Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1443: Water

The third achievement of Sun Hao's cultivation is from the Ji family's micro-health, and after more than 20 years of cultivation, he is also subtly treating Sun Hao's body.

At the same time of internal strength, the various organs of Sun Hao’s body are gradually recovering.

Small flames, wooden dan, heavy water, weak water, waste gold gas... The imprint of sleeping in Sun Hao's body gradually became clear.

As long as Sun Hao’s bones are restored, these marks should be reborn and re-emerged in the virtual world.

Only at this time, that is, in the second decade, when Sun Hao was practicing the sword, he had to add a content, that is, every time, with his own swordsmanship, his body The bones are broken up.

No way, if Sun Hao is not broken, his bones will gradually recover under the repair of health care.

In that case, you will not be able to repair your sword.

Because the first step of the unparalleled sword bone is precisely the broken bone.

The matter of time is really amazing. When Sun Hao broke his bones, there is often a feeling of crying and laughing.

When I was just planning a wilderness hunting, Sun Hao’s original intention and the most urgent pursuit was to find a way to quickly repair the whole body bones.

But who knows that now, after his health care is gradually repairing the bones, Sun Hao has to go to the artificial destruction of the results of this repair.

The opportunity and cause and effect of it really made Sun Hao feel a little inexplicable.

Broken bones, that is, the bones of the whole body are broken.

The hardships are not something that ordinary people can bear.

But Sun Hao, at least he has to abuse himself more than three times a year.

Moreover, with the continuous improvement of the micro-health, the frequency of Sun Hao's broken bones has also accelerated.

Sun Hao is willing to break the bones, and he has not stopped the cultivation of internal strength. Because the long-term nourishment of internal strength can affect the injured organs of Sun Hao in a subtle way, this is what Sun Hao must do.

It’s hard to be bitter and hard to be a person.

Broken bones are painful, and that is broken.

Ten years of hard work, ten years of grinding swords.

In the middle of the desert, on the island, Sun Hao began his second decade.

However, this decade has been very different from the previous decade.

In the first decade, Sun Hao could only stay on the island, and did not dare to go anywhere. He could only stay in the yard and defend himself with the help of the formation.

But in the second decade, with the perfection of the four-sword swordsmanship, with the formation of the ancient iron warfare, Sun Hao finally took the initiative to step out of the desert island and began to move around.

The first time he stepped out of the small courtyard, Sun Hao was careful, his spirit was very tight, his sword was waving in his hand, and his whole body entered the state of the moon, and the surrounding environment appeared in the body's perception.

Walking forward, ordinary wild animals simply do not feel the existence of Sun Hao, and some wild animals even pass by Sun Hao.

Even the golden spearhead snake was deliberately avoided by Sun Hao.

Carefully explored for more than four hours, Sun Hao finally arrived on the beach.

After more than a decade of arriving at Keimao, I finally got to know the sea for the first time.

The deserted beaches are in danger, with gold spearheads and lurking snakes, and other poisonous wild animals that can resist the golden spears sink into the sand.

For the first time in the sea, Sun Hao did not dare to stay too long, found a golden spear, a sword running through, harvested his first prey into the sea, and then returned home.

The poisonous venom of the golden spearhead snake is also a very rare raw material for refining, but it is difficult for ordinary alchemists to use.

However, Sun Hao happened to have the experience of using the poisonous refining of the spirit, but it finally began his second cultivation goal after arriving in Kaimao Island.

Every day, once in the sea, a little bit of harvesting fixed the poisonous things on the beach, Sun Hao gradually emptied a beach of his own.

After three months, Sun Hao began to stand on the beach and set up a temporary camp not far from the beach, and set up some simple arrays.

The technique of the array method, the virtual world can be completely laid, but before Sun Hao’s strength is not restored, many of the arrays that need to use the real yuan are not laid out.

After the array, the driving array method must also use a lot of good spirits.

Fortunately, Sun Hao is ready.

In the twelfth year, Sun Hao really walked out of the desert island sword tower and camped on the deserted beach.

The golden spear snake on the desert island really became the object of Sun Hao's hunting.

On the empty beach of Sun Hao, two deep grooves were opened, and the sea water rushed in through the groove.

