Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1437: Mingyue 0 (Wuhan Blue 3 Plus)

After two hours, the sky is too late, and the forged sword hall is even more shadowy.

Sun Hao Shi Shiran, carrying a flying sword, once again went to the window of the handover task, hey, knocked three times.

Xiaoya suddenly woke up, blinking, revealing a very innocent expression: "Brother, you..."

Sun Hao’s face sank: “Sleep, you know sleep, you know if you are performing tasks?”

Xiaoya looked around and found that other brothers and sisters were meditating. They couldn’t help but grin. I thought, why didn’t you train them? The mouth said: “Brother, what are you doing?”

Really unlucky, actually met a brother who likes to harass the cowhide plaster.

The fortune-telling old **** stick is not to say that he is taking a noble person this year? The nobles did not come, but the mold star ran into it.

Sun Hao did not know that Xiao Shantou had already placed himself in the mold industry, and his left hand was lifted. He shot the flying sword in the task window: "What are you doing? Naturally it is a mission!"

Xiaoya immediately remembered that Sun Hao had taken over the task not long ago, and said in his mouth: "Ah, so fast, wait, I am sorry, I will handle it for you right away."

He was in a hurry, turned over the list of tasks, and found the task of Sun Hao from the only list. He took it and looked at it. "The task requires that you pay the sword and fly a sword..."

Sun Hao patted the flying sword: "Well, it's done."

Xiaoya look at the Feijian Feijian, and then look at the list of tasks, cute brows slightly wrinkled: "However, what is the level of your flying sword? The level is different, the points are different, this, brother, Xiaoya can not distinguish. ”

Sun Hao’s face sank: “How do you manage the task, the level of the instrument can not be distinguished.”

Xiaoya’s face was slightly red, but only promised: “Xiaoya has just come to perform the task, but I haven’t had time to learn, brother, you see?”

Sun Hao "oh", the heart said, if you are not looking at you as a novice, I will not come to you, gently said in the mouth: "Forget it, not embarrassing you, my instrument is very close The top grade of the best, you can give points to the top grade. In addition, in the third sword room, you will prepare three mission materials. I will go back to the refining tomorrow. Of course, I will not bother the two masters. You sent me the task. I will not retreat."

Xiaoqiqi Xiaoya instinctively "oh", his hands and feet took the sword of Sun Hao's weapon flying, and quickly gave Sun Hao the score of the sword of Feijian, and got the second list of tasks. Handed it out: "Brother, you pick up the task."

Sun Hao was very generous and took out the identity token and stunned it.

Before leaving, Sun Hao once again looked sad: "Remember, don't miss my big thing, tomorrow I will come to do the task, prepare three or more refining materials, or else, hehe..."

Xiaoya's flower is eclipsed and nodded again and again: "Remember, remember, don't forget..."

Until Sun Hao walked out of the distance and walked out of the forged sword hall task hall, Xiao Ya was sitting on a chair with a slap in the face, and patted the small chest with a lingering heart: "This brother, it is terrible, scared to death."

What is the most profitable task? Nature is a leapfrog mission.

A foreign disciple, the leap-level to do the forging task, and directly forged the top-grade weapon Feijian, the points earned, naturally enough for ordinary foreign disciples to use for a long time.

Sun Hao is in a good mood. I think that I was scared by myself. I couldn’t help but laugh at it. Of course, Sun Hao didn’t hang her. According to the rules of the sword, I paid for it. The upper flying sword is very close to the top grade. After the little girl is reported, there should be a good score.

Sun Hao also took up a lot of money, that is, without a point of points, he actually received the task, and the performance of Xiao Shantou really made Sun Hao laugh.

Shaking his head, put Xiaoya aside and walked into his small yard.

Looking up at the sky, I saw a bright moon, my heart could not help but move, my wrists rose, picked up the flying sword, and set the starting style of taking the cloud to chase the moon sword.

The first move, the moon is a thousand miles, the moon shines on the earth.

After practicing it several times in a row, the sword is getting more and more familiar, but still has no feeling.

When he took the sword, Sun Hao thought about it and slowly opened the sky and the moon.

The moon is not very round, but the moonlight is still chaste.

There is no cloud above the sword front, no matter whether it is the sun or the moonlight, in the place where there is no big tree, it will naturally be unobstructed.

Sun Hao quickly entered the state of the moon, and the whole body appeared to be ethereal and distant, and blended into the moonlight.

