Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1466: Fierce

The powerful, known as the Tiger King, one of the ten sword kings of Ling Tianjian, was submerged in the air over Gusai.

The tiger king kissed, the sword of the hundred wars, the sorrowful sorrow: "No..."

The entire Gusai, quietly quiet.

Everyone, especially the monk of Jijia, looked at the air in the middle of the waves, as if in the undulating Jishan hill, the heart could not help but feel a thousand.

Just a few days ago, when Ji’s disciple returned, everyone generally felt that Jishan’s name was not true and his qualifications were the best, but he was the weakest. Some Ji’s monks even thought that Jishan might not be his opponent at all.

There are also monks of the Ji family who are even deliberately avoiding the cultivation of Ji Xiaoshan when they are talking, so that everyone will be embarrassed.

At the entire banquet, Ji Xiaoshan has always been used as a foil.

After the banquet, there were very few people who took the initiative to visit Jishan.

But who would have thought that the real situation would be like this?

It seems that there is no refining and repairing, just the ordinary inner disciple's Ji Xiaoshan, actually it is that kind of powerful to burst into the shed, can't imagine, can survive the defeat of the sword king, can smash the small ants, generally kill the sword Can exist.

The will of the sea is still over the entire ancient fortress.

The blue water environment makes all the monks and mortals stunned, and the power of the monks is really earth-shattering.

Gusei up and down, the first two days, are saying that Jiang Ziqing is the first genius.

Twenty years, the first genius of Jian Jun.

But today, looking up at the blue waves of the sea, looking up at the white clothes last year, everyone knows that in this world, genius is not the most powerful, above the genius, there are peerless enchanting.

Such as Ji Xiaoshan.

Under the blue sea and blue waves, the agarwood sword slightly turns the tip of the sword and points downward.

The array of law surrounding the Ji Lao Taijun was not broken. Several monks of the array were radiant and self-protected. They did not dare to move. One of them said: "Adult, I am not only tempted by Jiang. Make a big mistake, and ask the adults to open the net."

Ji Laotai Jun flew up, in the middle of the air, slightly said to Sun Hao: "Small sword king, thank you for the encirclement of Jijiabao."

Sun Hao slightly returned to the ceremony: "Taijun is not polite, the hill is also a part of the Ji family, but this should be done."

Ji Lao Taijun grinned: "Ha ha ha, the hill did not let me down, heavy feelings and righteousness, repair is even more earth-shattering, admire admire, then, how to deal with them, hill you have the final say."

Below, three monks, three warriors, stunned, but immediately quieted down.

The Ji family now has a god, and there is a so-called outer door sword king who is much more terrifying than the ordinary god. It may be really only waiting for the fall.

Many people have high hopes for Jiang Ziqing, thinking that under his leadership, the three monks who completely changed the Gusser pattern could not help but look at the air in the face of a sluggish, unrespected monk, sighing in his heart.

Wrong with people.

The Lin family warriors are even more complex. They themselves are in good agreement with the Ji family, but they want to temporarily hold the ginger's thighs. As a result, they have become the tragic ending of waiting for the fall.

Sun Hao reached out and moved, and Jiang’s body flew over, like being wrapped in sea water, and fell to Xiaoqing’s side.

Sun Hao whispered to Xiaoqing: "Xiaoqing sister, I have already given you the main murder of the incident. How to deal with it, you make a decision, remember that there is a hill, the sky is falling, I am also blocking you. What is the fear of the Tiger King, how do you want to take revenge, then how to revenge."

Ji Ruxue stopped talking and slowly shook his head.

Xiaoqing’s eyes gradually firmed up, and the little head clicked. He said to Sun Hao: “Hill, thank you, I thank you for your help.”

Sun Hao touched her head and said in her mouth: "My uncle gave me a family tree, and I have a great respect for him. Therefore, the enemy must not be light."

Xiaoqing said, "Well, I know."

After that, a few silk cloths were shot in his hand, and he quickly entangled the ginger, and tied him firmly on the spot.

When the hand was pulled, Jiang Zi was pulled over. Xiaoqing slammed his foot and stepped on his face. He snorted: "This foot is for me to step on..."

Ginger love is like a puppet, let Xiaoqing kick and step on it, there is no reaction.

I have been burdened with humiliation for many years. I have been practicing in the sky, and I have been successful in cultivation. I have to return to my mind, thinking that I can get the wind and the rain, but now, all hopes are empty, and I am completely beaten back to the original shape, and I can’t help but die.

