Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1409: Phase 2

The source of the ground milk is actually born in the stone forest.

Eight barbarian warriors, the three major families in the wilderness of Gusei appeared in the stone forest, hit a big fight, a great battle, dimly dark.

Stone forests have been crushed a lot, and the mountains are in chaos.

Finally, even after the slow response of Ji Jia also led the team to arrive, everyone finally broke the victory, each has some gains.

Of course, Ji Jia came at the latest, and the source of the harvested milk is the least. It is estimated that the head is not divided into a drop.

So on, so the Ji family warriors are all strange faces.

It is said that this time the wilderness hunting, Ji family always responded slowly and half-shooting, Shenlang Valley did not get the wolf **** Dan, Shilin got the least source of milk, it seems that this generation of Jijia monks is really a name.

The Ji family claimed to be the first one in the border, and the name was not true.

The real situation is that Xiaoqing secretly handed over a large bottle of milk source to Sun Hao: "Hill, this is Miss's award for you, not bad, screaming and making a fortune, stealing most of the treasures, you can think of it." Yes, you won't tell me, your friend has opened a small stove for you?"

Sun Hao took over the source of the milk: "Which can, the lone wolf said that he would go to Xuangui Cave, saying that there is a higher value of Ganoderma lucidum."

Xiaoqing’s spirit suddenly rose: “Let’s go see?”

Sun Hao looks at Ji Ruxue.

Ji Ruxue asked: "Hill, your friend said that there is not much number of Ganoderma lucidum? Can we take a share?"

Sun Hao’s face showed a strange look: “When the lonely wolf walks, it seems to say that he can only basically find out the distribution area of ​​the Ganoderma lucidum, go ahead and wait for you, and let me tell you if the Ji family wants to participate in the light. Ganoderma lucidum competition, then you have to give him a product of milk source as information costs, then he will fully cooperate with no reservations."

Xiaoqing’s mouth is tilted up: “Is this not a bonfire?”

Ji Ruxue knocked on Xiaoqing’s little head and said with a smile: “Just give him the wolf **** Dan, and give us the golden heart, even if there is no news of Ganoderma lucidum, give him some land. Milk source should also be."

After saying that he gave Sun Hao a bottle of milk source: "Hill, how do you contact him?"

Sun Hao took over the milk source and collected it. He said quickly: "He will leave me some special marks. So, ladies, you can advance slowly to the northwest, and I will leave a mark along the road. Leading you to the mysterious cave..."

After that, the body flew into the stone forest, and Sun Hao quickly disappeared into the sight of everyone. He wanted to come to the so-called glory hole.

Ji Ruxue thought about it and said softly: "Keep the formation, keep the speed, and move northwest."

Xiaoqing frowned and said: "But Miss, we are going this way, it is easy to be detected, it is difficult to keep secret."

Ji Ruxue knocked her out and knocked her straight, but did not explain, still led the team, and did not hurry to advance.

After thinking for a long time, Xiaoqing finally wanted to understand.

Perhaps, for people like Ji Ruxue and the ridiculous wolf, the importance of Ganoderma lucidum is far less important than the value represented by the wild hunting itself.

For them, it may be unfortunate that the news leaked, attracting more competitors, and finally forming a general trend of hunger hunting, attracting the power of the Terran and Barbarian, opening the real pattern of borders and gaining the opportunity to enter the Zongmen.

It is precisely because the height of the station is different and the position is very different.

Perhaps, the guy who is a lonely wolf has long known that the location of the Ganoderma lucidum, at this time, is only deliberately so, leading to a wild battle.

From the wolf **** Dan to the ground milk source liquid, and now to the glory of Ganoderma lucidum, a few heavenly treasures are more valuable than the same, and the wilderness is constantly raging.

In many other places, news of the birth of treasures was also revealed.

There are a few smaller families who have also gained a lot of money in the wilderness.

The barbarian tribes, still watching and watching, are still waiting to see the monk family. They finally can't stand the temptation to send out teams and rush into the wilderness to participate in this feast.

The vastness of the borders is full of excitement.

In the mysterious cave, Jijia and the side of the lonely wolf cooperated, and picked five Yunguang Ganoderma lucidum. The **** family who heard the news got one, and the barbarian warriors took away two. The Xuangui Cave was directly in the war. The smashed in the middle.

In the bang, the monks rushed out of the mysterious cave and dispersed.

