Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1464: Xiaoqingjia

Far away, above Gusei, I saw the smoke rolling and the fire sky.

From time to time, flying swords or spells are on the rise, and the war continues.

Ji Ruxue and Sun Hao looked at each other and their hearts settled down. As long as Jijiabao has not completely fallen, and there is resistance, then there is a chance.

Full flight for more than one hour, the four Jianguang finally approached Gusai.

At this time, Gusai, the big array is fully open, and the repair is slightly lower, and it is impossible to enter and exit.

However, like Gusei’s big array, the Jindan swordsman could not be stopped.

Four women screamed in the mouth, the flying sword slammed forward to the sword light, and rushed in, Ji Ruxue sighed in the sky, straight into the direction of Jijiabao.

In the battle of Jijiabao, each battlefield was a little bit.

Jiang Zi's brow furrowed, and stood up. He stood in the air and looked at the direction of Ji Ruxue. When he found four flying swords, his mouth whispered softly: "The **** pig brain barbarian, how Doing things? No one left."

Jiang Ziqing stopped, the main battlefield in several directions, the offensive and defensive momentum slightly.

Master Ji Jia got a chance to rest and quickly gathered together.

Just inside and outside the castle, the lower-level fighters are still dying in their lives and fighting hard.

"Ginger Love", Ji Ruxue Yu Jian came and shouted: "You actually shot my family, my grandmother?"

Below, in a large array, the voice of Ji Laotaijun came out: "Snow is careful, I am only trapped, can't move, these guys with a wolf and a dog, I can't do it for a short time."

On the face of Jiang Ziqing, there is a smile on the face: "There is a ruin in the past, and it has always been ranked in terms of strength. Now I am a big stepper in Jiang's family. Ji family is bound to become a stepping stone. This is very understandable. In fact, you should not come back. ”

After Ji Ruxue, Xiaoqing, Ji Yuliu and Ji Yun came and the sword stood.

The body just stood, Xiaoqing's body was slightly shocked, and the flying sword at the foot stepped on it and rushed down to Jijiabao.

Ginger’s mouth gently said: “Encircle Jijiabao, don’t let a person get rid of it, and the attack is suspended.”

Inside and outside the Jijiabao, the battle gradually subsided, occupying the absolute advantage of the attacking party, slowly withdrawing a distance.

The Jijiabao soldiers, waving their flying swords, formed a round array and waited.

The righteous indignation on Ji Ruxue gradually subsided, and said coldly: "Jiangzi love, you collude with barbarian, wolf ambition, design swordsman to pass on disciples, and now also collect the three major families of the ruins of the ancients, for my family, it is shameless. I don't know if I will pass such information back to the Swords. Will you be on the spot?"

The nervous Jijiabao warrior calmed down a little.

Seeing that Jijiabao was destroyed, the little princess finally came back. As a little princess, the **** family should not dare to be too much.

Many Ji family monks even shouted: "Severe punishment, severe punishment!"

Jiang Ziqing smiled and said: "I am really naive. You said that I colluded with the barbarian. I will collude. I can't talk nonsense. Besides, the battle of the Gusei site will not be able to control so much. In the hands of the Jiang family, how do you pass back the information? If you are smart, don’t come back, maybe some of you can really escape, now, you can’t say it, just delivered it to your door.

Ji Ruxue said coldly: "I am afraid that your network is not strong enough."

Jiang Ziqing laughed: "The four Jindan swordsmen in the district, but also dare to speak up, not afraid to say a big sentence, you four, even if they come together, it is not my opponent, Ji Jia up and down, you do not want to be lucky, Hahaha, you four can come up and try, as long as you can go through four strokes, why should I let you go back?"

Below the Ji family belongs, Qi Qi heart sinks.

Ji Ruxue looked unchanged and said coldly: "We are back five."

Jiang Zi haha ​​laughed, and his hand pointed to Sun Hao: "You said that he is a disciple who has entered the inner door with a relationship? You can do it, just like you, to be honest, such a disciple, even if it comes to a hundred thousand and eighty, it hurts. I can't help myself..."

When the words were not finished, there was a whistling whistle from the downwind, Xiaoqing’s shawl was distributed, and the flying sword was driven. He rushed over to Jiang’s sensation: “I want you to die...”

The blue sword light, skyrocketing, stabbing ginger.

The feelings of Jiang Ziqing suddenly rose and the sleeves waved.