Sun Hao’s gaze was removed from Jiang’s love and looked down.

The three tribes below were in a state of utter disappointment, and they couldn't help but lower their heads. Only the Jijia monks and the Ji family warriors had an unprecedented morale.

Looking at the place where Xiaoqing flew, Sun Hao said softly: "The monks will not sin and mortal, but you will not even let go of the mortal residence. It is a big sin, not awkward, today, Acting on behalf of the sky..."

The blue water-like ripples still floating in the air slammed, and a thunderstorm sounded. A tornado blew up. The direction of the eyes of Sun Hao’s eyes, the tribes who still confronted the Jijiabao monks suddenly found themselves being blown by a huge whirlwind. It’s up.

The thunder and thunder of the thunder, screaming in the tornado, no less than three hundred soldiers screaming and screaming, savagely spread over Gusai.

Thunder, whirlwind, screams, people are scared.

Even when the Jijia monk sighed at Jishan Hill, he was not surprised, and the hill was so strong.

But they immediately discovered that they were wrong, and the fierceness of Ji Shan was just beginning.

Sun Hao’s gaze looked at the direction of the Jiang family.

The owner of the Jiang family was in a shackle and threw himself to the ground: "Jiang's family is up and down, but with the adults falling, I also ask the adults to show their mercy."

Sun Hao said faintly: "You don't let me go down the line? But it is not necessary to stay in love. Jiang is the initiator of this incident. He is the actual operator of the barbarian. His sin is even the Jiuzu, but he has never shot the mortal. Habits, therefore, Jiang family mortal, all expelled from outside Gusei, and Jiang family monks, on the spot, you can not accept, you can now escape immediately..."

The owner of the Jiang family was stunned and was preparing to get up and flee.

But in the sky, Sun Hao continued to say faintly: "The monks who dared to escape, the mortals of the family entered the slavery..."

In all directions of Gusei, there are still unsuccessful Jiang family monks who fled, but above the sky, Shen Xiangjian spins open, and Jian Jianguang flies out with the rotation, like the root arrow, but the escaped **** The monks were shot and killed on the spot.

Sun Hao’s gaze was cast on the owner of the Jiang family. He asked coldly: “You can be convinced.”

The body of the Jiang family’s body trembled fiercely, and the whole body suddenly vented, and it was completely dissipated and repaired. The mouth said: “Adult, is this situation ok?”

Sun Hao's eyes are slightly shrinking This Jiang family is also a character, even can be self-destructive, escaped.

The mouth was slightly cold, and Sun Hao glanced at Laotaijun and said: "You are a good figure for your family. It’s good. As long as the Jiang family is willing to repair the monk or the warrior, I will not shoot, but I don’t. It doesn't mean that other people don't shoot, I won't give you any promise from Jiang. Okay, it's already here, Jiang's monk, let him die..."

In the blue sea of ​​waves, Shen Xiangjian was rotated into a huge whirlpool. The strength of the Jiang family monks was dragged up by the vortex. The air danced, the tornado, the thunderstorm, the call sign, and the ancient resounding The plug is like a **** on earth.

Sun Hao shoulders his hands, drifting with the waves, his face as usual, and he is unmoved.

No matter where the Jiang family is hiding, even if it is hidden in the ground, Jianguang, who was inspired by the agarwood sword, shot on the spot.

In the sky, a **** rain fell.

The voice of Sun Hao sounded coldly in the sky: "Today, you remember, some bottom lines should not be easily touched, and some things should not be done at will."

The monk Ji Jia’s eyes looked at Jiji Hill in the air, and he only felt cold in his heart.

This kid, usually looks like a smile, the sun is shining, who knows that it is so fierce, too bad.

I once scorned Sun Hao’s Jijia warrior, and I couldn’t help but break my heart. I hope Jishan will not retaliate against myself!

For a whole period of time, more than 800 Jiangmen monks and soldiers with higher strengths escaped and were killed by Sun Hao on the spot. Before Jijiabao, the bodies were piled up like mountains.

The owner of the Jiang family, there are several Jiang family monks who have been dismissed in time to sit on the spot and face death.

Ginger’s mouth could not help but gently and unconsciously said: “Sinner, I am a sinner... sinner, I am a sinner...” (To be continued~^~)

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