Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1429: Ghost Story

Do not blame him for making a fuss, it is really the movement of the sword room is too ridiculous.

At the moment when the tea time is approaching, on the third chariot, the colored brilliance is violently illuminated.

As the disciples thought, this time is finally normal, and there is no need to wait.


With a bang, the lantern actually exploded on the spot, and it fell from the chariot. The jingle fell to the ground and kept rolling.

How is this going?

Everyone stayed a little, and Jianjun shouted: "What is the situation?"

Within the sword room, the monk seemed to be in an emergency view, or it was a bit stunned. After half a sigh, he reacted and said loudly: "Explosion, explosion, and relying on it, he actually exploded the sword left by his ancestors."

Exploded the sword?

What is the status of this?

Jian Jun did not want to understand, and suddenly looked at the third sword room.

There, at this moment, a rush of rushing up, seems to be piercing the sky, sharp and sharp.

At this time, Fang Jianjian Wang also opened his eyes and looked at the third sword room.

Within the sword room, Sun Hao’s pressure is light, and his eyes are shining, and there is a sense of sorrow.

Taking a long breath, Sun Hao put away the flying sword in his hand and sat down slowly, waiting for the test results.

The momentum is converging, and Sun Hao quickly returns to calm.

Outside, it calms down at this time.

The monk inside hesitated, and said aloud: "Ji Jia, Ji Xiaoshan, fearless swords and daring, strong heart, and no loss, this, this, the lantern was broken."

It should be a lantern in its own right, but now it can only be turned into a lantern. 3k novel network

The test disciples finally know that even if there are only four lights on the chariot, but the strength of the monk is reached, there will still be a fifth level, that is, the lantern is broken.

Without waiting for the sword to be nonsense, Fang Weijian said directly: "A sword breaks the tide, it is difficult to see for thousands of years, fighting for the sky, the heart is like iron, this sword is called a peerless sword, go directly to the next level, right After returning, remember to give the ancestors a remark, let them re-use the sword to use it, or else, your third sword room will be completely scrapped."

Sword Jun sighed: "There is actually a fight against the ancestors' swords. Is there any mistake? If you go out, the ancestors will think it is a joke."

The monk inside replied loudly: "Understood, Sword King, I will do well."

Within the sword room, Sun Hao heard the air monk softly said: "Well, Ji Xiaoshan, you can enter the fourth sword room."

Secretly speculating that his test scores should be good, Sun Hao calmly got up and stepped forward to the fourth sword room.

The more difficult the sword test is, the more difficult it is. The only five disciples in the first five batches have sprouted their swords, so in the end, Sun Hao’s heart is also dispensable.

Sun Hao thought that according to his third performance, he should have the conditions to become a disciple disciple. Therefore, at the last level, Sun Hao went quite relaxed.

Step into the foot.

Sun Hao felt that he was walking on the air and the body could not help but start to fall.

Suddenly, Sun Haofei quickly looked around, but found that he was now in a starry sky, surrounded by nothingness, under the faint light, falling into the air.

Knowing that he was participating in the training of the disciples, Sun Hao quieted down and began to adjust his body. (This domain name:)

Stretching his hand and kicking his foot, Sun Hao completely adapted to the empty environment and suddenly found that he had stopped falling.

Looking at the front again, there are new changes.

I don't know when, in front of my own empty space, it seems that there is a beautiful woman in the classical costume, lying on the side, Sun Hao can see the amazing curve between her back.

Sun Hao was a little confused in his heart, not knowing what it meant.

And this level, the test of the soul of the sword, there is no obvious hints like the first two levels.

Sun Hao is not very much looking forward to the results of this pass, so he doesn't have to worry about it, just carefully look at the strange beauty that appears in front of him.

After half a ring, Sun Hao’s face showed a strange expression.

After observing, Sun Hao felt that the face of the beautiful woman in front was a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere, and seriously thought, Sun Hao was surprised to find: "She shouldn't be the way she was when she was young?"