Xiaoqing joined the sword with a sword, and several rolled and rolled to the side of Ji Ruxue.

Jiang Ziqing laughed and laughed: "This is the golden sergeant you have high hopes, hahaha."

Ji Ruxue reached out and caught Xiaoqing and asked with concern: "Xiaoqing, are you okay?"

Xiaoqing’s eyes were red, tears burst out, and he hugged Ji Ruxue: “Miss, I am, my mother... they, they...”

Behind Ji Ruxue, he has never spoken. He is quietly standing on the flying sword. Sun Hao, who has a faint smile on his face, suddenly sinks in his heart.

In my mind, I couldn’t help but remember that Xiaoqing was a bit pedantic, but she really regarded herself as a father and a father, and gave her a generous father and a woman who was a little introverted.

They have an accident!

The body of Ji Ruxue was also slightly shocked, gently holding Xiaoqing, and said in his mouth: "Xiaoqing, cheer up, the enemy is in front of you, the enemy has not been eliminated, cheer up."

"Yes, I want revenge, I want to take revenge." Xiao Qing suddenly stood in front of Ji Ruxue, hatefully looked at Jiang Ziqing, and said in a word: "I want to take your head, Worship my aunt."

Jiang Zi shrugs: "As you wish, but you have to have that skill."

Deeply staring at Jiang's sentiment, Xiaoqing's gaze looked behind Ji Ruxue and landed on Sun Hao's body.

Sun Hao saw Xiao Qing's big eyes with tears, full of hopeful big eyes.

Xiaoqing looked at Sun Hao, tears came out, and said in his mouth: "Hill, rolling uncle and my dad and my mother, lost in the fire, you..."

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly stunned. She didn’t wait for her to speak. She stepped forward and said softly: “Xiaoqing’s sister, family’s hatred, handed over to the hill, Xiaoqing’s sister is relieved, today, the hill is the master of you. ......"

Originally, Sun Hao was just an inner disciple, standing on the sword of Ji Ruxue, and the eye-catching person could see it at a glance. He was taking the sword.

But now, above the air, he stepped in the air.

Standing straight ahead of Xiaoqing.

Can an inner-door disciple who has no real yuan actually stand out from the air?

Jiang Ziqing's eyes could not help but shrink.

Ji Yun asked softly: "Will, this is the hill?"

Ji Yu Liu Yin's teeth are full of hatred, and his mouth says: "Nature is revenge for my family, killing Jiang."

Ji Yun doubts: "But he is a hill!"

Ji Yuliu replied: "Stupid, look down."

It’s not just Ji’s doubts. In fact, on the battlefield, most people don’t understand how Sun Hao is floating up. And when he stood up at this time, what’s the use?

Standing in front of the ginger, Sun Hao's body seems to have ripples in the wind, the whole body seems to be the sun and the sun is strong, but the voice of the voice, but cold and biting: "Ginger love, collusion barbarian, ambush like snow, this you first Great sin; for one's own lust, inciting the sins, provoking the civil unrest, and injuring the innocent mortal, this second sin... Today, the crime of sin and punishment, can be connected to the nine ethnic groups, can you plead guilty?"

The Jijia monks and the Ji family warriors were a little surprised and looked at Sun Hao in a bit of incomprehensibility.

The reason is this truth, but what is Ji Xiaoshan, what is the courage to say such a thing?

Ginger's eyes flashed and looked at Sun Hao. The heart quickly judged what kind of strange situation would be. He laughed in his mouth: "If you want to add his sin, why don't you have a word, then, what can you do with Ji Jishan?"

Sun Hao did not answer him, but whispered softly: "Xiao Qing, how do you want to make him?"

Xiaoqing’s voice said: “Get his head and pay homage... No, it’s too cheap for him. Let’s break him up and break his limbs. I’ll take his head...”

The tone of resentment made Jiang’s feelings slightly cold, and he laughed in his mouth: "Maybe... what happened, Ji Xiaoshan, you..."

On Sun Hao’s body, the blue brilliance of the layers of sea water shrouded the body of Jiang’s love.

Jiang Ziqing is in the middle of the ripples, constantly struggling, but the whole body is like a wave impact, his face is red, the real element is spurred to the maximum, the flying sword is also flying, but it is not enough.

how is this possible?

How could this be?

The monks and soldiers below were stunned.

Undoubtedly, among the Jijia disciples, the most powerful one is Ji Jishan, the inner disciple Ji Jishan. (To be continued~^~)

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