Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1518: Battle cloud

Jiang Yan glanced at Sun Hao.

Jiang Fuzhen is not afraid to face Ling Tianjian.

Not happy.

After they all left, Ling Cang sighed and said loudly: "Ling Tian belongs, each homing, senior swordsman or more, come to me, come to the proceedings."

After Sun Hao, several women did not evade.

After Ling Tianjian sent all five senior swordsmen to Qi Qi, Ling Cang said to Sun Hao around him: "Agarwood, are you an advanced elite swordsman?"

Sun Hao confronted the two swordsmen of the big swordsman, and it was not obvious that the strength was not so high.

Sun Hao nodded and said: "In these years, Sun Hao went deep into Wuhu and got some training opportunities. He was lucky enough to advance the elite swordsmen, and as Xue Xiaoqing, they also succeeded in advanced swordsmen."

Ling Cang spirit could not help but violently slammed, said in his mouth: "Good, agarwood, you are really fast pace."

At the scene, Ling Tianjian sent senior swordsmen, and they couldn’t help each other. Ling Tianjian sent, when did these more elite disciples? If there is a contradiction erupting today, who knows these few young swordsmen who seem to be too young, actually they are quite similar to them.

Among them, the most surprising is actually the wooden king.

He knows the details of Sun Hao, and also knows that when Sun Hao came, he was still a foreign sword king who did not have any refining, but how long? How did you become an elite swordsman? I don't understand!

I don’t think about what the wooden head thinks.

How can such a strange thing happen in this world?

The atmosphere of the scene was slightly improved. Ling Cang slowly said: "The task we are now is how to survive the next difficult period. I think, whenever the war is going together, waiting for my Ling Tianjian faction, it is absolutely dangerous. The task, one careless, may be the elite to die, it is not impossible to lift the faction..."

The atmosphere suddenly became a tight one.

Even Sun Hao could not help but frown slightly.

The senior swordsmen did not ask for the truth, and did not blame Sun Hao for the Ling Tianjian faction to provoke the enemy that should not be provoked.

Sitting here is a sword that is determined and cultivated. I know in my heart that at this moment, instead of pursuing how to offend Jiang Yan, I might as well think about how to strengthen the strength of Ling Tianjian, and strive for the next step. Among the changes, save more of the living force for the Swords.

After some serious discussions, everyone formed a resolution, took out all the accumulations of Ling Tianjian, and fully equipped and strengthened the training of disciples.

Sun Hao’s current ranking is only under Ling Cang.

After most of the things in Lingtianjian were put in place, Sun Hao said slowly: "Things start with me, and Sun Hao is willing to do some power for the sword. So, the swordsman's refiner is completely handed over to I commanded and tried to get the swords up and down before the war, and put on a brand new swordsman, equipped with a new flying sword, Ling Cong adults, the resources of these two things, I am fully responsible..."

The senior swordsmen gave a slight glimpse.

Ling Tianjian’s disciples in the battlefield of the virtual world are quite a lot, and there are about 20,000 or so. I really have to equip it, but it’s not a small expense.

Moreover, the Swordsman of the Sword Camp and the standard Flying Sword of the Sword Camp can greatly enhance the survivability and attack ability of the Swordsman. Usually, it is necessary to replace it unless there is a special resource.

But since Sun Hao said so, they certainly have no opinions, and they can wait and see.

After the meeting, Ling Cang did not stop and began to organize the implementation of the meeting resolutions.

Sun Hao summoned all the refinery divisions of Lingtianjian, contracted a large area of ​​refining, and was busy.

The refining method of Swordsman Silver is not a secret, and most refiners will refine the corresponding level of silver armor.

The quality of silver armor, in addition to the conventional refining method, is mainly affected by the refining materials.

Sun Hao has prepared for this.

The silver armor above the senior swordsman is automatically hand-held by Sun Hao, adding the slightly damaged leather of the steel gold blind frog into the refining material. The defensive effect of the silver armor is not weaker than the right camp.

For example, the silver armor of the four women of Xue Xiaoqing also added some soft skin that is not condensed, and the flexibility is stronger. After the damage, it also has a certain self-repairing ability.

The silver armor of the intermediate swordsman is added to the shell of the wild crab, and the refining is mainly done by the refining division of Ji Ruxue.

When Ji Ruxue took out a huge piece of wild crab shell, the refiners were suddenly brightened, and many cherished the refining materials. This is the famous wild crab, which was at least an elite after it was made into silver armor. The silver armor that the swordsman can equip, I did not expect that the incense is so big.

