Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1448: Outside the sword king (2)

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Sun Hao and He Linfei sword on the wall a little, jumped up. ?壹 Naturally, Sun Hao reached out and grabbed the sword from the past. He said strangely in his mouth: "What is this, how do you string it up..."

"Don't move," the older Tada suddenly screamed.

Sun Hao has a slight glimpse.

He Kuan looked to Yu Da and asked: "What happened? Big brother?"

Tingda surrounded Sun Hao’s long sword and turned a few laps. He slammed back a few steps and said with a blank face: “I’m lucky, it’s too lucky. You two, you can get back a little life. It’s really big. Fuyuan, if I am not mistaken, this guy is notorious in the wild sea, the poisonous golden spear..."

A few of my companions were shocked, especially He Lin, who was even more earthy.

He Kuan took a look at Sun Hao, and then looked at the golden spear in the hands of Sun Hao. He said in his mouth: "Hey brother, isn’t it that the golden spear is as hard as iron, and the flying sword is hard to hurt? Now this?"

Geng Da looked at Sun Hao and said in his mouth: "So, they are really big, Hong Fu Qitian, the golden spear head is all over the body, that is, the seven-inch place is a weak point, if Sun Hao you stab is any other part That wouldn't hurt it, but it just happened to stab seven inches, luck!"

Really lucky? He Kuanfei thinks back, it seems that it is really luck.

The other soldiers in the squad thought quickly, and it might be Hongfu Qitian.

Just now, it should be that Sun Hao also wants to stab the gold ridiculous, but who knows that the shot is slowed down half a shot, so the sword only stabbed into the air, just like the golden spear of the sneak attack on his own head and hit the sword.

Just the sword of Sun Hao can be sure that there is no real strength, and the speed is not very fast.

It’s not like a sword that is specially sent to save people.

He Lin touched her nose and said with a heart: "Sun Hao, thank you.???? See? Book"

Sun Hao smiled and sword picked, and the golden spear shattered next to the gold ridiculous. The mouth said: "Don't thank, we are not a small team? Besides, I am just lucky, we must blame, only Blame this golden spear is too stupid, actually hit it up, hahaha."

At the end of the harvest of two gold-level wild animals, the members of the team suddenly like a chicken blood, the spirit instantly cheered up.

The golden spear of Sun Hao’s killing was naturally regarded as the trophy of the squad, and the division was the old rule.

To be honest, if Sun Hao happened to kill a golden spear, He Kuan had to feel distressed that he had given up half of the ridiculous resources of gold to Sun Hao.

Now, the value of the golden spearhead is far more ridiculous, and He Kuanxiao is too late.

The harvest of the He Kuan team, a few pairs of monks next to him.

Any mistake can be achieved by harvesting gold spearheads. What kind of creation is this.

After a small storm, the wall was stable for a few days.

The war continued every day, but Sun Hao did not need to intervene. Sun Hao also enjoyed himself.

The area where Sun Hao entered the deserted area was the result of deliberate selection. In this direction, it was a little far away from the imperial animal, and there were relatively few chances of a wild animal, especially a high-grade wild beast. Therefore, the battle situation was relatively stable.

But as the battle progressed.

After more and more sea monsters were attracted by the war, it was finally inevitably encountered more and more powerful attacks.

The broadband leader team once again killed a few golden wild animals, and the battle finally changed from quantitative change to qualitative change.

In front of He Kuan's defensive squad, he violently smashed a sea bear with a height of more than 20 feet and a large waist. The huge body slammed into the wall of the deserted city. From time to time, he patted the sky.

The sea bears burst into trouble, and they violently hit three huge impacts. The defensive array in front of the squad illumined and faltered. The huge bear's paw swept away from the array. Three of the five inner-door disciples in the next squad fell directly. on the spot. ??壹 power of the sea bear is strong, even Sun Hao did not expect it, and Sun Hao’s knowledge has not recovered, and the ability to explore is weak, but it is really Did not lend a helping hand in time.

The three monks turned into blood rain.

However, the prompt signal from them promptly responded to the rear monks, and the monk Jin Dan, who was responsible for the defense of this wall, screamed: "Be careful."

The flying sword suddenly rushed over, and in the jingle, the giant palm of the sea bear was stabbed, and a series of sparks emerged.

At the same time, within the barren, several Jin Dan came flying under the leadership of a sword.

Sun Hao is trying to move closer to the front, and He Kuan heard a loud drink in his ear: "Be careful, the sea bear tears the defensive array, a large number of sea beasts are about to appear, and I am going to arrange..."

Sun Hao’s heart moved, and the wall stopped at the original place, and his eyes looked at the big array of the giant bears swept away.

