Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1419: Real strength (5)

Barbarian and the Terran have no less fighting, and barbarian warriors naturally know that low-ranking human monks can climb low.

Therefore, since the history, a lot of combat methods have been developed for the flying characteristics of the low-ranking monks of the Terran.

This is a very common three-dimensional attack.

The small axe attacked the highest climb height of the Terran monk, while the axe blade shrouded the retreat below the Terran monk.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the human race monks who know the roots will not be easily killed on the spot by this trick. The human race monks who fought in battle can use the power of the sword array to effectively evade.

But this time it is a bit different.

Sun Hao’s sword was a little bit, and the disciples who were in the spot were oppressed by the enormous force. The man could not fly, and the body could not help but fall down.

Jiang Fuyu exclaimed: "Seven teachers, be careful..."

The air has already come: "噗噗噗", a series of axe into the sound of meat.

Under the sword of the sword, the main target of the monks and monks was actually a lone wolf. Unexpectedly, the lone wolf did not catch it, and actually killed a sword disciple again.

Jiang Fu screamed and screamed, leading the remaining four disciples to form a road Jianguang, swaying the axe shadow, eyes full of suffocation, looking at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao turned over in the air, flashed axe shadow, a bang, his legs slightly curved, and fell steadily on the ground, his mouth smirked and said: "The barbarian strong axe is really powerful, cut the monk as cut Melon chopping vegetables."

Another disciple disciple has fallen, and everyone’s heart is a slight sink. Today’s business is afraid that it will not be good.

Moreover, even if the savage wolf finally succeeded in joining the swordsman, I am afraid that this beam is also taken over.

Killed a disciple disciple, and his heart was slightly lowered, his brow was slightly wrinkled, and he did not continue to launch. Instead, he and Jiang Fujun formed a slap in the face of Sun Hao again. You made a big taboo, today, don't leave you, I swear not."

Jiang Fuyu also said coldly: "Lonely wolf, I don't know if you can stop me from several swordsmen, there are species, you will leave all my disciples here."

After that, Jiang Fuyu screamed in the sky.

Outside the core area, the disciples’ disciples gathered like a fly.

The brows of the brows were very wrinkled, and a long shout, the barbarian disciples also rushed over.

At this time, the Jianpai disciples and the barbarian warriors have completely squandered out. They have already killed the lone wolf and intercepted the lone wolf as the main target. The other directions have been completely released.

Sun Hao stood up on the spot and quickly judged the situation in his heart, but there was no movement in his hands. He allowed the barbarian warriors and the disciples to surround themselves in the middle of the battlefield.

On the high platform of the sword-fighting flag, the brows of the monk monk are not only slightly wrinkled.

The monk around him whispered: "Adult, need intervention?"

For the swords, the two disciples are distressed, but as long as the wild wolves can enter the swords, all the losses do not matter.

But the current situation is a bit wrong.

Jiang Fujun actually gave up the defense in other places, and turned to a line of ridiculous wolves.

Of course, everyone is a monk who is a good man. Naturally, I understand why Jiang Fuzhen is so. In fact, it is very simple to say that Jiang Fujun felt the tremendous pressure of the wild and lonely wolf and wanted to really intercept the lonely wolf. Beyond the swordsmanship, it is more ideal to kill them directly on the spot.

Otherwise, once the solitude wolf joins the sword school, it can be imagined that his status as a husband will be challenged and threatened.

In a sense, this does not meet the interests of the swordsmen.

But now this kind of war situation is very much the meaning of Sun Hao.

Standing calmly in the encirclement, Sun Hao gently turned his body, and the sound was still relaxed: "The two great brothers are so big, I am honored to be a lone wolf."

Under the Lingtian battle flag, the monk monk slowly shook his head and said: "We still do according to the rules, do not interfere with the wilderness hunting, and to what extent, look at themselves."

The other monks should be so good that they calm down on the high platform, and only the battle flags are flying.

The Ji family received a lot of favors from the wilderness wolf. At this time, he was seen on the spot, and he was anxious for him, especially Ji Yuliu. He even slammed his feet and said: "The road is running, how can it still be? Don't run!"

In the field, Sun Hao has been surrounded by groups.

Quarry Tianlang said: "Jiang Fuzhen, your swordsman is responsible for the sky, my barbarian is responsible for the ground, but don't confuse it, and use it by him."

