Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1508: Accumulated catastrophe (thanks to Qingfeng Zhengdao)

(I almost forgot to add more, thank you for the bookkeeper Qingfeng Zhengdao, thank you for your reward)

After the hardship, see the rainbow.

Sun Haofei has risen to the virtual world. In the past few decades, he has been arduously planning, and he is arduously pursuing the road to restoring strength.

When Sun Hao found the most correct road, he began to spread his wings.

Sun Hao seriously thinks about his own path, but discovers that perhaps once again, whether he can have the chance and cultivation of the present is hard to say.

Being able to walk to the present step is the result of Sun Hao’s hard work and the result of Sun Hao’s coincidence. It is also the result of many unique skills of Sun Hao and the deep accumulation of the lower bound.

At the beginning, Sun Hao could not refine the air. He could only practice the sword. After becoming the outer sword king of Lingtianjian, Sun Hao put his goal on the peerless sword bone and came to the battlefield of the virtual world. After starting the refining, he The ambition is to condense the five attributes of the best sword pill, repair the agarwood, and form your own perfect sword soul.

However, Sun Hao couldn't practice the cold forging thirty-six hammers when he was refining, and the water was refining Dan, and Sun Hao became the only refiner who could refine the golden pill in this world.

Sun Hao’s vast expanse of Danhai and the sapphire empty tower in Danhai have made Sun Hao truly capable of condensing golden fetal pills.

Of course, the blind frog burial ground is actually a vegetable farm at dusk and a lot of wild crystals for Sun Hao.

All of this, so that Sun Hao entered the battlefield of the virtual world, realized a three-level jump, and quickly, let Sun Hao himself also very unexpectedly cultivated to the peak of the gods.

At this moment, Sun Hao has reason to believe that he should be difficult to compete among the senior swordsmen. If he is once again against the Tiger King, Sun Hao has 80% of his grasp and will fall under the sword.

Only this place is a virtual battlefield.

In the real land of the virtual world, Sun Hao felt that he could not be proud at all.

Sun Hao knows that he still needs to be cautious.

The Bais of the virtual world are different, and their characteristics are also very different. The fighting ability is even more different.

The Terran can't enter the top 100 in the virtual world. Any dare-minded monk is estimated to have no good results.

When he first entered the virtual world, Sun Hao saw the gods and gods of the Chong and the Clan. Their kind of killing of the silvery land was like a relaxed state of taking things, and still makes Sun Hao still remember.

Even now, Sun Hao feels that it may be difficult for them to do the same.

After the present, Sun Hao finally realized that there is such a huge difference between the rank of warriors in the battlefield of the virtual world and the Lingtianjian faction.

Without him, because the Terran is in the same level of combat power, there is a huge gap between the powerful and powerful people. In order to make the people of the tribe have a clearer understanding of their own strength, the Terran camp has adopted a suitable virtual world. The grading system of the battlefield.

It is estimated that the battlefield of the virtual world will come to the territory of the Terran, and it will still be the grading system of Lingtianjian.

The senior swordsman corresponds to the sword king of Ling Tianjian.

The elite swordsman corresponds to the three robbers of Ling Tianjian.

The Great Swordsman corresponds to the six robbers of Ling Tianjian.

The swordsman commander may be of a higher rank, but it should not go beyond the scope of the robbery. According to the data of the battlefield, under normal circumstances, if the lower monk can cross the transitional robbery and become a distracted monk, he can automatically gain entry. Virtual qualifications.

Therefore, among the lower imaginary people, there will inevitably be a distraction, but there will be no more distracting power.

Within the Terran camp, it may actually reach the stage of distraction, and it will be dominated by a few ethnic groups.

Anyway, so far, Sun Hao just heard that he has not seen it, even if it was the time when the Terran army would annihilate the ridiculous cliffs, and did not see distraction.

Sun Hao sat cross-legged and looked at the Terran in his own right. Although he was reluctant in his heart, he had to admit that the Terran had many congenital deficiencies compared to other races, and the strength also had a huge gap.

With their own strong accumulation, they may still be able to balance the same level of Tianjiao with the top races. This is the huge gap.

The Chongtian people are naturally strong and can control the lightning attack. The long-eared family has a long life and long progress in refining. The barbarian is born to be able to move in the desert and can use the gas to forge; the sea king can naturally breathe in the water; The Wings are born to fly; the Kobolds are born with a nose, and the Tauren are naturally strong...

These are all incomparable to the human race.

The greatest characteristic of the Terran is that all aspects are more balanced, and the greatest ability is to improve potential and learn.

