Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1493: Blind frog nest (thanks to Wuhan Blue)

The blind frog was killed, the lakeside was not in danger, the four women began to build the Dongfu, built on the mountain, and Sun Hao began to clean up the silver-browed blind frog, which was the first silver slain killed by Sun Hao. The heart is full of expectations.

However, after the suede cramps, took out a pair of frog eyes, and broke the huge head, Sun Hao was very sorry to find that he could not find a little bit of crystallization.

Not every silver beast will crystallize.

The strength of this blind frog is not very strong. It has not been swayed by Sun Hao, but it is normal without a crystal.

The blind frog body is huge, and Sun Hao has completely cleaned up and spent a long time. At this time, the four women have already opened up the Dongfu, and some small arrays are being arranged before the Dongfu.

On the beaches of Penghu, some of the blind frogs, which are very low in size, appear quietly. They still instinctively dragged the blind frogs that were killed by Sun Hao to the lake or the farther shore.

Sun Hao stood on the edge of Dongfu and pointed his hand to the little blind frogs. He said with a smile: "The level of these blind frogs is not high. It is very suitable for practicing swords at this stage. Of course, after a while, I am refining. After enough iron-raising, you need to advance and then advance to the island. Now, come with me, let's find crystal."

Xiaoqing’s jumping, naturally followed by Sun Hao’s: “Is the hill, the crystals not all killed by the wild beast? How can I find it?”

Sun Hao smiled and walked over the lake, standing in the lake, swaying with the waves, and said in his mouth: "You will come with me, naturally you will know."

The four women rushed over quickly, and the lake held them up firmly.

Sun Hao said softly: "Don't talk, take a serious look, go to the ground, we will decide the action plan again."

The four women nodded lightly.

Sun Hao’s light blue light flashed, carrying four women, followed by a group of cautious blind frogs, sneaking into the lake.

The blind frog was very careful, instinctively turned left and right in the lake, went deep into the bottom of the lake, and constantly changed its orientation. However, Sun Hao still found their nest, and there was a huge black hole in the lake.

A gesture was given to the four women, and several speeds suddenly accelerated the blind frogs that had not entered the water hole. Several people also rushed into the water hole.

Xiaoqing knows what Sun Hao wants to do, watching Sun Hao’s eyes shine.

Ji Ruxue’s eyes are also full of expectations.

Inside the water hole, the whole hole was getting higher and higher. It didn't take long for the blind frog to scream and pull out the lake.

Sun Hao’s body swayed, and the sea’s general trend took a few people to float a huge wave in the lake, standing on the huge waves and looking at the surrounding environment.

According to the trend of the water hole, everyone has come to the nest of the blind frog inside the Langein Island. There should be an entrance in the lake and in the water in a huge cave on the island.

After the blind frog floated on the water, it did not land, but swiftly moved forward.

Sun Hao is not in a hurry, while watching the surrounding environment, he follows closely.

On both sides of the lake, there are caves on the exposed mountains. There are enough holes for two or three blind frogs to enter and exit. One is not a special rule. It is like a hive.

It is conceivable that if these blind frogs are present, the lake cave must be a very lively scene.

But now, after being strongly killed by Sun Hao, the entire huge lake hole appears empty, and occasionally only three or two small frogs are seen.

A group of blind frogs who don’t know the tail followed by the tail kept on moving in the lake.

For seven or eight days, I swam through the long waterways that I didn’t know how long, and the light in the lake hole gradually brightened.

Sun Hao has been able to clearly see the surrounding environment.

The clear water channel is very spacious. The lake's water surface is full of diameters. Outside the huge mountain range, the towering trees have been faintly visible. The sun shines through the trees and sparsely shines on the lake, making it quiet and cool.

Of course, it is because the blind frog in the cave has gone to the air, otherwise it may be another scene.

Strictly speaking, it should not be a lake hole at this time.

To be precise, this should be a huge lake in the island connected to the lake.

