Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1511: Murderous (2)

One step at a time, the dead crab corpse.

In the high singing voice, wherever it passes, the crabs are scattered, and it has not accumulated for a moment.

At the same time, the three women were very surprised and admired.

The three of them have also joined forces to fight against a single wild crab. The three men joined forces and tried their best to exhaust the two days and two nights. They finally happily killed a very high value. Desert crab.

They know that Sun Hao is better than himself, but never imagined that the gap is so big.

The abdomen of the wild crab is indeed the weakest defense. However, the three of them are also unable to cut, but they are not able to do a sword like Sun Hao. They directly open their stomachs and let the wild crabs hang only with cramps. Share.

Sun Hao was killed in front of him. The three of them were cleaning up behind, and they were so busy. The three people couldn’t keep up with the speed of Sun Hao’s killing.

On Lange Island, Sun Hao’s singing is getting farther and farther.

The huge battle groups are getting farther and farther, and in front of them, they are a huge slaughterhouse full of wild crabs.

The value of the wild crab is as big as an instant.

Previously, before Sun Hao went out, let them throw a few wild crabs to the desert snake at dusk, and stabilize the big guy. They agreed at the time, but they felt a little wasteful.

Because the meat of the wild crab is also one of the best tonics of the monk, long-term consumption can subtly enhance the cultivation of the monk's refining body. Any resource that can strengthen the ability of the monk can not be wasted.

They felt that Sun Hao didn't understand the savings.

But now, when we see huge slaughterhouse-style wild crabs, they really feel that throwing a few to feed the dusk snake is really not a problem.

In Taniguchi, borrowing the power of the big array, the three people are busy and busy, only half a day's effort, has harvested more than a hundred wild crabs, iron shells, pliers put away, this is refining, crab yellow, this is a lot of spirits Dan's refining materials, the crab meat is put away, after a little processing, the long-term food can enhance the cultivation of the monks.

Of course, Sun Hao’s will was also carried out, and several desert crabs with double tongs and carapace were thrown down the **** to feed the dusk snake.

More critically, in front of them, in the huge slaughterhouse, the wild crabs have piled up like mountains.

Sun Hao has been killing in front, and he is not soft. On the island of Lange Green, the wild crabs that have never been provoked have seemed to be surrounded, chasing Sun Hao, forming a huge battle group, and constantly moving around.

A wild crab was in this movement and was picked into the slaughterhouse.

The battle lasted for a day and a night, and I don’t know how many wild crabs were killed.

There is no spirituality, the wild crab that has never been afraid of death, and finally like a blind frog, instinctively felt the crisis of the genocide, and the huge battle group began to collapse.

Sun Hao has no mercy, killing all the way.

Killing and killing, Sun Hao rushed into the new active area of ​​the wild animals.

A huge cyan bat with a size of a grinding disc and a pair of **** fangs was stunned and rushed out of a strange section of Lange Island with many caves, turning into a cloud of dark clouds, screaming In the middle, he rushed to Sun Hao.

The three women took a short break and stood on top of a mountain of wild crabs. They couldn’t wait to clean up the wild crabs. They saw that they were full of blood and blood. It seemed to be a grandson who had a blood-stained body, and rushed into the dark clouds.

Ji Yuliu said with a little bit of worry: "This is a blood bat, it can make a sonic attack, and the tooth decay is a blood-sucking strange ability. It is very powerful. I don't know the hill..."

The voice is still falling.

In front, Shen Xiangjian, a sword went down, running through three or four blood bats, Sun Hao laughed and threw it backwards.

More blood bats rushed to Sun Hao, trying to annihilate Sun Hao, but Sun Hao’s body rushed into the sky, as if it were the essence, the first blood bat could not help but fall like a dumpling. On the ground, he was stunned and stunned, and he kept swaying his own wings with flesh film.

Sun Hao’s Shen Xiangjian, however, kept on, three or four, one, three, four, and threw it backwards.

Ji Yu Liu Shuzui said, "Well, I didn't say that, this guy on the hill can't judge according to common sense. Hill, he should at least be an elite swordsman."

Ji Ruxue whispered: "Okay, let's continue to refuel. This wild crab has not been finished yet. The blood bat is coming again. It seems that the value of the blood bat is not small. We are busy..."

