Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1483: Unparalleled big ridge (4 plus)

The foreign bodies in the body are fully restored, and the hidden dangers in various parts of the body are re-cleaned.

Sun Hao can be sure that even if it rises to the lower bound, it is not the kind of defective product, because the hidden dangers no longer exist.

Even some hidden dangers that have not been noticed by themselves are recovering quickly.

Waiting will be a gradual recovery of strength.

Mudan was formed by Sun Hao’s true cultivation. He accumulated a very strong instinct of qi, and the real yuan needed was massive, and the final restoration was completely understandable.

After Mudan's recovery, Sun Hao stood in the yard, looked up at the starry sky, looked up to the left and right and hung in the sky for two rounds of the bright moon, and the eyes fluttered and stared for a long time.

If he is not in the sword camp, he must have shouted out at this time, exhaling a bad smell hidden in his heart.

A strength, after today, will usher in a huge development.

Regardless of the depth of Sun Hao’s journey, there is/no/wrong/fiction @w.qulu. At this time, there is a kind of urge to resurrect.

This is a time after Sun Hao’s cultivation into the spirit of the four seas and the sea sword. If it is said that becoming a foreign sword is the sign that Sun Hao is standing up again in the virtual world, then the five attributes of foreign bodies are awakened. That is, Sun Hao has really completed the soaring and re-established the milestone of the virtual world.

After a few decades, or even finally, lying in bed for several years, Sun Hao finally re-entered a new journey.

The hardship of monasticism is no more than this.

In the turbulent mood, Sun Hao slammed Ji Ruxue with his head, his head buried in her chest, and his body trembled gently.

Ji Ruxue had a faint blush on his cold face, and his little hand patted Sun Hao’s shoulder gently.

After a long time, Sun Hao gradually calmed down and whispered thank you, like snow. ”

Ji Ruxue gently hugged Sun Hao for some reason. In front of you, it seems that my heart is particularly quiet. I feel that everything in this world is special and beautiful, and we need to cherish it together. ”

Sun Hao quietly hugged her like snow, and Sun Hao will not bear you. One day, I will be full of scenery and greet you as my Taoist. ”

At this time, Xiaoqing sneaked in and heard the words of Sun Hao, and said loudly to me, and me, I am the big girl in the snow boss..."

Sun Hao called a young child, and one arm, she also embraced her arms.

The three people were together, and Sun Hao’s heart gradually calmed down. After half a ring, Sun Hao said that it was like snow, Xiaoqing, my name is Sun Hao, and the sword is like agarwood. ”

Ji Ruxue leaned on Sun Hao's shoulder and nodded slightly.

Xiaoqing laughed on the other side and I guessed it with Xue’s boss. You are the ugly sword of the character to the extreme. Hey, I didn’t expect that when I casually took a sword, I gave it to Xue’s boss. I married a wishful Lang..."

Ji Ruxue suddenly asked Xiaoqing on the other side. If I didn't like the hill, I would like to find another Taoist. What should you do? Still not a big room? ”

Xiaoqing’s awkwardness, the sneer’s assumption is not true. ”

Sun Hao is holding two people, and his heart is slightly warm.

Although the ascension was difficult, after flying, it was in the arduous road of travel, and once again met the confidante, and there was a lot of concern in the heart. Perhaps this kind of concern and embarrassment is not conducive to practice. But Sun Hao thinks that perhaps this is the life that a great monk should have. Perhaps this is the only way to become a cold, cultivating refiner.

The arms of the two people could not help but tighten.

After half a ring, Ji Ruxue said gently, hill, we have to cheer for cultivation. ”

Xiaoqing said on the other side, um, hill, you don't. In the past few years, I and Snow Boss have fallen behind a lot, especially the snow boss. If you don't make it, we must work hard, otherwise we will be sent to perform more. Dangerous tasks are very dangerous at the time. ”

Sun Hao holds two people, and the face shows a faint and confident smile waiting for me for another year. When you go out to perform the task, bring me, and everything is no longer a problem. ”

Ji Ruxue and Xiaoqing looked at each other with a smile, and the heart was completely released. Ji Xiaoshan was also Sun Hao, and finally recovered completely.

Sun Hao still needs about a year or so to restore his strength. The reason is that he must absorb the real yuan.

All kinds of foreign bodies are running on their own, and Sun Hao’s practice is on the regular stage. When Danhai is filled with real yuan, when the sea is fully restored, it is when Sun Hao is completely standing in the virtual world.

