Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1427: Sword heart

After saying this, Fang Jianjian Wang was silent.

However, his heart is thinking: "If Ji Xiaoshan is a lonely wolf, then the situation is very strange. He can overcome the confrontation between the million leaks and the invincible, and unite them organically. It is really a wonderful wizard. However, is this possible? But if Ji Shan is not a lonely wolf, who is it? Ji Shan is not like it!"

Looking at the second chariot, Fang Fangjian Wang then thought: "In the legend, the swordsmanship is only a flying monk, and it is the kind of flying monk who specializes in swords, but why is it born and raised? What happened to Ji Xiao?"

I can't understand it.

Sun Hao is also puzzling.

After waiting for a few tea time, the sword light in his room was exhausted, but there was no movement at all, as if he had been forgotten.

This is not like being eliminated. Is it wrong in the final round of testing?

Just thinking about it, on the house, there was a monk's voice: "Ji Xiaoshan, please enter the next room."

Sun Hao’s body suddenly trembled, and he actually passed the customs.

I have stayed for so long, but I have not been eliminated?

A feeling of returning to the heart came to my heart, and Sun Hao stood up, took a few deep breaths, suppressed his slightly excited mood, and stepped up to the second room.

After Sun Hao entered, there was still no hint, but a sword inside the room informed Sun Hao what to do.

In the middle of the room, there is a huge lightsaber floating.

On the lightsaber, there are a few big characters: "Please look at me seriously."

Ok, look at it.

According to the lightsaber prompt, Sun Hao stared at the big sword and looked at it.

The big name of the lightsaber seems to have a strange attraction. When Sun Hao’s gaze is thrown in, it seems to be caught in a whirlpool and slightly dizzy. Sun Hao finds himself coming to a strange space.

Numerous swords fly around and circling, forming a variety of graphics.

There are long snakes, elephants, beautiful women and monks who sing high swords.

Sun Hao knows the second level, and the test is the sword heart.

However, Sun Hao does not know what these Jianguang mean in front of him, and he does not know what he needs to do in order to show his sword heart on the chariot.

Thinking about it, Sun Hao sat cross-legged and looked at the Jianguang in front.

The various graphics composed of Jianguang are like a show in front of Sun Hao, flying one by one from the eyes of Sun Hao.

There is a beautiful woman who even poses for Sun Hao, trying to seduce Sun Hao.

In the eyes of Sun Hao, this beauty is nothing but a part of Jianqi’s, not completely shaped, which is worse than its own Taoist priests.

The beautiful woman drifted like a sad voice.

When the long snake passed by Sun Hao, he stretched out the snake head and bit it.

It seems to be imposing, but Sun Hao found that this is just a fake movement of Jianguang, completely out of his own, not moving, sitting cross-legged.

The long snake has an anger that is seen through the play.

Master Sui Jian came to Sun Hao and seemed to have a sword with Sun Hao. Sun Hao had no interest.

Sitting cross-legged, Sun Hao did not know what the front figure represented. All the graphics were just Jianguang, and there was no meaning to Sun Hao at all.

Sun Hao’s eyes are ignorant, and all the Jianguang figures are flawless, and they are all seen by Sun Hao.

However, Sun Hao himself did not find out, and the Jianguang, which he had seen through, eventually gathered together slowly, and turned into a shape of a bright moon, hanging high above Sun Hao’s head.

The moon is high, and Sun Hao’s heart is bright.

And those swords that have not yet formed a graphic, and constantly emerged, at this moment, in Sun Hao’s eyes, have completely turned into some small swords that move regularly.

Under the observation of the heart, Sun Hao discovered that these small swords should be a relatively complete set of swords.

Can it be said that the test of the sword heart is that the monk needs to learn this set of swords?

Sun Hao was shocked in his heart, but time was not enough.

Tea time is almost over, and Sun Hao has just discovered the sword.

I don't know how many tricks I need to learn to be qualified. Sun Hao doesn't dare to neglect, the spirit is highly nervous, and the swords in the hands are together, and they start to make quick comparisons.

