Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1487: Raising a baby 3 Dan

In the moonlight, in the bright moonlight, along the valley, the special swordsman passage, a group of five returned to the swordsman camp with a campfire. >

Some swordsmen who like to party, and talk about it under the bonfire, and the following swordsmen even sang high on the moon.

Sun Hao bypassed the lively area and took a few beautiful women to the relatively quiet female swordsman concentration area.

Because of the many resources that were harvested at one time, Sun Hao did not want to attract unnecessary troubles. After contacting Ling Cong elite swordsmen through special means, he exchanged resources for nearly three thousand contributions.

Knowing that Sun Hao had just started, Ling Cang did not mention the need to repay the loan. Instead, he quickly opened a special passage for Sun Hao, so that Sun Hao and Ji Jia several swordsmen could silently shake the sword camp without silence. The resources are delivered to the contribution without interest.

Give each of the companions a transfer of 300 contributions and let them go to practice training. Sun Hao himself spent the rest of his contribution including his own borrowings, through the hands of the companions, batches, replacements. Many special resources of the sword camp, and finally, as the snow came out, rented the sword squad of the sword camp and Dan Jiantang, began to implement their own plans.

The most important feature of Zhenyuan recovery is that Sun Hao’s alchemy and refining techniques can be used.

Moreover, Sun Hao Danhai is vast and vast, as long as it is not the spirit of the peak of the four poles, it is really hard to live with Sun Hao.

The practice of alchemy in the virtual world is slightly different from the lower bound. Sun Hao started training from the low-level Ling Dan. In less than three days, he finally let his alchemy skill reach the level of the four-level alchemy teacher in the virtual world, and he can refine the intermediate level. The spirit of the swordsman is gone.

It took another three days and consumed some refining materials. Sun Hao also fully restored his level of refining, and was able to refine the four-level flying sword and become a four-level forged swordsman.

Originally, Ji Ruxue and Xiao Qing did not understand Sun Hao's replacement of so many alchemy resources, because it is not easy for swordsmen to become alchemists and refiners.

Most of the swordsmen prefer to slash people directly, not to slap them.

Ji Ruxue’s master, Guangming Wang, said that the level will be higher in the future, and those who are sinister will be slightly involved.

Among the entire swordsman battalion, there are not many forging swordsmen and Dan swordsmen who can reach a certain level. In the Terran camp, the highest level of refining equipment and alchemy is precisely the five-line warfare department. It is said that there are five or even six-level alchemists and refiners.

Although Ji Ruxue and Xiaoqing did not understand the alchemy refining device, when they replaced the resources, they had various grades for Sun Hao, and the low-level and non-existent practices expressed deep incomprehension.

Could it be said that Sun Hao, who has just cultivated Jian Yuan, is preparing for the refining of the refining device?

They think that Sun Hao may think too simple.

But the results made them stunned.

In less than ten days, Sun Hao appeared in the hands of a large number of giants, and there were no fewer than 20 swords.

This is amazing too.

Among the spirits, many of them have to change their contributions now, and others have only heard of them, and the more they exist.

In particular, Sun Hao's cautious, cautiously refining, the highest value of the sword, is to make their hearts feel great surprises and incredible.

This is actually "advanced to Dan", the swordsman must be a mid-level swordsman, the value of up to five thousand contributions, has always made Ji Ruxue and Xiaoqing discouraged, many swordsmen will never change back to the "advanced Dan".

Ji Ruxue and Xiaoqing thought that after Sun Hao recovered, he could lead everyone to gradually show up, and finally get enough to advance to the required promotion.

However, they did not think that this promotion of Dan appeared in their hands.

Moreover, even if they are not alchemists, they can also see that the quality of the promotion Dan in their hands is quite good, and it is definitely the best quality, which can not be exchanged for the five thousand contributions.

Xiaoqing held a jade bottle with five or six spirits, and couldn't help but quickly slammed a few mouthfuls on Sun Hao's cheek. Ji Ruxue was not ashamed of being a little blue, and his face was reddish. To: "Hill, you are so powerful, this level of spirit, learned in a few days."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "In fact, I am also trying. To be honest, this Dan refining system is quite difficult. I almost smelt it. However, Xiaoxue Xiaoqing, your chances have finally arrived, but fortunately."

Xiaoqing held Sun Hao tightly, and the two tender meats wiped Sun Hao with a fire, his face had a happy blush, and his mouth whispered: "Hill, then can we choose the opportunity, find a good day, start to advance What?"