Because there is news that, in another direction, there is a once again high-value millennium wild animal, there is already a force in the encirclement, everyone is anxious to share a piece of cake, no longer entangled.

The Ji family went deep into the Xuan secluded cave. Many of the warriors collapsed. Ji Ruxue made an order and began to concentrate on the team. The tea was rushed, and most of the soldiers rushed out.

Only Ji Shan has disappeared.

Xiaoqing suddenly panicked, tearful: "Miss, Miss, the hill is not buried in the hole, I clearly remember that when he entered the hole, he stood by my side."

Ji Ruxue is a lot of calm: "With the strength of the hill, you shouldn't be able to rush out. Let's look carefully and see if there are any messages around him. Maybe he has already come out."

The voice fell, and in the woods in front, Ji Xiao suddenly appeared. He shouted: "The latest news, the latest news, in the south direction, there is a millennium diamond beast, whose meat is rare ore, very rare, solitary wolf has Catch up, let's go..."

Ji Ruxue led the team, followed by Ji Xiaoshan, and galloped to the south.

Xiaoqing asked loudly on the chariot: "Is it a hill, isn't it true that the millennium beast is out of the north? How can it appear in the south?"

Ji Xiaoshan said loudly in front: "Xiao Qing, what you said is the old smell. After the wild beasts in the north, the Millennium Wild Animals appeared again in the west and the south, and the value is great, but their respective values ​​are different... ”

So many thousands of wild animals have appeared?

Xiaoqing kept screaming and said: "It seems that the wilderness hunting has become a climate. The barbarian tribes should have already shot, otherwise there will not be so many millennial wild animals."

When the Ji family warriors raged to the north, the battle in the north had lasted for more than three hours.

The huge millennium diamond beast has been surrounded by many monks and is being slashed, and its body, from time to time, is knocked down by a monk or a warrior, and it is filled with joy.

The Ji family warriors did not have to command, like a hungry wolf, rushed to the wild beast from all directions and began to divide.

After three days and three nights of slashing and killing, the millennium diamond beast was divided up, and finally the most important diamond at right angle, once again broke out.

With the help of Xiao Qing's cover and Ji Han, Ji Ruxue succeeded in winning a precious right angle and gradually retreating under the cover of Ji Jia soldiers.

At this point, suddenly found that I do not know when, Ji Xiaoshan disappeared again.

In this regard, Ji Jia soldiers have become accustomed to.

Perhaps as Ji Hsiao himself said, the most common thing is to be a ghost. He is born to be a scout.

It is said that just this millennium diamond beast, the strength of the monk's monks is not very strong. The Ji family monks have the absolute upper hand and become the biggest winner without other major forces competing.

The intelligence shows that the battle between the other two thousand-year-old wild beasts is fierce, and several slightly larger families who came to their own side actually found it on the way, letting Ji’s family smash a big bargain.

The continual emergence of the Millennium Wild Animals, the cherished cultivation of resources, has completely ignited the side of the desert.

The vast border between the ruins of Gusei and the border of Badi, within a few thousand miles, is in chaos. From time to time, a big battle broke out, and there was a huge harvest of information from time to time.

The barbarian tribes and the various ethnic groups of the Terran are all unable to sit still and continue to send strength to the borderless battlefield.

The Ji family is no exception. Ji Yun led the soldiers such as Ji Yuliu and Ji Yun to form the second team, and also rushed into the wilderness.

Between the day, the size of the battle in the wilderness never stops, some hidden deep cultivation resources, and even hidden resources that some Sun Hao did not find have been turned over by the monks ~ ~ war again and again.

For more than a month in a row, in this battle, more and more resources are being discovered in the borders.

Some resources, even Sun Hao, are very excited, and they have a lot of gains.

Sun Hao has a lot of resources in the wasteland, such as the wolf, the milk source, and so on. It took a little time to digest some of them, and Sun Hao’s strength has recovered a lot.

The most important change is that Sun Hao can completely break out the great battle of the golden warfare in a short period of time.

The duration of the normal combat state has also been greatly enhanced.

After the foreign body inside the body was nourished by the Tianmudibao, although it has not yet fully recovered, it feels a lot more spiritual.

Of course, what makes Sun Hao more gratified is that after his own intentional or unintentional guidance, the barbarian has the ability to have the idea of ​​the warrior and the Terran forces have a tacit cooperation, the wilderness hunting is formally formed the general trend, entered the second stage. . (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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