Sun Hao's Danhai is extremely large. Up to now, it has only filled about 30%. Although all the foreign bodies have recovered, the speed of the real yuan is increasing. However, it is estimated that the distance is completely filled with Danhai. The reason is that At this time, the Condensation Tower finally began to absorb Sun Hao’s real yuan to restore itself.

The condensed air tower regained the connection with the soul of Sun Hao, but the world inside the tower was completely closed.

The information of the condensing tower showed that because Sun Haofeisheng finally chose Shenxiangjian, the turbidity of the empty tower was not effectively exercised. The space inside the tower and the virtual world could not communicate, and the contact was temporarily lost. How long does it take? Hard to say.

This is another accident that Sun Hao did not think of.

To put it simply, in the virtual world, Sun Hao can use the smuggling air tower to attack and defend, but it has lost the space ability of the pagoda.

Moreover, the pagoda information is also displayed, this process must not be short, because the pagoda has already initiated the evolutionary process, and the inside is producing space suitable for communication with the virtual world.

How long does this evolution take to say, and it takes Sun Hao to devote a lot of resources to cultivation.

On the island, inside the government, the shadows of the small fire and the small chapter still exist, but they also lost contact, and they were trapped in the tower.

Think about it, Sun Hao understands.

Flying up, there are a lot of people in the condensate tower. If these people can quickly contact the virtual world and walk as usual, then it is really strange.

It’s so hard to fly, is it so good?

According to the information of the condensing tower, it is necessary to take the real yuan to cultivate the pagoda, and put all kinds of refining materials into the pagoda. Only when the pagoda automatically generates the fourth layer, can the initial realization of the docking with the imaginary boundary, and the monks inside. It will also be subtly modified to obtain the initial ability to exit the tower.

How long does it take? The focus is also on the resources invested by Sun Hao.

The speed at which the condensing tower absorbs the real element is not very fast. After the aura of the five foreign bodies is supplied with the need to condense the empty tower, there are still many balances. Sun Hao calculates that Danhai can be used in one Filled up within the year.

This year is not only the recovery of Sun Hao's strength, but also Sun Hao's preparation for the virtual battlefield.

Sun Hao is not a hungry person. After the two women finally practiced to the level of the Sword King, they broke down. Otherwise, they are not good for their practice. Sun Hao still grasps this very well. He has a lot of oil and hugs. After that, Sun Hao still sent away two beautiful women.

After calming down and spending a few days, Sun Hao made some summaries of the previous cultivation road, and planned to start planning for future cultivation.

Do not summarize no, a summary, Sun Hao's forehead, can not help but come out and sweat At this time, Sun Hao's heart, can not help but secretly pursue the limit, but finally chose to accidentally hit the wrong The most correct road.

In the process of awakening foreign bodies in the body, Sun Hao had many hidden dark injuries in the body. At that time, he only thought that it was a dark injury. However, in fact, there are many dark injuries that are already existing in the lower bound. The reason for the injury is because of the change. The sake of the body.

Moreover, through this analysis, Sun Hao also found the transformation of the Taikoo beasts as a reason that can only be the shape of the infancy.

In a word, Sun Hao’s body, especially the bones, is too weak to support Sun Hao’s transformation into a more powerful form.

If the whole body does not become strong, then after Sun Hao has cultivated to the point of peerless power, the incarnation of the Taikoo beast can still not change much.

Once Sun Hao’s now-selected peerless sword bone is refining, one day, as long as Sun Hao’s strength is achieved, then perhaps the huge and unparalleled Taikoo Lei beast’s real world is in the real world.

Inadvertently, Sun Hao remembered a theory that was almost ignored in the Temple of the Clouds, and he was a little forgotten. The Wanshen monk turned into a body, and it was best to make it into a big ridge.

At that time, Sun Hao did not understand the big ridge.

But now, Sun Hao understands that it is the peerless spine.

The general trend of the sea, the general trend of killing and the general trend of the fighters, the three major swords, with the three talents as the array, tempered the spine, Sun Hao feels that the choice, may be truly the unparalleled road to the world.

Even if Ling Tian's ancestors said that it would be difficult to go against the sky, Sun Hao also decided to go on. (To be continued.)

The first four eight three chapters of the big ridge (four plus)

The first four eight three chapters of the big ridge (four plus) are made by [no * wrong] [small - say - net] members, more chapters please go to the website:

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