Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1473: Fight against tiger king

The momentum of the Tiger King is getting more and more prosperous. The huge tiger head rises above his head and is eager to look at Sun Hao’s direction.

Sun Hao did not show weakness, and swayed, the top of the agarwood sword creaked, and the blue sea began to set off a wave.

Tiger King Li Wei: "A good Ji Hill, rushed to kill, not too embarrassed, big dry day and, today, how to give my disciple Jiang Ziqing to find a statement."

Sun Hao said indifferently: "Collecting aliens, there is a lingering death, afraid that you will not succeed, you must fight and fight."

The momentum rose, above the sword flower, the tiger led the beasts, the momentum was rampant, and kept roaring forward.

The opposite sun and moon appeared at the same time, the waves rolled, and the sound of thunder was faintly heard.

Although the beasts are fierce, the sea does not fall.

Sun Hao’s first participation in the sword meeting was in this state.

Several sword ancestors did not come out to stop, let the two fight.

The so-called ear hearing is virtual, seeing is believing, everyone just takes advantage of the pressure of Tiger King to see how powerful Sun Hao is.

Although I don't know what happened above the sword.

However, the disciples’ disciples know that there must be a terrible change in the top.

The cloudless sky, the sky pointed by Jianlin Jianfeng, is happening at this time.

In one direction, the shape of the tiger appears, the beasts follow, the roaring, the beasts are lifelike, fierce.

In the other direction, a blue sea, and the sky blue sky have become a line, sea and sky.

Under the scorching sun, it seems that there was a small sun and a small moon shining on the sea.

The sea water splashed, set off a few dozen feet and rushed to the beasts.

This is the powerful ability of the sword school.

The swordsman’s ceremonial rituals often make a big hit with a word. This is the fine tradition of the sword school. All the swordsmen’s swordsmen, many smart swordsmen will take time to see the excitement, without him, maybe two big If you can learn from it, you can benefit from it.

However, this discussion has appeared more unexpectedly.

The tiger has a beast, everyone knows this, knowing that the tiger king is a grumpy guy, and ten fights are all related to him.

This time, it is also normal.

The strange thing is, who is against the Tiger King?

Among the top ten sword kings, it seems that no one of the sword kings will be the current trend of the sea.

Is there a common sword king to advance?

Full of expectations.

The ordinary sword kings above Jianshan even started to connect in series, and the sounding swordsman flew around and asked, "Who is it, who is promoted? Why don't you please drink wine? Is it a Shuhan? It is said that he has spent Desert crisis..."

Various guesses are available.

Above the sky, the beasts and the sea slammed into each other.

At the time of the slamming, the beasts occupied an absolute advantage. The waves in front could not stop the fierce impact of the beasts. In the sound of the waves, the waves were washed away, and the beasts formed a flood. Under the leadership of the tiger king, they danced their claws. The momentum is rampant, killing it directly, and rushing down to Sun Hao’s body.

It’s not surprising that the Lingtian Jianpai disciple watching the battle is the second place among the top ten sword kings. The newly-launched sword king is weaker and normal.

This kind of battle is only a matter of learning, and it will not be a mess.

But the next change, let all swordsmen recognize the magical power of the sea.

The tiger king and the beast are fierce, and the madness is indeed unstoppable, but what is the general trend of the sea?

Among the sea water, there is a tenacious softness, and waves of layers, waves and waves are washed away by the beasts, and they are also killing the sharpness of the beasts.

The sound of the wind and thunder came from the sea.

Some of the violent beasts were blown away by the wind and were stunned by thunder.

The sun and the bright moon are hanging high, and the beasts that rushed in will not melt under the scorching sun, or they will be washed into the moon and disappear without a trace.

The tiger king stood on top of the sword flower, and the thick eyebrow could not be shrunk.

The king of the beasts, the tiger, the momentum is not reduced, the speed is extremely fast to open up the layers of interference, close to Sun Hao.

But at this time, Shen Xiangjian suddenly flashed, blocking the way the tiger went.

The tiger slammed and sank a little.

