Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1453: Extension Xinjiang 0

What is the consequence of a majestic mountain crashing into the sea?

In the sound of the crash, the waves crashed into the sky, the seabed trembled fiercely, and the deserted violent zhèndàng, above the wall, the swordsmen swayed westward, looked blank and looked forward.

The huge bombardment power of the cubs falling into the sea caused the seabed to be unstable and a strong tsunami broke out.

The huge waves of several dozen feet rushed to the surface.

The tsunami skyrocketed.

The faint pale yellow gas that permeates the sea is washed away by huge waves.

Above the barren, the swordsmen only saw that a mountain-like wave, like a silver line, spread quickly to the desert.

The rumbling sound of the rumbling came over, and it was like a thunder.

Along the way, I met a few golden wild animals with huge bodies, and they burst into tears and rushed over.

The huge tornado storm is like a tall dragon moving straight into the sky, and the wild beast and the sea water rushing into the sky.

In the face of the catastrophic huge tsunami, many monks have produced such a small feeling.

More monks, however, turned their attention to the front of the frontier. In front of the catastrophe, it looked very small and had a thin body outside the disciple.

Can the drought be able to weather the storm?

Also have to look at the performance of the outer door sword Wang Sun Hao.

Sun Hao stood on the cusp of the wind, the clothes fluttered, and he had to fly, but he was self-conscious and faint.

The sound of clearness came from the storm of the sea: "I am the king of the sea, the general trend of the sea, the general trend of agarwood, the storm tsunami of the sea is the storm tsunami of agarwood, you, go in the wrong direction..."

The incense sword fluttered and flew up in the air, flying to the sea.

It seems to be a general guide, rushing to the storm of the storm, and Qi Qi crossed a beautiful arc in the sea, bypassing the desert, and rushing to the depths of the sea.

On top of the ruins, the monks cheered loudly, and the crisis was finally over.

Many monks looked at the disciples who were still standing on the waves, and there was an unbelievable feeling in their hearts.

The haze is gone, and the desert is exhausted.

The sun is shining, the boy, with his hands on his back, wearing golden light, seems to be shining.

Liu Dajian was blessed to the soul, and he sighed in the air on one knee. He said, "Thank you, Sun Hao."

Sun Hao handed a trick, Shen Xiangjian fell into the hand, gently touched the ugly and cold sword of Shen Xiangjian, Sun Hao said: "I am a sword, this is my natural sword soul, the name is Shen Xiang."

Sui Hanjian Wang has a single knee, half a squat, and hands clenched his fists: "Thanks to Shen Xiang adults."

On the stagnation, 100,000 monks shouted: "Thanks to Shen Xiang, thank you to Shen Xiang adults..."

Sun Hao smiled lightly, and he couldn’t help but think of the lower bounds in his mind. There were a lot of jealousy in his heart, and his mouth whispered: "You are a friend of the road, and the battle is over, there are a lot of wild animals to be dealt with outside the desert. Cubs The body still needs a lot of people to clean up, everyone works together to tide over the difficulties..."

Shu Han Jian Wang said loudly: "Good..."

Quickly, the swordsmen on the shackles were divided into two batches, and they were smashed into the gaps that were pierced by the Taikoo bears, and they began to stabilize the desert.

The Shuhan Sword King flew up and stood next to Sun Hao. He quickly said in his mouth: "Adult, the body of the bear must be dealt with quickly, or else, once its deterrence disappears, hundreds of millions of wild animals will rob. Its body, and its bear bile, after being retrieved, can suppress the stagnation of the land of thousands of miles, and must not be lost..."

Sun Hao smiled and nodded, whispered: "The sword king is not anxious, Aquilaria is here, no one wants to be close to the bear."

Finished, the right hand snaps, points on the incense sword.

Shen Xiangjian flew high and accelerated, flying to the surface of the sea where the bear fell. The blue sword light slammed into the sea.

The sea is booming, and the huge body of the bear, like a mountain, slowly floats up from the sea and becomes a huge island.

On the body of the bear, the red blood flowing out, the surrounding seawater was reddish and full of blood and suffocation.

Beyond the wilderness of the wilderness, farther away, follow the wild bears and enjoy the wilderness of the wilderness, the eyes seem to have changed, and it seems that they feel the smell of the bears in general, gradually hesitate and begin to the bears. Close together.

On the other hand, the pressure of the swordsmen was reduced a lot.