Within the big array, Xiaoqing, who had stayed under the pear tree for a long time, couldn’t help but curiosity. He sneaked out and looked out. He couldn’t help but hold his little mouth, and his heart sinned. The hill is too embarrassing, no wonder he is not letting me participate in this kind of activity, it is too bloody.

Zhang had a small mouth and looked at the sound. Xiaoqing was preparing to go back to the lake. He suddenly and unexpectedly discovered that the little golden snake that had stolen the blind frog had not seen it for a long time. At this time, Xiaojin Snake carefully fanned his wings, and looked a little timidly at Sun Hao, who was killing the blood bat in front, a little stunned.

A pair of people want to steal something to eat, but they are afraid of being discovered by their owners.

Xiaoqing’s heart of love and love rose, waving to the little golden snake, whispered: “Xiaojin, come on, come on, I will give you some crabmeat to eat...”

After that, Xiaoqing took a light foot and broke a wild crab. He took out the fresh crab meat and threw it at the little golden snake.

The little golden snake was shocked and ran away a little. After half a ring, he understood the meaning of Xiaoqing and tentatively took a bite of crab meat and suddenly danced happily.

Xiaoqing’s eyebrows opened his eyes and continued to make meat for him.

In front, the three women are busy, no time to manage Xiaoqing.

Sun Hao has completely fallen into his own killing cultivation, in addition to killing, or killing in his heart, but also has no time to control Xiaoqing.

In this way, Xiaoqing and Xiaojin snake are getting more and more familiar.

Sun Hao’s killing is continuing.

The blood bat wrapped in Sun Hao formed a battle group and gradually moved on the desert island. The three women were stunned to discover that Sun Hao’s activity direction has gradually moved away from the lake.

Sun Hao was savage, and in the high voice, he killed the past in the desert island.

The island of Langein is very large, with different environments in different locations, living in different wild animals, living wild animals, and having their own territory.

According to the information discovered by Ji Yuliu, Sun Hao consciously selected a wild animal suitable for practicing murderousness. Starting from the wild crab, he formed a chain of killing lines and killed the past.

The gregarious wild animals have two characteristics. One is that the strength is relatively average, and the wild crabs are even individuals that are not particularly prominent. The second is that there are a large number of people. If the strength is insufficient, they will be exhausted.

However, Sun Hao smashed the wild crabs, smashed a large number of blood bats, and violently killed a few silver bats. After a full three-day and three-night battle, the dragon was fierce and broke into the third. A group of wild animals.

On the contiguous cliff, the gregarious wild feathers were also alarmed by Sun Hao. A blue giant bird with a wingspan was like a lightning group rushed down and took the blood bat The baton made a siege to Sun Hao.

After Sun Hao’s five attributes were restored, and Qi Qi advanced into the robbery period, Sun Hao’s endurance reached a level of super horror.

In the continuous high-intensity battle, Sun Hao not only has no sense of exhaustion of the real yuan, but with the blood in the body, as the killing continues to climb, Sun Hao’s combat power is in the doldrums. Next, the murderous state gradually formed, and it was greatly improved.

The cliffs and wild feathers are as fast as lightning, and they can also send out windy feathers, and the claws can also catch gold and broken iron.

However, under Sun Hao’s sword, they are extremely fast, but they are letting them die faster.

The blood is rolling and the blood is shining.

After three days and nights with the cliff wilderness, Sun Hao’s body, the soaring murder finally reached its apex, and continued to stay at the apex state, gradually forming a murderous trend.

The distance is far and far away. The three women occasionally feel the direction of Sun Hao’s battle. They are involuntarily, only chilling, strong and murderous, and terrifying.

Once this kind of momentum of the hills is cultivated, the monks with weaker willpower will be defeated as long as they face one face.

It’s just that this kind of murder is enough to make a monk with a weak mind fall off instantly.

In the murderous state, Sun Hao continued to fight for three days and nights. In his hands, Shen Xiangjian did not know how many wild animals were killed. His eyes were already bloody.

At the end of the killing, the wild beasts who were not afraid of death could not escape. Sun Hao chased after him until he was alarmed by the golden wilderness. The huge Jin Yu Qing Yu was annoyed by Sun Hao, and a powerful attack was launched to Sun Hao. On the island of Greene, flying sand and stone, blue light and blood gas, form a huge battlefield, covering the sky. (To be continued~^~)

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