After the moon was over, Sun Hao’s sword was on display and he began to practice the sword while the state was still there.

The same first sword, the bright moon, and the display of it, gave Sun Hao a completely different feeling.

Raising the sword, following the direction of the sword, looking up, Sun Hao’s heart jerked.

At this time, I hope that the moon will be in the past.

In Sun Hao’s heart, he completely forgot that he was practicing swords, but naturally thought of those unforgettable memories of the lower bounds, engraved in the depths of memory.

Sun Hao seems to have returned to Nandou Island. It seems to have seen the scorpion scorpion fish. Under the moonlight of silver and gray, standing on the sea and swaying, the moonlight sprinkled on her body, as if she was covered with a flap-like thin Yarn, condensed, and fascinated, looking at himself with ecstasy.

At that time, I was looking at the moon as I am now.

Sun Hao seems to have returned to the white moonstone of that side, remembering the little cockroach leaning on his shoulder, remembering her moon and swearing: "I missed it before, don't miss it in the future..." The bitter person, now Still in the devil world?

Sun Hao seems to have returned to Qingyunmen. It seems that he saw the purple smoke master who was cold in the moonlight. He remembered that she had been waiting for her for decades, every night and every night, thinking about the moon.

It seems that I returned to that night, and the cloud purple smoke leaned on my shoulder, looking at the moon, and gently left a sentence: "If there is an afterlife, I will marry you."

The sword in his hand slowly and waved up. Sun Hao’s head sagged slightly and left the moon. However, in an instant, deep thoughts and deep friendships poured into the heart.

Looking up at the moon, looking down at hometown.

The moon is shining thousands of miles, and people are on the water side.

The transparency of the moon, the coldness of the moon, the thoughts of the moon, shine a thousand miles.

Sun Hao’s sword slowly slanted up and pointed to the bright moon in the sky, but the head turned to the side, as if looking at the thousand miles of the river under the moon.

The moon is a thousand miles away.

Looking at the moon, watching the moon and thinking.

This feeling is faint and sad.

As a sculpture, Sun Hao solidified in his own yard.

And a silver glow, but through his long sword, flew to the moon, like a flying sword, under the bright moon, shining brilliance.

Within the Lingtianjian faction, almost at the same time, all the sword kings opened their eyes and could not help but vacated and looked at Lingtian Jianfeng.

Sword meaning!

A new, but not weak sword, which has never been seen before, appears on the peak of Ling Tianjian. Looking at that position, it is actually a foreign disciple.

what! A foreign disciple, comprehending the meaning of the sword?

Have you made a mistake?

More importantly, this sword comes from the moon, cold and long, and the level is not low.

The swordsmen’s gods extended and quickly swept to Lingtian However, without waiting for the gods to come close, the heart has already had a faint thoughts and memories of their loved ones, and there is a faint sorrow. The feeling of crying.

The night of the moonlight, at this time, seems to be in the sword, flowing with deep thoughts, deep helplessness, faint sorrow, touched the heartstrings of people.

This is a sword that can affect people's minds.

The dark passage was awesome.

What kind of enchanting foreign disciples can have such a strong performance.

I want to find out more in my heart.

However, without waiting for it to be completely close, Da Jianzu snorted: "Why, Laozi refining the sword, you also want to peek into it."

It turned out that the big sword ancestor engaged in ghosts, the sword kings suddenly realized, busy, and quickly retreated back.

However, there are still two powerful, no gods who are much weaker than the great swordsman.

One of them said: "The treacherous villain, you deceive the ghost, thousands of years of friendship, I do not know your bottom line? Let Laozi pass, I want to know, who is comprehending the meaning of the sword, or else, don't blame Laozi forcibly breaking through By then, interrupting his understanding can all be your fault."

After half a ring, exclaimed and spread: "Yes, it is him, just less than three months into the door, actually comprehended the sword, whether it is too fast, the third, we need to unite, such disciples can not be cheaper Boss..."

Ling Tianjianzu sat in his yard with his knees, and his face was more surprised than more people.

He is clearer than others.

My own baby disciple, strictly speaking, does not practice swords for more than five days.

Because he only went out from the sword court five days ago, good guy, how long it took, actually realized the sword.

Outside disciple, the disciple who had just touched the sword, actually took the sword and realized the sword, and it was so fast.

The sword is clear, and it’s too good! (To be continued.)

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