It is indeed a bit like a grandma, face, eyebrows, mouth, nose shape is very similar, the only difference is that the old-fashioned dragon clock in his memory, especially when I first saw it, it is as old as a cracked shell. Bark.

But now this beautiful woman, although it doesn't look young, is definitely not old.

Will it be a grandmother?

Sun Hao suddenly wanted to understand one thing. He really condensed the sword and the body, and the condensed is the agarwood sword. Now, the grandmother is in this strange space, is it a symbol of himself? Also generated the sword soul?

What Sun Hao did not know was that while he stepped into the fourth sword room, among the test disciples, Ji Ruxue, who was carrying the agarwood sword, felt a slight shock on his back, and then, he perceive himself. The strange ugly sword inside the sword disappeared.

Ji Ruxue's eyes flashed a bright light and looked at the fourth sword room, but on the surface, it was quiet.

In the fourth sword room, the normal state is that after entering, Sun Hao is standing upright under the shining of a white sword.

The agarwood, however, has already flown back to Sun Hao’s side, hanging over Sun Hao’s head and slowly turning.

The white sword shines on the agarwood sword, and a pair of beautiful women's side starry sky reflections are reflected on the wall of the sword room.

Tea time has passed.

The fourth chariot, the fourth sword room, was finally in a mess like the first three sword chambers. It was normal once and the lights were on time.

A bright and dazzling lantern shines.

Sword Jun yelled: "Impossible!"

In other words, he has not yet cultivated the soul of the sword until now!

Now it's good, there are disciples, when testing, actually showed out the swordsmanship, how is it possible!

In the mouth, very dissatisfied, Jian Jun is also a big noise: "Report the name, what is the situation?"

The monk inside is also very fast this time: "Jijia Hill, the soul of the sword is born, the invincible woman, the ancient sword remnant, sleeping in the sky."

The soul of the sword is born, the invincible woman, the ancient sword remnant soul, sleeping starry sky!


Sword Jun repeated a few words, as if I could not understand.

Looking up at Fang Weijian Wang, Jianjun asked loudly: "Sword King, what is the situation?"

Fang Weijian Wang had already fought and fought. Looking at the lanterns in a daze, Jianjun’s loud questioning made him suddenly wake up.

It seems that the language is Fang said in the mouth: "This kid can be transformed into an ancient sword at any time, among the ancient swords, there is also a sword spirit incarnate, the current state is sleeping. In a starry sky..."

Ji Ruxue and Xiao Qing couldn't help but look at each other.

Xiaoqing's handcuffs are forehead, speechless, and finally understand, when Miss Daxi returned a ugly sword, it was actually a return to Ji Hill.

Hearing the answer of Fang Weijian Wang, Jianjun hesitated a moment, or asked: "Sword King, this Jishan Hill is not an anthropomorphic person?"


Most of them are Ji family disciples who have not heard of this ethnic group, but many swordsmen disciples are not allowed to glimpse, Jianjun said it makes sense.

However, Fang Weijian Wang shook his head and said: "There is no difference between the two, but the Terran has only one soul, but my Terran has three souls and seven souls. This kid has three souls, and the seven souls are complete. How can it be a human race? He just I was born with a good sword and soul. I was on fire, and I will report the results quickly. I don’t know what happened here, and the families are still waiting for the final result! We have to go back to the swords, this time. There are a lot of things. After going back, it is estimated that there is controversy..."

The fire squad nodded nodded, and the clear scorpion sang loudly: "Jijia Hill, invincible and tens of thousands of swords, when the moon is hollow, the peerless bile lights are extinguished, the ghosts of the ghosts are ancient and modern... this disciple Test, when it is the first, you can enter, you can enter..."

Do not summarize, do not know, a summary of the next jump.

Jishan Hill has accumulated so many things, it seems that the power of the gods is only a turn.

Jian Jun could not help but look at Fang Jianjian Wang.

The calm voice of Fang Weijian Wang spread throughout the sky: "You can enter my Lingtian crossing the door." (To be continued.)

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