The wild crab body is not small, a carapace can be equipped with ten to twenty intermediate swordsmen.

The wild crabs that Sun Hao killed are like the sea, and there is really no shortage of this resource.

The swordsman silver armor is responsible for organizing refining by Xiaoqing. It is not possible to use the wild crab shells. It is also a bit of a bad action. Sun Hao prepared them with a blood bat's membrane and a small amount of wild crab shells. Among them.

The silver armor thus refining is both light and defensive, and is more useful than the silver sword of the senior swordsman of Ling Tianjian.

The heat of the alchemy began.

At the same time, Ji Yuliu and Ji Yun also organized some forged swordsmen and began to forge swords.

Senior swordsmen do not need Sun Hao forging swords, because most of them have created swordsmen, each with their own special swords.

Ji Wei presided over the forging of the intermediate swordsman's standard flying sword, the material of the forged sword, mainly the double pliers of the desert crab, this refining material has a magical armor-breaking ability, the effect is extraordinary.

And Ji Yuliu presided over the swordsman's standard flying sword refining, adding some animal tendons, green feathers, greatly enhanced the flexibility and flexibility of the swordsman flying sword.

After the two flying swords added different materials, they instantly improved more than one level.

The entire Lingtianjian faction entered a state of full preparation for the battle.

Three months passed by in this state.

The Terran camp is very fast. On the shores of Lake Biwa, three small defensive fortifications have been built up. The Lakers have to pay a lot of money if they want to attack the coast.

Moreover, in order to show the determination of the Terran, the Lakers' progress is blocked.

The Terran also occupied two large islands. As two nails, they were tied in the lagoon. The two desert islands did not have an island name. They were temporarily called the No. 1 and No. 2 Weidao by the Terran Right Camp.

Weidao echoed the three small fortresses and prepared for the Lakers Zijin Dynasty.

On the island of Weidao, strong defense measures were also established. The Terran monks quickly deployed the defensive array and waited for the arrival of the Lakers.

After the layout of the island was completed, Ling Tianjian received the task of Jiang Yan’s sword.

Mission requirements: Lingtianjian faction department, fully assisted in defending the No. 1 Weidao Island, mainly to defend the Shinsei Department and the monk department above the Weidao Island. Once the war is unfavorable, it must be destroyed after the defense of the Weidao defense facilities.

On the island of David, about 50,000 soldiers are stationed on each island.

Among them, the swordsman is 20,000, the sacred shot is 20,000, and the monk is 10,000.

Once the battle is defeated, when the island can't be accommodated, the order of retreat is the first monk and then the gods, and finally the swordsman.

On the island of Weidao, a temporary transmission array was set up.

The soldiers who retreat in the front can pass the transmission array Only the swordsman, after the retreat part, there must be some broken swordsmen who need to destroy some important facilities, such as the transmission array and the battle with the island.

This task, Jiang Yan did not treat it differently.

The two islands do indeed need swordsmen to be the meat shields to protect the gods and monks.

The only thing Jiang Yan did was to volunteer to take over the task and throw it to the Lingtian Sword.

Although Lingtian Jianpai knew that he was pitted, he knew that this was a combat mission that he could not refuse.

Dressed in the newly refining silver armor, and took the silver sword in his hand, the Lingtian swordsmen began to send to the No. 1 Weidao under the leadership of the senior swordsman.

Twenty thousand people entered through two transmission arrays, and transmitted two hundred at a time. After a full hour, the transmission was completed.

That is to say, once the No. 1 Weidao war situation is unfavorable and needs to be retreated, Ling Tianjian will have to hold on for a half hour before he can turn himself.

No complaints.

Everyone silently and quickly familiarized with the various facilities on the No. 1 island to prepare for the upcoming war.

The No. 1 Weidao Island is a huge island with cliffs and huge reefs on all sides. The cliffs and the mountains and the mountains in the lake have been engraved by the Terran monks.

On the cliff, a small attic resembling an arrow tower was built.

In each of the small attices, there are two swordsmen, two sacred shots, and one monk.

The swordsman's duty is to guard the arrow tower formation, and to defend against the rushing Lakers warriors and some accidents. The main duties of the swordsmen and monks are long-range strikes.

There are many arrows towers, no less than three thousand.

Among the towers, it is a temporary camp, a place where monks rest and change their defenses.

The entire island, with the arrival of the swordsman, suddenly emerged a tense atmosphere of the war. (~^~)

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