Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1513: Love sword

Unconsciously, Xiaoqing wiped out the incense sword.

When Xiaoqing was once again preparing to wipe the sword from start to finish, he accidentally discovered that Shen Xiangjian had completely recovered, and his mouth could not help but scream: "Hey? This is wiped clean? Hill does not say that it takes four or five days. ?"

After that, Xiaoqing Duanjian looked carefully and seriously: "Is there something that I haven't scratched yet?"

"No, you have already cleaned up very cleanly." At the entrance of Dongfu, Sun Hao walked out in the sunshine and looked at Xiaoqing's eyes. There was a trace of friendship: "Xiaoqing, thank you."

Xiaoqing looked at Sun Hao, and in his eyes, there was a fascinating look, and he cried in his mouth: "Oh, ah, hill, how do your eyes seem to have thunderbolt spells, and I am so numb..."

Sun Hao smiled lightly: "Xiao Qing, not my eyes will be lightning bolts, but you have made a new, second sword, true love and love."

Xiaoqing’s eyes are shining, and his mouth says: “Is it ah, hill, you didn’t lie to me?”

Ji Ruxue also said with a smile: "The hill is right, Xiaoqing, you should understand the sword because of love, and cultivate your second sword, the sword of true love."

Xiaoqing picked up the incense sword and gently waved it. He suddenly felt his deep love for Sun Hao, and on his own sword, there was a layer of sword meaning that was slightly different from the sword of love.

The same is the sword of love.

The sword of love, the sword of love.

The same is true, Xiaoqing’s love sword is like a big man, and his hand touches the incense sword. Xiaoqing swears: “When the sword is out, Xiaoqing’s careful thoughts are clear, and they are quite uncomfortable. However, hey, Xiaoxue, I am more powerful than my master. It’s strange, isn’t Master’s love for the teacher?”

Ji Ruxue took a look at Xiaoqing, and said with no sigh of relief: "What are the things that are messy? Wu Jian needs a chance. It is not a matter of feelings. You must have feelings. Don’t say, Xiaoqing, you Xianlishu really has a relationship. Two Wujian swords are under the fairy pear tree. This fairy pear tree is really cultivated by you."

Xiaoqing said with a cry: "Really, the little pear tree baby is really my lucky star, Xiao Mam likes you the most."

The white pear blossoms rise and fall in the prestige, as if it is a bright smile.

This Xianli tree has been carefully cared for and has digested many strange opportunities. For example, it has been affected by several women and Sun Hao, and has digested some of the dregs after Sun Hao Alchemy and digested the waste of non-condensable water. After skin and so on, something has changed.

Pear blossoms are opened every year and the flowering period is getting longer.

And never come out.

It also seems to be the birth of some spirituality that has nothing to do, and has won the love of Xiaoqing and several women.

Perhaps, as Ji Ruxue said, Xiaoqing can understand two kinds of swords under the pear tree, and there may be some mysteries.

However, everyone did not figure out where the mystery was.

Gently rubbed a few pear trees, Xiaoqing wrists, Shen Xiangjian flew to Sun Hao, said in his mouth: "Hill, this sword wiped you clean."

Sun Hao caught Aquila Sword and his face showed a brilliant smile: "Well, Xiaoqing, you have helped me a lot, right to Xiaoqing, next time I come back, you remember that you need the first time, the sword of love I think that will help my quick recovery."

Xiaoqing nodded and said: "Well, I understand."

Sun Hao looked at Ji Ruxue again and said softly: "If it is snow, I feel that your moonlight swordsmanship can also calm my mind. If one day Xiaoqing can't suppress my murderousness, like snow, you have to take it. Put force."

Ji Ruxue nodded: "Well, if the snow understands, hill, you need to be careful, don't kill it and entangle it with the golden age for too long."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "This time you can rest assured that I will return."

After that, the finger gently flicks the incense sword.

Shen Xiangjian whispered, and Sun Hao strode across the valley and rushed out to Taniguchi.

The strong and screaming of the screams, once again from the air of Sun Hao, raised high: "Men's things are in the killing field, timid like a bear like a wolf; men's swords and swords are thousands of miles, **** seas all the way."

On the island of Lange Green, the war started again.

This time, Sun Hao changed direction and entered the wild animal community in Lange Green Island.