Above his head, the moon is high, like a moon, a transparent, unconscious, Sun Hao entered the mood of his own boxing, the heart is empty, the mind is unprecedentedly clear.

Under the moon, the front changed again, and the small sword that swam away was turned into an ancient decoration. The body was slightly swayed, and the sword walked the dragon, rising upwards and flowing.

This is the first move, Sun Hao stood up, the sword pointed to the sword, like a decent, under the bright moon, the ancient decoration of the sword to learn to look like a decent.

The ancient decoration staff did not seem to pay attention to Sun Hao, and continued to exercise his own swords.

At this time, Sun Hao completely forgot that he was still in the assessment of the disciples' disciples. His eyes were only swordsmen, and the ancient decorators floated up. Under the high moon, the stars flashed and the sword pointed out. Sword.

Sun Hao learned to work inside.

Outside the test room, the disciples who have completed the test are all stunned.

It was more than the time of tea time. The second chariot actually came out again. No lights were lit, but the monks inside did not announce the end of the second check.

The heart is tight and tight.

Jianjun endured for a while. After half a day, he still couldn’t see the monk talking inside. He finally asked the question that everyone wanted to ask: “What is the situation?”

The monk inside seemed to be surprised. It seemed to be interrupted by Jianjun. He quickly replied: "Don't worry, it will be good soon. Also, be quiet, don't make noise..."

Sword Jun is awkward.

The monk inside disliked himself and quarreled with him!

What is the status of this?

Touching the nose, Jianjun silently resisted all kinds of curiosity in his heart, but made a decision in the dark. If the monk would not give a reasonable statement, then be careful of his revenge.

Ling Fangqi Jian Wang is much better than him, and An An calmly sits on his knees and waits for the result.

It’s time for two teas, just passing by.

The test disciples were completely served, but fortunately this was the last batch of disciples to test, otherwise it is estimated that some people have already opened up.

After the time of the three teas, the second chariot finally began to change in the expectation of everyone.

The most concerned is still the brightest lantern.

With the brightness of the lantern, if there is a fifth lamp, I believe that the bright must be the fifth.

The monk inside gave the answer: "Ji Jia, Ji Xiaoshan, a lantern, Jianxin Tongcheng Dacheng, realized the second sword room lost swords, I was disturbed, only remembered 80%, it is recommended that the sword sent The rewards are complemented..."

Others are looking at the sword to the sword ~ ​​ ~ Jian Jun could not help but touch his nose.

Fang Haojian Wang even gave him a sigh of relief.

Well, Jian Junxin said, how do you know that Ji Xiaoshan’s kid can participate in a test and can also realize the sword, but his mouth is not slow, and he said: “The sword is clear, the ethereal silence, Jianhui Tongda, Will not be confused by anything, can quickly understand all kinds of swords, can predict the safety of the rich, the world has been completely seen by him, great, this kid is really amazing, the natural swordsman, sword king, is not Can I continue to go down?"

Fang Weijian Wang nodded calmly: "Sword heart is clear in the body, this child learns Jianwu sword to do more with less. If he can skillfully balance the invincible and tens of thousands of swords, the future achievements can not be limited, well, you can enter the next level. It is."

The ancient decorator finished the sword trick and looked like a deep look at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s hands were slightly arched, and he was praying at him. At the same time, Sun Hao’s heart was filled with surprise, and it seemed that he had exceeded the time of tea.

But it seems that I am still taking the test.

Why is this?

Sun Hao, who doesn't know the situation, is a little bit tired.

When the body was slightly shocked, Sun Hao woke up and found that he was still in the second chariot at this time, and the sword with the word in front had disappeared.

Above the sky, the soft voice of the swordsman monk came: "Jihan Hill, you can move on. I suggest that you include the swordsmanship you just learned and gather them into a book. The swords will give you the corresponding contribution. ”

Sun Hao said slightly: "The disciple understands."

After that, Sun Hao took a step and walked in to the third door. (To be continued.) (www..)

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