Following the blind frog, Sun Hao feels brighter and brighter. In the end, the high water grass is opened, and the front is suddenly bright. Sun Hao has taken four women, floating in the blue waves and reflecting the scales of the lake.

The lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides, but apart from the mountain that Sun Hao came out, the other two sides of the lake have a long distance from the mountain, and the last side is a huge valley.

The surface area is not afraid of tens of thousands of acres, the lake is clear, the lake is not fine sand, but a small cobblestone, and a little further on the shore of the lake, there are many large, hugely polished and shiny Yellow stones.

Large and small stones are all around, forming a peculiar landscape. Sun Hao discovered that on a few stones, there are still blind frogs, and they are sunbathing leisurely, and there is no doubt that those vacant stones Block, I am afraid that there will never be a blind frog going up.

The blind frog that led the way continued to swim fast forward, and before a huge stone, one jumped out of the water and threw the dragged companion body to the shore.

As the calm lakes jumped out with them, they suddenly became bustling. Many places made frogs and screams, and there was no sorrow, as if they were mourning the lost companions.

A few strong blind frogs appeared on the shore, and the blind frogs killed by Sun Hao ran up the stones and threw them down the stones.

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile.

Finally found, here is the real blind frog nest, and after the boulder, the burial ground of the blind frog is the real goal of Sun Hao.

Now look at the strength of the lakeside blind frog, can you eat it.

After Sun Hao consulted a large amount of information, he chose blind frogs as the object of clearing, but it was intentional.

The number of blind frogs is enough for Sun Hao to practice the "killing sword". The key point is that blind frogs have the habit of burying their companions. There is no doubt that if you find the burial ground of blind frogs, then you may find thousands of years. Come, the crystals accumulated by the blind frog community.

The level of blind frogs is relatively average, and the strength is not outstanding, but its number is considerable, and it may indeed be able to accumulate a large amount of crystal.

The blind frog is also close to the lake and survives. It is greatly beneficial to Sun Hao to exert his combat power. It is recorded in the data. A few, Sun Hao can capture the nest and harvest the resources of the wild animal community.

The facts are also as expected by Sun Hao. Although it is hard, I finally killed the blind frog's nest.

Floating in the lake, Sun Hao did not act rashly, gestured to the four women, sat down on the knees, and observed closely.

Around the lake, the size of the rocks varies, but what makes Sun Hao wary is that three rocks are much larger than others.

There is a piece of blind frog burial ground.

There is a piece in the direction of the valley, and the largest piece is very strange, extending from a mountain, like a huge protruding frog tongue, straight into the sky.

Now, on the top of the three boulders, there is no blind frog activity, but Sun Hao knows that at least two blind frogs on the boulder should still be around the lake.

Especially the giant rock of the frog tongue, its volume is more than two or three times the size of the silver-browed blind frog that he killed. Maybe it may reach the height of the gold shortage.

Once it is a golden frog, even if it is in the lake, Sun Hao may not be an opponent, but really need to be careful.

Waiting quietly for four or five days.

Between the five days, from time to time, blind frogs came in and threw the body of the companion into the burial ground.

On the boulder of Taniguchi,, there was a huge silver-browed blind frog, which was slightly larger than the one killed by Sun Hao. After a long day of sun, he screamed a few times and got into the boulders. Among the big holes.

Sun Hao observed it with his heart, and found out that under the frog-like mountain, there really was a dark hole.

After waiting for two more days, the biggest blind frog has not seen any movement.

Until the sky, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared, when it came to the valley.

On the frog-like boulder, he slammed out a green body, and a giant frog with a vertical angle was born in the middle of his forehead. The black shadows in the air kept on and on: "Guava, Guwa..." roaring, like At the warning.

The black shadow is also a long sigh, but it has not left, still hovering.

Sun Hao’s heart is slightly stunned, and it really is a golden frog.

Beyond the existence of the limits of his own ability, it is no wonder that the island of Granlin is not too far from the Terran camp, but still live well, and there are wild animals that exist in the golden age, and generally do not provoke good. (To be continued.)

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