On the entire island, it was once again clouded and murdered.

While the four women packed up the resources that were constantly being thrown, they watched the battle.

Among the blood groups, Sun Hao is like a rainbow, and the battle is getting more and more fierce. It is really: "The blood of a strong man is like paint, and the air is hot and swallowed. The earth blows yellow sand, and the bones are dust smoke..."

Sun Hao’s courage is strong.

Sun Hao’s murderous spirit.

Sun Hao’s heroic singing, the majestic momentum, makes them sway and feels from time to time.

The war continued to erupt, and it lasted for more than ten days. I don’t know how many wild animals were killed and killed under Sun Hao’s agarwood sword.

Looking at the **** sky, the murderous Sun Hao, Ji Ruxue whispered to Xiaoqing around him: "Qinger, the hill he cultivated, is killing the momentum, now it is condensing murderous, this murderous, need to eliminate in time Don't let it dominate the will of the hill, or else..."

Xiaoqing was surprised and asked: "What else would it be?"

Ji Ruxue said abruptly: "If the killing dominates the will of the hill, then the hill will be completely slain as a killing machine. In addition to killing, there will be no other things in the heart. This is also the fundamental reason why ordinary monks do not dare to cultivate the killing power. Once you fall into the will of killing, if you want to come out again, unless you can break through the limits, you can realize the killing of the higher levels, or you will not be able to come out for a lifetime."

Xiaoqing was shocked and said quickly: "Qinger understands, Xue Boda, what do I need to do in this situation to really help the hill?"

Ji Ruxue whispered: "Every time the hill comes back, you will push the sword of love to the maximum, wrap him with your love, and eliminate the infinite killing in his heart. If necessary, you can even do so. Like this,..."

Xiaoqing’s face was reddish and said softly: “Qinger understands, but Qinger hopes that Xiaoxue will come to help me.”

Ji Ruxue nodded noddedly: "This is nature. Helping the hill is the greatest wish and pursuit of you and me. If necessary, I will perform better than you, just as I just started practicing immortality."

Xiaoqing’s face is slightly red, and she is preparing to speak.

Far away from the front, a large group of red plasma, like flying.

Ji Ruxue whispered: "Xiaoqing, be careful, the hill is back."

Xiaoqing’s body was filled with milky white brilliance and should be directed to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao laughed and laughed, picked up Xiaoqing, kicked the door of the Dongfu, and went straight to digest and kill.

After holding Xiaoqing for a full two days, Sun Hao gradually calmed Xiaoqing came under the pear tree and began to gently rub the sword.

Half a day, Aquilaria was restored to the usual white light in Xiaoqing.

Sun Hao appeared again, and he had to go through the agarwood, and the sword sang high and rushed out.

Without Xiao Qing’s help, Sun Hao could not have such a smooth cultivation of killing swords, especially after the cultivation was impossible.

But even with the help of Xiaoqing, with many of the accumulations in front of him, Sun Hao’s killing swords are still not easy to cultivate.

For three years, Sun Hao rushed out of the valley from time to time, and the battlefield was farther and farther.

The level of killing swords is still murderous, but the persistence after this rise is getting longer and longer, and Xiaoqing's neutralization is getting more and more difficult.

In the fourth year, when Pear Blossoms was opened again.

Xiaoqing did her best and finally had to show her the last trick, such as Xue taught her, which stabilized Sun Hao, who almost ran away.

In fact, Sun Hao is really violent, just another way.

When Sun Hao, who was violent, woke up, he found distressedly that the pear flower was raining, and he was overwhelmed by the general Xiaoqing. He had a lot of love in his heart.

Xiaoqing also finally understood the meaning of the sentence that Ji Yun said that day, it really hurts!

However, after the pain, Xiaoqing had a new understanding, and there was a new understanding of the need for a big house. Again, under the pear tree, in the eyes of Ji Wei and Ji Ruxue, Xiao Qing Actually realized his third sword of love, the sword.

Later, for a long time, she was able to stabilize the hill, although it was more difficult.

Under the fairy pear tree, there will still be singing songs, gently wiping the sword of Xiaoqing, and holding up a high hair.

Every night, when two rounds of the moon rise, Ji Ruxue always practiced the sword all night and prepared for the helper. (~^~)

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