Compared with the lower bounds, there are many differences in the rules of cultivation.

The monks of the virtual world do not need to rob the Jindan period, and the catastrophe of the broken Dan baby is far less than the lower bound, which is one of the reasons why the level of the monk in the virtual world is generally higher than the lower bound.

However, Sun Hao smiled and shook his head. He held up a strange and colorful bird with various lines and looked colorful. He said in his mouth: "Xiaoxue, Xiaoqing, you postpone the progress of your promotion, wait for me. Refining this kind of baby to a higher level, you take some, and it’s not too late to advance?"

"Fostering a baby?" Xiaoqing shouted: "Hill, we are still not pregnant, what kind of fetus?"

Sun Hao smiled and shook his head.

Ji Ruxue’s body was slightly shocked and asked softly: “Hill, you are the kind of rare, very few monks who can refine the level of the swordsman’s swordsmanship?”

Sun Hao gave a thumbs up to Ji Ruxue and smiled and said: "When the swordsman built the foundation, he began to raise swords. At that time, the monks were limited by strength. Most of the swords that can be refined are top grades. Jianwan, only a few talented monks can conceive iron tire pills, so the birth of the fetus will come into being."

Xiaoqing's eyes are crystal-clear: "Small hill, do you mean that the swords of my boss and Xue may also be promoted to become iron pills or even higher?"

Sun Hao put away the raising of the baby pill in his hand and said with a chuckle: "There are three Dans in raising a baby, raising iron, raising silver, raising gold. In theory, each time before the promotion, the grade is high enough and the quantity is enough." If you advance, after the promotion, the sword in the body can be promoted to a level. I have just been exposed to this kind of spirit, but I have not fully understood it, but Xiaoqing, you should not look too small, my plan is four of you. At least you have to have a silver tire."

Ji Ruxue’s eyes are shining, and his mouth says: “But can it really work? The sword camp seems to say that iron tires are not difficult, silver tires are rare, and gold tires are in the sky?”

Sun Hao smiled and smiled: "That's not necessarily."

Xiaoqing holds Sun Hao and kisses him.

Sun Hao is a bitter smile, Xiaoqing is so gimmick, put his position in the right position, the room is big! As long as there are no outsiders, it will make Sun Hao's cheap. If she is not suitable for her cultivation, Sun Hao has already eaten her.

Laughing from the alchemy room, Sun Hao took the team to change direction, still there are fewer swordsmen, the price is not very high, but it is suitable for Sun Hao's place to harvest about two thousand contributions.

This time, the last time Sun Hao gave a few women's contribution to the women's contribution has not been used up, Sun Hao all used in exchange for the refining materials of the baby, let Xiaoqing and Xiaoxue also go to their own training swords, Sun Hao once again Into the alchemy room.

One day later, in the hands of Sun Hao, there were several new births with colored markings.

Dan pattern, goodbye Dan pattern ~ ~ Sun Hao looked at his faintly familiar Dan dynasty, thoughtful in his heart, could not help but think of his experience when practicing Fu.

The pattern on the symbol is a rune.

So, isn't it true that the Danzi on the Ling Dan is also a Danwen?

If so, how did he form? What effect will it have?

After Sun Hao refines the spirit, the highest level of Ling Dan is also the top grade. He has never seen the best of the spirit, and now this iron-raiser is only the top grade.

However, this kind of spirit, but unexpectedly appeared the Dan pattern familiar to Sun Hao.

Before and after the two furnaces to raise iron, Danhao felt that he should seriously study and research the three-danthal.

Among the swordsman swordsmanships borrowed by Ling Cang, the Danfang and refining methods of the three-tened tires were recorded, and the effects of the three kinds of spirits were simply recorded, but after all, this is only an auxiliary record of the swords. Existence, the information is not complete, the best way is to lend the relevant articles related to raising the fetus to learn carefully, maybe there are some clues.

According to Sun Hao's cultivation level, there is basically no chance to get Jintai Pills. Even if it is a silver tire sword, it is estimated that it will take a lot of time. Then, the best way is to try to consolidate the silver tire sword, the lowest is the iron tire pill. Finally, raise the grade with the fetus, reach the level of the golden pill, and integrate it into your own agarwood sword.

This is one of the ways that Sun Hao can do it and effectively guarantee his own swordsmanship.

However, this is not Sun Hao's only plan. After some thinking, Sun Hao thought of several roads to upgrade his swordsmanship grade, which is the least dangerous method.

One of the options. (To be continued.) 8

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