Jiang Fujun said: "Good", a Zhenfei Feijian, the sword sent more than 20 disciples Yu Jian, and aligned with Sun Hao.

On the ground, the barbarian warriors are like iron buckets, each erecting a huge axe, reflecting the glare in the sunlight, and surrounding Sun Hao in the middle.

Sun Hao is full of gold, and there is still a black scarf in the golden light that can cut off the gods, making people unable to see his expression.

However, the slightly rotating body and the slightly shaking hands can be seen. At this time, Sun Hao is already on the alert, but it is not very flustered.

Face the encirclement, do not evade, choose a battle.

Quarry Tian opened his mouth and said: "I don't know where you are from the courage, but what kind of self-confidence, at this time, you still can't escape, but you can't escape, you can't escape..."

The barbarian warriors blasted a vertical axe. Under the sun, the axe blade flashed, and the barbarian warriors circled and ran quickly.

In the air, Jiang Fuyu is also a violent drink: "Jianji."

Ling Tianjian’s disciples put Sun Hao underneath, taking Sun Hao as the origin, and also circling quickly.

On the ground, Sun Hao’s legs were slightly sunken, his right hand was stretched forward, and the palm of his hand was slowly pushed out. The left hand was horizontally facing the palm, and the palm was up, posing a very standard Taiji swim dragon palm.

Xiaoqing whispered: "He is going to use Taiji to play the dragon against the enemy."

Ji rolled his brows and wrinkled: "This trick can't stand it!"

In the heart of the Ji family warrior, secretly yelling is not good. Even Ji Ruxue, but also a jade face sinking, can not help but stand up and look straight to the battlefield.

The axe blade is like a tide, and the sword is like a net.

In the screaming voice, the sky and the earth, Qi Qi attacked the lonely wolf on the ground.

On the ground, many lurking barbarian warriors and Terran warriors stood up and watched the development of the war situation on the periphery of the core area.

Of course, everyone, all of them have a cold sweat on the side of the lonely wolf, do not call people even think that it is very likely that the lone wolf will be in this blow, the smoke will disappear.

In the center of the attack, Sun Hao's body rotates slightly, looks slow and swallows, and his right hand is also sluggish, as if it is a general object, carrying it over the sky.

The left hand slowly extended forward from the chest through the elbow of the right hand and lifted it over the ground.

The two-handed movement seems to be soft, seemingly no force, but the sword net in the sky has a ground axe shadow, as if the sea returning is generally pulled by the power of his hands, quickly and accurately Two huge energy spheres in general.

Quarry Tian and Jiang Fuxi have a slight glimpse.

I suddenly heard the lonely wolf in the field saying coldly: "If you come and don't go to indecent assault, the two will pick up."

The left and right hands and the speed of the slamming speeded up, and Sun Hao’s hands rushed out with the momentum of the move.

The axe on the ground gathered to become a silver dragon, roaring, and was led by Sun Hao and rushed to the sky.

The sword net above the sky was also dragged by Sun Hao into a huge lightsaber, sweeping the barbarian warriors.

The speed is extremely fast and sudden.

And it is still the kind of attack that both sides are full of power, and the power is enormous.

Almost at the same time, the sky was filled with the screams of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

On the ground below, there are also three barbarian warriors who are too late to dodge. They are directly swept away by the huge lightsaber. They are holding a giant axe and looking at their waists.

When the disciples and the disciples landed, the barbarian warriors also rushed forward to the ground, and the scene was bloody.

Sun Hao's body swayed one mouth, spit out a blood, and then laughed in his mouth: "It's just a hard-working force, all of them have been seriously injured, powerful, really powerful, hahaha... ..."

In the field, in addition to the laughter of Sun Hao, others were dead.

The monks or soldiers who watched on the sidelines were also sluggish.

After a move, I killed five Jianpai disciples, three barbarian warriors. The current incident is really big, I don’t know how to end it.

Ji Ruxue's eyes are as bright as stars, and his mouth slowly said: "This is not Taiji Touring Dragon's Palm. This is Taiji's ultimate martial arts. Taiji's shifting flowers are connected to wood. I thought it was just a legend to transfer flowers. I didn't expect it to be seen today. It’s amazing..."

Tai Chi's shifting flowers are connected!

Awesome warfare skills, Ji family soldiers are in full swing, I did not expect Ji family to have such a powerful martial arts.

So, what kind of identity is the ridiculous wolf? Will it be a Ji family disciple? (To be continued.)

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