill, but, hill, this fairy has to ask you one thing..."

Sun Hao suddenly lowered his voice and whispered: "Fast, the three wolves are not working, and they are ready to take credit." (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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