Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1451: Outside the sword king (5)

what's the situation?

what's going on?

All the monks were a little surprised when they were surprised.

Shu Han Jian Wang, also strangely, looked at this piece of desert.

Among the eyes of the Taikoo Cubs, they are also full of incomprehensible, sun-like eyes, and come over.

Six swordsmen flew to the side of the sword king and looked strangely.

At this time, on the wall, He Lin moved his body and shouted: "Xiaohao, what are you doing?"

He Kuan and others heard the sound and turned back, but they saw that Sun Hao, who had been sitting cross-legged behind them, was holding his knees and sitting, his eyes closed and his body rising strangely.

He Kuan opened his mouth and was ready to speak.

Yuda slammed his mouth and shook his head slowly.

He Kuanyi.

I saw that Sun Hao’s body had been lifted up by the waves and rushed upwards.

With a bang, the waves skyrocketed, and the giant palm of Taikoo Cong was slammed to the side, slightly stunned, and the incredible expression in the eyes of the Taikoo Cubs looked at the deserted, staring at the knees. And sitting on Sun Hao.

The waves are in this direction, as if they were a high wall.

Lifted up Sun Hao, sitting cross-legged and floating slowly.

A teenager, flying swords across the knees, closing his eyes and sitting on the waves.

And just now, the giant palm of the Taikoo Cub is rushed away by the waves.

There is no doubt that this boy is a monk who really blocks the palm of Taikoo.

However, the Shuhan sword king knows how to sweep Sun Hao, and he can't help but exclaim: "How is this possible!"

A few swords you kànkàn me, I kànkàn you.

Liu Dajian finally remembered Sun Hao and said aloud: "He is a foreign disciple, Sun Hao, dry, actually he..."

Sui Han Jian Wang naturally sees that Sun Hao is really a disciple outside the sword, not only dressed in a foreign disciple costume, but also does not see the real thing in the body.

Even internal forces are the kind of very soft and pure.

However, it is exactly this that really makes him even more unbelievable.

The ancient Cang Xiong is so powerful that the Sui Han Sword King has deep experience, and the palm of the Taikoo Cubs can't resist it, but why does this foreign disciple actually give it back?

how is this possible?

If you don't see it with your own eyes, whoever says to Shuhan Jianwang, he will think that it is nonsense.

But the truth is in front of you.

At this point, Liu Dajianjun finally remembered the strangeness of Sun Hao. He shot his thigh and said loudly in his mouth: "Damn, I should have thought that this kid is not an ordinary person..."

Sui Hanjian Wang tightly held the sword in his hand and quickly asked: "Talk about this, what is Sun Hao, what is the origin, what is the difference."

Liu Dajianjun smiled bitterly: "Twenty years ago, he came to the Ba Di Desert and defended Kaimao Island. I thought that for at least a year, he would be finished. He didn't think he was a foreign disciple. He was in a golden spear, disaster. The deep Kaimo Island has been firmly guarding for 20 years, and even more amazing is..."

With a sigh of relief, Liu Dajian touched his head: "What is even more amazing is that the crisis was ruined recently. His kid actually drifted across the wild sea and ran back from Kaimao Island. I was wondering how he came back. As a result, he said that he was lucky and he came back with a big piece of wood..."

Sui Hanjian Wang said: "Do you think that in the case of a desert outbreak, can you run back from Kaima Island so easily?"

Liu Dajian touched his head: "How do I zhīdào a foreign disciple can have such a great magical power, I really thought she was lucky."

There is a sword saying: "Yeah, adult, what is his status now? I didn't understand it, and what should we do now?"

It’s not just this sword that I don’t understand.

In fact, all the monks in the entire desert are touching their heads.

A foreign disciple appeared in the wilderness.

Isn’t the minimum requirement for the stagnation?

The ruined casually pulled out a disciple, and he could drink for a while.

Now it’s good, this foreign disciple actually repelled the palm of the Taikoo Cub, and sat very proudly on the high waves.

How did he do that?

The emergence of Sun Hao transcends the perception of all.

Of course, the emergence of Sun Hao has caused the wrath of the Taikoo Cubs.

Opening his mouth and facing Sun Hao, the Taikoo Crow roared loudly, his hands kept slapping his own, as if to say: "I am strong, the boy is rolling away."

In the roar of the roar, the huge waves rushed over to Sun Hao.

