Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1529: Big reversal

This time, the Lakers are completely understood.

If you don't settle Sun Hao, the nasty silver-peng main warrior swordsman, then you can't easily get down on your own.

It is bound to become a normal state by being harassed by the gold ghetto every other day.

Or, it is impossible to find Sun Hao, and it is easy to settle the five-headed gold shortage. How about it, but also Sun Hao has no soldiers to borrow.

After the five major fighters once again forced back the gold shortage, they began to take measures against Sun Hao.

A large number of Lakers troops began to gather at Langeland under the command of the five major fighters.

They have already guessed that Sun Hao and his Yinpeng swordsmen may have hid on Lange Island.

It is no wonder that it has not been found. It turns out that there is a way to lead the gold shortage to let their people board the island.

Now, let's even bring you to Lange Green Island to see how you are messing up.

On the right side of the Terran camp, it is calming down, and the Lakers are not attacking.

The Terran Scouts were also sent to Penghu and began to inquire about intelligence.

At this time, the Terran scouts finally found out that the so-called Yinpeng is actually the Lingtian swordsman who escaped in the lake.

The gold smashing attack on the Lakers camp is the elite swordsman of the Lingtian Swordsmen, Sun Hao, that is, the monk camp must repeatedly find the news, the legend has five attributes of the spell control ability, with a powerful all-in-one combat auger The magical commander of the Royal Power.

He is now called the owner of Yinpeng by the Lakers.

It is said that the Lakers’ jealousy of Sun Hao has reached its peak, because Sun Hao actually developed a new sword soldier species in Wuhu.

Flying swordsman.

Water Swordsman.

The flying sky is Peng, and the water is the ripple.

After the Terran executives got this information, they couldn’t help but show their surprise.

A race, if it can develop more than two types of flying arms, its combat strength, without a doubt, can improve a lot.

I don’t know if Sun Hao Sun and Shen Xiang can fly the swordsman. If they can be popularized, the overall strength of the Terran will be rewritten in the virtual position.

One of the most noteworthy is the Swordsman.

For a long time, the status of the swordsman is the lowest among the Terran camps, mainly as a meat shield. Once a flying swordsman appears, the result may be quite different.

The status of Ling Tianjian is in the camp of the Terran, and it is instantly bullish.

In any case, Yinpeng is one of the important combat powers of the swordsmen. It is the embodiment of the fighting power of the Lingtianjian faction. Counting the unsuccessful merits established by Yinpeng in these years, the status of Lingtianjian is naturally greatly improved.

The key now is whether Yinpeng can get rid of the encirclement of the Lakers and break out.

Once Yinpeng can do it, there is no doubt that Lingtianjian will inevitably rise.

But can Yinpeng really do it?

The Lakers’ siege of the Terran camp was a little bit, and they gave up most of their energy and strength to encircle Yinpeng.

Everyone is waiting for the results of the coffers.

For the Terran, Yinpeng can safely escape from nature is the best result. If not, as long as the Yinpeng Pillar Sun Hao can return, that is fine.

With the individual cultivation of Sun Hao, as long as it does not die, the possibility of returning to Enron is still extremely high.

Generally speaking, large islands like Lange Island are places where wild animals gather. If there is no special need, the Lakers rarely attack directly.

However, Sun Hao’s approach really annoyed the Lakers. Regardless of the loss, the Lakers’ fighters launched a siege on Langeland.

Unexpectedly, the wild animals on Lange Island were strong and dry, broke through the periphery, and after rushing to the island, the deeper the island, the weaker the strength of the wild beast, it seems that it was hollowed out.

The unexpectedly unexpected Lakers warriors were not happy for a long time. Usually, the gold shortage, which did not really participate in the war, began to attack and launched a surprise attack on the Lakers army.

I haven't found Sun Hao and his Yinpeng, but I have suffered a gold shortage. The Lakers warrior is very upset, but very helpless. At the same time, I know that it is impossible to annihilate Yinpeng without destroying the gold shortage.

After the emergence of the gold shortage, on the island of Lange Green, there were also a few extremely flexible Xiao Yinpeng, ambushing in the desert island, waiting for the five warriors to lead the team to fight the gold shortage, while sneaking a shot and leaving, the Lakers warriors Once again, it was hit hard.

However, these small Yinpeng are all composed of swordsmen above the intermediate level. The speed is extremely fast and smooth, and they are slippery and muddy. They can't catch the shadows on the huge Langeland.

