Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1412: Lone Wolf Legend (2) 15 and seek help

(Thanks to the book friend bk Ming to reward and add the second chapter, today is already fifteen, the current power list is ranked second, I hope that the friends continue to support, Bo Yao will still work hard)

The courageous Ji Yuliu and Ji Yun are both somewhat true. Don’t look at them now they are only bronze, but like Ji Xiaoshan, they are also special bronze warriors Bronze warriors, usually, they can also walk quietly on the battlefield.

The premise is that you can't encounter the kind of wild beast that is so powerful and blasting, but you can't even encounter the perverted murderous madman who likes to kill the beautiful girl.

The two made up their minds to learn from Jiji Hill, sneak all the way, like the hamsters, try their best to hide themselves. The luck is not so bad for the first time. A few days before and after, the effect is good. I really touched a lot of useful information and felt myself. More powerful than the uncle.

The courage is gradually getting bigger.

Among the moonlight, the shadows of the trees are sparse, and the two shadowy figures, like civet cats, are staggered from the woods, and from time to time, they are very safely gestured around each other.

Soon, the two quietly sneaked into the destination, both gestures, flying fast, like a cat, the two fell on top of each other, climbed a big tree, slightly revealing the small head, looked forward.

A huge valley.

There are a few bluestones in the valley. On each of the bluestones, several monks are kept. In the middle of the bluestone, there is a green pond, a white lotus flower, in the pond, and the glory is being swung against the moon.

The two couldn't help but look at each other and see the excitement in each other's eyes. This is a "moon-holster", a precious treasure of the rare world, and it is also the most valuable information that both of them have discovered.

More crucially, the strengths of the following few guarded monks are not very strong, and the Ji family can eat it completely.

Ji Yuliu played a gesture of hearing, and Ji Yun nodded and said permission.

Ji Yuliu carefully opened his small bag and gently loosened it. A small bird quietly flew up silently and flew away toward the Jijia Warrior.

The action was silent, and the face of Ji Yuliu showed a smug look.

But in an instant, the incredible expression appeared in her eyes. At the same time as the opposite of Ji Yun, the body was slightly shocked, ready to fight for resistance. In the ear, Ji Xiao’s hateful voice came out: "Don't move."

Among the canopies of the tree, Ji Xiaoshan did not know when it appeared behind them. At this time, he opened his arms and held them tightly under his arms.

The body of the three people was suspended in the leaves in a very strange form. The cockroaches and the cockroaches of the cockroaches were found to protect their ji hills as if they were wearing a thin blade-like wing. The two of them quietly did not move.

Ji Yuliu can even feel the heat that makes her upset by the bursts of Jishan Mountain.

I don't know when this kid was touched, and I don't know what it means to hug him. If she is not afraid of being a snake, she has already been rude.

Just thinking about it.

In front of the canopy, three shadows floated up.

Ji Yuliu scared a big jump and quickly silenced his breath.

In the shadow of a hand, a small yellow cat appeared, and the small wild beast that really walked in the wilderness was the best at hiding, coming and going to the little yellow cat.

Another shadow said: "It’s just this thing."

The last shadow seems to be questioning: "I seem to hear the sound of the birds breaking."

Ji Xin Liu was shocked and said that he had a clear and sharp perception, and his eyes were round and round, because she found that the bird she had just released was now in the hands of her own Jishan. .

At this time, Ji Xiaoshan was looking at his eyes and looking at the three shadows that were not very far away. He breathed nothing like real leaves.

A shadow said: "Senior brother, it should be this little wild cat. It has wings on its body and can also glider."

The last shadow said: "Well, it may be true, the second brother and the younger brother, we are careful, do a good job design, hope that the lonely wolf will be led to surround the heavy, or else he always bad us good."

A shadow said: "But brother, we are so strict, you don't let the news leak, how can you come over to him?"

The brother said with a light smile: "The so-called virtual and real, the real and the virtual, the more strict our defense, the more the lone wolf can smell the smell, rest assured, he will kill according to the clues, and, according to my Judging, he should, as always, give up the most important baby, focus on the competition on the next level of the baby, and the brothers will start the spirit. This time I want to end the unbeaten myth of the lonely wolf."

The two younger brothers in the air, Qi Qi’s body, whispered, “Know, brother.”

The three shadows slowly disappeared from the air.

