Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1471: King of swords

Four days later, among the Lingtian Jianshan, there was a thunderous scream: "Ji Xiaoshan, you give Laozi out..."

The sound is ninety, and I heard it in any corner.

The swordsmen looked at the sky.

The top ten sword kings have their foreheads on their foreheads. The heart said: "Who is Ji Xiao? How did you get rid of this comet."

The second sword ancestors stayed for a while, and the heart said that Ji Xiaoshan is not the apprentice of the boss?

The boss is really uneasy, and it really has a story.

Just thinking about it, I heard Ling Tianjian said in his ear: "Phoenix II, you should go up, you should appease the tiger two, and ask him to be a little safe, I will start Ling Tianjian, I will give him a statement."

Huang Yujian sang a sentence: "Ling Boda, you are a great awkward, actually counted Laozi..."

This is what he said, but his voice is raised high: "The tiger king, so loud and noisy, what is the body? What, sit down and talk about it."

The phoenix sword ancestor has a morality to the tiger king. The tiger king calmed down his emotions a little, and said loudly in his mouth: "But Master, that awful Jishan..."

When the words are not finished, Ling Tian’s voice has floated up: “Well, well, don’t make a fool of the world, the top ten swordsmen, the three great swordsmen, immediately hold a sword meeting, give you a saying, you always have to be satisfied. Alright."

Ling Tian main peak Jianguang sky, the huge flying sword towering in the heavens and the earth constantly shaking the tip of the sword, sending out a burst of swords.

Three white sword flowers, ten small sword flowers, bloomed and spread high in the sky.

The Tiger King did not continue to make a big noise, and quickly shot over, his body flashed, accurate, and fell on a sword flower, sitting cross-legged.

The tiger screams and snarls.

Ling Tianjian sent the peaks, the top ten sword kings, and the seven people at home flew up, including the bright king, the flame king...

Three swords flashed, and the three ancestors appeared.

"People are all here?" Ling Tianjian said slowly: "Tiger King, let me talk about it, why don't you ask for it? When you come back, you are so loud and noisy?"

The tiger king slammed up from the sword flower, and there was a violent momentum on his body. He said loudly in his mouth: "Ji Xiaoshan, he destroyed the sword king who was trained by me and hardship, and did not give Laozi a face. When Lao Tzu’s words became a slap in the face, I killed the swords of the swords and swords that I could hardly cultivate. Today, when Lao Tzu comes back, it is not endless with Ji Shan...”

In addition to Ling Tianjian and the Guangming Wang couple, other people heard this, including the two great swordsmen, and were surprised.

The phoenix sword ancestors stretched out and said loudly: "Wait, tiger, are you not mistaken? Jishan can kill your disciples and disciples? Can you destroy your sword king? But he is obviously a Outside disciple!"

Other sword kings also expressed their disbelief and expressed doubts about the tiger king.

The tiger king said loudly: "His mother's Ji Hill is a kind of pig-eaten tiger. He not only killed my tiger king, but before that, he also killed the barbarian warrior. I don't believe you ask him. ""

Tiger King's thick fingers point to the King of Light.

Sword King Jianzu Qi Qi looked at the King of Light.

The bright king stood up and the momentum was opposite to the tiger king. He said in a loud voice: "Wu Wang, why don't you talk about why? Since you don't say it, then, for me, everyone, you comment, the tiger king disciple Jiang Ziqing, wolf ambition, collusion barbarian, design ambush my disciples such as snow and hills, etc., also launched the Gusei civil war, almost destroyed my disciple like Xue's home, this is the cause of the whole incident, as a result, hehe, skill is not as good as people, You still have a face to judge..."

With a bang, a tiger rushed out and rushed to the King of Light.

If you don’t agree, start playing.

The King of Light did not show weakness. A round of the rising sun, blocking the tiger, said in his mouth: "Play and fight, afraid that you will not be?"

Phoenix Yu Jianzu screamed: "Give me a hand."

The two men snorted, the imposing tiger and the mighty sun disappeared into the air.

The phoenix sword ancestor faced the Guangming King and asked aloud: "What do you mean by saying that Ji Xiaoshan really killed the tiger two avatars and also killed the savage and the tiger two disciples?"

Ling Tianjian screamed and said: "If you catch the wind and catch the shadows, don't talk about it. It is not conducive to the stability and unity of the Terran and the Barbarians. Let's not discuss it. Xiaoguang, you can simply talk about other incidents."

Guangming Wang said: "Yes", and then briefly described the situation of the day, and finally concluded: "In general, this is the case, personally think that it is entirely ginger, and if you want to fight, I am completely I am accompanying, right, not afraid to tell you that Xiaoqing’s disciples are also killed in the incident. They are also the immediate family members of Jishan. I think that Jishan’s attack is not excessive.”

The tiger king snorted.

Being ready to talk, Huang Yujian ancestors raised his hand and suppressed his words. He said loudly: "These fights are all shit, not the focus. The ancestors told you that the point is that Ji Xiaoshan is now, What state?"

The Tiger King and the Bright King almost said Qi Qi: "The outer door sword king."

The scene was quiet in an instant.

Huang Yu Jian Zu and Feng Yu Jian Zu looked at each other and saw the resentment in each other's eyes. They were teased by Ling Bo.

Think about it a few days ago, the two instantly understand, co-author, Ling Lao is waiting for his own here!

Outside the sword king!

What concept!

That is to say, Ji Xiaoshan at least generated a great perfect sword, and generated a sword power, or else, it can not reach the height of the outer door sword king ~ ~ after half a ring, phoenix swordsman said loudly : "Calling Jishan up."

After Sun Hao waited for a long time, after the order was made, the body rippled and vacated, falling into the sword flower array.

The figure has not yet stood still, the tiger king's body swayed, and a tiger roared over. The grandson was as usual, his body swayed gently, the blue-blue ripples flickered, and the tiger threw himself into the blue, disappearing.

The phoenix sword ancestors narrowed their eyes and said: "The general trend of the sea, the sword of the king, how is it possible!"

Feng Yu Jian Zu also said aloud: "How is it possible that you actually understand the general trend of the sea, you are still only a foreign disciple..."

Ling Tianjian is a martial art that specializes in swords. The cultivation of swords is at its peak.

A sword comes out, flying in the sky, the crown is the best.

Regarding the sword, Ling Tianjian has a deep understanding.

Sword, sword, is undoubtedly the most typical symbol of the strength of the sword and the ultimate goal.

There are three or sixty-six generals with the sword, and the sword and the sword are also different, and the strength and weakness are divided.

Some small swords are easy to understand, but the power after comprehension is relatively general.

And some of the world's great power, the sword of the heavens and the earth, and even their swords, but it is quite difficult to comprehend, such as the sea, the stars, the earth, etc., this kind of sword or sword is difficult to comprehend, it is rare for thousands of years. one sight.

Although this sword trend, although there is no clear definition, but in the cognition, Ling Tianjian called it, it is the "king of swords."

The meaning is that the disciple who has grasped this sword can be called the king in the sword.

Even if it is Ling Tianjian, it seems that so far, I still can't comprehend the sword of the king!

But now, a foreign disciple actually understands the general trend of the sea. How is this possible?

It’s completely beyond the knowledge of both of them, let alone the swordsmen. (~^~)

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