Although the golden age is terrible, it can not withstand the deliberate encirclement of the Lakers.

The Lakers paid a huge price and loss, and it took more than three months to finally drop five gold shortages on the desert island.

Among the five great fighters, except for the more powerful Kezhen and Jiaer, the other three have suffered certain damages, and the two weakest players even suffered from unsatisfactory injuries.

For more than three months, the rabbits were found by the hunters.

The Lakers have basically figured out the position of Yinpeng’s hiding place. They have already firmly enclosed the valley with only one entrance. On the other three slopes, there are also large army troops stationed, completely dumping the lake with dumplings, and Yinpeng is also difficult to fly. .

Taniguchi, the Lingtianjian school monk also set a small defense fortress like a decent.

However, it is estimated that this kind of defensive fortress can support two or three days at most, and it will be broken by one blow.

The five great warriors of the Lakers gradually closed the army, gathered in Taniguchi, and took a break to prepare for the siege.

The information has already been proved. The place is surrounded by mountains on three sides. It is a dead valley. As long as they are not allowed to fly away, they become cage birds.

The prisoner is fighting.

The Terran Scout also found out the bad news that Yin Peng was surrounded. Unfortunately, the Terran could not save even.

The whip is beyond the reach.

At the door of the house, the Lakers army is still blocked. I only hope that Sun Peng, the pillar of Yinpeng, can see the opportunity to act and get out.

I don't know why, after Ke Xiao came to Taniguchi, there was a feeling of creepy feeling in his heart, as if there was a huge danger in front.

But seriously observe, feel carefully, but no discovery.

I can't see any abnormalities and so, my heart is simply a cross, and I decided to make a quick decision. After three days, I launched a large army and launched a storm on the Taniguchi Fortress.

Within the valley, a thick fog rises.

Above the fortress, the swordsman guards the sword in silver armor, and under the bonus of Sun Hao's fighting spirit, the life of the Lakers warriors is constantly harvested.

And Sun Hao’s Aquilaria Sword, from time to time, rushed out and appeared in World War I.

The war lasted for ten days, and the defense of the silver swordsman was surprisingly tough, especially their strange silver armor, which was able to fly and resist, and it was really difficult. The Lakers warriors fell a lot, but they still failed to break into the fortress. .

Kezhen once sneaked into a single ride, but was deterred by Shen Xiangjian and did not dare to move.

At the time of the suspicion, Ke Wei had to admit a fact that made his heart very uncomfortable. The opposite of the Terran Yin Peng Sun Hao, the strange five-color flying sword was enough to deter himself.

After a few days of strong attack, finally, the defense fortress of Taniguchi gradually could not bear, was gradually destroyed ~ ~ Ke Wei waved, the Lakers army marched forward.

In the fog, Sun Hao's five-color flying sword rushed out, bursting fiercely murderous, killing some Lakers warriors, blocked by the scorpion.

The Lakers army gradually fell into the thick fog.

Kezhen recruited the Lakers monks, cast spells, and broke the dense fog. It was very unexpected to find that after the fortress, the lake could be seen far away.

But on the shore of the lake, there was no half-personal shadow, and the Lingtian swordsman disappeared.

Ke Xiao’s heart suddenly stunned and shouted in his mouth: “No, there is another passage in the lake, follow me...”

The word of the lake in his mouth has not been finished yet, and he suddenly feels that a cold chill has risen from the bottom of his heart, and a huge sense of crisis shrouds the whole body.

Almost without thinking about it, Kezhen flew backwards at the fastest speed, and flew away outside Langeland.

The five lakers of the Lakers, including the two great warriors waiting for Sun Hao to fly in the mountains and preparing to fight the birds, felt a huge crisis, instinctively, and also rushed back.

The Wanqian Lakers are elite, but there is no time to react.

The heart is wondering when the Lord will act.

On the island of Lange, there was an earthquake.

On the whole island, the small yellow hills slammed over, huge towering trees, and were pressed under the yellow soil.

A huge snake head, like a majestic mountain snake, slammed out from below, opened the big mouth that covered the sky, and slammed it forward.

Open your mouth and swallow it.

Thousands of Lakers elite warriors, like a small ant, were swept away by huge snakes.

A surpassing the existence of the Golden Wilderness, slammed out of Langeland and began to forage, and unfortunately, the Lakers warriors sent it to their lips.

Eat a lot, swallow it. (To be continued~^~)

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