For example, Sun Hao can grow to the point of being comparable to other ethnic groups, and once Sun Hao completes the refinement of his peerless sword, he may still be able to stand on the same level.

But how many human race monks can progress like Sun Hao?

Will the ranks of the top races give the Terran monks the opportunity to progress and learn?

Sun Hao sat on a huge stone and thought for a long time, and his heart felt a sense of helplessness.

After a long time, Sun Hao exhaled a deep breath, put the big picture of the virtual world to the side, and began to practice his own vitality.

The crystals of silver and silver were made into a golden dragon by Sun Haolian, and a group swallowed it in an orderly manner.

The huge energy in the crystallization of silver is absorbed and absorbed by Sun Hao, becoming the sword of Sun Hao, stabilizing and improving Sun Hao's cultivation.

After half a year, I went through a year of pear blossoms.

Sun Hao digested all the crystals of silver in his hands, and the heads of the two silver swords on the empty tower were gradually growing up. In the silver, there was a faint yellow glow.

The four-element real element has also fully reached the apex of the god, and only one chance can break through, let Sun Hao enter a state of robbing and become a robbery monk.

Ready, after Sun Hao rested for half a day, he swallowed two of the highest-grade nutrients, and the vigorous energy was absorbed, so that Sun Hao’s swordsman flourished, and the silver swordsmanship seemed to be in the top of the tower. Jumping eagerly.

At this time, Sun Hao swallowed the last golden nectar of the fire attribute crystallization.

This is the highest level of Sun Hao's hands, and contains the most powerful golden fetal pills.

It is also a golden pill that Sun Hao places high hopes on.

The last kind of fire attribute of the sword element, after the fall of the golden tire pill, began to change, Jinlong wandering, Sun Hao's four attributes of the real source is constantly transformed into a fire, into the golden dragon.

The high level of this golden pill, so that Sun Hao is shocked.

Jinlong completely absorbed the four-character real element of Sun Hao's three-quarters, and absorbed a large number of external real elements. Then it gradually saturated and began to scream back to Sun Hao.

As a result of the ruin, the barriers of Sun Haohua's sacred period were in the midst of the mad influx of the fire attribute, and it was completely destroyed. Sun Hao’s body suddenly stunned and entered the robbery period.

The first time in the robbery period should not be very strong, and the disasters that most of the advanced **** monks can resist will begin to gather on the sky.

At this time, Sun Hao did not have the preparation for the robbery, and the law was pinched, and he got the special secret technique of the sword school.

This Dafa was originally created to add Shouyuan to the monks.

However, Sun Hao used it to accumulate the number of robberies, thereby increasing the intensity of his robbery and obtaining the purpose of consolidating the foundation.

The disaster of the robbery period is mainly nine days of God Lei ~ ~ Sun Hao consciously anti-thunder ability is not weak, you can be tired and tired together, when the effect may be better.

In the sky, Thunderclouds come together.

A few women looked nervously at Sun Hao who was sitting cross-legged.

But less than an hour later, they were surprised to find that the thunderclouds in the sky disappeared.

How is this going?

A few women are again confused.

Some of Sun Hao’s methods of cultivation are completely beyond their cognition.

They are now completely unaware of what state Sun Hao has reached.

Sun Hao sits on the boulder with his knees, feels himself with his heart, and feels his own robbery.

Under the feeling, Sun Hao found that his own law of robbery and Dafa was quite different from the inherent robbery of the Ling Tianjian faction.

The problem arises that Sun Hao is above the flying monk.

And it is still the kind, has not experienced the looting of flying, has not taken the virtual Dan, and directly advanced to the robbery period, attracting the strange monk of the virtual world.

The robbery of the Lingtianjian faction, to Sun Hao here, has changed.

The flying monk passed the three-way flying robbery, called the robbery monk, and passed the six-way flying robbery, called the robbery monk.

According to the convention, the cultivation of the monk can be greatly increased to the greatness of the gods, and the robbery of the monks can directly enter the period of the robbery of the virtual world.

Originally, Sun Hao’s plan was to forcibly cross six or more flights and directly into the robbery period.

However, it was a coincidence that Sun Hao had not yet begun to cross the robbery and had already advanced to the robbery period. This is also a situation that Sun Hao did not expect.

However, no matter how fast Sun Hao progresses, the flying robbery always exists, and it has just come along with Sun Hao’s robbery period.

Just happened to rush to the grand law of Sun Hao's exhibition, and unconsciously flying and robbing also tired. (To be continued.)

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