Until the three shadows disappeared, Ji Xiaoshan carried two people. He swam the high tree like a fish. He said in his mouth: "Follow me", let go of two little girls with red faces and move forward. Go quickly.

Squatting far away, Ji Xiaoshan just smiled and set his body, and said quickly: "媂柳, hey, you quickly return to the team, give the ladies a message, in addition to the month of this place, another There is also a more important Mei Qing, Wu Lin in ten miles away, Yue He is a trap, and Wu Lin can find one or two..."

"Wait," Ji Yuliu called Sun Hao, who was about to leave, and said softly: "Ji Xiaoshan, is the lone wolf not your friend? You need to pass this message to him as soon as possible, so that he should be careful not to be deceived."

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse and smiled brilliantly: "I know, I will tell him."

After that, Sun Hao turned around and went into the woods.

Ji Yuliu called out behind him: "Ji Xiaoshan, don't go."

Sun Hao stopped and asked, "What is it?"

Ji Yuliu twisted it: "Tell me and your relationship with the lone wolf, then we can become the eyes of the lone wolf."

Sun Hao seemed to hesitate a little. He finally nodded and drew a few figures on the ground: "This represents a treasure in front; this represents a trap in front; this represents that I am in danger, please don't approach..."

After Ji Xiaoshan disappeared for a half-sound, Ji Yuliu, who was studying the mark on the ground, suddenly said, "Hey, how do I feel that these marks are very similar to the contact signals of our family?"

Ji Wei said with a chuckle: "It's not like, but it's the same. You look closely. The meaning of these marks is just a misplaced sign with our Ji family."

When the two quickly touched the team, brought back valuable information, and led the team to quickly approach Wulin, the information from the front passed.

The intelligence said that the lonely wolf appeared in the month of the valley to pick the moon, the middle meter, surrounded by the Ling Tianjian sentimental master Jiang Fuqi, the valley broke out in a terrible battle.

The fierce battle destroyed the Moon Valley, and the regiment rolled out like a snowball. One of them ran into a barbarian warrior who led the team and chased the wild wolf. The three sides fought near the Moon Valley.

At present, there is no victory or defeat in the battle. However, it is said that the wild wolf is designed to be in the middle of the battle, and the injury is not shallow, and it is absolutely inferior.

Upon hearing this information, Ji Xiaoliu’s first reaction was: "The **** Jishan Hill, the success of the event is not enough, such an important situation, actually forgot to convey to the lone wolf, really..."

Ji Ruxue said calmly: "The goal remains the same, it is still Wulin, and the battle is over there. It is a good time for us to take Meiqing."

Ji Yuliu said a little bit, "We are not going to rescue the lone wolf?"

Xiaoqing said with a sigh of relief: "Their level of battle, except for the young lady, we are all in the way. It’s just a matter of helping out, let’s go, Ulin, maybe Ulin will open, and the monks there will be Attracted."

After some not a particularly fierce battle, Ji Ruxue once again harvested Mei Qing.

The Jianpai disciples and the barbarian warriors played a fire, and they were not attracted by Mei Qing. The battle group grew bigger and bigger, and they could not hold the momentum.

After playing for more than three hours, the battle group was scattered.

Ji Xiaoshan’s head thief’s brain got back and told the information in front: “The sorrowful wolf was besieged by barbarians and swordsmen, and was injured and stunned. It is said that when he fled, the barbarian took a big blow and also got the sword. Unparalleled swordsmanship, it is estimated that the injury is not light, it is difficult to make waves in a short time."

A glimpse of the eyes of the 媂 媂 瞪: "Ji Xiaoshan, I am not letting you tell the lone wolf Is there an ambush in front? What do you do?"

Ji Xiaoshan stayed a little and then said: "Do you think that with the loneliness of a lone wolf, what is the use of my warning? I feel that he knows that there is a tiger in the mountains and a tiger."

Ji Yuliu... The lonely wolf in my heart is really such a hero!

Ji Xiaoshan said at this time: "Well, I have been running tired for more than a month. Since you like to be a scout, let you go, but I hope that you can pay more attention and not leave. The team is too far away, I have to rest for a few days..."

Ji Ruxue brows slightly wrinkled: "Hill, are you injured?"

Ji Xiao said with a smile: "No, how can it be, but there are two dead ghosts, who want to be lazy."

Ji Yun also turned his eyes.

Ji Ruxue’s look is slightly softer: “If you do, then you should rest for a few days.”

Two little hoes were excited to take up their posts. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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