The Han Han sword king kànkàn surrounded by the trend of the wild beast, the brow could not help but wrinkle, said in his mouth: "Adult, are we taking the daring first?"

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "No hurry, Aquilaria has a secret technique, just need a lot of wild animals to gradually condense, the body of the bear, but it can just be used as a bait, the sword king may wish to go to the desert to host the overall situation, this place is handed over to Agarwood can be, rest assured, if things can't be done, Aquilaria will not be reluctant, and will get back the bear bile in time."

Shuhan Jianwang stayed for a while and nodded and said: "In this case, it is better to be respectful than to be a man, and to trouble adults."

Sun Hao smiled and nodded.

After watching the departure of Shu Han, Sun Hao strode across, and the waves followed him by his steps, and quickly lifted him up and sent it to the huge body of the bear floating.

In all directions, the waves of the road, swarming, like a fountain, set up a splash on the body of the bear.

Sun Hao is self-conscious, with his hands on his back, standing on the water, his body slightly rotating, and looking around the sea.

The violent smell of the bears is getting weaker and lighter, and many golden wild animals have already begun to get closer.

For the wild beast, the meat that can be picked up by the gods is a big supplement, and maybe you can get the chance to advance.

Under normal circumstances, the power of God's wildness can't be approached at all. Now there is a **** who is dead in front of himself. Naturally, he has to take a bite to fight for his life.

The daring wild beast finally rushed up.

I took a few mouthfuls and there was no movement at all.

The body of the Yi Han who flew away moved slightly, but still shook his head and flew away.

Although it is not zhīdào, what medicine is sold in Sun Hao Hulu, but since Sun Hao has stopped things, let Sun Hao do it himself.

After all, the Taikoo Cub is killed by Sun Hao, even if there is any loss, it is also Sun Hao’s own business.

A few wild animals have nothing to do, continue to eat.

With a bang, the wild beast waiting to wait and see couldn’t help it. It broke out in all directions at the same time, rushing to the top of the sea, and rushing up and down.

Grab the, do not grab the white does not grab.

A lot of bad wild animals, even directly drive away the little guys around, want to dominate the party.

There is a kind of whistle, and the feeling of rushing.

Hand and sword pointed on the incense sword, Shen Xiangjian quickly spun on the head of Sun Hao, the faster and faster, can not see the slightest sword shadow, I saw a huge round sword hanging over the head of Sun Hao.

Above the fountain-like waves, Sun Hao said: "I have a sword, the sea is king..."

Shen Xiangjian suddenly disappeared, but disappeared, but Sun Hao’s sky, the sea, the sun, the thunder and the rain, and the giant waves at the same time, and flew to the fountain-like waves at the foot of Sun Hao.

The four-sided fountains are still gathering at the foot of Sun Hao. After passing through Sun Hao’s feet, they flew in all directions.

There are seawater in all There are seawater shots in all directions, but the seawater that shoots chūqù is no longer seawater. After Sun Hao’s feet, the seawater turns into a water sword and quickly shoots around the sea.

Hey, hehe...

With the huge body of Taikoo Cubs as the core, the sound of different water swords pierced in the sea.

A large number of wild animals that came from the first wave of attacks were directly penetrated by water swords, turning white and floating bodies. Behind, the number of still wild beasts still succumbed to death and rushed forward.

The continuous flow of water has turned into a steady stream of Jianguang.

The body of the Taikoo bear has become a meatball field.

Blood stained the sea, reddened the sea, **** and suffocating.

In the sea, the wild beast had to sneak deeper, trying to attack the target from a deeper place or even under the body of the bear, but unfortunately, the water sword that came into the sea had its own tracking function, and the sea was unimpeded. Some of them are directly killed under the body of the Taikoo Cubs.

With long eyes, no one in the sea can escape.

Those who are amphibious, even able to fly, are not spared. The fountain still shoots the sword light, directly penetrates its body and spills a **** rain.

Shuhan stood on the wall of the city and couldn’t help but see the battlefield of Shura’s hell.

Good one "I have a sword, the sea is king."

A good external sword king, a good four-sea sword, a strong four-sea trend.

Once this war is over, there is no doubt that the Lingtian Swordsmen can immediately push their territory to the wilderness for thousands of miles.

A very simple truth, Sun Hao used the bear as a bait, and attracted a large number of wild animals to kill before the ruin, and it was not zhīdào. The nearby wild animal was robbed and it took many years to recover.

It’s not a problem to build a thousand miles. (To be continued.)

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