However, no matter what angle the air wave rushes from, and after rushing into the side of Sun Hao, it is like a mud cow entering the sea, disappearing silently.

His eyes are slightly stunned, and Sun Hao’s eyes are like the blue of the sea. The whole body is shrouded in a strange mood. Sun Hao said slowly and lowly: "I am the king of the sea, the big bear, you are leaving now. It’s not easy to learn from you, I can spare you a life."

The wild animal is not too much wisdom, can not understand people.

But the Taikoo Cubs who stood in the sea seemed to understand the meaning of Sun Hao from the sea beneath them.

Unexpectedly, standing in the sea and roaring in the sky, kept smacking, screaming at Sun Hao.

Today, it was awakened in his sleep, and his stomach was still hungry. Naturally, he would not be willing to give up, but the strange human beings in front of him made him feel quite jealous.

Sun Hao spoke, and the monks on the deserted people were shocked.

This foreign disciple speaks well and does not bàqì.

Is it not zhīdào he can do it!

A foreign disciple, the contrast is too big!

In a collapsed desert, the swordsmen released their momentum, smashed a few gaps that were destroyed by the bears, and then looked at the swordsman.

Sui Hanjian Wang waved his hand and whispered: "Everyone looks at it with your heart. I think what we are about to see is the ‘outer sword king’ that my Ling Tianjian pie has rarely seen in a thousand years...”

Outside the sword king?

After Liu Dajian’s half-sounding, he said: “How is it possible? Can the outside disciples also get the sword king?”

"Can come out", Shu Han Jian Wang said in a low voice: "And, if you don't, then you will be shocked."

The swordsmen looked at Sun Hao in the same time, and thought to them, isn't this just earth-shattering? With regard to the feat of this foreign disciple's war, it is estimated that it will be able to be included in the Jianpai Zongmen incident.

The Taikoo Crows roared, and Sun Hao sat quietly on the waves.

Holding it for a short time, the giant bears burst into a huge bear's paw.

The black cloud is pressing, and the wind is whistling.

The rainstorm is like a note, and it’s fierce.

I took it to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao's eyes are shining, the waves under his body roll, and the flying sword across the knees slams into the air. The sky flashes through a watery blue brilliance and flies away from the giant palm.

Puff puff……

A series of crit sounds rang in front of the desert.

The huge, swept paws seemed to be hit by the mighty force. The sweeping action was stopped by the students and was constantly hit back. Another embarrassment, the Taikoo Crows took back the giant palm.

Huge eyes looked at the bear's palm and found that although his bear's paw had many small white points, but it did not suffer any harm, and in the air, the flying sword that hit the bear's paw many times, but Can not withstand the power of huge impact, turned into pieces, spilled on the wilderness.

On the top of the barren, the swordsmen looked at the swordsman and the swordsman, and the swordsman’s brows were wrinkled: "Sun Hao’s flying swords are too low-grade, just the disciples of the foreign disciples, can’t stand this level. War, who do you have a better sword?"

In front, the Taikoo Cub has already grinned, and the other palm, in the direction of Sun Hao, rises high.

Sun Hao knows the movement, Shen Xiangjian appears in front of himself, his right hand gently touches the blade, Sun Hao gently said: "Agarwood, aloes, silence for decades, unwilling to be lonely?"

"孽畜", Shen Xiang knees in front of a horizontal, Sun Hao violently sighed: "No longer know how to swear, Hugh blame Sun Haojian is not merciless."

Liu Dajian’s hand pointed to Sun Hao: “Adult, no need to find a sword, Sun Hao himself has made a whole out, but his mother’s, ugly and colorful flying sword, is this still a sword?”

The Taikoo Cub once again understood the meaning of Sun Hao, and hesitated a little, and the raised palms swept to Sun Hao.

Sitting cross-legged on the wave, Sun Hao slowly shook his head and said with aloud: "This sword is a fragrant incense, today, with the blood of your gods, Yang Wei, I have a sword, can take the cloud to chase the moon..."

The overwhelming bear's paw swept down, but it suddenly found out that there was a bright moon in front of the sweeping, and in the cold moonlight, his movements were instantly stiff and stiff, the mouthful of the aristocratic boy, the odd in his hand. The ugly sword broke out, and after the bright moon, he pointed his own paw and gently stroked it. (To be continued.)

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