Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1450: Outside the sword king (4)

Taikoo Cubs, one of the wild and wild beasts, is known for its thick and thick skin and strong endlessness. Habit is a luxury sleep.

Often sleeping for hundreds of thousands of years, drifting in the wilderness.

Whenever you want to wake up, it will turn into a hill, revealing the sea and begin to forage.

This time, it is not the normal awakening of the Taikoo Cubs. It was awakened by the little flies, and it was furious and roaring.

In the middle of the sky, inside the sea, it seems like a moment of quietness. Only the old-aged bears announced that they were waking up.

The roaring sounded into a turbulent wave, and rushed forward. The body of the sword king kneeling in the air was blown like a wind, and the clothes danced wildly.

After the Sword King, the swordsmen who had just stabilized the sword array were even blown backwards by the squally wind. After reluctantly holding the sword array, the six swordsmen met face to face, and even the screams of the Taikoo bears could not bear it. How can I fight?

Looking back a little, I saw that there were hundreds of thousands of people who were stationed in the elite. The six swordsmen exchanged their eyes and the flying swords in their hands re-emerged.

Swear to death.

The huge roar, set off a huge wave.

It seems that the command of the general attack is general. The wild beasts in the wilderness are screaming in the roaring sounds. In the waves of the waves, they are desperately mad and launched a siege to the desert.

Under the impact of the roaring, the bursts of the rags flashed and faltered.

Under the impact of waves and waves, many large groups of people were defeated. They have just recovered from the vibrations of two major earthquakes. The soldiers have been rushing into intense and intense battles.

In front of He Kuan, there are also huge waves, but the situation is better. I don’t know why. In this direction, the huge waves in a large area seem fierce, but the power is not very large, and the big array is still well preserved. The monk can still defend the wild beast with the help of the formation.

The companion rushed past Sun Hao’s side and began to clear the beasts of the beasts.

Sun Hao still maintained his position, sitting cross-legged, looking straight ahead, on the knees, posing a flying sword.

However, if you look carefully, you can find that Sun Hao’s flying sword is now blooming with the ripples of blue water. It is more than one inch high and floats quietly.

The whole body of Sun Hao is also like shaking gently with the vibration of the city wall. Every time it is shaken, there will be ripples of silk and ripple around.

On the barren, the war has started.

In the midst of forgetting death, there is no change in the monks who noticed Sun Hao.

"咚咚咚", Taikoo Cubs double-handedly patted their own 3K*. ※文*网, it seems to be a strong voice for their roar.

Sui Hanjian Wang right holding the sword, slowly forward, Lang Xiaosheng spread all over Tianyu: "big bear, what sly, look at the sword..."

The right hand violently throws, the flying sword flies high and hangs over his head. The left-handed sword points together, the mouth bites gently, the index finger bites, the mouth vomits, and a **** spit out.

The flying sword trembled fiercely.

Every time you shake, you will shoot a sword, and you will work hard in the sky. On the sky, thousands of swords fly, forming a huge sword net, and shooting at the Taikoo Crows like the sun.

The sword pointed a sharp finger forward, and it was a blood spurting out. The flying sword turned into a huge blood-colored giant sword, followed by thousands of swords and sword nets.

The shadows of the Taikoo Cubs flashed in the eyes, and the huge bear's paw slammed.


Above the sky, a series of crisp sounds broke out, and the sword net woven by thousands of swords was swept away by flies.

In the end, with a bang, the **** giant sword squatted on the paw.

The bear's paw slammed and swelled.

The Taikoo Cubs were screaming and fierce, no matter how careless, they grabbed the blood sword, and the other bears were caught in the blood, and the palms were used hard and the air was pulled.

With a loud bang, the **** giant sword couldn't stand the huge power of the bear, and was cut off in the air by the students.

In the mouth of Shu Han Jian Wang, a blood spurted out, and the body fell down from the ground.

Above the vast sea, slamming the waves of the sky, a mountain suddenly appeared, and the sword sorcerer who slammed into the air.

Six swordsmen came together and shouted "Adults are careful". The sword is turned into a six-mantle compass shape, and the top goes forward to win time for the Shuhan sword king.

The mountain-like bears flew in the air, and the sea water that was brought up caused heavy rain in the air.

The tremendous power brought out a powerful shock wave. The six-pointed star compass sword array failed to reach the bear's paw and was destroyed by the shock wave.

The six swords are in full swing, and the six flying swords are forward, and they are armed with swords, and they will not stand back and resist the hills.

