Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1463: Message blocking

On the occasion of the great battle of Sun Hao, Ling Tianjian sent a transfer area, a flash of light flashed, and Ling Tianjian appeared in the transmission array.

Jianjun, who guards the transmission array, hasn't seen who the person is. Jianzu has already disappeared into the transfer area and appeared again. He has already stood in front of Linghua Jianjun.

Linghua’s spirit was shocked and he said: "Master, you are back."

Ling Tianjian ancestors nodded: "Well, come back, what about your younger brother?"

His knowledge covered Ling Tian Jianshan, but he did not find Sun Hao, so he ran to ask Ling Hua.

Linghua said with a smile: "In the past few days, he and his family, △ ▽ ▽ △ ▽ ▽ ▽ , , , , , , , , w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 探 w 探 探Right, Master, this time you came back very fast, I thought, at least for more than ten days."

Ling Tianjian said: "I am afraid that your younger brother will have an accident and fight for his life. The flying sword will only run off, and naturally he will come back faster."

Linghua smiled: "Who knows that you have arrived at the desert, only to find that the Shuhan sword king has already killed the Taikoo Cubs, Master, can you tell me how the Shuhan became so powerful?"

Ling Tian gave a slight glimpse, and asked casually: "Your teacher did not tell you the details?"

Linghua: "No, the younger brother just said that he arrived in the desert in time, but with the revision of his foreign disciples, he should not understand the confrontation between Shuhan and Cangxiong..."

Ling Tian’s eyes turned a few turns: “That is to say, the information about the desert has not yet come back.”

Linghua: "The transmission array that has just been repaired has been passed twice by you and the younger brother. It is estimated that the information will be sent back from the past, and it will take several days."

On Ling Tian’s face, the thief’s expression flashed past and immediately returned to normal: “This way, Linghua, for the teacher to give you one thing, you should arrange a credible disciple to station in the transfer area, and the situation will come back. I will take it over for the first time, remembering that no one can read the information without my permission and understand that there is no."

Linghua reveals doubts, but still replies quickly: "Linghua understands."

Ling Tian nodded: "Well, this thing must be done well, right, your brother is a foreign disciple to go back to visit relatives?"

Linghua Jianjun slightly hesitated a little, his head slightly sag, his mouth said: "The disciple's identity as a disciple of the younger brother is too shabby. After returning, he is afraid of being slowed down by the family. Therefore, the arbitrariness of the disciple has raised his disciple level. The inner door, if not, please dispose of it."

Ling Tianjian’s face is sinking: “Why?”

Linghua Jianjun whispered: "The younger brother is stationed in the crisis of Kaimao Island. For 20 years, there is no hard work and hard work. The contribution should be enough. The disciple believes that giving him an insider identity should not be excessive."

Ling Tian Jianzu said in his heart, the beginning and ending are not excessive, it is too much, and the strength of a sword king, you give him an inner disciple identity, is it appropriate? However, the mouth said: "Well, you can still say this reason. That's the first time. When your brother returns, I personally preside over it and give him the treatment he deserves."

After that, Ling Tian Jianzu got up and wanted to go.

Linghua was shocked and said loudly: "Master does not want to be an inner disciple. There is no need to recycle..."

Ling Tianjian's body has been vacated, and his mouth is not angry. "You still manage yourself. How many years have passed, a big perfect sword has not realized, and I will be bullied by my brother and sister in the future."

Master died, Linghua Jianjun said: "Single swordsmanship has long been bullied, don't you remind, hey, he is a foreign disciple, to suppress me, it is very early, strange, old man Why do you want to block the information on the stagnation? I feel that he is moving something bad, and the second ancestor and the three ancestors should not be unlucky..."

Here, Han Han is not in a hurry. Before and after the ruin, he returned to the two monks. One of them was still Jianzu. I wanted to send general information to Lingtian Jianshan. I could organize all the information in more detail and report it slowly.

Linghua Jianjun's people are waiting in the transfer area.

On the other side of the desert, Shuhan swayed and began to bring people to count the huge harvest after the extension of Xinjiang. The area was a bit wide, and there were many things. One and a half, the detailed information really did not come out.

On the side of Gusei, it is another scene.

Sun Hao did not want to fight for a long time, directly used the Shenxiang sword, driving the swords of the four seas, mobilizing the power of Lin Hai, and burying the brave warriors.