Sure enough, a large number of wild animals rushed into the gap.

At this point, the voice of Jian Jun also came over: "The nearby team, let go, the mobile team, quickly support, Jin Dan swordsman with me to destroy this sea bear."

Under the leadership of Jian Jun, Jin Dan swordsman took over and rushed out.

A large number of wild animals gathered together, and the front of the deserted, really broke out after Sun Hao came in, the recent distance of a sea battle.

The violent sea bears have great destructive power against the defense of the desert. For a moment, the protection array will not be too normal. This wall becomes a huge battlefield.

The wild beasts swarming in, hitting the various monk squads that were supported, all kinds of light, all kinds of swords, flying around, dazzling.

Sun Hao leaned against the corner of the wall and sat cross-legged. Many wild beasts passed by and ignored Sun Hao. In their cognition, Sun Hao’s corner was a sea of ​​water, and there was no monk at all.

Quietly, sitting in the same place, Sun Hao’s eyes are always staring at the core battlefields of Hai Xiong and Jian Jun, paying attention to the special fighting style of the swordsmen.

The powerful battlefield is full of swords and swords.

Even if it is a gold-level wild beast, you can't get close, you can die, and you will be hurt.

Jin Danjian is not able to condense in the virtual world, but the flying swords under their feet are very flexible and extremely fast.

The Jindan sword repairs that fought in battle broke out in various shapes of swords, forming a shape of a different animal, impacting the sea bear.

The sword master of the real main battle is trying to lead the attack direction of the sea bears, so as to reduce the pressure of the deserted as much as possible, and prevent more wild animals from taking the opportunity to storm into the desert.

He won the broadband team for a long time.

He Lin suddenly thought of Sun Hao, and could not help but say: "Do you have any problems with Xiaohao?"

He Kuan swept a few eyes and did not see Sun Hao, who was cleverly hidden in the corner. He said, "He should hide in the desert. Otherwise, we can't save him at this time. Everyone is careful, the wild beast. There are too many, and there may be some golden wild animals..."

The voice just fell, and there was a sigh of relief in front of me. A sea shrimp that flashed in golden light was nailed to the wall by a sword that did not know where to fly.

Yuda was shocked. He was just preparing to fight this prawn. Who knows it would be a gold variety.

The battlefield was a bit confusing, looking around and not finding the owner of Feijian.

The wild beast rushed up, and everyone forgot this thing for a moment and continued to fight.

Not long after, the front of the squad, is also a "squeaky" sound, a nameless wild beast flashing golden light, was penetrated by a sword.

The team was scared again.

At the same time, the squad monks looked at each other with a clear understanding. Perhaps Jin Dan or Jian Jun in the sky always pay attention to the battlefield here, and they are clearing the golden wild beast in time.

The daring suddenly rose, and the fight was even more intense.

Beyond the big array, there are indeed Jindan swordsmen who are always on the lookout for battles on the walls, and are ready to help.

But the strange thing is that this battle is a little extra different. It seems that there is no golden wild animal in this direction. The rushing to the city wall is just some ordinary wild animals.

The disciples’ disciples played well and quickly stabilized their positions.

The war lasted for three days and three nights.

The strange thing is that for such a long time, there is not a golden wild beast running in the wrong direction, killing here.

The battle has proceeded steadily.

In addition to the beginning, the sea bears killed three disciples, until the sea bears killed and killed, there are no more disciples on the wall.

Anyway, this is a good thing.

After quickly repairing the destroyed formation and re-adjusting the defensive power, Jianjun and Jindan swordsmen rushed to other places to fight, and the wall calmed down.

He Lin suddenly remembered Sun Hao and shouted: "Xiaohao, Xiaohao, where are you?"

Sun Hao smiled and stood up from the corner and responded with a loud voice: "I am here!"

He Lin patted Sun Hao’s shoulder: "Well, Xiaohao, you are fine."

He Kuan also patted Sun Hao’s shoulder and said with a smile: “ After the machine, I will meet the dangerous situation and run quickly.”

Sun Hao looked around and said, "The wide brother, He Ge, I didn't run. You see, you are killing the beasts in front, and I will sneak resources with you behind. These are my faults."

He wide mouth said: "Xiao Hao, you are too courageous, next time you don't want this, a little resources, it is not worth our lives...", took the storage bag in his hand, the gods swept away, the body Suddenly shocked, the words in my mouth did not finish, already said: "Rely, next time you continue..."

He Lin took the storage bag curiously and almost did not faint.

Filled with a bag of gold, golden light, brightened his knowledge.

Good guy, the golden wild beast that was killed by the mighty Golden Danes, was secretly collected by this kid! (To be continued.)

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