Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1491: Murder

The way to clean up the blind frog is quite simple. Sun Hao goes out from the formation and stands on the beach.

In less than a moment, in all directions, a large number of burdocks, the blind frog that spurred the big mouth, noisy, rushed to Sun Hao.

Blind frog, a pair of big eyes, but in fact, the eyes can not recognize things, but a very strange olfactory organ.

Any abnormal creature that appears in the area of ​​the blind frog will stimulate its sense of smell and carry out an indiscriminate siege.

The resources of Langein Island are very rich. The Terran camp has always wanted to attack him. However, because it is far from the lakeshore, it is too dangerous along the way. It has not been able to do so. However, some monks with special abilities have occasionally entered the island to obtain some special resources.

However, as Sun Hao is just a monk of a senior swordsman, he dares to go deeper, and the example of success comes in. The Terran camp is simply too little.

Sun Hao carefully analyzed his own advantages and disadvantages, carefully reviewed the distribution information of the wild animals on Lange Island, and boldly crossed the lake, and he began to stand on the island.

Compared with other swordsmen, Sun Hao's biggest advantage is the Sihai sword and the sea sword.

Based on the lake, fighting in the lake, Sun Hao's overall combat effectiveness has improved a lot. Under the "I am the king of the sea", Sun Hao has already had the power to kill the silver shortage, which is the only possibility for Sun Hao to obtain silver. The path of crystallization.

A little risky, but with no danger, Sun Hao boarded Langeland with the unique ability that other monks did not have. Then, let's see if Sun Hao can open up the base according to his own plan.

Sui Jian appeared on the beach, blind frog water, and on the shore, and attacked Sun Hao.

The blind frog's limbs are powerful and powerful, and the monk's lethality is huge. The blind frog can also inhale and spit out the gas arrow to attack the prey.

A blind frog approaches, slamming and sucking.

With a bang, a water blue water sword was sucked into the stomach, screaming a few times, a huge frog belly, bursting with blood, blind frog meow, fell over the distance Sun Hao Not far from the beach.

More blind frogs are coming up.

Close to a certain distance, they will instinctively inhale.

Once sucked, it will **** in some water blue water swords, and then the belly will be pierced by the sword, and it will not be able to form a gas arrow.

However, some blind frogs that did not inhale quickly approached Sun Hao and leaped high and rushed over to Sun Hao.

Shen Xiangjian hung on the top of Sun Hao's head, slightly swallowing the blue mans, each blind frog near Sun Hao, without exception, was pierced by the belly, hitting the blue water ripples From the blood of Yin Hong.

Blind frogs are not weak, and each is a middle-level swordsman. It is difficult for a couple of females to be their opponents.

But in front of Sun Hao, especially in front of Sun Hao at the lake, they are simply not a place.

In the thunderous frogs, the blind frogs in all directions are crazy and rushing to the Sun Hao on the beach.

But no blind frog can rush into Sun Hao's three feet.

Along the beach, Sun Hao hung an agarwood sword on his head and quickly went up.

On the edge of the array, within the small array, several women have admiration on their faces, but also have serious concerns.

Sun Hao’s power made them pleasantly surprised, but the numerous blind frogs floating in the mountains and the lakes made them frightened.

The number of blind frogs is so shocking.

Sun Hao had to repeatedly follow his own beach and transfer his front line. The reason is that every time, the blind frogs that he killed will pile up like mountains. Moreover, the number of blind frogs is too large, and maybe they will enter the battlefield. Inside, a small number of blind frogs can go in without problems. Once they reach the limit of the formation, the formation is broken, and it is not bad.

Sun Hao can only follow the beach and go crazy all the way.

A large number of blind frogs, like the paved fleshy passages, fell on the beach and spread out all the way.

A huge battle group, constantly extending upwards.

A few women have not seen the situation of Sun Hao, and the dense blind frogs completely cover their sight.

For ten days, Sun Hao kept killing.

Thick **** suffocation, shrouded in the sand.

Among the battle groups, Sun Hao’s occasional figure appeared from pale blue to bright red.

Ten days later, Sun Hao killed countless blind frogs, and a thick layer of plasma appeared on his body. The aroma of the incense sword on the top of his head turned into a bright red.