Collided with each other, above the sky, splashes of light and rain, huge explosions, so that thousands of swords rustled, swords and sounds, rushing from the sword forest, as if fighting for the two strong Shake the flag.

The tiger was hit by the agarwood sword, and the body slammed, and the momentum was no longer.

Shen Xiangjian suddenly screamed and disappeared, but the waves of waves slammed over the tiger, and the sea came in.

The tiger rushed a few more, but more and more endless seawater rushed.

The tigers unwillingly set off a wave of waves in the sea, but finally they were exhausted and annihilated. After a roar, they disappeared.

The swordsmen, the swordsmen who witnessed the whole incident without knowing the truth, met with each other.

The tiger king’s shock was actually stopped by the new sword king Shengsheng.

who is it? so smart?

Above the sky, the thunder-like sound blasted openly, and the tiger king screamed loudly: "Well, you are a mountain, but it has blocked my blow. If so, don't blame me for worrying."

Above the sky, there is another clear voice, not showing weakness, but said without hesitation: "I am afraid that you will not come, come and come, be willing to teach."

Below, a little strength of the sword kings face each other: "Who is Jishan?"

Someone shouted: "Who is he? Who can tell me?"

No one gave him the answer.

Because Ling Tianjian is too big, there are really few people who pay attention to a foreign disciple.

Even the deacons of the outer door have forgotten that there is another wonderful existence that has been a foreign door for twenty years.

Before the bright Wang Dongfu, four beautiful women looked up at the sky, and Ji Ruxue had a faint smile on her cold face.

Xiaoqing looked disbelieving.

Ji Wei took a small fist and whispered in his mouth: "Cut him, hacked this stinky tiger."

Ji Yuliu is a leisurely sigh, and his heart is extremely depressed. A thought keeps flowing in his heart. "It can't be compared, it can't catch up, thoroughly, the distance is getting farther and farther..."

In the small yard, Xiaoya kept slaps her own face. At the same time, her face was horrified. At the same time, she said in her mouth: "It’s amazing, the original brother is so powerful, it’s no wonder that Xiaoya is afraid when he sees him. He actually can follow The existence of the Tiger King confrontation is terrible. How can Xiaotian accept such a foreign disciple as an apprentice? I have to wake up Xiaotian..."

A voiced sword was hit out.

Xiaoya’s voice came out again: “Oops, when the voiced swordsmanship is also out of order, actually went to heaven, what to do, what to do? God, I hope the ancestors should not find Xiaoya... I hide ......"

In the sky, Ling Tianjian ancestors reached out and there was a voiced sword in his hand. Xiaoya’s panicked voice came from inside: “Xiaotian, Xiaotian, I don’t accept Jishan as an apprentice, it’s a capable of killing the tiger king. Deaf people..."

The sound is crisp and spread on the spot.

Ling Tianjian’s face was as usual, and he looked at the imposing Tiger King and Sun Hao. He said, “You continue. If you haven’t played enough, you will continue to make trouble. I really want to see if you want to send Ling Tianjian to I completely overturned the sky, and my heart was happy."

The tiger king glared at Sun Hao, and the shadow of the beasts on his head gathered toward the tiger.

Sun Hao is sitting lightly, and the incense sword on his head seems to be a funnel. He absorbs the sky and the sea, and uses his own as the origin. He extends forward a fan-shaped sea surface, and the tit-for-tat confronts the ever-larger tiger.

Neither of them shows weakness, and the two swords are getting higher and higher.

Ling Tian Jianzu made a good show.

Phoenix Yu Jianzu couldn't sit still, and slammed on his own sword flower: "Which body system is a sword-like king, so I don't know how important it is. You are going to do this top-level move, a bad control, hit The middle and lower Jianfeng, still not born into a big disaster?"

The tiger king snorted.

Sun Hao smiled lightly.

But the action of mutual attack finally stopped.

Huang Yu Jian Zu said with a strong voice: "Hime Hill, you should not be convinced, although the general trend of the sea is magnificent, but at this time you are still too shallow, even if there is the general help of the sea, there are still many gaps from the Tiger King." ~^~)

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