Quite natural, unwilling to bind, resisted hard, and entangled half an hour, Sun Hao said: "The big warrior, all the way to go..."

The savage big axe crashed down on the ground. The Taotao leaves were driven by Sun Hao’s swordsmanship, and the huge stones were picked up. The body of the barbarians and several barbarian warriors were all rolled up under the boulder, and they slammed into the boulder. Falling down, Shen Xiangjian is on the boulder.

The boulder slammed into a large section and deeply buried the barbarian warriors who once had a moment in the depths of the earth.

Perhaps, these barbarian warriors, great warriors, will eventually become a life and death.

Shen Xiangjian flew back in an arc in the air. On the open space, the leaves burst away like a flood of water, taking away all traces.

Sun Hao’s heart sighed slightly and said: “The current situation of Jijiabao is unknown. I will bring you together and get back quickly.”

After that, I didn't wait for a few female companions to talk, and the sleeves were gently waved. In the forest, the branches and leaves were like waves, and several female companions were surrounded.

A strong wind blew, the leaves danced in the wind, and the speed became faster and faster, and it rushed toward Gusai.

Although Jijia’s women’s hearts are worried about Jijiabao, now, my heart is still full of shock, fast speed, and clever way of rushing.

The wind whispers, the leaves are swaying, and the waves are higher than the waves.

A piece of wasteland, fluttering in front of the eyes.

It feels like it's sitting on the cusp of the wind, dancing in the wind, driving the wind and waves.

Ji Ruxue and Xiao Qing looked at each other and there was hope in their hearts.

Ji Wei said loudly: "If you don't see it for 20 years, you will become more and more powerful. You actually killed yourself and admire it. You are my idol."

There are still glare, and Sun Hao, who is leading the road in the front, said with a sigh of relief: "That is why I borrowed the power of Lin Hai, otherwise it would not be so easy."

Ji Wei giggled: "We joined the sword school, in order to have the progress now, I don't think you alone practiced alone, progress faster, giggling..."

Sun Hao did not make a sound, sinking into his own sword and quickly rushing.

The sudden appearance of the savage, and the meaning of his words, all indicate that there may be a change in the Gusser, hoping to have time to return.

Surprisingly, Ji Yuliu, who was the most admired of the lone wolf, is now silent, and while drifting, it is a little bit fascinating.

The high-speed Lin Haitao, pushing a few people to ride the electric power, quickly approached Gusai.

A few people leisurely revisited, and came a few days away less than half a day, has finished running.

On the outskirts of the Gusai wilderness, surrounded by leaves, the solitary wolf body stopped abruptly in front, and said in his mouth: "There is a need to send a thousand miles to the end, well, send you here, see you later."

After that, the body flashed and disappeared into the jungle.

Ji Wei shouted: "Lonely wolf, lonely wolf, don't go, Jijiabao needs you."

The leaves bounced and several women were bounced off and flew to the ground.

Standing firm, Ji Yun danced his flying sword, and said in his mouth: "Come, let's go back."

Ji Ruxue whispered: "Slightly wait."

Ji Wei: "Who are you waiting for?"

Among the woods, Ji Xiaoshan’s body swayed and appeared in the field of vision. He said loudly in his mouth: “Fast, like snow, take me, go back to Gusei Jijia Fort.”

Ji Ruxue’s cold face showed a smile, and the foot stepped on it. The flying sword rushed past and put Sun Hao on the flying sword. The mouth said: “Sisters, go back as fast as possible...”

The four flying swords broke through the air, like a meteor, and flew away to Gusai.

Above the flying sword, Ji Ruxue whispered: "Hill, thank you."

Sun Hao also said with a smile: "I am a member of the Ji family, thank you, you don't have to, it should."

Ji Ruxue whispered "hmm" and asked: "I can't fly?"

Sun Hao: "Without proper environmental blessing, my speed is better than flying swords, but it is still more difficult. It is better to take a smoother sword to get faster and more comfortable. What's more, it is also a pleasing singer with a beautiful woman like Xiaoxue. thing."

Ji Ru Xueyu's face is reddish, and it is beautiful.

At this time, Ji Yun said aloud: "Hey, hey, hill, how come you come back so timely..."

No one gave her the answer. Under the fast flight, the huge Guise is already far away. (To be continued.)

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