On Lange Island, there are not many natural enemies of blind frogs, and the breeding is fast. After years of accumulation, the number is considerable, and Sun Hao is also shocked.

For ten days in a row, the number of blind frogs has not been reduced. Sun Hao, who is full of blood and blood, has fully practiced the sword he has just learned. He has also appeared in the body, but the blind frog is constantly flowing. Killed up.

Sun Hao’s heart burst into a violent atmosphere, only to really kill the special killings. The war is not dead, and the eyes are faintly red.

According to the tips of the sword, this is a murderous, and will soon generate a precursor to killing.

However, Sun Hao looked at the blind frogs that still rushed around, and gave up the seductive idea of ​​generating their own killings. Shen Xiangjian swayed, aired into a red light, and took Sun Hao to fly into the lake. Going away.

The blind frog is like a tidal wave, chasing the lake.

But for a moment, they accidentally discovered that the red color in front disappeared, and the breath of the enemy disappeared with the disappearance of red.

Unwillingly chasing out the old, blind frogs, this is noisy and gradually dispersed.

The four women stared nervously into the sea, and suddenly found a high wave hitting. Sun Hao stepped out from the top of the wave and fell into the formation. In the eyes, there was still red light. Stop flashing.

Ji Ruxue whispered: "Hill, are you okay?"

Sun Hao took a deep breath, his eyes gradually faded, his face was a bitter smile: "I am fine, I just did not expect that the number of blind frogs is so much, we want to stand on this Lange Island, afraid It is not easy."

Xiaoqing looked at the beach, and it was dozens of miles away. Like a flesh-and-blood passage, the blind frog shelled, and said: "It’s a pity that these blind frogs, if we are stronger, should have already harvested a lot of resources. ”

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Everyone is a little bit safe, blind frogs are a strange wild animal, they will collect the same kind of body, go back to the unified burial, and the body of the wild animal is not easy to rot, so as long as we can clean up in time All the blind frogs on the beaches of Langgreen, and eventually we will find these ready-made resources near their nests."

Sun Hao’s words were not finished. On the beach, there were a lot of blind frogs, picking up dead blind frogs, or diving into the sea, or rushing to the island. Less than an hour, there was no blind frog on the beach. Some are only dark red colors, which gradually fade under the scouring of the lake.

Sitting cross-legged, Sun Hao rested for a day and said to a few women: "After another wave, I don't believe that blind frogs will kill."

Ji Ruxue whispered: "Be careful, if you kill too many, you will probably have a higher level of blind frogs."

Sun Hao nodded and said: "Reassured, even if it is a blind frog of the silver age, I am not afraid ~ finished, Sun Hao rushed out and stood on the beach.

The blind frogs smelled the smell of the **** enemy and swarmed.

The battle started in an instant, and the battle group spread out on the beach.

In the first battle, it was more than ten days. Sun Hao’s body was once again covered in plasma, and his eyes became red again. Sun Hao could feel his own killings rising rapidly.

It was almost at the apex, and when it was a bit of a killing, Sun Hao once again flew into the lake, quietly, and once again sneaked back into the battle.

Take a day off.

Kill another round.

Every time, killing reached its peak, and Sun Hao stopped in time.

So round-trip back and forth, enough to kill the fifth wave.

Sun Hao finally stopped controlling himself. He was screaming in the sky, his blood was rolling, his body was rising from the sky, and Shen Xiangjian was completely transformed into blood. He was constantly vomiting blood in the hands of Sun Hao. Sun Hao screamed: "The sea Be king, kill and kill..."

The incense and blood of the incense is strong, with Sun Hao as the center, flying around the blood sword, and besieging Sun Hao's blind frog cover down.

Hey, on the beach, a series of explosions broke out.

The huge encirclement, like a domino, goes outwards, and the blood sword is everywhere. Whether it is on the beach or on the lake, the blind frog should die.

A lot of blood, instantly dyed the lake and the beach, and Sun Hao's body is even more murderous, thick blood fog, wrapped Sun Hao into a huge blood group with a half-foot square, a pair of scarlet Both eyes are sparkling in the blood.

Killing the sword, killing the air, soaring, with the help of endless killing, and Sun Hao’s understanding of the killing since the dragon’s killing of the magic palace, this moment, cultivation, Sun Hao’s sword, more than a murderous air. (To be continued.)

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