Shu Han Jian Wang finally sighed out from the devastating destruction of his life flying sword. One knee in the air, the wrists vibrate, and another flying sword appeared in the hand.

At this time, the huge shock wave from the Taikoo Cubs still rushed over.

Shuhan Jianwang’s air-sword, the mouth violently said: “Thank you for your friends, I’m slowing down, don’t block, we’re going to...”

The six swordsmen still pointed at the front of the sword, but the body followed the direction of the shock wave, quickly retreating backwards, and quickly withdrew from the side of the Shuhan sword king.

The sword of the Sword of the Han Han Sword is shining on the sword, forming a light film that blocks the shock wave, but the body is involuntarily pushed to fly back backwards.

Six swordsmen screamed in the air: "All monks in this direction, fast withdrawal..."

The sound did not completely fall, and Sun Hao saw that it was far away from him, and the place that he could not reach beyond. There were dozens of miles away from the ruins, and a large number of swordsmen were rapidly retreating.

However, they did not wait for them to withdraw.

The powerful shock wave attacked, and the protective array flashed a few flashes, and the light was dark and destroyed.

Tall and sturdy, containing a variety of arrays to support the ruin of the ruin, but also in the shock wave layer.

The Shuji swordsman who had no time to escape was directly turned into a fly ash. There were only a few Jindan swordsmen, like the birds flying, and the emperor flew away.

The sword of the Shuhan Sword King flashed, stubbornly blocking the front. If there was no resistance from him, I was afraid that the impact of the wreckage would be more than several times.

The loud noise of the bang.

The Shuhan Sword King, who had been rushed back, was kicked into the strong wall by one foot.

Even if it is a smashed wall, it is also a large herringbone deep pit, and the Shuhan Jianwang is deeply embedded.

The ruins of more than three miles were completely destroyed by the defense, and the city wall collapsed in large areas.

Thousands of Ling Tianjian disciples had no time to escape and fell on the spot.

In front of Sun Hao, He Kuan said loudly: "Brothers, pay attention, once the bears are in our direction, we try to hide under the wall of the deserted city. The wall is very strong, and there may be a chance to live..."

The voice was gone, and not far away was a loud bang.

The Taikoo Cubs swept to the six swordsmen, and the wind was over, and another piece of rain was swept away.

More than a thousand swordsmen have not been able to retreat, under the giant palm, turned into fly ash.

The majestic shackles were cut off by life.

A large amount of sea water, a large number of wild animals poured into the desert.

The six swordsmen would fall to the sky and vomit blood, and they couldn’t stop the bears.

There was a loud bang, and among the walls, the Shuhan sword king rushed to the sky.

Surrounded by all sides, the face is a miserable, today's game, there is no life, a screaming shouting in the mouth, Shu Hanjian Wang Lang said: "Human family Lang ~ ~ Jianpai disciples, rather than bend, swear Not retreating, Ba Di borders, all disciples listen, today, we kill one enough, kill two to earn, with me, fight in the city..."

Six swords and swordsmen renewed: "The battle of the city, the battle of the city..."

In front of Sun Hao, He Kuan and He Lin also shouted.

There is no way to escape, to push the corner, and fight against the water.

Inside and outside the desert, the tragic and high-pitched songs began to flutter on the desert.

The waves are higher than the waves, and they rise up.

The eyes of the Taikoo bears fell into disdain, and the palms were swept away and swept down to the desert.

Overwhelmingly, the black giant palms swept down.

He Kuan’s eyes turned red in a flash, and his mouth screamed: “Brothers, fight, fight for one.”

The bear's paw swept in this direction.

The huge air wave was pressed down.

Black palms cover the sky.

The vast waters of the vast seas seem to have been stirred up by the sky, from the inside and outside of the desert.

The air waves, the giant palms quickly pressed down.

The eyes of Shuhan Jianwang, who had no time to rescue, could not help but close.

He Kuan and He Lin madly killed outside the big array.

But at this moment, they suddenly found that they were not able to move up and down the whole body, and they couldn’t move. It seemed to be floating up by the powerful sea water, so that it could not be the slightest force.

I can only wait for the giant palm to press down.

But something stranger is coming.

On the top of the barren, rolling up the waves, the airflow of the giant palm completely rushed into the huge waves and disappeared without a trace.

The giant palm that was swung over was also heavily pressed against the huge waves. The big explosion in the mind, the splash of sea water did not happen.

The bones in the imagination did not exist and did not appear.

It seems to float in the sea, and all the swordsmen of this wall are very surprised to find that if they have nothing to do. (To be continued.)

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