Under the control of gentle health, Sun Hao manipulated the water in two special concaves and began his own alchemy.

Water is good for alchemy.

A technique that does not use real fire, but the power of water to make alchemy.

In the case that Sun Hao can't be ignited, he really took the front desk and became a key link for Sun Hao to restore his strength.

The water in the two sinks is under the control of Sun Hao, like two hovering water dragons. From time to time, the alchemy furnace under the sink is scoured, and the essence of the medicine is washed under the light and heavy water. During the rotation of the furnace, it gradually spreads out.

After more than two months, Sun Hao, who has been tempering for a long time without alchemy under the real yuan, finally familiarly controlled the two water dragons to refine their own first spirit, Gu Yuandan, who often used this foundation A kind of spirituality that can solidify the Peiyuan.

It is only a secondary Ling Dan.

If in the lower bound, Sun Hao has a hard time, but here, Sun Hao has spent a lot of effort to make it.

However, when Sun Hao picked up the first furnace of his refining, he unexpectedly found that the effect of his first furnace was surprisingly good, and the grade directly reached the top grade.

A little bit confused, Sun Hao carefully recalled the process of alchemy.

Found a very interesting thing.

The reason why my own alchemy can produce top grades is undoubtedly inseparable from the foundation of my alchemy. In any case, my own grasp of alchemy and the mastery of alchemy can be very beneficial to my alchemy.

But at the same time, the water has a unique advantage.

Compared with the real fire alchemy, the water essence alchemy can better protect the medicinal properties of various elixir, without the powerful destructive power of real fire, the water Yun technique can make Chengdan's quality higher.

Sun Hao took Shangpin Pei Yuan Dan and his heart smiled.

The reason why the golden spearhead snake can dominate Kayma Island is that the violent toxicity is one aspect, and its toxicity is difficult to be used by monks is a larger aspect.

If the toxicity of the golden spearhead snake is used to refine the medicine, the fire is so strong that there is no toxicity and the drug is completely eliminated. It is not very suitable for alchemy.

However, with the water refining Dan, the golden spear venom is refining, and it will no longer be a problem.

Sun Hao asked a large number of Lingcao elixir prepared by Linghua’s brother to finally come in handy.

After digging the two sinks deeper and bigger, and sturdyly firmer, Sun Hao started to make alchemy on the isolated island.

On the deserted beach, Sun Hao, who is alone, is busy all day.

Killing the golden spear, getting the venom, opening the alchemy, diligently practicing, on the deserted island, which is unknown, Sun Hao is immersed in hard work.

A kind of spirit is refining.

Sun Hao's water purification alchemy grew rapidly.

After half a year, Sun Hao has been able to refine the Golden Dan, and really close to his alchemy goal.

The alchemy medicines prepared by Sun Hao have special significance. Everything, including the lowest level of solid yuan Dan, is a good thing for Sun Hao.

However, Sun Hao’s ultimate goal is “three treasures of refining”, three kinds of three-level spirits, three kinds of treasures that are very important for the refining monks.

Shengji Dan, Jin Xuedan and Forged Bone Dan.

Enhance the muscles, blood marrow and bone strength of the refining monks and the blessings of cultivation.

The principles of these three kinds of spirits are very similar to those of the twelve building bases that Sun Hao once refined. It is the kind of method of poisoning persecution that forces the monks to evolve Dan.

However, slightly different from the twelve Zhujidan, after the success of these three kinds of spiritual refining, the toxicity will slowly occur, and the monks will be tempered to repair the body.

Instead of the sudden outbreak of the twelve building bases, the monks were forced to make temporary breakthroughs.

Among the eight deserts, the poison of the golden spearhead is well known, but it is just good to be used by Sun Hao to make alchemy.

Of course, without water, it is difficult for Sun Hao to use his venom to make alchemy.

In addition to the forging bones collected in the future when the forging bones, Jin Xuedan and Shengji Dan are immediately swallowed and swallowed, urging Sun Hao's refining body to move forward.

In the case that the refining of the gas can not be improved, Sun Hao enhances his refining and cultivation as much as possible, and enhances his self-protection ability in the wild sea.

Of course, a decade of grinding a sword, never stop.

Sun Hao’s four swords have been continually polished and gradually become more and more successful. (To be continued.)

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